I can’t seem to get it to connect through the internet properly. I did redirect the IP adress to the external adress, I did port foward on the router, and in windows firewall I allowed the .exe to have access through private and public access. I edited my boot.cfg to not connect to localhost but to connect to the external IP and it still isn’t working, any ideas on what I should do?
You port forward all four ports? It sounds like you’re doing everything right. Try connecting from another router/internet connection and see if it works.
Are you sure you have a static internal IP address? DHCP can re-assign it, rendering the port forward incorrect as it still points to the old address that you had when you forwarded. Also, in addition to the boot.cfg you’ll need to make config.ini in the server have redirect_ip=(external IP)
This is as simple as it’s going to get I’m afraid. You download visual studio 2013 express (desktop), download the client, download the server. Open the server, then launch the client, have fun. Impossible to simplify it any more than that.
Good news! I followed the steps like a good boy and the local hosted server works perfectly. I know I don’t have acess to all the worlds because the new in-development all checksums server is nowhere near ready. But 2 questions remain for me. How do I make an internet server more specifically? And how do I find and port forward the 1001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 file things?
Basically, to make a public server, you will have to change redirect_ip in config.ini to your external IP address (the address others will have to put as their AUTHSERVER). Additionally, you will have to port forward those four ports to the computer that will be hosting the server. Try http://portforward.com/ for help.
My internal IP is dynamic, will that make things any more difficult? Also, are the ports files or what? I’ve done other servers previously (gmod, minecraft) but the “ports”, idk I’m not sure wht you’re talking about.
Yes, you will need a static internal IP. And the port is just a number; for example, Minecraft only needs port 25565, and I think 27015 and 27005 are for GMod… so you would just do the same for 1001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
oh yes one more question, im guessing the answer. can you see another player’s character on the server? or is it like the public one that had been up previously, with each player getting his own instance?
ignore the .ini, it doesnt show up for me either. find the file “config” by going opening “luniserver” file, then open the “LUNI Server” file, then opening the file “debug”. open “config” with notepad if it doesn’t automatically. the very first piece of text says “[settings]redirect_ip=”. after the = put “localhost”, but here is the part i got caught on: do not delete the “use_encryption=falselog_file=true…” text afterwards. ONLY replace the text between the first “=” and the “use_encryption=falselog_file=true…”
If you use a different editor like Notepad++, Visual Studio, etc. or a text editor on Mac or Linux, the newlines will show up correctly. Otherwise, everything seems to be on one line. But like startreklover said, as long as you don’t delete the following text “use_encryption=falselog_file=true…” afterwards it will work.
If you have hidden file extensions the .ini will not show up.
Lu lover yes perfect! After downloading visual studio don’t touch it, you don’t need to do anything manually with it. Open the luniserver file, go to debug again, and launch the luniserver inside the debug file. Then all you have to do is get to the client by clicking the start button, then computer, then the place that holds the most data, it should be named something like OsC: , then go to program files x86, then go to Lego software, then go to Lego universe, then open legouniverse, then click client, then click the legouniverse with the u symbol next to it. Whew ok, now log in with any username and password, and have fun. If you are still confused I’ll be glad to help a fellow Lu fan
I used 0.5 and did everything i was supposed to do. When i go on, the computer does the binary thing and says
“characters started! listing on : 2002
world started! listing on : 2003
auth started! listing on : 1001” then it stops there and does nothing
hey tim, could i do video tutorials (or text if you wish) for this? people seem a little confused and due to my experience with people who lack experience, i could simplify it, make it a bit more specific step-by-step wise, so people who usually don’t understand these things can. i wont ask for any sort of credit,i just want to help people with the setup so you can focus on bringing our favorite game back to life.
I need your Skype name, I can screenshare (you don’t have to say anything, type if you wish) and show you what versions to download how to setup the server, and try to answer any problems you have. In the meantime I will start a public YouTube for this project, posting updates, tutorials, and gameplay on this emulator. I will also try to make a public server so people who don’t want to local host can still play the game
But don’t count on that server for a few weeks, the smart move is to localhost, so you can play it forever whenever you feel. I can with that via Skype.
I wish I could, but I need permission from timtechsowftware first, so he can put it directly on the site. I do not have a public YouTube account, though I was planning on making one to eventually film this and other games I play
Be sure to download visual studio express 2013 for windows desktop. It might not have finished installing, so open it and see if it all works. I had to reboot the installation process twice to get it to finish, so if it isn’t finished installing, it will ask to restart
Make sure you haven’t tried to modify your packets. Also, make sure AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost and PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com (in boot.cfg) and redirect_ip=localhost (in config.ini).
Hello TimTech I have seen many other remakes of games fail and I was wondering do you plan on continuing this till you remake the whole game or…? If not what are you planing on doing? Thank you.
me and my friend are trying to use hamachi instead of port forwarding. and when logging in it says connecting to word then something about a nick name and brings me back to the sign in page.
I just port forward even though I have a dynamic internal IP. I just leave the settings page open and change the required fields every day before opening the server
Ok how do I edit the char file to have a different checksum? When I try to open it with notepad it looks like a broken typewriter put it there, and notepad++ has he same problem.
ok im trying to swap out shastafantasic’s checksum, and he spawns in gnarled forest. yet, i dont see the gnarled forest checksum in the list of numbers and letters to swap out with, im a little confused. am i supposed to be looking for something else? im in the char_aw2.bin file, located in Luni Server\debug\world\shastafantastic
ok if found it (scrambled, but there) in the shastafantastic file, char_aw22.bin; im gonna copy the original and put it on my desktop in case things go south. wish me luck!
Its clear this is not a common problem. there is one thing you need to try before anything else (cliche time!), do an official shut down of your computer, let it update as long as it takes, then turn it back on. after that if it still doesn’t work, either send me a video of it doing this, or Skype me, because this is an unusual problem
Viele Funktionen funktionieren nicht, weil der Server nicht beendet ist. Dinge wie Monster und Quests kann nie wegen der erforderlich ist, um so zu tun Komplexität hinzugefügt werden.
