Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
Hey guys, I haven’t checked the site in a few weeks. Any big updates? And what’s this about a release next year?
Big updates? Nah. Stuff kind of turns to gossip when I leave for the night 😛
Not really. I just decided to pay $15 for the cheapest public server I could get, since no one donated 🙁 other than that, there’s nothing officially happening.
I don’t have a credit card… I have a debit card, but that’s for savings, I’m not fond of giving that out.
A cheap public server for LEGO Universe? Thank You TimTech!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas TimTech and StarTrekLover!
I hope you both have a Wondeful Christmas!
Also, Merry Christmas Everyone!
Also, I’m hoping one day…next year: LEGO Universe will reach it’s original state…(closely… 😉 Not the same because there are stuff that WILL not be in the game anymore… 😉 ).
Also, I’m hoping there will be travel-able worlds (with rockets) and creating your minfigure (when you sign in, not LEGO ID, possibly from this site), and using your minifigure to start from level 1 and complete missions and achievements and fight enemies. (Well, 0.6 will a few updates to the game, and a few to 0.7, so I/We wish LEGO Universe will be back to normal to it’s closely (not fully) original state.
Also, TimTech, When you will be releasing 0.6? because 0.5 is good but: Everything looks the same (like the Original LU) but some havn’t been implemented EG. Rockets. I hope they will be implemented soon…because I really want to start again from level 1, with my minifigure. And to be the same way…(We don’t the know…because the Devs are working on it and we need to wait and see….because they are implementing stuff from LU to LU Server. )
Yours Sincerely,
Also, to back it up: The Devs might implemented some stuff to the game, but some not. But, there will be room for improvments so next server they will add a feew more from the game.
We don’t know…All we know is: Hoping LU will be the same…well, closely not fully. And who knows? maybe in the game it would be the original! (except for logging in with your LEGO ID, well it’s possible. We just don’t know. )
So, Am I right TimTech and StarTrekLover?
And anyone too?
P.S. To back everything up. We don’t know what will be added, it could be like the Beta version LU, when some added. (Even though some didn’t been added, will be added in the next version).
That’s why I’m hoping for 2015, 0.6 will be released soon.
“it will not have your old characters from the game pre-shutdown, that data is i the hands of LEGO, assuming they didn’t throw it out. you can make your new character look like your old one once the patch is eventually released. the funny thing is, we don’t need to download any updates for stuff like that because we already have it! unless they start making new content (extremely unlikely) we wont need to download a thing after installing the launcher and game files.”
Wait…LEGO still got our old minifigures from pre-shutdown! (and if the devs brings it back, stealing from LEGO.).
Also, Creating a new character and using it? Yes! (but, we don’t know what server. Could be 0.6 or 0.7. Hopefully 0.6, due to you can’t use it in 0.5).
I’m hoping the project continues to make the game original (well, not exactly, but partly). Imagine that we use our accounts from this websites and we create a new character! and play like the original! (with same missions, NPCs, etc.).
But, we don’t know…when they be added. next server (possibly), the 0.7, etc. We just need to wait and see and be patient!
Also, the Devs will not add everything in one go! because, they need to add a few, then release it. Then if some hadn’t been added, will be added in the next server. Building up to be like the Original (partly original, not fully original 😉 )
Also, like TLG when they was developing LU, some stuff they add, Alpha. Some stuff added in Beta and the full version. Everything Added.
It will be “similar” like it. (Due to the Devs have the files to add the in-game stuff. E.G. Customizing your minifigure! when that feature comes 😉 )
EmmetBricksburg, They WONT add everything to the game, because its too difficult for only few peoples, LU never will be as the original….
When i came here, i also post few posts in a day, and asking ” WHEN LU WILL BE 100 % PLAYABLE ” ” WHEN THERE WILL BE A MONSTERS ? ” etc.
But now i understand, its too difficult for them, and we jut need wait and see …
No, they might add them! because, they might add access to all worlds (0.6 possibly). Enemies and stuff that is very hard, although, they’ll get there 😉 (because they have the files, but problem, slow progress. ).
Plus, you’ll never know! they could do it (progress takes time. eventually it will come!)
Well, I hope everything back to normal. Because I know slow progress to restoring everything (except same server public, LEGO ID signing in/up, Mythrans.). They are bringing back everything in the game! (hopefully).
It’s takes time! and slow progress and small team!
I’m pretty sure they will get there in the end…Promise everyone (and the Devs 😉 ) that! 😀
Maybe they will, maybe they wont.
No one know… all what we can do is waiting..
All what im waiting for is to fight an enemy, and creating our own minifigure 🙂
Maybe, if they will do that, more peoples will be interested in this project, so… someone could help them.
Yes Natsu, I agree. That’s what I’m explaining about! and that’s what I hope! creating your minifgure and enemies! (That’s the purpose of LU. Answer the call. Save Imagination. Also, using your imagination by building! also racing, missions, etc. ). They can be inplemented. If we can hire more Devs. More Devs. The more we will have LU Back. Everything (in-game not LEGO ID, LU Public Server and Mythrans). If we have more DEV Team!
That’s why if people interested of the project, we can rebuild LU. Forever. And continue the battle for Imagination! We want people (that never play LU) to enjoy! A massive community.
I’m waiting for: Creating character (sign in with your TimTech Software account), fight enemies, build (using my imagination, build wonderful creations), etc.
Maybe TimTech might do a video about LUNI to spread the word for LU Fans that want it back (because there are LU Fans that want the game back) and maybe one of them (if they good at IT) to help Rebuild LEGO Universe.
LEGO Universe is in Recovery. Re-building to it’s former glory!
Suggestion: Persuade people by creating a video and advertise. Telling them to join the project! and rebuild LU. Tell them, if they’re desperate and want the game back…it’s back. and it’s in recovery at the moment. Also, they can walk LU for now. See the memories that they been there before. Before the closing.
Also, someone might advertise at youtube. To join the DEVs (if they good at IT like TimTech) or play LU Server 5 and explore. Remembering how LU was…before the closing.
We must advertise at youtube, to tell LU Fans (because some wanting the game back).
More DEVs…We can speed up the progress and there will be: Create your minifigure, enemies, factions, etc.
Also, If we can have a bigger team (DEVs), we can bring back everything (well, not LEGO ID, LU Official Server from before, Mythrans.) only the in-game stuff.
We want the the battle for imagination to continue!
We need more DEVs…Everything will be added (The ones I mentioned, and NOT the ones coming back, look above). Then, The game will be back…to it’s former glory and LU shall rise again…The battle for imagination…will begin…again.
For LUNI’s new year resolution: More DEVS to speed up the progress.
Also, more team! so if they can’t be a DEV (because they not good at IT) then they can play the current server (0.5) and walk through the memories…of LU…(before the closing).
Also, Johnny Thunder! (I saw him! in Nimbus Station! But, you can’t get mission from him..yet. Until this feature comes back, but that’s if: We get more DEVs, it’s doesn’t matter they not good…but they will be our heroes…to bring back the in-game stuff. EVERYTHING! (for now not everything, everything would be if more Developers). Also, LU will be back…Rises…
“Maybe they will, maybe they wont.
