LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (196)

  1. Anyone here? TimTech? Pwjones? Raffa?

    • Gamerthaflamer March 1, 2014 @ 11:17 AM

      Timtech is running in circles screaming, pwjones is thinking what to do about the LUNI project, and raffa is facepalming and me? I’m drinking a beer near my computer equipment thinking what the hell is gonna happen next.

      • Whats up with Tim?
        Lol, just hope something good happens next

      • Just be patient. If TimTech wants to take the offending code out he can probably continue what he is doing. There are more people working on it than just raffa. The difference is the other people didn’t want to release anything just yet. We are still investigating. The person that originally cracked the encryption, who really deserves all the credit for what we have so far, is still working on it when he has time as are the others. I know people are excited and want it right now, but it will probably be many, many months before we have something.

        Just don’t spill your beer on your computer 🙂

        • Yeah, I know, I would like to help out,but I only know the intro to C+ programs.
          I really just want to be able to fight something ( like enemies or nexus training room)

        • well you haven’t read my code I defined an hi-level structure and cleaned the code that is was necessary for the future development, and no one told me about how to load world, I used my time and my skills for this project, and tryed to figure out how to generate packets…
          No I left so apreciate that and be happy because you didn’t like me…

          • *Now I left so apreciate that and be happy because you didn’t like me…

          • Don’t say that. I appreciate all that you did (and may still be doing). You allowed us to load a database, which we will eventually use later in the future. You’re time and skills pay off. I’ve downloaded every one of your GIT releases and have been experimenting with each one.

            Lately I’ve been thinking about our situation and I know precisely what has caused all this trouble.

            Here, let me go back about a month to explain. I got a bit too excited about loading Nimbus Isle, and released an unstable release. Right after that, I got stuck away from my computer for a few days, and was unable to help anyone. Most of the people who downloaded it were people from LMBs and a handful of others that google our server. Basically what started is Tim took the source I compiled, released it to satisfy demand, and then what happened next is history.

            To sum it up, would we be here in this mess right now if I had not released the unstable release? I really don’t think so. I learned from that mistake, but it will take time to heal. It’s easier to cut something than to mend it. Tim has broken off from our forums. If everyone leaves everyone alone, I think the healing will actually begin. Who knows, in a few years we may or may not be in need of each other’s help.

            Just trying to clear this up 🙂

            Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

        • Look at the Git repo all commits are mine…

  2. So you guys are attempting to re-create a LU server?

  3. HAMSTERFURY2000 March 1, 2014 @ 1:42 PM

    Okay, everyone should just chill out! This is getting out of hand! If you want to leave raffa…leave! Stop commenting! If everyone just worked together as a team we could actually bring lego universe back. All this fighting is getting us no where. Could everyone just take a chill pill? Jeez!

  4. HappyAngryCatfish March 1, 2014 @ 3:38 PM

    Raffa, I really wish you would stay, but you don’t seem too eager to leave.

  5. Hello?

  6. Gamerthaflamer March 1, 2014 @ 8:14 PM

    Tell me a simple yes or no, will you carry on with the LUNI project?

  7. Hello! I’ve been out for a week or so and came back to check on the progress. What’s going on? Something about a guy named raffa and viruses and throwing the towel on LU? What’s going on?

  8. You have new update? I so want to play the old and good! =D

  9. You have new update? I so want to play the old and good LU! =D

  10. I got raffa’s next luniserver update on the forums, he said he removed the dangerous code? Is it still bad code? Cause I have ran it like 25 times….

  11. OOPS forgot, gonna eat lunch first though, check back in 15 mins for the zip

  12. Sooo,…I’ve been looking for a private server of LU since I’ve heard of te new Lego movie, which brought back all the pain of the closing of LU. Now, YOutube makes me find this website which gives me kinda hope of LU being able to be played once more and all I see is bickering and discussion unde the “developers” of the private server. The Private server itself is offline and unable to be played on. Which gives me what impression……?

    • It probably gives you the impression that we can’t even keep order within ourselves, much less create a LEGO Universe server. However, raffa is getting kind of mad, and that’s not my fault.

      • We can keep order, but right now there is a bit a a speed bump, I recommend you download the server ( luni or nimbusstation) and follow instructions, trust me is awesome! hopefully there will be more progress soon

  13. Get the Update working yet?

  14. When I open it up, there is just a white screen and the music playing in the background. After a few seconds, it quits. I followed the instructions. Help?