You should be ready to launch the server. Start LUNI Server.exe and then connect to it with your client. If you need help with this, please ask. You will need to change the client’s boot.cfg so that AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost
Ok I tried and it worked! Thanks! But I wanted to know when will this project be updated and when will we have a full version or at least a version where you can connect with your friends?
So I haven’t set a server up in a while just trying to set up a solo one the server setup page doesn’t even mention apache or XAMPP? Those still needed? And when I try to set my server it sets not connected to SQL. Could someone give me the rundown on what the IPs and stuff need to be set to? Thanks
I’ve got authserver in boot set as local host, Patch server cache.legouniverse.com, and in the config file I have host as local host and the Redirect as my IP.
Make sure PATCHSERVERIP=0:, (yes, this is new) and no, XAMPP is not needed. The server’s redirect_ip=localhost and AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost (in the client). You should un-comment #LUNI_NO_AUTH in the server files and re-compile it to make use of the SQL bypass.
Sorry, try CDFalcon’s server on the main page in the comments. Or, I can tell you a “secret” – I’m going to start raising funds soon (in crypto-currency) for an official public server.
Yes that’s my picture. And about reviving LU, we’re doing our best. I’m paying my own money to host this website, and I don’t even have enough to host a public LU server anymore.
I can do a Paypal or Bitcoin donation link, also thanks for the sub I like the documentary too 🙂 and Hamachi takes up too much Internet (I have a moderately slow connection).
02-28-2014 12:40 PM
I am friends with the lead developer of the LUNI server project, and he has told me that the project is officially shutting down. I’m sorry to everyone that hoped a viable LU private server was coming. Albeit, you were mislead in the first place by certain people into thinking that a viable LU private server was ever going to exist.
pwjones wrote:
Yes, they said something about someone may find it offensive but I could not tell what part
Since I am actually part of the project and know that it is still being worked on, I know for a fact that he does not know what he is typing about. There are still people working on it we just aren’t posting any “progress” updates. Now, it is not going to be magically completed by next week unlike what some people hope. It may be a few months to a year or so before it is completed.
I will be the first to admit it is dead when it actually dies
You aren’t part of the project. Darwin, one of the more open project members said so. I’m guessing you are part of Timtech’s group, which wasn’t part of the project, and was simply an ancillary group that took stuff from the project and did nothing special to it.
[22:49:13] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ: http://timtechsoftware.com/?page_id=1341
[22:49:50] The Machine: [22:49] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ:
<<< http://timtechsoftware.com/?page_id=1341Promoting TimTech is grounds for a ban here.
[22:49:51] autobot_dalek: Are you new here? Because the people who are coders here, hate Timtech.
[22:50:00] The Machine: Someone ban this guy.
[22:50:03] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ: why?
[22:50:05] [Randy]Pigoshian: Yeah
[22:50:11] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ: WHY?
[22:50:15] Joe9412: Whats wrong with tim
[22:50:28] autobot_dalek: Timtech I belive is titled as a theif here.
[22:50:50] Joe9412: NintendoCapriSun is a good youtuber
[22:50:52] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ: how?
[22:50:55] autobot_dalek: Because some here say he stole some files from another group trying to make LU private servers.
Well their work was open source, so I improved on it. It’s not like I stole it from them. I know you’ve seen my LUNI documentary (?) so you should have read about this.
Tim ):< You said i could go to every world well i cant! 🙁 Any character i join with it goes to cheekymonkey and im stuck in a brick yard and i cant go anywhere else i have the recommended server and client
Why are you ignoring me? I know you are; your latest video was on Nov 21st, And my comments where before and after that and you never replied to any of them :'(
Also Neal Spellman got enemy fighting working? Is he/she using LUNI? Because he/she said she wont give out the code for people to steal.
Neal Spellman 1 month ago:
+송원섭 Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, eh? Anyway, if that source was posted, he’d take it and post it on his site. Simple, no?
1. No, he’s just a modder.
2. Not much.
3. Yes, see the downloads page.
4. Just log in (?)
5. There is no source change necessary, all you have to do is change a spawn packet (for example, those smashable bathrooms in Nimbus Station) and edit the object ID to a different one.
I’d really recommend posting on the main page 😉 and you can change your picture through gravatar.com
OK well yeah Neal didn’t really develop he just messed around with what was already there (kind of like we are doing here). Thanks to Jon002 we got the server working without Visual Studio, and that’s about it. We can’t really edit the client, but there’s probably a lot already in it that no one’s seen yet!
Wait so i dont need visual studio anymore? Btw always look at this conversation at any moment you get, And do you have skype?- we could msg eachother on there it would be allot easier
Hello Tim!,
I loved your server, but I got some problems…
1. I got no sound.
2. The Only Character that works, is the one with the jetpack.
3. When I access MODELS in the Inventory, I go back to Login Page.
4. On Character Creation, when I delete a character and create other, when I click on Play it does not go, I recived a msg in the console saying: “Somebody wants to create a character with name: Alanzote”, what I do?, is there a command to accept the character?
5. The Command “register” on the console, does not work, the Server crashes.
I am replying to myself =p
I Fixed inssue 2. I used MySQL.
I Fixed inssue 5. I used MySQL also.
Inssue 1, cannot be fixed, I move everything inside the client/res/audio/NDAudio to client/res/audio as instructed, this action was NO EFFECTIVE.
Inssue 3 it’s just a server problem.
Inssue 4 it’s the same thing.
If Someone can help me fixing Inssue “1” Please Reply to this massage and write how can It be fixed.
Is this outdated or something. I cant seem to find LUNI sever anywhere. I have a windows 8 computer and I extracted the files then ran the LegoUniverse installer and that worked but when it finished downloading i ran it. But it said Error we are unable to download Lego universe. Which obviously it would get the files offline because LU was taken down. But i just don’t get how I’m supposed to run it when I don’t have a LUNI sever thing.