No one know… all what we can do is waiting..
All what im waiting for is to fight an enemy, and creating our own minifigure 🙂
Maybe, if they will do that, more peoples will be interested in this project, so… someone could help them. “-Also, great idea! if the DEVs need help, maybe HIRE more DEVs! More DEVs…Speed up the progress. Wallah! One day…LEGO Universe will be back…it’s former glory, here’s the list that WILL be back!
1. Create your own Minifigure.
2. Travel all worlds.
3. Rockets.
4. etc. “The In-game stuff that WILL be brought back!” Also, enemies. To show the Maelstrom WE CAN DEFEAT YOU AND SAVE IMAGINATION! (because now they thinking, since LU closed, they may be thinking we are losers and they’re the winners! because we didn’t win to save imagination! We tried…we failed. But, TRY AGAIN!).
Some of them will be implemented and some not. We don’t know. In order to bring everything back (that I mentioned). We need MORE Devs and more people to walk around LU and play the game.
Also, stuff that cannot come back…
1. Sign in with LEGO ID.
2. LEGO Universe Official Public Server
3. Mythrans: They are Moderators that our Members of the LEGO Group/LEGO Universe Team.
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. “I Don’t think we can advertise LU, probably LEGO would bite back.”-I agree. LEGO would do it! (only if you don’t tell them we doing it to make money, then they will won’t do it) and plus it’s a great idea! because, maybe here’s a idea, when one day the game completed (or near completion after we hire more DEVs) we could pair up with the LEGO Group and advertise LUNI! (LEGO would be shocked that LU came back…). That would be great. And maybe we might hire more DEVs (fromTLG or former LU DEVs) then we can have updates! E.G. Frostburg! (Oh yes, that would be good since we only have that in 2010, 2011 cancelled due to closing). LEGO Maybe bite back (and be shocked that it’s returned after closing).
Also, TimTech said to me this: “Umm… a final version would be pretty much complete, but we could still have Mythrans to moderate the server. And everything would be free to play 😉 “. So, We might have Mythrans AGAIN! WHOO! (Great).
Also, TimTech, No Free 2 Play, we doesn’t want LU Closed again! No membership. (LEGO’s mistakes. 1. Adding Membership to LU and closing it).
Emmet, i know you are excited about this….. but can you STOP ?…..
10000 POSTS every hour
I agree please have a brake and merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Merry Christmas TimTech!
Merry Christmas to Everyone!
I know….because, My minifgure name is: TheNexusHero (I made it a couple of days ago) and looking forward when (hopefully) 1. More Devs (to bring back the in-game stuff and speed up progress) 2. He will be Sentinel! and member of The Nexus Force! He will be history! and be one of the LU Veterans!
LUNI’s New Year’s Resolution 2015: More Devs to speed up progress (How? by advertising on youtube. Posting a Unofficial trailer and that will persuade LU Fans! and there will be a choice: 1. Be a DEV. or 2. Play the game server 0.5).
So, if someone says enemies be in the game or weapons or so. (Also, Minifigure Creation) it will be in the game soon (If we have alot of DEVs to add them because there will be alot to add and alot of hard work, if someone wants to be DEV and help the team then the progress will be faster. Come on! WE CAN DO IT! For the Nexus Force! For LEGO Universe!).
Also, excited to use him when the feature comes out! 🙂 😀
My First LEGO Universe Minifigure: TheNexusHero: Future Member of the Nexus Force and Future Member of the Sentinels. For the Nexus Force! For the Sentinels! and For LEGO Universe!
Also, Sorry for posting alot 🙁 I’m just excited that’s all and can’t wait when (hopefully) when those features gets into the game (when we have alot of DEVs).
Well commenting a lot isn’t really going to help. I know what everyone wants but I don’t know how to add it. If I ever find out ways to do more it will be added in a server update (0.6).
Yes. I think if we going to bring back the in-game stuff I mentioned, we need to hire more DEVs and speed up progress)
Also, we could get more DEVs! and speed up the progress! if those in-game stuff want a return. Simple. That’s to clear some things up.
Also, The DEVs has the files? maybe it’s too differcult and struggling, I think we need more DEVs to speed up the progress.
Also, get more team.
Also, the person who done LU Enemy test is going one step further…soon he will be the first to bring back LU!
We must do something!
I know. We need more DEVs.
Resolution for 2015: More DEVs to speed up progress, so 0.6 can bring back those features. We could also ask LEGO for help?
Idea: Well, if you have the files, and things are getting harder (due to a small number of DEVs) we could get more DEVs.). Everything would be easier.
I know. Very hard because your Team is small. “The Small DEV Team”.
Ask LEGO for help?
So, LUNI Project…Abandoned? Probably. 🙁
Also, Here;s a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DwP9z6hSjo : Nexus Temple. A video by Final Builder (A Mythran, an employee) look at evidence: “Guys that a mythran a employee how he got back in I think he’s saving the game :D ” and another: “LU Modding” (from video comments).
Wait…maybe he could help us! because’s bringing back LU! TimTech and others look at the videos LU 2015. I think it’s returning…to it’s former glory (if he’s bringing back the game) so, Here’s a few things will be in LU 2015 when it comes back:
1. Spaceship (looks like)
2. Nexus Temple
3. Mythran Armour
So, He’s bringing back the game! and it’s true! He’s a Mythran! Employee!
We could hire him and he might help the DEVs to bring back LU and speed up progress! (because we need to hire him and hire more DEVs).
2015. The day LEGO Universe will come back. With Nexus Temple, Mythran Armour and Spaceship-like-thing.
He could help the DEVs to bring back everything! (Well, In-game stuff I mentioned in this section above).
Lol.. look at this Tim
He’s a Mythran! Employee. So, We could hire him (if we contact him) and he could help the DEVs, to speed up progress).
i dont think he will share his work to someone.
He’s possibly keeping it a secret. A Surprise for LU Fans?
Idea: ASK LEGO! They will tell you! 🙂 😀
It’s not their business anymore, they could care less
Looks like an unused world… maybe a place for a final boss battle? It looks like Crux Prime, so it might be the place from the cinematic, and they intended to use for a future patch.
Video #1: Takes place on the edge of Aura Mar, with the model for binoculars replaced with an unused Moonbase model (00576460752917054489.nif), and the sky changed to a Moonbase sky. The player model was replaced with the Mythran model. The jetpack model was removed and its particles made invisible, making it look like he’s flying without one.
Video #2: The player minifigure uses a texture for an unused NPC named Dizzy Dinkins with hands recolored to blue, and an unused Mythran head. Recorded in Nimbus Station, where the Nexus Tower launchpad usually is, with a daytime sky instead of night.
