LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (223)

  1. Ok guys, going away now. No wifi though 🙁 I’ll try to develop as much as I can!

  2. Today would have been LU’s fourth birthday. It may have only lasted a year, but the dream never died, and never will.

    I have been looking at the HEX, and have deciphered the line that changes the face. I am not sure if the bytes are linked together, but the last 2 lines control the body.

  4. Just got an account 😀 for this site

  5. When it’s LU’s fifths birthday, This project will advance tenfold. I know it! 😀

  6. Timtech, the replie function isn’t working on the comments. It just post a new thread.

    • Hmm, this seems like it has to do with my red herring feature to fight spam. I think it messes with the replies, so I have disabled it and deleted a few comments that might have been affected.

  7. Folks, made by TheNyJan, a new website is coming out, and it’s EPIC. Stay tuned

    The Lego Universe: Rebuilt Team.

    • This new site has wonderful graphics, a refreshing gui, and easy access. It will host all stuff done by


      We are Lego Universe: Rebuilt
      Hope to see you soon on luHUB, the new site for us.

    • Awesome.

    • Tim was the person to originally make this publicly available. And he has contacts we don’t for any new developments, such as missions and replica manager implementation. Personally my vote is to keep it on this site. It would also make things less confusing for newcomers.

      • I disagree with startreklover. This is Tim’s site, and we will need an official page, that only includes Lego Universe. For example here is professionally made private server pages.
        – ToonTown(IDK what this game even is…)

        Pirates Online Rewritten Main-Page(I’ve played this game before, just after LU closed)

        • These are owned by the official devs of the project, if you want to want to use that as an argument then raffa’s original team should be the ones with the official site.

          • I see what you mean; however raffa has actually deleted all of my posts on his forum and deleted over 100 threads with vital info. To keep this from happening again I moved everything here, to a safe environment so it could be coordinated efficiently. Although I’m not really doing development, it’s a central place to provide help for newcomers. Thanks for your support! 🙂

      • Same here, this website is not for LUNI, it’s for the Lego Universe: Rebuilt team and luHUB

        • I’m sort of confused, are LUNI and Lego Universe: Rebuilt working towards the same thing, or different things? What makes one different from the other? If they are working on different things, will their efforts combine into one big project, or will they stay separate?

    I have found the lines that hold all of the outfit. One holds the face, the line below holds everything else. I will now decipher all of it. Stay tuned.

    The Lego Universe: Rebuilt Team,

  9. I made it! I signed in! I don’t know what you did but it worked! Thanks <3

  10. Bring Me back Me Imagination And ill Give Ye a Nice New Badge

  11. I used the nexus client for my VM and I was playing LU again! The nexus client works great with parralls VM.
    But there is one slight problem. After I enter the checksums for nimbus station, I select monkey brown and it shows cheeky monkey and the NPCs are gone. When I start the game the sound doesn’t work for me.
    Please help!

    • What world are you loaded onto? The no NPCs is normal, and the sound is an issue that I can’t figure out why it’s happening (it’s a result of the newer clients).

      • I was talking about the NPCs in nimbus station at the disco place.

        • So you’ve loaded up Nimbus Station? You shouldn’t have had to modify any checksums, by the way. Just choose monkeybrown and all should be well…

          • when i first got the client all the players were set to nimbus isle so i had to change the checksums and i did.

  12. Is there going to be just one server or like the old Lego Universe five or six to prevent the server from crashing because of many players?

  13. Ok guys,

    Originally I wanted to hold back for a while and work on my new project and the website for it, unfortunately, it seems like Falcon may teased a bit too much, so I will try to clarify this now. My new project is a software that is meant to be a egg-laying wool-milk-sow, how you would say in Germany, so it will give you all the information you need about lu, it will host a server network with inter server communication to synchronize your safegames, so you can play on every server on the network without having top ask it’s admin to give you access, it will auto update everything, bla, bla. Since these features need server-side support, I teamed up with Tristan who happend to code a server atm. Since our project will be different than LUNI, we called it Lego universe: rebuilt, so one could easily distinguish between these two servers. We don’t want to stand aloof from the main project and we’re ok with our features being implemented into the main LUNI server, but for now, while we’re developing, we needed a different name. The software I’m creating will, of course, always support both versions, I don’t to force anybody to do something, but when playing on a regular LUNI server, you will not have the new features until it’s added to the LUNI server. Same is for the website, it’s not meant to replace this one in any way, but ease and streamline the setup for younger and and less experienced users, removing the hassle of dealing with server and client versions, but giving them one download, that will do everything for them automatically, the site will show the most important news and facts without you having to search for them, but it will be optional, if you don’t like it, just don’t visit the site, there will be nothing, that won’t be here.

