If you have the sum of two numbers as well as the product those numbers, you can use this online calculator to calculate the actual numbers for you:
This is especially useful for factoring trinomials, such as x2+7x+12, by entering the coefficients into the calculator. For example, if you make X*Y=12 and X+Y=7, then you find that X=4 and Y=3. You can then rewrite the trinomial in its factored form, (X+4)(X+3).
If you need any help, simply leave a comment below and I’ll see what I can do.
What two numbers add to 7 but multiply to 25?
There are no numbers that add to 7 but multiply to 25. The largest product you can get with numbers that add to 7 is 12.25 (by doing 3.5 * 3.5 = 12.25).
I asked you what would add up to 1 and multiply to 2.5, but no numbers do… so can you help me with my problem, I have to find out f(x)= -3 with the equation of y=x^2-2x-8… please help
You have -3=xx-2x-8 and thus 0=xx-2x-5. There are two solutions/roots, namely x=1±√6
x=-2 and y=-8
What two numbers multiply to -8 and add to -3
What 2 numbers add upto 4 and multiply to 15
You can’t, there are no possible number combinations to get what you’re looking for. 🙁
i know! its so annoying when they give you a question you cant answer 🙁
I’m back in grade school
unfactorable because 15*1 is 16 and 3*5 is 8
What tow numbers add up to 4 but multiply to 12
There are no numbers that add to 4 but multiply to 12. The largest product you can get with numbers that add to 4 is 4 (by doing 2 * 2 = 4).
if you do 6 times 2 which is 12 and if you do positive 6 minus 2 you get 4
It’s actually negative 12.
6 + -2 = 4
6 * -2 = -12
Yes I’m pretty sure spencer is right.
what numbers add to 2 and multiply to 4?
There are no numbers that add to 2 but multiply to 4. The largest product you can get with numbers that add to 2 is 1 (by doing 1 * 1 = 1).
What adds to -7 and multiplies to 3
Although there are two numbers that multiply to 3 and add to -7, they are not whole numbers. They are approximately -0.4586 and -6.5414.
what adds to -5 but multiplies to -24
3 and -8… but why didn’t you just use the calculator? That’s literally why I made this post.
Thanks for this calculator, it helped me a lot during maths and factoring.
You’re welcome! Glad I could help.
what multiplies to -92 but adds to 9
Use the calculator. It’s linked in the post. Make X*Y=-92 and X+Y=9 and it will calculate X and Y for you.
What two numbers multiply to -14 but add to positive 1
Just use the calculator. It will tell you. All you need to do is make X*Y=-14 and X+Y=1 and it will calculate X and Y for you.
what two numbers multiply to -2 and add to 1
2 – 1 = 1 and 2 * -1 = -2 so the numbers are 2 and -1.
What multiplies to get 42.25 and adds to get 3.25? I’m working on homework and got stuck on the problem…
That’s impossible. Think about it: the two numbers have to multiply to a positive number (meaning the signs must be the same) and they have to add to a positive number as well (which means at least one number must be positive). So, that tells us that both numbers must be positive.
Knowing that, we find that the maximum product we can get with numbers adding to 3.25 is around 2.6, by having (3.25 / 2) * (3.25 / 2). There is no way to get a larger product while still making the numbers add up to 3.25.
In other words it is unfactorable.
what multiplies to -120 and adds to 7
use the calculator dumb (censored)
you’re all dumb if you need to know the answer to a problem USE THE CALCULATOR that was CREATED SPECIFICALLY for this type of problem you idiots
My guy no calculators were made for those type of questions, but let me guess your dad is an IB student and makes his own calculators.
what two numbers multiply to -36 and add to 9
What multiplys to 5 and adds to -15
What adds to get -51 and multiplies to get 156.
-3.2682659245842904 and -47.731734075415694
What numbers add to -32 and multiply to get -10?
What multiplies to be -2025 and adds to be 0
What 2 numbers. Oh, wait there’s a calculator.
Thanks for noticing:)
Though you may want to know, but the reason everyone is commenting instead of using the calculator is because nobody wants to download it. smh
Thanks for the feedback, Ellie! The calculator actually doesn’t need to be downloaded. You simply click the link in the post and it takes you to a page with some boxes where you can type the numbers. The outputs update immediately thanks to JavaScript that runs within the browser.
what numbers add 4 but times to get 6
What two numbers add to 24 and multiply to 36
What two numbers multiply to -12 and adds to -7
What two numbers multiply to -1,600 but add to 60???
This is the one problem I am stuck on to continue on with my homework problem
Hey! I made a fairly similar program in python, question though:
does it solve with a nested for loop, or is it solved algebraically, solving the system of equations with the quadratic formula?
The way i did is:
given x+y = i
and xy = j
y = i-x
so plugging in -> x(i-x) = j
multiplying out and converting to SF = x^2 – ix+j = 0
quadratic formula yields x1 & x2,
return ( (x1,i-x1),(x2,i-x2))
It’s solved using the quadratic formula. Using any kind of recursion would be overkill, plus it doesn’t guarantee that you will get an answer, even if it is an integer answer.
What number adds to -5 and multiplies to 4
-4 and -1
what two numbers multiply to equal negative 143 but add up to 20
who knows?
What 2 numbers are multiplied and become 0 but when added makes the number 25
If x*y=0, then x or y must be zero. The other number would then be 25.
Never mind
what multiplies to get -2 and adds to get -3
-1.5 + sqrt(17) / 2
-1.5 – sqrt(17) / 2
what number adds to 11 and multiplies to 12
What two numbers add to 12 and multiply to 15?
2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 is three QUICK MATHS
The ting go skraa, pa pa ka ka ka
Help me with math
sup dood
what u need
What 2 numbers add up give you 21 but multiply give you 100 ??
what two numbers add to -3 and multiply to -270
-18 and 15
What numbers add to -5 and multiply to -3?
What numbers add to -3 and multiply to -5?
What are the two numbers that multiply to -16 and add to 1
Your calculator doesnt work…
My bad, I had to switch nameservers and hosts last week and I guess I forgot to re-upload ma-calc.html to /uploads/. I’ll see if I can fix it later today. Thanks for pointing that out!
It should be fixed now.
is it possible to calculate the numbers that im looking for on my calculator if so how
Yeah, if you have a TI-83 or 84 series calculator I can give you some source code for a simple custom program.
what 2 numbers add to -8 and multiply to get 0
ur thin wont work what when multiplied together equals 100 but adde together equals 15.
what two numbers add to +7 and multiply to -15
this sucks
what two numbers add to -2 and multiply to -5
This thing helps so much 🙂
I still hate algebra though ;-;
what two numbers multiplied together get -8 and when added you get -30
Do any numbers multiply to 9 and add up to -18?
What are two numbers that multiply to get 360 but add to get 39
What two numbers multiply to get -160 but add to get +22
What two numbers multiply to get -300 but add to get +13
What 2 numbers add to 16 and multiply to -22?
what is 20x^2-41x+20?
x = 4/5 (0.8) or 5/4 (1.25)
What numbers times together to make 12 and add together to make 13