Video #3: Unused Nexus Temple models (env_won_wt_testobject1_ma.nif and env_won_wt_testobject2_dm.nif) put above the edge of the Ninjago Monastery battlefield (which is kept out of camera), and with the sky changed to the Starbase 3001 sky. Same play-as-Mythran setup as in video #1.
It’s mostly model replacing, and carefully selected camera angles to make sure the unmodified parts of the worlds never come into view enough to tell what they are. Everything you’ve seen in these videos so far exists in the game files.
Btw. that guy who has the video ” lu enemytest ”
wont share his work to anyone… look at his comments ;_;
We could get more DEVs? and maybe let’s have a race…Who could bring back LU First, him or us!
Also, The Mythran Guy saw us and him trying to bring back LEGO Universe, maybe he will?
Ask LEGO. About this guy. Because, he is a Mythran and usually Mythrans left LEGO Universe.
Anyone can edit the models to be a Mythran; the actual LEGO moderators aren’t Mythrans anymore due to the closure of the game.
We all want lego universe back, sadly none of us have the experience to make a big difference as far as helps the development of the actual server, so we all try to help in our own ways. Some make websites, some make YouTube channels, some fix broken pitchers, some make trailers for the game. And I agree with your list, I would like to have them back as well. But I have no real idea (my comments were optimistic wishful thinking, to be honest) if it will be that way. Personally i would be happy with just: rocket customization, pets, car customization, racing, and properties (with infinite pieces). I don’t know if that will happen, or if even one of those will happen. All we can do is wait.
Yes, what if we get more DEVs, by posting in youtube a unofficial trailer! because there’s still LU Fans out there who wants the game back! and yes, that would speed up progress and we could have the in-game stuff! E.G. Customization your minifigure, etc. It’s slow progress but if we get more DEVs, it could be added! and that Mythran guy, he might help us! (if not and can’t contact him, we hire more DEVs and get more team).
We can do it!
Also, look at this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCojogXlwgww5C3S0THh26QQ/about He suscribed LEGO! Hmm? He’s bringing back LEGO Universe!
Wait and minute…He probably saw LU Fans wanting the game back…So, He’s bringing back the game! but keeping it a secret!
Nexus Temple (from the Former Planet Crux that the four explorers went to find the Pure Imagination).
I think he’s LU Modding…Testing out the game…Also, new places!
1. Nexus Temple.
2. Spaceship
3. Mythran Armour.
They are upcoming to LEGO Universe…
Please look! and look at his videos!
And see the comments. He puts jibberish. Remains himself Anonymous.
He could help us…But, we need to find a way to contact that guy, maybe tell LEGO He’s working on LEGO Universe! Bringing it back! (because I think he probably saw all that “Bringing back LEGO Universe” and LUNI (maybe). So, He’s decided to bring it back.
It’s only gibberish for those who don’t understand the relationships between binary, hexadecimal, and ASCII. For example, the last video:
Video #1: Takes place on the edge of Aura Mar, with the model for binoculars replaced with an unused Moonbase model (00576460752917054489.nif), and the sky changed to a Moonbase sky. The player model was replaced with the Mythran model. The jetpack model was removed and its particles made invisible, making it look like he’s flying without one.
Video #2: The player minifigure uses a texture for an unused NPC named Dizzy Dinkins with hands recolored to blue, and an unused Mythran head. Recorded in Nimbus Station, where the Nexus Tower launchpad usually is, with a daytime sky instead of night.
Video #3: Unused Nexus Temple models (env_won_wt_testobject1_ma.nif and env_won_wt_testobject2_dm.nif) put above the edge of the Ninjago Monastery battlefield (which is kept out of camera), and with the sky changed to the Starbase 3001 sky. Same play-as-Mythran setup as in video #1.
It’s mostly model replacing, and carefully selected camera angles to make sure the unmodified parts of the worlds never come into view enough to tell what they are. Everything you’ve seen in these videos so far exists in the game files.
you see, that’s the problem, it’s not quite that simple. we can’t just “hire more devs” because it’s not our project. the dev team might be in one area, and our team could be starting miles behind, and we can’t make them work together, because the dev team are a bit reclusive towards newcomers. even if they did somehow work together, the hired devs would have zero experience with this custom server, and would have to learn before they started. there are more problems than there are benefits.
Hmm…Very Hard. So, We never GET IT DONE!
Ask LEGO about this Mythran guy? maybe he is trying to bring it back for LU Fans (and saw them wanting LU Back).
We could tell LEGO about him? and is a bringing back LU? because the evidence: “Nexus Temple”. (Which was in Planet Crux when the 4 explorers found it!)
He is being Anonymous…Trying not being seen….LEGO is planning to bring back LU? (Look at “about” and the suscribers.
Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCojogXlwgww5C3S0THh26QQ
They are real and they are coming to LEGO Universe….
So, LEGO…Didn’t got rid of the files? and wanted the game to come back next year?
ASK LEGO! they can explain!
They are fake (good editing skills however), so don’t put too much stock in them.
Hey Tim!
I have a question :3
When this project begin ? ( in what year? )
and, how it looks like at the begin ? ( from what was you starting ? )
Started in December 22nd. Project started in 2012?
I mean joined on the 22nd. Project started in 2012. (or 2013)
Also, in the subscribers: “LEGO” he subscribed LEGO because he is a employee. An Mythran. Maybe, Someone could email LEGO (TimTech because he got their official email, when he asked them he could do LUNI). Also, give evidence: Videos (3 links) and he subscribed LEGO!).
Also, Maybe…TimTech might asked LEGO and they might help him! Pair up together and bring back the game! and help the DEVs!) AND….LEGO could advertise LUNI! (which we can’t advertise, LEGO could help us).
There. Problem solved 😉
Also, LEGO Might bring back Former LU Team and they will be “LUNI Team”. And might bring back everything! (and yes, The Mythran guy will help).
After LEGO Universe restored. Nexus Temple (Upcoming World for LU releasing next year), Mythran Armour (Upcoming Armour for LU, realising next year) and another upcoming place for LU releasing next year. Hmmm? LEGO could help us!
1. Bring back the Official Public Server. (The same).
2. LEGO ID (sign in)
and everything!
So, TimTech. It could speed up progress! and it will work!
Also, “Final Builder” could be: He is the last Mythran! (only Mythran) that will Save LU! (Bring it Back, as LU Fans wanting the game back).
Well, Well, Well LEGO. Bringing LU Back? (Great! LEGO has made a mistake and probably the Mythran guy asked LEGO to bring it back…because LU Fans want it back!).
Hmm? LEGO’s secret: Bringing back LEGO Universe next year? Possibly. (Since that Mythran Guy is making more stuff for the game).
Also, he got back in LU! Look at what someone said: “Wait a sec that’s a mythran employe how he got back in?!” and another one someone said “Guys that a mythran a employee how he got back in I think he’s saving the game 😀 ”
So, He’s bringing back LEGO Universe….I think because he saw (in LEGO Message Boards, Facebook, Google+ and Youtube) that everyone wants the game back. And they missed the game.
