Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
I installed the client and tried to connect to your server, but it wouldn’t let me. So I thought, hey, might as well try making my own server and see if it works then. So now it works, but it only loads Cheekymonkey. No matter which character I select, the correct loading screen comes up (“loading Crux Prime”, etc.), but when the character appears, it’s just Cheekymonkey at the place where you build (not sure what its name is after all the false loading screens. I’m running a Dell Windows 7 x64 if that’s relevant. Also, I’ll note that Cheekymonkey was the first character I selected, in which case the world apparently actually loaded, but only the first time, while on other times, the loading screen only flashed a couple of percentage values before doing the white-in animation to show the character. If you think there’s a way to reset the loaded user, that would be helpful.
Plus, as a side note, I can’t figure out how to equip an item, or it won’t let me. I haven’t played LU for a long time.
The server may have been down at the time.
Your problem is not one that I have heard of before; my suggestion would be to use a fresh copy of the server, but instead, choose a different character first.
Equipping items is not currently implemented, but may be added in a future update.
Okay, tried reinstalling the server, chose another guy first, nothing changed. I uninstalled by deleting the files and re-unzipping the files, and then rebuilding it with VS Express. If there’s another way to uninstall/reinstall, that’d be helpful.
Is your PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com
Yeah, it is.
Okay, now I kind of figured out how to fix my own problem. I deleted the LU program files, and then re-extracted the files from the zip. I’m currently allowed to go to all the worlds (haven’t checked Nimbus Station, but I’m not too keen on it), but on all worlds except Nimbus Station I’m given Cheekymonkey as my character.
Anyways, I’m satisfies with the program’s performance now. Thanks for the help!
You’re welcome! CheekyMonkey is always your character, so you’ve done everything right.
error LNK1104: cannot open file ‘SUtil.lib’ C:\Users\…….\Desktop\lu sever 5.0\LUNI Server\LINK LUNI Server
that what it says. 😀
new comment page, I wrote a different in older comments just to let you know. 🙂
Okay, there is a new version of 0.5, so all you have to do is re-download.
Heya TimTech this is Chris – I’ve just changed my name to be more distinguishable.
I noticed that the server’s up! However, I tried to login and got the whole “sorry we can’t log you in” thing. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Keep up the good work. It’s a noble cause, regardless of what raffa50 thinks. Even if he’s all “Hail Maelstrom” or whatever, keep up what you’re doing and it will all end well.
I don’t think you’re missing anything; others have had this problem. Raffa’s legal rage died down a bit after I explained DMCA, but I’m not sure what’s happened to the LUNI Server development. My guess is that they are fully operative on a private GitHub repository.
How far do you think they are?
Chat implemented, accounts with character creation implemented. Travel, not yet.
Hey Tim almost there! its just it would allow me to load any world except for the block yard world can you please help? PLEASE! It says, Client disconnected: connection failed downloading the maniest assets
How are you switching worlds? Please elaborate.
why is the server always down? i really want to play.
im not account plz help me
English: Hello I’m on the v3 when I want to connect they say We Could not sign you in to LEGO Universe. Please try again in a Few Minutes. I am registered since yesterday plz help me
Make sure your AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost
V3 Bug??
No. Make sure your AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost
Its not working
Glad your problem is solved!
C’est bloquer a 35% C normal ?
Yes, upgrade to 0.5.
I’m switching my worlds with the 4 characters. I also tried reinstalling the client but that did not work. monkeybrown to play on Nimbus Station, GruntMonkey to play on Crux Prime, or ShastaFantastic to play on Gnarled Forest. These three charters won’t work except for CheekyMonkey to play on Nimbus Isle, that would let me play Nimbus Island. If I try loading the other worlds that don’t work it says (Client disconnected: connection failed downloading the maniest assets) But anyways good luck with this project. I visit this website every day!
P.S I download vs Ultimate instead of express. Could this be the problem?
Do you have 2013? That is a requirement. Also, make sure you have 0.5.