  15. Well, after following the recommendation to download Nimbus and/or luni server I followed the instructions, yet nothing special happens.

    After starting the servers I can log in and choose a Figure, but when I try to play with ’em the loading process stops at 35%…forever.

  16. Tim is not publishng my post… I won tim I won!!! I was right 😀

    • What did you win?

      • Did you get that server working well?
        The sooner that happens the sooner you can make progress

    • HAMSTERFURY2000 March 3, 2014 @ 2:24 PM

      Why are you still posting here, you said you would leave? If you really wanted to go, you would of announced your departure from the project and that would be the end of it, but you still post here? Everyone, just ignore raffa and stop repling to his comments, he’s purposely doing this to stop progress. If yoou ignore him, he will leave. Also pestering him to not leave will only make him want to leave more. Thank you and I hope progress will continue soon because this is really getting out of hand!

  17. Gamerthaflamer March 3, 2014 @ 1:51 PM

    A goldfish * FLUSH IT DOWN!*

  18. gamerthaflamer March 3, 2014 @ 2:56 PM

    Am I the only one who imagined Timtech and raffa fighting in mortal kombat? 😛

    • Ok….. now you made that pop into my mind…

      • TimTech is the incredible Sentinel Duke Exeter. raffa50 is the Darkitecht. Scratch that – he’s one of those rhino dudes from Legends of Chima. 😀

  19. Hello tim:
    I went to my legal and we have found you, you are in great troubles 😀

  20. Tim, just wanted to tell you this, Crux Prime will start to freeze up a little if you have a running program in the background, I have a new, Toshiba and I was downloading something via steam, It will cause Crux to glitch on a minor tone, Also Gnarled Forest is glitched on high graphics, in the place where it is raining, but that may be a client issue….

  21. Hello TimTech,
    wehere are no NPCs in the Faction Stores.

  22. Is the server up at random or is it up at certain points in the day because I want to know when a good time to log in is

  23. I only want to say that LUNI Server project it’s NOT closed.
    Everybody that wants to help is welcome… I’ve only left the project that’s means that for the moment there is no leader… if you want you can candidate yourself (or we will vote for a project without a leader, or an extern person. We are democratic!)

    I’ve asked help to a friend of mine and now he is able to read character creation and change head…
    I’m here only too se progress and support LUNI project… now I’m like a normal user a follower that support this project OK???

  24. Is the server online right now? Or is my LU client broken?

  25. Is the meter for whether the server is on broken? It’s said maybe online for a week.

    • Because the progress is only walking around, Tim does not want to prioritize it YET.

  26. The recommend video for LAN server setup shows a download that isn’t available. The download I see is Lego Universe Server Nimbus Station, but you use the .4 release.

  27. What is the luni-Database you need to upload and where is it?

  28. HappyAngryCatfish March 4, 2014 @ 11:37 PM

    Is it just me or is has the server not been up for everyone else either lately?

    • No, it’s up but it only lets me in through registration. Hopefully today I can release Crux Prime and Gnarled Forest to the public, because they work fine for me 🙂

      • if your stuck at registration, you have to start the server, and type register and enter your new user pass combo, sorry for not telling you that…. or you could disable it…

    • HappyAngryCatfish March 5, 2014 @ 12:38 PM

      I don’t have an account on sourceforge, but as crazy as it sounds I’m voting for you raffa. 😛 idk if that’s how this works but I think the project needs you to stay lead. No offense to RoboWarrior, but I think the project needs someone with coding knowledge to help it progress.

      • You might want to find out who’s done all the coding on the server then, because it’s not raffa…

        • HappyAngryCatfish March 5, 2014 @ 5:22 PM

          I’ll look over new ones if new ones come in, but for now I’m going with raffa.

          • I must admit, he is probably the best candidate right now, but only by a little. Although RoboWarrior has great intentions, I don’t know if he could lead the developers (I couldn’t either, I’m not nominating myself). Also, Nealy’s a bit on the “if you’re not helping, get out” side of the situation.

          • Lol TimTech, no duh I’m like one of the least trained people there! When I posted no one else had, and I was worried the project was going to die

          • I think pwjones raffa or Timtech..or maybe Jon002 would all be good leaders

          • RoboWarrior, you’ve been great here, I’m just not sure they would appreciate your leadership.

            Anyway, here are people I’d definitely cast votes for:

            1. humanoid24 aka triver
            2. pwjones
            3. Jon
            4. lcdr

  29. Is the need to have an account temporary, so you can update, or will we need one to access the server?

  30. any news on it being up or not?