Also, in LEGO Universe 2015 Nexus Tower video: He’s showing us about the lost world: Nexus Temple: Where the 4 explorers founded it (In Planet Crux) and this wa probably the last world…(every since planet crux exploded into smaller worlds).
I hope all those evidence useful! 😉
Also, He’s bringing back LU because 5 years of LEGO Universe! (2010-2015).
Also, More evidence: The Mythran person re-opened the game (since Mythrans have a power to do and say whatever they want!)
and he looks like the mythran in the picture! here’s link: http://legouniverse.wikia.com/wiki/Mythran
Also, Un-released place: Mythran Temple? because closing of LU? That Mythran is bringing it back! re-naming it as “Nexus Temple”. (You see Mythrans in the Temple, if you saw the video when he was reviewing it. And he re-named it to Nexus Temple formally Mythran Temple: Because has Mythrans at the sides of the walls, standing. The live there).
Bingo! All Evidence!
LEGO Universe is Returning next year! 🙂 😀
FinalBuilder is not a mythran. If you translate the hexadecimal into ASCII that is in the description of his video, this:
56 69 64 65 6f 20 23 31 3a 20 54 61 6b 65 73 20 70 6c 61 63 65 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 65 64 67 65 20 6f 66 20 41 75 72 61 20 4d 61 72 2c 20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65 20 6d 6f 64 65 6c 20 66 6f 72 20 62 69 6e 6f 63 75 6c 61 72 73 20 72 65 70 6c 61 63 65 64 20 77 69 74 68 20 61 6e 20 75 6e 75 73 65 64 20 4d 6f 6f 6e 62 61 73 65 20 6d 6f 64 65 6c 20 28 30 30 35 37 36 34 36 30 37 35 32 39 31 37 30 35 34 34 38 39 2e 6e 69 66 29 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 74 68 65 20 73 6b 79 20 63 68 61 6e 67 65 64 20 74 6f 20 61 20 4d 6f 6f 6e 62 61 73 65 20 73 6b 79 2e 20 54 68 65 20 70 6c 61 79 65 72 20 6d 6f 64 65 6c 20 77 61 73 20 72 65 70 6c 61 63 65 64 20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65 20 4d 79 74 68 72 61 6e 20 6d 6f 64 65 6c 2e 20 54 68 65 20 6a 65 74 70 61 63 6b 20 6d 6f 64 65 6c 20 77 61 73 20 72 65 6d 6f 76 65 64 20 61 6e 64 20 69 74 73 20 70 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65 73 20 6d 61 64 65 20 69 6e 76 69 73 69 62 6c 65 2c 20 6d 61 6b 69 6e 67 20 69 74 20 6c 6f 6f 6b 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 68 65 27 73 20 66 6c 79 69 6e 67 20 77 69 74 68 6f 75 74 20 6f 6e 65 2e 0d 0a 0d 0a 56 69 64 65 6f 20 23 32 3a 20 54 68 65 20 70 6c 61 79 65 72 20 6d 69 6e 69 66 69 67 75 72 65 20 75 73 65 73 20 61 20 74 65 78 74 75 72 65 20 66 6f 72 20 61 6e 20 75 6e 75 73 65 64 20 4e 50 43 20 6e 61 6d 65 64 20 44 69 7a 7a 79 20 44 69 6e 6b 69 6e 73 20 77 69 74 68 20 68 61 6e 64 73 20 72 65 63 6f 6c 6f 72 65 64 20 74 6f 20 62 6c 75 65 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 61 6e 20 75 6e 75 73 65 64 20 4d 79 74 68 72 61 6e 20 68 65 61 64 2e 20 52 65 63 6f 72 64 65 64 20 69 6e 20 4e 69 6d 62 75 73 20 53 74 61 74 69 6f 6e 2c 20 77 68 65 72 65 20 74 68 65 20 4e 65 78 75 73 20 54 6f 77 65 72 20 6c 61 75 6e 63 68 70 61 64 20 75 73 75 61 6c 6c 79 20 69 73 2c 20 77 69 74 68 20 61 20 64 61 79 74 69 6d 65 20 73 6b 79 20 69 6e 73 74 65 61 64 20 6f 66 20 6e 69 67 68 74 2e 0d 0a 0d 0a 56 69 64 65 6f 20 23 33 3a 20 55 6e 75 73 65 64 20 4e 65 78 75 73 20 54 65 6d 70 6c 65 20 6d 6f 64 65 6c 73 20 28 65 6e 76 5f 77 6f 6e 5f 77 74 5f 74 65 73 74 6f 62 6a 65 63 74 31 5f 6d 61 2e 6e 69 66 20 61 6e 64 20 65 6e 76 5f 77 6f 6e 5f 77 74 5f 74 65 73 74 6f 62 6a 65 63 74 32 5f 64 6d 2e 6e 69 66 29 20 70 75 74 20 61 62 6f 76 65 20 74 68 65 20 65 64 67 65 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 4e 69 6e 6a 61 67 6f 20 4d 6f 6e 61 73 74 65 72 79 20 62 61 74 74 6c 65 66 69 65 6c 64 20 28 77 68 69 63 68 20 69 73 20 6b 65 70 74 20 6f 75 74 20 6f 66 20 63 61 6d 65 72 61 29 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65 20 73 6b 79 20 63 68 61 6e 67 65 64 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 53 74 61 72 62 61 73 65 20 33 30 30 31 20 73 6b 79 2e 20 53 61 6d 65 20 70 6c 61 79 2d 61 73 2d 4d 79 74 68 72 61 6e 20 73 65 74 75 70 20 61 73 20 69 6e 20 76 69 64 65 6f 20 23 31 2e 0d 0a 0d 0a 49 74 27 73 20 6d 6f 73 74 6c 79 20 6d 6f 64 65 6c 20 72 65 70 6c 61 63 69 6e 67 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 63 61 72 65 66 75 6c 6c 79 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74 65 64 20 63 61 6d 65 72 61 20 61 6e 67 6c 65 73 20 74 6f 20 6d 61 6b 65 20 73 75 72 65 20 74 68 65 20 75 6e 6d 6f 64 69 66 69 65 64 20 70 61 72 74 73 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 73 20 6e 65 76 65 72 20 63 6f 6d 65 20 69 6e 74 6f 20 76 69 65 77 20 65 6e 6f 75 67 68 20 74 6f 20 74 65 6c 6c 20 77 68 61 74 20 74 68 65 79 20 61 72 65 2e 20 45 76 65 72 79 74 68 69 6e 67 20 79 6f 75 27 76 65 20 73 65 65 6e 20 69 6e 20 74 68 65 73 65 20 76 69 64 65 6f 73 20 73 6f 20 66 61 72 20 65 78 69 73 74 73 20 69 6e 20 74 68 65 20 67 61 6d 65 20 66 69 6c 65 73 2e
translates to this:
Video #1: Takes place on the edge of Aura Mar, with the model for binoculars replaced with an unused Moonbase model (00576460752917054489.nif), and the sky changed to a Moonbase sky. The player model was replaced with the Mythran model. The jetpack model was removed and its particles made invisible, making it look like he's flying without one.