1. Yes I have vs 2013, It is just ultimate
2. Yes I have the sever version 5.0
No, it should work fine. Is your PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com
Bloquer 35% normal et aussi buger a la creation de perso au pseudo et c’est koi 0,5 v5 ?
Is that French?
Je ressaye et encore bloquer a 35%
Three things: 1.When I load up LUNIserver.sln from server version 0.5 to compile it in mvs 2013 express, it says that the files are incompatible and it crashes when compiling. 2.If my server ever works, what do I do to AUTHSERVERIP and PATCHSERVERIP in boot.cfg in the client folder of the launcher to connect to my own server? And 3. It once said that your server was online with 2 people on but, when I tried to connect, it said that I needed to enter a nickname (Which I did). Then, when I tried it the second time, it said: “Connecting to authentication” and it then just sent me back to the log-in screen. It did not say: “could not connect to Lego Universe please try again later”. Plz solve it!
His bug 35% what should I do and what is koi 0.5 v3 I play because I do not arive to install v5
0.5 – http://timtechsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/luniserver.zip
French: Sa bug a 35% je fais koi et c’est koi la 0,5 je joue sur v3 car je n’arive pas a installer la v5
Sa bug a 35% je fais koi je peux pas jouer sur v5 je sais pas l’installer merci de repondre help me plz
Sa bug a 35% sorry spam
Peut etre que sa bug a 35% car il ya ecris serveur deconéctée est ceci ?
Sa bug peut etre parceque le serveur est pas en ligne c’est ecris en haut de la page
Je bug car il est ecris en haut si la conexion echoue alors le server est hors ligne
I am writing bug as it is at the top if the conection fails then the server is offline
– Yes if connection fails the server is offline
Ok thanks jaime trop se jeu je peux enfin le reprendre !
Hey Tim do you still want the LU mac client?
I think he has it now
Sure! It is over 500 MB correct? Make sure it is in a .zip file.
Every player works except for cheekymonkey what do I do?!?
OH WOW THAT WAS THE PROBLEM THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH TIM. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
You’re very welcome! I’m glad you have a copy for yourself 🙂
Did you working about creating worlds? I’m ready to do LP on LEGO Universe!
The LEGO Universe server at lu.hopto.org is offline! peut on commeme jouer moi sa bloque a 35 % aidez moi tout le monde joue ya que moi ki bug a 35%
Quand le server sera en ligne ?
Uhh tim in raffas version of the luni server you get to spawn objects when can we do that
No, you can’t spawn stuff in his version.
He said you can spawn objects
Or Modles
lu.hopto.org offline c’est pour sa que sa bloque a 35%
Raffa filed DMCA!!! Google took down links to this webpage!!! PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I cannot file a counter notice due to insufficient funds.
i have not played this server yet. can you please open the server more often?
Not at this time, sorry.
hololo raffa il a la haine la a oui et pouvez vous ouvrir le server souvent svp quand le probleme est resolu
please remove my email (I ask you for the privacy law) thanks!
Although it has been removed on this page, you have agreed (by using this site, see bottom of every page) that we “may share information with governmental agencies or other companies assisting us in fraud prevention or investigation.” This applies to any agency related to DMCA.
this is an illegal thing in Italy, even on iternet.
Italian laws protect Italians well…
DMCA fraud investigation is not illegal, and you have already sworn, under penalty of perjury, that you own something that you do not. Italian law doesn’t protect against that, and I can readily file a counter-notice if the investigation proves fruitful.
I’d also appreciate it if you could spell correctly; I understand that grammar is hard for non-natives, but at least try a spell-checker. It makes you appear more professional.
I own LUNI Server because I created the project on sourceforge and I can prove that easilly…
I own the packets he is using and humanoid24 owns the original source that made all of this possible. Heck, from what I have seen his SUtil has a lot of source directly from the internet.
The only reason many of us are with this project is that it was the first one we found right after LEGO Universe shut down. But that may change because of raffa.
You should get a developer to lead the project, pwjones.