Ok so I looked at the comment above mine and now I feel kind of dumb for asking a question that has already been answered. So I did what it says. But I just can’t find the servers config.ini. Is it still in the boot.cfg or is it somewhere else?
Hello Jayden, try using the legouniverse_mac.exe ou legouniverse.exe in the folder “client” of your lego uni installation, make sure you configured boot.cfg corretly and the server is running at the right redirect_ip.
Ok so that did work and I got the game running. But lol I forgot my old username and password. But the point is the music doesn’t work in the beginning. I had membership before too so I’ll have to remember what it was. Thanks for the help.
Well I still can’t find out my old LU password.
Considering I’m only 13 now the account was probably under my parents control. Which kinda sucks. And I know it’s probably been asked before. But is there any possible way that i could find it out or make a new one. Also when I’m on the sighn in screen, the graphics look like they are DS quality, compared to some of the videos I’ve seen.
Jayden, any Username and Passworld will work, It is NOT connected into Lego, so you can’t use your old characters, now, you can only use Tim’s characters, they were created by code, character creation it’s not working, Tim said that soon will be.
I did the boot.cfg thing and I checked the config thing, but I’m still not getting audio and the “handshaking with authentication” is still going forever. What do I do?
The audio is still a problem to me, The Authentication should be working, is the server On? You must open LUNI Server.exe before you start Lego Universe.
Wait. So if any password or username will work the why cant I sign in. and if I need to turn Luni sever first then where do I find it? Sorry for bothering you again.
Luni Server.exe is located in debug folder, and config.ini is also located there.
(I am not a member of timtech staff, If you need more info. please contact timtech if I don’t know how to resolve.)
hello! just a small question D:
when i try to install visual studio 2013 update 2/3/4/with blend
it says “this version of visual studio requires a computer with a newer version of windows.” i had vs once.. tried to format my pc twice without backuping any files.
So, i have installed everything latest, and after i click on any character i want to play with, the screen just goes white and i just get disconnected! Please help!
I’m Tim! and I’m a Fan of LEGO. I understand what to do but I have a question: Will you update it next year? like add more stuff. E.G. Next year you update and add stuff to the game to make LEGO Universe like it’s original state (since you got the files…). It will take time to complete it (because you have to code stuff in such as Character Creation).
Also, If I play LEGO Universe (once all done the set up). I don’t have a LEGO ID and can you create a new character and play from the beggining?
Unfortunately, although we have the entire client, the server is only a fraction of what it used to be. And no, you don’t need (and can’t access) your old characters and LEGO ID. You just type any username and password and choose one of the default characters.
Progress is slow, because mostly all of the packets have already been implemented in the current version of the server. I don’t now how to tell the client to do the other stuff, because I don’t have any packet captures for them.
Thank You for replying to me. It’s great that you (and your team) brought back LEGO Universe and hopefully you could try to bring access to worlds such as Venture Explorer, Avant Gardens, etc. (The worlds that needs to be added). Hopefully for 2015, you will add more worlds for us to access, missions and building in properties so that we can build and do missions.
Also, What are you trying to bring to the game for 2015?
You can access these worlds quite easily by editing 6 bytes in the world’s char_aw2.bin (tutorial on the Q&A page), but they are in the same state of unplayability as the other worlds. In 2015 I hope to bring the server a little bit closer to its original state.
Thank You! I know you’ll bring the sever like the original state! then:
Once you’ve done all that hard work coding next year, (I would have signed up) I can login, create my character (no default), start from Venture Explorer and it will be like before! (but without free to play!) and first time: I will go complete the missions!
Also, once you’ve coded everything next year (bringing the server to the original state), maybe you could pair up with the LEGO Group and you both can be partners (instead of Netdevil) and it will be like old times! (Although, I wasn’t around 🙁 )
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. Are you going to let us know you will work on the server to add more worlds, rockets, missions, enemies, character creation? because that would be alot of work BUT it’s good you will make LEGO Universe like the original (before the closing in 2012).
Hallo Tim Tech
Ich habe ein Problem bei der starung von LU.
Ich habe die 0.5 vs. vom Server heruntergelanden und die recommend Nexus 2 Client heruntergeladen.
Habe sie dan wie gezeigt mit config und Boot dateien eingestellt und gestartet.
Zwischen durch wen ich mich einloggen wil kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:
Client disconnected
connection failed
downloading manifest assets
Und wen es mal klabt geht nur ein Karakter zum spielen. Sobal ich in der Welt etwas benutzen will komme ich ohne Fehlermeldung zurück zum Logginscreen.
Habt ihr eine Lösung?
LG. Michi
PS. Danke schon mal im Voraus.
I have writen a email in germand and here en english:
Hello Tim Tech
I have a Problemm by the launching of LU.
I have download and instal by the instruction the 0.5 vs. Server and the Recommend Nexus 2 Client.
I config all Datas by the Instruction and have lauch it.
When i was by the logging screen and i tip in any thing sometimes this Error Window wil pop up:
Client disconnected
connection failed
downloading manifest assets
Sometimes it wil go and I can loging in.
But i have 4 Characters and only one wil go. But wen I am in this World the build World i can noting do, only walking and flying. Not build, no clothes switch an no flying on a other World.
Have you an idea?
Many greetings Michi
PS: Thanks in advance.
I have done this.
But, when I have changed it to the Nexus Tower it loads the Caracter with Nimbus Isle and load infinitely the World.
What can I do?
the game doesn’t work for me. I will always spawn in in the gnarled forest with the character cheekymonky, then when i try to interact with stuff than the game crashes, same happens with the launch pads. please help me.
Couldn’t you pre-rig everything so that we don’t just sit here wondering what the heck you’re talking about?