Video #2: The player minifigure uses a texture for an unused NPC named Dizzy Dinkins with hands recolored to blue, and an unused Mythran head. Recorded in Nimbus Station, where the Nexus Tower launchpad usually is, with a daytime sky instead of night.
Video #3: Unused Nexus Temple models (env_won_wt_testobject1_ma.nif and env_won_wt_testobject2_dm.nif) put above the edge of the Ninjago Monastery battlefield (which is kept out of camera), and with the sky changed to the Starbase 3001 sky. Same play-as-Mythran setup as in video #1.
It's mostly model replacing, and carefully selected camera angles to make sure the unmodified parts of the worlds never come into view enough to tell what they are. Everything you've seen in these videos so far exists in the game files.
Basically, all he is doing is editing the client. He has no working server set up.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Oops. Sorry 🙁
LEGO Universe will never return it it’s former glory. (Because people would play it and then not happy because no missions, your own character, etc.).
Also, Slow Progress. We will never reach LU it’s former glory 🙁
We have the files…but it’s hard to bring the in-game stuff to the game 🙁
We’re failed bringing back LU! People will play 0.5 server and will not play it anymore because no NPCs, Missions, the in-game stuff, etc.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
LUNI is done, we failed.
LU is closed down for good! (LEGO was right all along!).
LEGO Universe is just history! Never recovered….The Battle for Imagination: We will never win: The Nexus Force. Maelstrom Won. Well done Darkitect (Formally Baron Typhonus) you and your Maelstrom won! You’ve beaten The Nexus Force!
The Nexus Force tried to Save Imagination…but failed 🙁 Maelstrom won…
All worlds Abandoned…Forever. And let the Maelstrom take over the LEGO Universe.
🙁 LEGO Universe: 2010-2012: “LEGO Universe Closed down for good and it will never return” 🙁
Future LEGO Universe Fans will never get to play the game…It’s gone, It’s HISTORY!
The End. Bye Bye. Goodbye LEGO Universe! Gone for good! 🙁
Also, TimTech, you could ask LEGO for help? if you’re stuck with the “Bringing Back LEGO Universe Thing”.
Well, Goodbye LUNI: End of Project 🙁
LEGO has made the BIGGEST Mistake EVER! Here’s a reason:
If someone didn’t sugested Free 2 Play (Membership), LEGO Universe would be fine! it would never been closed!
Before the closing announced: We should buy membership (if we love LU).
Also, LEGO would keep it on (instead of closing the game down), they should get rid of the membership and everything would be back to normal!).
Also, look what he said!
“Take a look at my server, then take a look at yours. No progress, eh?
One day, when everything is as good as it’ll get, there may be some public server that springs up. But for now, when very little works, and even less is done, it’s not going to happen. Of course, my server will be the only one out there with worlds like Earth Gauntlet, so.. 🙂
I don’t want people to beg; I posted my Earth Gauntlet video so people could finally see the world. I didn’t hoard the world for myself like people advised me to. I showed the world it. You would’ve never seen the world if not for me.”
Well, he knows how to code character customize and Enemies!
LUNI is done. Finished. HE IS THE WINNER! Well done. 🙁
Ah! No! LUNI is not yet dead :). The devs are working hard on it right now, but it may not include everything the original had. Just be patient :). It’ll come (although a little different)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Nah. Hope. They all won’t come! Codings are hard, people want to plau this legendary game 🙁
look what neal said: “There’s literally nothing to do in-game, so really, you’re not missing anything. (no enemies, not all worlds load correctly, just about no NPCs, etc)” <—-They won't be never added. LU Fans will never play this legendary game.
and look another one!
“Really, there’s nothing to do in-game. Only walk around. But anyway, with the LUNI server, I left the project because of the guy who runs it. Claimed it was all his when he did almost no work on it, rigged the vote for a new leader so that he’d win, etc. He screwed the project so I walked off.”-Neal Spellman.
” Same. Well obviously there isn’t much there, as you can see in my videos. It’s just going to a world alone. You don’t understand, do you? The server right now has NO way of making multiplayer, because we don’t know how to dynamically generate them. We can’t save player movement, can’t change gear, nothing. None of this will happen without plenty of other systems being implemented and that’s not ever going to come from the LUNI Server, due to its’ leadership and the scattering of its’ members. This is probably as far as the project will get, while the scattered members develop privately. There are no packets in the .pk files, those are the pack files that host the game’s files. Packets would’ve had to been captured during LU’s live period. There’s no way to get more now. (unless you capture what your own game is sending, which isn’t the most helpful)”
LUNI is gone…History.
Tried to recover LU…Failed. (Thanks Niel).
Also, what stuff 0.6 will have? None. Zilch! Nothing!
WHen releasing? Never.
What stuff adding it? Tell me?
Also, look what Niel said!
“LUNI Server was doing just fine until TimTech came along, you do realize that, right? He’s the reason all this escalated. I’m not helping someone who ultimately was one of the biggest factors in driving the project into the ground.
Oh yes, one world, how long will that appease you for? A few weeks? All people want is more; you have a semi-working server, what more do you want? Enjoy what you’ve got.”
People will want more added “In-game stuff” E.G. Missions, Character Creation, etc.
Never happen.
Ask the DEVs what 0.6 will have?
Also, another from Niel: “1) I tried to keep it in a state that the developers could work on it without being bombarded by users who only wanted to play around with an unfinished/barely working server.
2) Technically it was open source before TimTech. We went closed source with it because we wanted to stop what was happening (users flooding on, screaming for “when will enemies be ready” or “when will NPCs and missions be done”, as none of this was going to happen anytime soon and still is at a very basic state). TimTech has done 0 for the project, as expected, and released no true updates to the code nor improved upon it. What’s there is because of the LUNI Server team (Humanoid, lcdr, pwjones, and Darwin being the real contributors here), not TimTech’s petty crusade for site views.”
People wanted NPCs, missions, The in-game stuff!
LUNI is gone…LU Gone.
Never get to play with my first LU Character: TheNexusHero (Created my name a couple of days ago).
“+LU Lover Oh, I’d love to share, but only with those who prove themselves capable of doing actual work and not stealing it. :) “
Niel doesn’t want to share because he can prove himself he can. He do actual work 🙁
Bye LUNI! 🙁
What 0.6 be? when be released?
What LEGO Universe Server 0.6 will have? Could you tell me the things the DEVs are working on for 0.6?
and When LEGO Universe Server 0.6 will be released in 2015?
Okay Emmet, I see you are frustrated. However, Neal’s a bit mad now that no one really comes to him and watches his videos – his “progress” isn’t anything. Also, if you look in the LUNI server you will see the customly made “TSoft” library that LUNI depends on to run. You won’t find this in any build of Neal’s (unless he copied it of course); it was created to supply basic necessary functionality to the server.
Why? How do you know? He told you now?