Je ne peux pas ouvrir le serveur en ce moment.
Are you using google translator, or do you just know French?
I’m using Google Translator.
Oh…. OK
woah what’s happened. More arguments with raffa? and I can help with the french if you like.
ok alors quand le probleme est resolue svp
Je suis en train de résoudre le problème dès que possible. Il est principalement raffa505 qui ont fait cela, et dès qu’il laisse place je peux travailler sur le résoudre.
Hey Tim! I have a problem when I start the Lego Universe Server 0.5 it works and says loading world, however when it logs me in it flashes says “Enter nickname/password and hit “Sign in” to continue”. It happens all the time and i’m pretty sure someone else had this problem. please I just want to play again and feel the nostalgia. Plus if you’re able to fix this you are awesome!
Don’t you mean “If you are awesome, you’ll be able to fix this”? 😛
Make sure, in the client’s “boot.cfg”, that AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost and PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com
Make sure you are using an unmodified server 0.5 (you may want to re-download, just in case. I changed the 0.5 link about a week ago).
Thank You Soo Much You Are Amazing!
You’re very welcome 🙂
Raffa505 can do that? It is revenge or something?
Ok timtech probleme resolue vous ouvrirez le server enfin je pourrais rejouer a se bon jeu luni est le seul server
Eh bien, le problème n’est pas encore résolu. DMCA de Raffa est toujours actif et je ne peux pas faire quelque chose en ce moment. Vous pouvez essayer de faire votre propre serveur de luni ou d’obtenir un ami pour vous aider. Je suis vraiment désolé que je ne peux pas vous aider en ce moment.
Ne tinquete pas jattend que vous ouvriez le server luni
So is this project dead 🙁 We have gotten so far! I still play the game every day!
No, it’s not dead. Just dormant.
The guy who did this was a complete jerk. i was THIS close to playing LU again. maybe you could set up donations to pay the lawsuit or something? that or lets (removed) (jk)
I will open the LUNI official server soon, I just need a lot of time so keep calm and wait, because we have also decrypted worlds and we have found world checksums (how to generate them, it’s for travelling if you don’t know)
for the first version you will need hamachi.
the host will be (not active to public yet):
Who is “we”?
I also advise users not to use hamachi (espeially when bundled with LogMeIn, which can be used to perform remote administration). It is completely unnecessary (as demonstrated by my server) and there are dangers (not in the program itself, but depending on malicious servers). Raffa has already distributed viruses in his latest fake servers under the fictitious name of RealFlameXen, and I would not put it past him to do so again (but on a larger scale). Read more about the dangers here.
Unless a developer can confirm the safety of the server, I highly recommend caution.
ok as you wish I won’t use hamachi… ok? happy?
but you’ll need to be registred on our sourceforge board… this will be enought secure (you know what I want to prevent right?)
Timtech vous m’avez donner le lien de la 0;5 mais je sais pas l’installer il me faut un tuto svp car il est ecris il manque MSVCP120D.dll aidez moi svp jarrive pas a linstaller je veux jouer depuis des anée svp help me
I cannot log in to LU somehow. It just says: Please try again in a few minutes, but that doesn’t work.
It doesn’t work because I had to take it down. Sorry!
Okay, when are you going to put it back online?
He really does have grounds for legal action….?
Quick question, is visual studio only free for the trial time?
After the trial ends, creating or signing into a Microsoft account lets you use it forever.
Okay thanks. And thanks also for trying to run a public server Tim!
Wait so i dont get what happend this game is Raffa’s game? I played LU long time ago and i see now it closed 🙁 And i want to play it, i read some of the comments and saw there is this server but is this the LUNI server? or theres another server?
And can i play on this server with others? please tell me how can i play it with others i really wanna play the game 🙁
Before this closes can you make something for the game that lets you spawn things? This would make the game so much more fun.
Can you please explain whats going on wiht Raffa and what luni server and all that? oh and why is the server not working for me?cant login please help wanna play this game