It’s set up for easy configuration. If it’s too hard for you, try asking at the main page and someone will aid you.
hey i did downloaded correctely but there is no sound
and where should be the word login there is %[ul _login_usermane] what the heck should i dooooo
Which client?
0.5 version client
Are you trying to use MySQL with this?
no i’m not
what is mysql?
I start LUNI server but then it says im missing MSVCP120D.dll and it says to reinstall but i don’t know how (XD).
Michael, it sounds like you haven’t installed Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop yet.
I can’t seem to get it to connect through the internet properly. I did redirect the IP adress to the external adress, I did port foward on the router, and in windows firewall I allowed the .exe to have access through private and public access. I edited my boot.cfg to not connect to localhost but to connect to the external IP and it still isn’t working, any ideas on what I should do?
You port forward all four ports? It sounds like you’re doing everything right. Try connecting from another router/internet connection and see if it works.
I have the exact same problem and it still isn’t working, any ideas?
Are you sure you have a static internal IP address? DHCP can re-assign it, rendering the port forward incorrect as it still points to the old address that you had when you forwarded. Also, in addition to the boot.cfg you’ll need to make config.ini in the server have redirect_ip=(external IP)
i look in the files and there are no server files 🙁
What file(s) did you download?
This is as simple as it’s going to get I’m afraid. You download visual studio 2013 express (desktop), download the client, download the server. Open the server, then launch the client, have fun. Impossible to simplify it any more than that.
Well, we could eliminate VS2013 completely… but that would take some work.
It would be better, that program takes for ever to download :/
hey i cant go to nimbus station and
Gnarled Forest. all other problems are fixed but what should i do?
I kinda hope that you remove VS2013 because i have a vista :/
Airplane, you have an old client. Try downloading the current one.
Okay thanks timtech
I downloaded the Nexus Client and it WORKS!!
Thank you LUNI team members!!!
Good news! I followed the steps like a good boy and the local hosted server works perfectly. I know I don’t have acess to all the worlds because the new in-development all checksums server is nowhere near ready. But 2 questions remain for me. How do I make an internet server more specifically? And how do I find and port forward the 1001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 file things?
Basically, to make a public server, you will have to change redirect_ip in config.ini to your external IP address (the address others will have to put as their AUTHSERVER). Additionally, you will have to port forward those four ports to the computer that will be hosting the server. Try http://portforward.com/ for help.
My internal IP is dynamic, will that make things any more difficult? Also, are the ports files or what? I’ve done other servers previously (gmod, minecraft) but the “ports”, idk I’m not sure wht you’re talking about.
Yes, you will need a static internal IP. And the port is just a number; for example, Minecraft only needs port 25565, and I think 27015 and 27005 are for GMod… so you would just do the same for 1001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
oh yes one more question, im guessing the answer. can you see another player’s character on the server? or is it like the public one that had been up previously, with each player getting his own instance?
It’s like the public server.
I’m stuck on character creation 🙁
Wait can i do ANYTHING there? or just play with that guy with the crown and walk around like nothing?
This server is largely incomplete; right now we are focusing on restoring access to all worlds.
So, there will be enemies? Good. Will it become an mmorpg?
Yes. That’s why they are restoring LEGO Universe! and Reviving it!
Hi TimTech I dont have config.ini what can I do now i have config
Plz reply back as fast as u can
ignore the .ini, it doesnt show up for me either. find the file “config” by going opening “luniserver” file, then open the “LUNI Server” file, then opening the file “debug”. open “config” with notepad if it doesn’t automatically. the very first piece of text says “[settings]redirect_ip=”. after the = put “localhost”, but here is the part i got caught on: do not delete the “use_encryption=falselog_file=true…” text afterwards. ONLY replace the text between the first “=” and the “use_encryption=falselog_file=true…”
If you use a different editor like Notepad++, Visual Studio, etc. or a text editor on Mac or Linux, the newlines will show up correctly. Otherwise, everything seems to be on one line. But like startreklover said, as long as you don’t delete the following text “use_encryption=falselog_file=true…” afterwards it will work.
If you have hidden file extensions the .ini will not show up.
Thanks Guys for your help am gonna do that right now 😀
Ok so it is like this
Plz reply fast
And Where do I put visual studio 2013 express
Lu lover yes perfect! After downloading visual studio don’t touch it, you don’t need to do anything manually with it. Open the luniserver file, go to debug again, and launch the luniserver inside the debug file. Then all you have to do is get to the client by clicking the start button, then computer, then the place that holds the most data, it should be named something like OsC: , then go to program files x86, then go to Lego software, then go to Lego universe, then open legouniverse, then click client, then click the legouniverse with the u symbol next to it. Whew ok, now log in with any username and password, and have fun. If you are still confused I’ll be glad to help a fellow Lu fan
Whoops wait, quick correction about visual studio, you need to install it, so download and install it, THEN don’t touch it
Ok i download it and i have windows 7 will that work and every time i go to clint lu the luniserver quits
MY loading is stuck in 35%
Use server version 0.5 instead of 0.3.
My freezes too 35% and I did use version 0.5
I used 0.5 and did everything i was supposed to do. When i go on, the computer does the binary thing and says
“characters started! listing on : 2002
world started! listing on : 2003
auth started! listing on : 1001” then it stops there and does nothing
Then you have to play on it…
Thx I try it
hey tim, could i do video tutorials (or text if you wish) for this? people seem a little confused and due to my experience with people who lack experience, i could simplify it, make it a bit more specific step-by-step wise, so people who usually don’t understand these things can. i wont ask for any sort of credit,i just want to help people with the setup so you can focus on bringing our favorite game back to life.
What your youtube accoount
I need your Skype name, I can screenshare (you don’t have to say anything, type if you wish) and show you what versions to download how to setup the server, and try to answer any problems you have. In the meantime I will start a public YouTube for this project, posting updates, tutorials, and gameplay on this emulator. I will also try to make a public server so people who don’t want to local host can still play the game
But don’t count on that server for a few weeks, the smart move is to localhost, so you can play it forever whenever you feel. I can with that via Skype.