Also, sorry for posting alot 🙁
Could you an this account.
I never be welcome to keep this account anymore… 🙁
Don’t take offense to this, but you shouldn’t post so much…
They are working on replica manager. We don’t know when it’s coming out, and we don’t know any specifics about what they have done and what they are doing. They are keeping it a secret because they are afraid of being badgered with questions on how to do things and when things are coming out. So, basically they are afraid of people spamming, asking for what’s coming next and for specific release dates.
Sorry 🙁
TimTech should be this account and I will never use it again 🙁
End of! 🙁 🙂
Can TimTech ban this account?
And all of this won’t happen again…;)
I create a new account when the usernames and passwords feature gets released (so we can create our minifgure and use it)
Emmet, this guy isn’t working on replica i think…
He had the monsters, but they didnt fight back… its a 0 progress, because…… i think you can do it on this server too.. just editing something.. ( idk, i never try to do that )
Here, peoples are working on replica manager, like the robowarrior said…
Yes. coding…(TLG knew how…Let’s hope the DEVs figure this out 😉 )
Natsu is right… Neal’s basically trying to do the same thing he accuses me of, to attract views etc., because he knows without new progress no one will visit.
This is why he edits the already existent packets (e.g. Nimbus Station spawn area) to spawn different NPCs. I encourage you to do this:
1. Check the code! There’s a “TSoft” library for a reason!
2. Go to Nimbus Station and smash some trash cans, then edit the packets to make them be sent in a different world, spawn a different NPC ID, etc. to make smashable spider queen, maelstrom, etc. Although it looks cool, without a Replica Manager it cannot be expanded and implemented in a way necessary for integration with MySQL (which is how accounts/characters are/will be stored for multiplayer).
Nah. No thanks. I’ll wait when it’s implemented, same as the worlds. because I don’t want any spoilers (such as watching videos of LU).
Because, When the game finish, I will have a adventure and go to all the worlds by rocket 😉
So, The DEVs are working on Enemies in Replica Manager? LEGO-Tastic! 🙂 😀
Emmet, again XD
No one know what will be in the ” 0,6 ” version… There may be alot, and there can be only few things.. no one know that i think
YAY! Let’s wait and see! 🙂
What would be your minifigure name?
mine will be: TheNexusHero (Created the username)
O.6 will have half alot…and the other half havn’t been implemented yet…will be implemented soon.
It’s a working progress, small team, slow progress. 😉
We hope LEGO Universe will be completed soon 😉 (and be back to normal: “The in-game stuff” NOT LEGO ID and Old LU public Server). Mythrans will be there (when it’s completed). TimTech told me 😉
Once the game done, everything (hopefully) would be in the game. We might ask LEGO to advertise it.
Now, it’s a working progress. The in-game stuff that in 0.5 that hasn’t been implemented soon, will be added soon. LU Fans will love it again (if one day the game will be restored and completed. I hope LEGO like it too 😉 ).
Idk what will be my minifigure name 😛
i’ll think about it XD
I know! if you’re unsure, go toLU 0.5 character creation and choose your minifigure’s name! and tell me what his name 😉
i dont have it on my pc now
There will be alot 😉
Packets being implemented: NPCs, Missions, etc, Usernames and Passwords, registration (to create your account: LU Account not LEGO ID), everything will be implemented to the game. Except Multiplayer.
That would be: The First Stable Build. And if you subscribed to LUHub, you will be notified to test LU! 🙂
Also, Instead we use “VS, Server and Client” we will use the launcher. 🙂 When that will happen? Next Year. Possibly Summer. (If they implement everything and still work on Multiplayer and working on when we host eachother servers.).
Please ban this account. 🙁
Sorry for posting alot 🙁
*Leaves and hopefully account will get BANNED* 🙁
I wouldn’t ban you, as you have done nothing wrong. I can, however, require all of your comments to be held in moderation before they are posted. It will encourage you to write bigger, more accurate posts at a lesser volume 😉
Ok. Thank You TimTech!
Hey Jon002, someone already know how to change minifigures gears ?
Packet editing works very easily (at least for the character select screen), not sure about in-game though (never tried that).
Can you/or someone try to change it in-game ? 🙂
It will be cool, if we will be able to change it in game 😀
In-game doesn’t work, again because there is no Replica Manager. This means no dynamic packet construction, which means packets have to be edited manually, before the server is launched (or at least before the connection is established).
Will that feature released soon? when the game completed?
That’s why you need REPLICA MANAGER! 😛
Sorry for posting alot TimTech and StarTrekLover 🙁
Please ban my account and I will never be welcome to have a account again! 🙁
*Leaves Officially and hopefully account be Banned*
End of!
No more: POSTING ALOT! (Just carried away and excited 🙂 )
Or did you banned this account TimTech? because two comments saying “Your comment is awaiting moderation”
Yes, your comments must await moderation. It’s not a ban.
Thank You TimTech!
I’m Innocent! I haven’t done something wrong!
Why am I included with timtech? I’m no where near his experience with these things. I’m just a guy with a YouTube channel. If anything include jon002 with Tim 🙂 also, Jon is your picture the tenth doctor? It looks like him but it’s too small for me to tell for absolute certainty.
Yep! He’s probably my favorite out of the ninth through twelfth.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Tennant is my favorite too. With how goofy he is with his oversimplistic childish explanations (ex. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, machine that goes ‘ding’, etc etc)
Agreed :P. Tennant is amazing at playing the Doctor. I was so sad to see him leave 🙁
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Dear TimTech,
I’m going to wait for LEGO Universe Server 0.6 gets released next year 🙂 because I can find out what’s been implemented and improvements from 0.5 😉
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. How do you change your picture? 😕 🙁
Go to gravatar.com and create an account with the same e-mail you use here.
What is SSL? and why you are planning to add SSL?
It’s a Secure Sockets Layer, and I’ll be using it to get a unique IPv4 address, among other things.
Thanks for the Information TimTech! 🙂 😀
SSL because I saw that you can’t access your website because it was blocked, correct?
No, it’s to obtain a unique IPv4 address.
So, security to protect the site from spammers, hackers, etc. 🙂
Hey timtech, what is that ” ssl ” ?
SSL Adds extra security to a website. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. All it does is establish a encrypted link between the server and the client. Usually the web server and the browser.
Hope that doesn’t sound to geeky for you! :/
Hey Tim, I’d be willing to contribute some of my time to help, what is needed to build a replica manager? I’ve been self taught in code for a few years now, but I’m not sure what you’re coding/creating the replica manager with. So… Yeah.. I can’t guarantee I’d be helpful, but I could possibly help. 🙂
Ok, Great! We need all the help we can get. What you can first do (as I would recommend) is download the 0.5 server from here:
Link: http://timtechsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/luniserver.zip
Just take your time getting familiar with the code. Basically it is a C++ server built on top of MySQL and RakNet (http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/)
Next, what you may want to do is look over the documentation on RakNet’s Replica Manager 3. It may be slightly different (as it is suited for the latest RakNet version, and we are using RakNet 3.25) but it should be, for the most part, very similar. Just familiarize yourself with that, and then begin to try to implement it into the server. Unfortunately, I don’t have a download link of the packets, so that may be a bit hard…. I can try to upload them later, but for now, just get familiar with the code of the LUNIServer 🙂
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Oh nice! Well, I am working on stuff right now. I don’t feel like I am getting anywhere though. ;(
0.5 is missing sound files, if that is any hindrance to you. Nexus original client has all the MAC and PC sound files.