    Combined: LUNI and LU:R work towards the same goal and may be combined, if everyone is ok with it.
    The website will not replace this one, if then community doesn’t want to.
    The new project will still support LUNI, like the website will.

    I hope this answered all you questions, if not, ask me here 🙂


    • Sounds great! Just as a side note, while all of these features sound great, most have been tried by and failed by me. Although I’m not trying to discourage you, the real factor of success is measured by the community.

      Does it really work?
      Is it easy to download, set up, and use?
      Are there no bugs, glitches, or very frequent updates?

      If you answered YES to any of these questions, you should probably pitch in.
      • Since it is in an early state of development, I can’t say, if it’s working good or not. I will focus on the Launcher – Main Server communication now and when Tristan is back, he should have implemented an interface that allows me to send commands to his server. If that is given, I can register, edit and delete players and their loadout while the server is running (And do even more cool stuff!). Basicly there will be a sideapplication by me that starts with his server and does all the networking things while the server does its own work, that should allow us to do all the things we want in real time while having a server that keeps running even when the network has problems. It should also be easy to download and setup everything (Like in other Launcher applications, where they do everything for you). For Bugs and Glitches, there will probably be some when I’m done, but fixing them should not be a problem 🙂 I’m planning not to release frequent but high quality updates, also it is planned to have and background updater for the program, so you will probably not even notice small bugfixes, if I have to release them quickly. So I’m optimistic, I hope the community accepts the launcher, too 🙂


    • Thank you, that clears up everything 😀

  14. luHUB is just a few days away people, wait just a little bit longer.

  15. So CDFalcon how is the character creation development going?

  16. Okay, luHUB will have a forum, it may be exactly like this, or you may have to register an account to post, or both!

  17. The website will be out very soon. It now has a forum just like this one, and plays the best LU music. It also has a forum JUST like this one, accessible by non users.

  18. Kevinthedude2000 October 28, 2014 @ 4:34 PM

    Guys I just want to thank you for doing this. I loved lego universe and I was just having a nostalgia fit when I found this. Downloading the client now, I’m so excited 😀

  19. Ladys and Gentleman,

    I am proud to present our first Draft for *fanfare*

    Please keep in mind, that this is the first version, you will find many placeholders (there are even more, that you can’t see :P)

    Please tell us what you think is good, what we should change and what is there to remove and please excuse the music reloading when you visit annother page, I will fix that.

    And last and least, a small poll: Do you wish to have this site as the new official site for this project? I will give all major persons access to it, so they can addand edit stuff, and I will add, what the community wants to have added. Just yes or no, please 🙂

    A dedicated (and real) forum may come in the future, but probably only if this gets the new official site (elseways it’s a bit pointless, right?)

    Thats all 🙂

    • I think this should be like, how do I put this, “equal” to this site. Timtech knows the devs of LUNI, me and TheNyJan’s website is the host of luHUB and LU: Rebuilt.

  20. Behold, luHUB! 🙂

  21. Can I become a administrator for the forums on the new website? Because I’ve kinda got nothing to do and want to become part of the project. It’s okay if you don’t want me to it’s just a suggestion…

  22. I want to help develop the game. Here are my main interests:
    1. world travel
    2. build in a block yard
    3. being able to see another player
    which one should I do and whats the files/programs used for it.

  23. Hate to bring up the past but… What would Raffa say if he saw all the improvements that happened? xD 😛

  24. My wiki now has a new, much smaller domain name. Enjoy!

  25. I have completely redone my wiki, added pics and made everything a bit more formal. Thanks

  26. So how does everyone like luHUB?

  27. Hey, check out my wiki’s Setup page, i put startreklover’s video for it in a widget! So you can view it from there!

  28. Hey CDFalcon !
    luHUB is a website for LUNI ?
    + Nice music. This website looks like a new LU page ;d
    Good Work 🙂

  29. Umm, it can be kinda stupid question but, LUNI will be playable in 80-90 % ( smashable objects, monsters, rocket traveling etc. ) at the end of 2015 ?

  30. I’m getting really excited about this project and I wish I could help, but I know so little about coding. If you guys have any applications for my graphic design skills, I’d be happy to help.
    I’m mostly into 3D renders but i usually can handle anything else.
    Here’s my page, so you can get an idea of what I do:

    • I’m glad you’re interested but the game is pretty much already made 😐 promotional graphics would be cool though, if you’d care to make some for LUNI. I saw your other LEGO renders and they looked pretty good!

  31. Hey Falcon, I love the LUHUB website you made! I hope you don’t mind me asking but what website or program did you use to make LUHUB? Im in the process of making my own website and I love the design and interface the LUHUB has and would like to make my website have a somewhat similar interface.