Can someone make a video plz i need so much help
I wish I could, but I need permission from timtechsowftware first, so he can put it directly on the site. I do not have a public YouTube account, though I was planning on making one to eventually film this and other games I play
edit: i made a youtube and a tutorial video. link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX8SnacR5uM&feature=youtu.be
i think i might have an error with the files i downloaded, it says i dont have file: MSVCP120D.dll is missing, can anyone help me out on this please.
Be sure to download visual studio express 2013 for windows desktop. It might not have finished installing, so open it and see if it all works. I had to reboot the installation process twice to get it to finish, so if it isn’t finished installing, it will ask to restart
I keep running into the problem when i try starting up my LUNI server, it says that one of the files is missing, MSVCP120D.dll is missing… :/
Any suggestions?
That never happen to me
what happen to me is that when i open up legouniverse and the luniserver closes whe i open the game up
Ok I need to Skype you, because I have never heard of this problem. Does it crash (luni server.exe is not responding) or just disappear?
Make sure you haven’t tried to modify your packets. Also, make sure AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost and PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com (in boot.cfg) and redirect_ip=localhost (in config.ini).
Startreklover when I open it up it closes when i enter the game
could you eliminate the need for vs2013 completely because I can’t debug the LU server with vs2013! I’ve tried redownloading as well. Please??????
If I release a new server, it will have this; this is currently my top priority.
Thank You!
If MSVCP120D.dll isn’t found by the LUNI Server application is that a problem?
Yes, it means Visual Studio 2013 isn’t installed.
Hello TimTech I have seen many other remakes of games fail and I was wondering do you plan on continuing this till you remake the whole game or…? If not what are you planing on doing? Thank you.
me and my friend are trying to use hamachi instead of port forwarding. and when logging in it says connecting to word then something about a nick name and brings me back to the sign in page.
You have most likely misconfigured your boot.cfg or config.ini.
I just port forward even though I have a dynamic internal IP. I just leave the settings page open and change the required fields every day before opening the server
Ok how do I edit the char file to have a different checksum? When I try to open it with notepad it looks like a broken typewriter put it there, and notepad++ has he same problem.
You’ll need the plugin HEX-Editor for Notepad++.
ok im trying to swap out shastafantasic’s checksum, and he spawns in gnarled forest. yet, i dont see the gnarled forest checksum in the list of numbers and letters to swap out with, im a little confused. am i supposed to be looking for something else? im in the char_aw2.bin file, located in Luni Server\debug\world\shastafantastic
ok if found it (scrambled, but there) in the shastafantastic file, char_aw22.bin; im gonna copy the original and put it on my desktop in case things go south. wish me luck!
“client disconnected: connection failed downloading manifest assets.” ok so i changed it back and it still says this, any idea what went wrong?
TimTech I need help when i open up the game the server 0.5 U close it what did I did wrong
Its clear this is not a common problem. there is one thing you need to try before anything else (cliche time!), do an official shut down of your computer, let it update as long as it takes, then turn it back on. after that if it still doesn’t work, either send me a video of it doing this, or Skype me, because this is an unusual problem
Wieso gibt es keine Monster?
Ich will kämpfen und Ausrüstung wechseln geht auch nicht.
Viele Funktionen funktionieren nicht, weil der Server nicht beendet ist. Dinge wie Monster und Quests kann nie wegen der erforderlich ist, um so zu tun Komplexität hinzugefügt werden.
Okay did everything, but STILL doesn’t turn on? Do I need XAMPP on? Or mabye I didn’t decompile the server right, how should I do that?
Hey so why does my game keep crashing on nimbus station?
Missing sound files; cache.legouniverse.com was taken down a month or two ago and it’s been causing problems.
Plus I cant travel worlds
I need help, i installed the server just like you said and it says i’m missing MSVCR120D.dll
You need to install Visual Studio 2013 or higher.
can you make an estamate of how long until you have all worlds?
We should have this now, try CDFalcon’s “green light” client here.
How do I fix this? I got to the character select, when I select a character I get this: http://prntscr.com/4qc81t
Are you hosting a server? Or are you connecting to a public one? CDFalcon’s has this glitch.
Whenever I log in, it says connecting to world, and then it goes to a white screen, and back to the sign in menu
The LUNI Server exe keeps repeating
Auth is receiving a new connection…
everytime an account logs in
I re-extracted the boot file, and the config file, so they are correct
i have the same problem
It is the fault of the client; there have been new clients released here.
How do I extract?
Right click > Extract All
I need a better explanation.
I downloaded luniserver(0.5)
I went to debug, where the port was already localhost
Can anyone help me? Dumb the process down a little? I just want to set up a local server or something. Nothing complicated, just singleplayer.
Help me LUNI community
Your are my only hope
You should be ready to launch the server. Start LUNI Server.exe and then connect to it with your client. If you need help with this, please ask. You will need to change the client’s boot.cfg so that AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost
Hi! I made everything you said and when I try to open the game it says MSVCP120D.dll missing. What the heck I need to do!?
Make sure you’ve installed Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop.
Ok I tried and it worked! Thanks! But I wanted to know when will this project be updated and when will we have a full version or at least a version where you can connect with your friends?
So I haven’t set a server up in a while just trying to set up a solo one the server setup page doesn’t even mention apache or XAMPP? Those still needed? And when I try to set my server it sets not connected to SQL. Could someone give me the rundown on what the IPs and stuff need to be set to? Thanks
I’ve got authserver in boot set as local host, Patch server cache.legouniverse.com, and in the config file I have host as local host and the Redirect as my IP.
Make sure PATCHSERVERIP=0:, (yes, this is new) and no, XAMPP is not needed. The server’s redirect_ip=localhost and AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost (in the client). You should un-comment #LUNI_NO_AUTH in the server files and re-compile it to make use of the SQL bypass.