0.5 is a server. It is the client that has the sound or not!
heres 5$ 😉
Well it will be delayed 🙁 “Funds availability is when we delay the availability of funds for 21 days. This is a common industry practice that we implement to ensure a safe environment for buyers and sellers.” Thanks a lot though! That means by next month a new public server with low bandwidth can be hosted once I get $10 more.
How much for the Public Server? Also, Before we get the Public Server, we need to complete LEGO Universe because some stuff in the game hasn’t been implemented (E.G. 0.5 Server). Also, Character Creation is almost done (as I saw in the LUHub news 😉 ) and bringing back Usernames and Passwords I saw (still developing: In LUHub developing progress).
Yours Sincerely,
Dear TimTech,
I’m waiting for an reply from TheNyJan (because he posted saying that he will answer as soon as possible.). (In LUHub).
Is it just me or LUHub discussion is abandoned? because no one posted there since yesterday 🙁
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. If you wanted to see my replies look in: LUHub discussion forum 😉
Everytime i try to open legouniverse_mac.exe an error displays (stlport.5.2.dll is missing) how do I fix this ?
btw i installed Visual Studio express 2013 and i changed all the files
I don’t get it…
Why does jamesster, nealybealy, and other LU YouTubers hate us?
… Don’t mind me, the completely relevant guy.. I’m already bigger than Neal subscriber-wise.
Oh yeah! Your YouTube is great man! Even though you may have more then NealyBealy… Jamesster still has more then all of us small LU YouTuber’s. And he already said he hates us. (Mainly Timtech ‘Cause he said he stole LUNI.) WHY DOES EVERYBODY FAMOUS HATE TIMTECH AND LOVE RAFFA?!?!
Where does Jamesster say he hates us?
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Why they hate us?
Jamesster doesn’t hate us, he just prefers to not be involved with the “drama” in this project
Yeah, I don’t think he wants to be involved.
Jamesster should join our team! because we are bringing LU back!
He should be grateful we’re bringing back LU!
Tim , I really need your help … I loved this game but this error keeps showing up 🙁
Looks like Jon002 replied to your other comment with a fix.
Tim meine Güte ich bin echt verzweifelt … hast du echt keine Idee wie man das beheben kann ?? Ich hab mehrere Stunde damit verbracht dieses Problem zu beheben aber ich finde nichts .. nochmal hier der Fehler : Das Programm kann nicht gestartet werden,da stlport.5.2.dll auf dem Computer fehlt.Installieren Sie das Programm erneut,um das Problem zu beheben.
Ah! You can download the file from here: http://timtechsoftware.com/lu/LEGO%20Universe/Mac/client/stlport.5.2.dll and place it in the /client folder
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Dude you saved my live
But now everytime I try to open it, it closes
reinstall it i had the same problem
Jon002, Your Minifigure in LEGO Universe was “jon002”. And he was paradox. 🙂
When LEGO Universe completed. Will you create him again? and we could be friends?
Sure! Definately. Paradox was my favorite faction (it was awesome!)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Dear Jon002,
Could we be LU Friends? and I add you in the game? (When LU completed, because there’s loads of stuff to be implemented! saw it in the LUHub, Development Page 😉 )
My favorite faction was the assembly, because I’m a constructive person 🙂 and because I wanted doc-oc arms, which I never got 🙁 the game shut down before I saved up the faction tokens. Oh well.
Dear Jon002,
Your LEGO ID is: BionicleJaller and In-game name: Jon002 (like your WordPress Account).
“Hi, this is Jon002. I am a Rank 1-2-3 Space Marauder, Rank 1-2-3 Sorcerer, and Rank 1-2-3 Shinobi in LU. I also have all the Recolored Space Marauder gear. I am full Bone, Full Bot, Full Imagination Spinjitzu, Full Bat Lord, and full Jester. My in-game name is Jon002. Right now my friend list if full so I won’t be able to have friend requests at the moment. Please see my Talk Page for other stuff. I have fought every named enemy. Also, I finally took a photo of Talli Reeko.”-BionicleJaller, LEGO Universe Wikia.
When LEGO Universe project completed. Will you create him again? and could we be friends in LEGO Universe?
Yours Sincerely,
Dear TimTech,
I saw that Jon002 has remade the launcher! and hopefully released next year! here’s evidence:
“Alright everyone, good news! I managed to get the patcher to download all necessary files, so now it loads to 100% and allows you to play!!!!! However, it only loads the files necessary to start the game, so I am currently compressing some of the extracted PK files and will upload those as well.
Also, Mac users, even better news: IT WORKS FOR YOU TOO!!! In fact, I just fresh-installed LEGO Universe and used the patcher to download my files, and it works!
Here are some images to confirm (these were taken on a mac 🙂 )
Last thing, I have tested this on both PC and Mac, so what I will do is upload the files pretty soon (it’ll take a little while to do…). When I’m done, I will upload the DMG and EXE installers for LEGO Universe, and allow users to play quickly and easily. Stay tuned!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
So, the update will be: We will play easily by getting up the launcher. 😉 (instead of getting up client and server liek o.5 😉 ).
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. I saw there’s pets and rockets! so some is implemented (like some worlds we can access by rocket). But it’s a work in progress (as I saw in LUHub development progress. ).
Umm, the launcher already works… I have a page for it here.
Although, did TheNyJan created the launcher and Jon002 helped? and he shows us the launcher. Also, the launcher is in the wiki (the link in “TheNyJan”.
He created the launcher but Jon002 shows it to us.
No… TheNyJan created luHUB and Jon002 edited the official installer/launcher.
How do you get the launcher? You can’t because I only see PK Files to download. 🙁
Please help and explain to me how to get the launcher! 🙂
So, Launcher is in PK Files???? 😕
Can you still use Visual Studios? and LU Server?
It isn’t in the .pk files, and it just installs the client. You would still need the server with VS2013 to play past the title screen.
Dear TimTech,
In LUHub, Dev Progress, I know what stuff the DEVs are working on and what stuff they done. The 3 steps. Once they completed (Almost complete, because Multiplayer hasn’t been completed yet!). We can test out LEGO Universe (singleplayer but everything will be implemented) till Multiplayer comes out! then LEGO Universe will be completed! (2015/2016) LU Almost Complete (2015). Also, I’m invited to test out LU! (when everything implemented to the game, except Multiplayer, that would be late 2015/2016). Also, there won’t be “sever and client like 0.5” because we will have the launcher! (which Jon002 posted it in November, looks brilliant! but still not finished). Also, we can create a account, create out minifigure and play LEGO Universe like before! (but in Singleplayer).