  32. Tim, I registered but I can’t figure out how to change my user photo.

  33. Hey ! on Lego Universe Now ( its a youtube channel ) i saw a Nimbus station playthrough….. he had NPC’s and few smashable objects and was playing by other character ( i can only choose cheeky monkey ) how he do that ?

  34. PROGRESS//
    Have found quite a few lvl 2 chestplates…
    Here is a link to my packet log. It has all my finds:
    (edited – see link below)

  35. So… i downloader server v5 before… ( i formatted my pc Q_Q )
    and now i need to download nexus client ?

  36. When will you launch the server?

  37. Hey everyone! pwjones, your file were contaminated 🙁 Spent like 2 hours getting rid of them. In other news, I have made a screenshot page for packets, to show you what they do.

  38. Hey Frustan, I know someone who could use your skills! Lego: Balance of Power! Look above under Video Games! They are making a game with Unity, and could use models(if they are still working)

  39. I’m not supposed to disclose anything from decoding with CDFalcon, but…. I will say today progress has been made! (Lots of it!)

  40. Can someone tell me how to change the checksums for the characters? or whatever I have to do to play on other worlds?

  41. For all you mac people I have a new discovery! (this might be with windows also) If your are having problems seeing NPCs in the nimbus station then i have a solution. The new Nexus client doesn’t let you see the NPCs at the nimbus station. Even thought its a mac client restored works the same but its better. you just download the audio files and then add them to your restored client then you can play with sound and NPCs! (before with my nexus client I didn’t have sound) So CDFalcon what did you do to make the nexus client?

    • What you just said. The npc’s are spawned by the server, not my client. You had your server configured incorrectly for the mac client.

      • Well I didn’t change the server but the client to old restored with sound files and I had npcs. So i think we should fix the Nexus client.

        • Lol, you don’t understand. The nexus client works perfectly. It is just new to the server, that’s all.

  42. I was going to livestream Nexus Tower on Sunday, if anyone is interested

  43. Here is a nice char built by RoboWarrior:

    Great work!

  44. I am looking for 1 or 2 more people to help decode packets, anyone interested? Me and RoboWarrior can’t do this alone! 😉

    • I’m up for it. I wanted to get involved with development since this whole projects started. (I will first need some beginners tips)

      • Perfect! Just make an account on wikispaces, the join my wiki(there should be a banner) Once that’s done, I will send you a LONG list of instructions!

      • Do you know how to change worlds? And have you ever used Visual Studios? As long as you know how to do those things the process is a lot easier, just a thought….

        Does take very long, so make sure you follow Falcon’s instructions on a day you have time.


    • i want to help!

      but i need beginners instructions aswell!

  45. I have made the official Logo, looks awesome, just let me touch up a few places and then post it.

  46. Ok. So two things.

    1. Where do I enter the numbers for the checksums?

    2. My game has no sound. I tried downloading the audio files but it didn’t work! 🙁

  47. I felt the other logo(Agreeing with TheNyJan) looked unfinished, here is the LUNI logo, at TimTech’s request, and I will work on the rebuilt team’s logo a bit more, and post it under here.

  48. I love that logo RoboWarrior! I like how the LUNI one has the Rebuilt one too, I like to think of LU: Rebuilt as a “branch” of LUNI…

  49. CDFalcon, will you make a tutorial how to change armors, face, outfit, etc. ? 🙂
    Please ;d

    • Mabye… Will have to decode more first.

    • It will crash your game, when you change armor and stuff.

      • It will crash my game ? :/ aww..
        If i can see……. there will be no LU, maybe in 2-3 years…
        it will take alot of time to decode everything, later they need to do a rocket traveling, mobs, npc’s, smashable objects, equiping items, character customizations etc…..
        they need more people to do that :/

        • I would actually say the full thing releases in late 2015 or early 2016, Mobs and NPC will be taken care of with a replica manager, along with smash able objects. Character customization and items is what I’m decoding right now, which I say all that is finished from anywhere from now, to mid 2015, which would be the BETA build. Rocket travelling is easy, it’s just an animation, but be also need a world switcher, and that’s not super easy.

          -Yes, we need more people.
          But I disagree, I believe mini figure customization and Mobs are *very hardly being worked on(I don’t want to say almost) The major thing that will hold the project back is quests, and AI knowledge.

  50. Hey Guys !
    I found something interesting on youtube.
    Remember that video on youtube ? (link removed)
    Look, he add new video on youtube :
    (link removed)
    Maybe he is really doing a LU server or anything ?

Comments are closed.