Is that patch server = zero or the letter o?
And where can I find #LUNI_NO_AUTH
In Common.h you should #define LUNI_NO_AUTH
What should host be set to in the config file?
redirect_ip=localhost (or AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost for the client)
By un comment you mean?
If it looks like this:
//#define LUNI_NO_AUTH
change it to this:
#define LUNI_NO_AUTH
Then, re-compile it.
How do you recompile it?
Hey Timtech, I would love if you could remove VS. Anyway love your work so far keep going!
Jon and I tried but there are too many errors (including those from RakNet). Sorry.
Aww crap then i cant set up a server :'(
Sorry, try CDFalcon’s server on the main page in the comments. Or, I can tell you a “secret” – I’m going to start raising funds soon (in crypto-currency) for an official public server.
Why dont you try kickstarter?
Oh and when will your server be up? Btw i dont know what crypto-currency is… :3
Kickstarter, I don’t meet the eligibility requirements. My server needs funds. Crypto-currency refers to currencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin.
Oh i got £200 in bitcoins right now
And when will your server be up?
You can donate some of those BTC 🙂 and I’m thinking of a hashrate goal instead of a specific amount, but solid coin is good too.
Sorry but i dont ike donating, Ive only donated to one thing in my life and i regret it still, Sorry! :'( But when will the server be up?
It’s fine; the server will be up when a certain hashrate is achieved.
Hashrate? o:
Whats Hashrate?
Has this been your longest conversation?
Probably 😛 but I don’t mind.
😀 I wanna keep going but i dunno what to say 🙁
Me neither 😛 does the game work fine for you? Like no errors and stuff?
I cant test it without a server :'(
Oh and is your picture of slamacow?
I [censor] miss LU, How come people were able to bring back ToonTown but your team cant bring back LU?
Yes that’s my picture. And about reviving LU, we’re doing our best. I’m paying my own money to host this website, and I don’t even have enough to host a public LU server anymore.
I have a friend who will definitely, probably, maybe help you out with money is there a donation link?
Omg, Yes, This idea will definitly work, probably, maybe… Why dont you set up a Hamachi server and just let everyone join your network/s
Just watched your LUNI documentry it made me Smile 😀
Oh btw subbed 😀
I can do a Paypal or Bitcoin donation link, also thanks for the sub I like the documentary too 🙂 and Hamachi takes up too much Internet (I have a moderately slow connection).
I have virgin anyway my friend doesnt have bitcoins and he said he would “Think” about donating
Oh and are you aware that BACKY3RD is stealing your work? (links removed)
There is this person who runs a LU minecraft server who says that your a chump and you steal other peoples work here is hes website: (link removed)
And im banned on his server
Yes, they “steal” my work. But it’s open source, so I can’t really be too mad about it. It’s only this “beta” and closed-off stuff that bothers me.
Why did you remove the message? o;
Why did you remove the message?
LEGO Universe Private Servers are Officially Dead
02-28-2014 12:40 PM
I am friends with the lead developer of the LUNI server project, and he has told me that the project is officially shutting down. I’m sorry to everyone that hoped a viable LU private server was coming. Albeit, you were mislead in the first place by certain people into thinking that a viable LU private server was ever going to exist.
In other news, they have released all their code up to this point, so if you are a good C/C++ programmer that knows a lot about networking and MMO client/server architecture, you could always try to make it yourself. And to those who want to try, I say good luck to you. Here is the link: https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-UNIVERSE/LEGO-Universe-Private-Servers-are-Officially-Dead/td-p/8968488
pwjones wrote:
Yes, they said something about someone may find it offensive but I could not tell what part
Since I am actually part of the project and know that it is still being worked on, I know for a fact that he does not know what he is typing about. There are still people working on it we just aren’t posting any “progress” updates. Now, it is not going to be magically completed by next week unlike what some people hope. It may be a few months to a year or so before it is completed.
I will be the first to admit it is dead when it actually dies
You aren’t part of the project. Darwin, one of the more open project members said so. I’m guessing you are part of Timtech’s group, which wasn’t part of the project, and was simply an ancillary group that took stuff from the project and did nothing special to it.
How often do you check? i check this page every 10/20/30 minutes
Tim this is VERY important; What Visual Studio Express 2013 for Desktop show i download? http://prntscr.com/52cbd0
Do the .exe file; the .iso is only for disk.
If I link to his site, it has some value in his page rank on search engines. I prefer not to give credit to those who steal my work.
Bloody hell finally xD, anyway what about people saying you steal other peoples work?
I put your link in a skype group:
[22:49:13] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ: http://timtechsoftware.com/?page_id=1341
[22:49:50] The Machine: [22:49] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ:
<<< http://timtechsoftware.com/?page_id=1341Promoting TimTech is grounds for a ban here.
[22:49:51] autobot_dalek: Are you new here? Because the people who are coders here, hate Timtech.
[22:50:00] The Machine: Someone ban this guy.
[22:50:03] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ: why?
[22:50:05] [Randy]Pigoshian: Yeah
[22:50:11] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ: WHY?
[22:50:15] Joe9412: Whats wrong with tim
[22:50:28] autobot_dalek: Timtech I belive is titled as a theif here.
[22:50:50] Joe9412: NintendoCapriSun is a good youtuber
[22:50:52] ધ્વનિsonicbrandynધ્વનિ ϟLightningIceϟ: how?
[22:50:55] autobot_dalek: Because some here say he stole some files from another group trying to make LU private servers.
Well their work was open source, so I improved on it. It’s not like I stole it from them. I know you’ve seen my LUNI documentary (?) so you should have read about this.
Yes i did but im just wondering why everyone thinks you stole it
Tim ):< You said i could go to every world well i cant! 🙁 Any character i join with it goes to cheekymonkey and im stuck in a brick yard and i cant go anywhere else i have the recommended server and client
You can’t? Have you edited the world packets correctly (char_aw2.bin).