  31. it says we have no record of that username or password???? helppppppp????

    • Tim must enter a user/pass combo and tell you what they are, you can’t enter with any user/pass combo, very sorry for not saying that long ago

  32. HappyAngryCatfish March 5, 2014 @ 3:43 PM

    When can we have the user/pass combo?

  33. In step 13 of the private server creation, the closest thing I have to if( usr == NULL ) // very simple check is if (usr != NULL) { What should I do?

  34. TimTech, I didn’t feel like sending you PM, but I was wondering/trying to see if its possible to spawn enemies when the player spawn? I found some files and started to work but I don’t know if they are the right specific files, Would you know what they are? Is this even possible?

    • Want to ask NetDevil about it, know though they are Gazillion and they make Marvel Heroes and superhero games,don’t know what email to send my message too, there is like 5 emails!

  35. HappyAngryCatfish March 5, 2014 @ 5:55 PM

    Seems like anymore you can’t get on a server. May have to attempt making an LAN one.

  36. Where do I add #define LUNI_NO_AUTH in common.h?

  37. Where is local Windows Debugger?

  38. Also, what part of the config.ini do you change. It’s a long line with many parts after the ip redirect.

  39. Hey,

    I am a big time LU fan. I’m on a mac. I don’t want to waste my time trying to get your version of LU working in a wine skin. So key me know, is the server up? And can I log in? Thanks

    • You can when it’s up. Just download the Mac client.

      • I’m sorta confused? do you mean I can login when the server is up and there is a mac client somewhere for me to download, you are making a mac client to download or you have a mac client but there no download yet??

  40. I want to change the world, but what file do I edit

  41. HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 2:07 PM

    Tried to make a private server, but couldn’t find that line on step 13, and couldn’t find out how to compile it. And is your external IP the public one you can find on the internet or not? And what do I change the boot file IP to in my client to connect?

    • Just hit the Window debugger button and build the sln, change config.ini in the server to localhost and change your client boot.cfg to localhost

      • Never ind don’t hit the debugger to build the sln, its already built

        • HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 4:02 PM

          So how do I start the server? :S

          • HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 4:04 PM

            I changed the redirect IP to my external IP, the host is set to local host, and I changed the boot files authorization IP to local host.

          • That won’t work unless you’ve forwarded ports. If you’ll be the only one playing, the redirect ip should be localhost.

  42. What part of the config.ini do you change. It’s a long line with many parts after the ip redirect.

  43. HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 4:05 PM

    I’m lost at start the luni server.exe I can’t find that file..

    • Look for it, if its not there open Luni server.sln re-build the sln and start it and pin it to your desktop

      • HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 4:44 PM

        Ok found it started it, but nothing really happens it brought up a command prompt and if I try to type anything into it it crashes.

        • HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 4:52 PM

          Just lists some command console stuff, shows no sign of starting

          • HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 5:51 PM

            So just to give you us more detailed error report. I doubled clicked it it ran, has a command prompt like screen up. Says Intializing LUNI test server then it says Press enter type “help” and enter again for commands. Then it says below Terminated Unable to connect to database! below it says PRESS ENTER TO QUIT. That’s it, won’t even rerun the process now if I run it again.

          • make sure xampp control top two things are started

          • HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 5:57 PM

            They are started.

          • The database must be named luni, have you confirmed this?

          • HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 6:28 PM

            Database is named Luni server is it just luni?

          • Yes, when you create the database in the MySQL (before you import) the name should be luni

  44. this time my legal have found you: Timothy Peterson

  45. HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 6:32 PM

    Working now but I don’t know what my password is for this where do I find it?

  46. redirect_ip=localhostuse_encryption=falselog_file=true[MYSQL]host=localhostdatabase=luniusername=rootpassword=[Auth]redirect_port=2002listen_port=1001[Char]redirect_port=2003listen_port=2002[World]redirect_port=2004listen_port=2003
    This is the original config. Where does the ip redirect end?

  47. So, I opened LUNI Server.exe yesterday and I recognized it from the video, but now I forgot where it is. Could someone remind me?

  48. HappyAngryCatfish March 6, 2014 @ 10:40 PM

    So I’m kinda confused, I’ve heard both ways here, is step 13 where you edit that file and compile needed or not?

    • If you are using the server I gave, possibly, it does not hurt to re-compile it, and you don’t need to edit the text or anything, just hit the debugger, If your using Its now pre-compiled with no editting

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