Wheres the tutuorial for that?
Look under the server section of the Q&A page.
There is no debug in CDFalcons server
LOL i thought it was in client xD sorry <3
“My Game Assets Dont Match The Server”
You forgot to change the checksum when you changed the world ID.
What is a checksum?
The last four bytes out of the six on the tutorial (the first two are the world ID).
I did change that
Hey its been 2 days where are you? o_O
Where are you its been a while
Why are you ignoring me? I know you are; your latest video was on Nov 21st, And my comments where before and after that and you never replied to any of them :'(
Eh, its fine i havent had any questions i just wanted to know that you were alive xD
Okay, A few things i need to run by you: Final builder < True? Or False? Secondly: Have you made any progress? Thirdly: Server i could run….
I made an account why do i still need to put in the Name, Email and Maths? Btw how do i change my picture :s
Also Neal Spellman got enemy fighting working? Is he/she using LUNI? Because he/she said she wont give out the code for people to steal.
Neal Spellman 1 month ago:
+송원섭 Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, eh? Anyway, if that source was posted, he’d take it and post it on his site. Simple, no?
1. No, he’s just a modder.
2. Not much.
3. Yes, see the downloads page.
4. Just log in (?)
5. There is no source change necessary, all you have to do is change a spawn packet (for example, those smashable bathrooms in Nimbus Station) and edit the object ID to a different one.
I’d really recommend posting on the main page 😉 and you can change your picture through gravatar.com
I just dont want to end this awesomely long conversation :)…. Anyway so Nell Spellmen didnt add code for an enemie and just replaced smashables look?
BTW: What progress have you made? P.S: Please upload more LU Vids
Oh and, Are you guys gonna be able to add stuff to the game?, New maps?, More Levels?, More items?
OK well yeah Neal didn’t really develop he just messed around with what was already there (kind of like we are doing here). Thanks to Jon002 we got the server working without Visual Studio, and that’s about it. We can’t really edit the client, but there’s probably a lot already in it that no one’s seen yet!
Wait so i dont need visual studio anymore? Btw always look at this conversation at any moment you get, And do you have skype?- we could msg eachother on there it would be allot easier
When do you think you guys will have the game atleast 90% finished? 2016-2017?
Also: Are you gonna remove swearing filters and things like that?
What is your current goal/s?
Are you dead? :s
Where are you its been 19 days 🙁
No, I was sick recently, also if you chat on the main LU page I’ll tend to see it faster. Sorry about not getting back to you.
I need some help I get to the part where it says loading server list then it says error and logs out…. help
Make sure in boot.cfg to have AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost, as well as PATCHSERVERIP=0:, and in the server’s config.ini make sure redirect_ip=localhost
Hello Tim!,
I loved your server, but I got some problems…
1. I got no sound.
2. The Only Character that works, is the one with the jetpack.
3. When I access MODELS in the Inventory, I go back to Login Page.
4. On Character Creation, when I delete a character and create other, when I click on Play it does not go, I recived a msg in the console saying: “Somebody wants to create a character with name: Alanzote”, what I do?, is there a command to accept the character?
5. The Command “register” on the console, does not work, the Server crashes.
Thank you for your attention,
I am replying to myself =p
I Fixed inssue 2. I used MySQL.
I Fixed inssue 5. I used MySQL also.
Inssue 1, cannot be fixed, I move everything inside the client/res/audio/NDAudio to client/res/audio as instructed, this action was NO EFFECTIVE.
Inssue 3 it’s just a server problem.
Inssue 4 it’s the same thing.
If Someone can help me fixing Inssue “1” Please Reply to this massage and write how can It be fixed.
Thank you for your attention,
Problem 1 is client-side, everything else is server-side. Right now a patch is uploading to fix sounds.
Is this outdated or something. I cant seem to find LUNI sever anywhere. I have a windows 8 computer and I extracted the files then ran the LegoUniverse installer and that worked but when it finished downloading i ran it. But it said Error we are unable to download Lego universe. Which obviously it would get the files offline because LU was taken down. But i just don’t get how I’m supposed to run it when I don’t have a LUNI sever thing.
Just download “Nexus” client and server 0.5.
Ok so I looked at the comment above mine and now I feel kind of dumb for asking a question that has already been answered. So I did what it says. But I just can’t find the servers config.ini. Is it still in the boot.cfg or is it somewhere else?
Hello Jayden, try using the legouniverse_mac.exe ou legouniverse.exe in the folder “client” of your lego uni installation, make sure you configured boot.cfg corretly and the server is running at the right redirect_ip.
What I am saying that IF you run the patcher, It WON’T WORK, the patcher is broken. :/
Ok so that did work and I got the game running. But lol I forgot my old username and password. But the point is the music doesn’t work in the beginning. I had membership before too so I’ll have to remember what it was. Thanks for the help.
Well I still can’t find out my old LU password.
Considering I’m only 13 now the account was probably under my parents control. Which kinda sucks. And I know it’s probably been asked before. But is there any possible way that i could find it out or make a new one. Also when I’m on the sighn in screen, the graphics look like they are DS quality, compared to some of the videos I’ve seen.
Jayden, any Username and Passworld will work, It is NOT connected into Lego, so you can’t use your old characters, now, you can only use Tim’s characters, they were created by code, character creation it’s not working, Tim said that soon will be.
When will the server be fully done? With customizable characters, travel able worlds, and multiplayer?
Probably never… unfortunately, progress tends to be slow.
I did the boot.cfg thing and I checked the config thing, but I’m still not getting audio and the “handshaking with authentication” is still going forever. What do I do?
The audio is still a problem to me, The Authentication should be working, is the server On? You must open LUNI Server.exe before you start Lego Universe.
LUNI Server.exe is located in LUNI Server/debug/LUNI Server.exe
Wait. So if any password or username will work the why cant I sign in. and if I need to turn Luni sever first then where do I find it? Sorry for bothering you again.
Luni Server.exe is located in debug folder, and config.ini is also located there.
(I am not a member of timtech staff, If you need more info. please contact timtech if I don’t know how to resolve.)
Also, be sure that boot.cfg in client folder on Lego Universe, it’s configured corretly, “PATCHSERVERIP=0:” and “AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost”.
hello! just a small question D:
when i try to install visual studio 2013 update 2/3/4/with blend
it says “this version of visual studio requires a computer with a newer version of windows.” i had vs once.. tried to format my pc twice without backuping any files.
thanks 🙂
What Operating System do you have, also what version of VS did you have before?
I can’t do ANYTHING.
Everytime i want to start LUNI Server.exe
it says that he couldn’t find lbmysql.dll
What can i do?
Im very frustrated 🙁
Install Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop.
Please help, when i try to start the Sever it says im missing MSVCP120D.dll! Please tell me what i did wrong?
You haven’t installed Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop yet.
what do you mean by telling Port forward ports i want to play with others ,can you explain it to me please?
Click here to find out how to forward ports.
can buy a prop/ build on it?
No, you can go to property worlds buy not buy or build on them (yet).
That feature will come soon 😉 “added functuallity” in LUHub dev progress 😉
Need help D:
when i start luni.exe it says “MSVCP120D.dll is missing”
what can i do?
You need to install Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop to run the server.
i have….
So, i have installed everything latest, and after i click on any character i want to play with, the screen just goes white and i just get disconnected! Please help!
Hello TimTech!
I’m Tim! and I’m a Fan of LEGO. I understand what to do but I have a question: Will you update it next year? like add more stuff. E.G. Next year you update and add stuff to the game to make LEGO Universe like it’s original state (since you got the files…). It will take time to complete it (because you have to code stuff in such as Character Creation).
Also, If I play LEGO Universe (once all done the set up). I don’t have a LEGO ID and can you create a new character and play from the beggining?
Yours Sincerely,
Unfortunately, although we have the entire client, the server is only a fraction of what it used to be. And no, you don’t need (and can’t access) your old characters and LEGO ID. You just type any username and password and choose one of the default characters.
Progress is slow, because mostly all of the packets have already been implemented in the current version of the server. I don’t now how to tell the client to do the other stuff, because I don’t have any packet captures for them.
Dear TimTech,
Thank You for replying to me. It’s great that you (and your team) brought back LEGO Universe and hopefully you could try to bring access to worlds such as Venture Explorer, Avant Gardens, etc. (The worlds that needs to be added). Hopefully for 2015, you will add more worlds for us to access, missions and building in properties so that we can build and do missions.
Also, What are you trying to bring to the game for 2015?
Yours Sincerely,
You can access these worlds quite easily by editing 6 bytes in the world’s char_aw2.bin (tutorial on the Q&A page), but they are in the same state of unplayability as the other worlds. In 2015 I hope to bring the server a little bit closer to its original state.
Dear TimTech,
Thank You! I know you’ll bring the sever like the original state! then:
Once you’ve done all that hard work coding next year, (I would have signed up) I can login, create my character (no default), start from Venture Explorer and it will be like before! (but without free to play!) and first time: I will go complete the missions!
Also, once you’ve coded everything next year (bringing the server to the original state), maybe you could pair up with the LEGO Group and you both can be partners (instead of Netdevil) and it will be like old times! (Although, I wasn’t around 🙁 )
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. Are you going to let us know you will work on the server to add more worlds, rockets, missions, enemies, character creation? because that would be alot of work BUT it’s good you will make LEGO Universe like the original (before the closing in 2012).
So, 0.6-0.9 (will be added everything from the game).
0.10 (2016)
When i try to log in it shows me a white screen and then i come back to the login screen.
How i can fix this?
Wird eingentlich noch daran gearbeitet??
[Translate in Germany]
Would Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 work, too? Because I already have that and I don’t want to get Express.
Hallo Tim Tech
Ich habe ein Problem bei der starung von LU.
Ich habe die 0.5 vs. vom Server heruntergelanden und die recommend Nexus 2 Client heruntergeladen.
Habe sie dan wie gezeigt mit config und Boot dateien eingestellt und gestartet.
Zwischen durch wen ich mich einloggen wil kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:
Client disconnected
connection failed
downloading manifest assets
Und wen es mal klabt geht nur ein Karakter zum spielen. Sobal ich in der Welt etwas benutzen will komme ich ohne Fehlermeldung zurück zum Logginscreen.
Habt ihr eine Lösung?
LG. Michi
PS. Danke schon mal im Voraus.
Sorry but my English ist not very Good
I have writen a email in germand and here en english:
Hello Tim Tech
I have a Problemm by the launching of LU.
I have download and instal by the instruction the 0.5 vs. Server and the Recommend Nexus 2 Client.
I config all Datas by the Instruction and have lauch it.
When i was by the logging screen and i tip in any thing sometimes this Error Window wil pop up:
Client disconnected
connection failed
downloading manifest assets
Sometimes it wil go and I can loging in.
But i have 4 Characters and only one wil go. But wen I am in this World the build World i can noting do, only walking and flying. Not build, no clothes switch an no flying on a other World.
Have you an idea?
Many greetings Michi
PS: Thanks in advance.
You can’t build or switch clothes yet anyway. Which worlds can you access?
I can only can to go to the Nimbus Isle.
Only the Nimbus Isle.
Okay, that’s the default. In the world folder, the packet char_aw2.bin can be edited to change worlds. See the Q&A page for details.
I have done this.
But, when I have changed it to the Nexus Tower it loads the Caracter with Nimbus Isle and load infinitely the World.
What can I do?
the game doesn’t work for me. I will always spawn in in the gnarled forest with the character cheekymonky, then when i try to interact with stuff than the game crashes, same happens with the launch pads. please help me.
Those stuff hasn’t been implemented yet, sorry 🙁