I’m so super excited to test out LEGO Universe!
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. Ignore the above post. 🙂
We don’t know, they might do that, but they might not. We have to wait and see.
It’s true. Don’t believe me, look in LUHub, Dev Progress (Development progress), it will show you what the DEVs done and what they need to do 😉
and it will be added because TheNyJan told me yesterday that LEGO Universe will come back as like the original (but not LEGO Servers, they closed in 2012), but everything will come back to the game. And this project, he said in the comments that LUNi, LU: REBUILT and LUHub will bring back the same exact experience that we had before the closing.
Don’t believe me? Go to the comments, scroll down and you’ll see people liek TheAssemblyDude mentions about “Will it be original like the old one?”.
And I will be testing LU when the first stable build comes out (that would be when everything will be implemented to the game, except Multiplayer. That would take long….that’s why there’s alot to be added! but some added like pets and access to all worlds (Launcher).
They can do it! They have the packets (E.G. NPCs, Missions and everything).
No, they don’t.
So, they are playing around with it until they know how to add the packets? 😕
Basically, yes. You are posting too many comments, by the way… and I’m having to mark most of them as spam. Could you calm down a bit?
Sorry for posting alot 🙁
I’m just excited! 🙂
I dare you to ban EmmetBricksburg and me. and delete all our posts. Deal? and I will never go here again!
Can’t join, Can’t post here. Ban me 🙁
Dear TimTech,
Also, maybe we could hire LEGO Universe Partners (LUPs) and they could join our team! (when the game is almost finished and multiplayer is still being working on by DEVs). Maybe, they might finish the multiplayer and they might help us to update the game! add more worlds, missions, etc. Also, the unreleased worlds! 😀
Yours Sincerely,
We tried contacting a few, and none can help.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0ee-36u08g That link is someone touring the Happy Flower! How did that person got it? Illegally?
Also, Maybe we could use it to make more worlds, missions, etc. Only if we get LUPs to join our team 😉 (Well, if we make more worlds, missions, etc. After we complete LU and it’s fully restored. We can’t make new worlds, missions, etc. Only if we ask permission with LEGO to get it 😉 )
Looks like a LEGO Universe partner.
Everytime I open the launcher/patcher it shows this message : Error cannot find any availble servers Please try again later
I started both server and changed all the details
So you’re doing it with XAMPP? Maybe downloading the client and server directly would be easier. (Unless you’re on Mac…)
anyone know who this is? I bet he is a troll but still everyone check him out. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCojogXlwgww5C3S0THh26QQ
We talked about him about a week ago.
He is a modder
He isn’t. He is NOT a Mythran!
Mythrans are taking a long holiday! and they won’t come back. No more blue mythrans! 🙁
can we get this guy to help us?
No, what he’s doing is editing the packets of the LUNI worlds. Read my comment on the video.
Hi guys!
Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile… Christmas and Minecraft pe server building has gotten most of my attention right now.
Okay, the reason for this post is that I have one question:
I am fine with waiting for the devs to build the server. And even if they don’t, we have done some great work. But here is my question:
So luni needs is replica manager right? That allows all the packets to work!
But… We have the packets. We have most of them decoded(thanks pwjones)
So… Once the replica is ready, let’s use them. These packets hold the future of Lego Universe! Think about it.
They can spawn enemies… Change players… Even place models(aka terraform worlds)
What I’m saying is, even now, we can change Lego Universe! We can use all models that are already implanted in LUNI if we can figure out what part of the packets do the terraforming(which we may already know) Then we can do it!
This is JUST a thought! I am pretty sure this will work, but I could be wrong…
I get what your saying, but the problem is none of us can make a replica manager
The packets are the npcs, player items, equipment, smashables, quickbuilds, cars, rockets, everything. Replica manager basically tells which packets to activate and change at said point automatically. The problem is they don’t know what the packets contain, so they are currently messing with the packets to see what they do. Once they know that, they can make replica manager do it automatically at a certain command (ex. Shift)
So, Those stuff can be implemented to the game!
They can do it!
Once they been added, username and passwords implemented, character creation. That would be the first stable build. Then (if you subcribed to LUHub newsletter), you will be notified to play LEGO Universe! (singleplayer but that would change soon because while we play LU like the original E.G. Packets implemented and U/name and P/word implemented and registration, etc. 3 steps in LUHub DEV Progress completed, the DEVs will work on Multiplayer (Official Multiplayer Server) and host eachother servers (that would be finished Late 2015/2016).
And The packets be implemented to the game!
We don’t have captures of any more packets.
Dear CDFalcon,
I hope that with those packets (E.G. Missions), you figure them out and implement them to the game! I know you and the DEVs can! because I saw in LUHub, Development Progress, that you have alot to do! E.G. Adding Functuallity, E.G. NPCs, Missions, Everything. You got them…but I hope the DEVs can figure out to add them to the game!
If TheNyJan (hopefully) be out of hospital, he could help! and he told me that LU will be like the original (with the packets implemented to the game. E.G. NPCs and everything!). He said to me it’s hard work. I know. Because there’s not a big DEV team but I hope you will add them! so that LU will have everything implemented to the game! E.G. NPCs, Enemies, etc. Those packets will be implemented to LU, there’s alot to do because I saw in DEV progress. But, by summer, Packets will be added 😉 and all those three steps be done 😉 (except multiplayer, so when 3 steps completed, Packets added to the game, First Build (People can test the game), while we play LU (singleplayer), DEVs will work on Multiplayer. This will be finish Late 2015/2016. Approx.).
Once this all done! The Nexus Force can fight back the Maelstrom! The Battle for Imagination will resume…Answer the call and Save Imagination!
We can restore LEGO Universe! and fight back the Maelstrom! Show them that we didn’t lose the war….and failed saving imagination, because the war hadn’t ended…:) 😀 😉
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. Goodluck! 🙂 😀 😉 I know you and the DEVs can do it! You can restore LEGO Universe! I’m counting on you and the DEVs! 🙂 😀 😉
Yes, but a replica manager is not needed for the models already loaded.
Think about it like this: CheekyMonkey can be played with a jet pack, because the packets not only tell that CheekyMonkey gets a jet pack, but that he can use it because pwjones used it while he was recording the packets! So the server knows what it does because the packets know how to use it. For models, they have already been loaded, like the faction shops of Nimbus Station, so the game knows how to use them…
A replica manager is ONLY needed to load the objects that CheekyMonkey and gang DIDNT have equipped or models that weren’t in the worlds they explored.
So, you can’t add those packets to the game? or you are playing around with it until you know how to implement them.
Also, I wish we can create our own minifigures and start from venture explorer! and everything will be implemented to the game! VIA REPLICA MANANGER.
That would be hard…but I’m happy that you are working on it! 😀
Not necessarily to load the objects, but to make them interactive and to remember where they are.
How does TheNyJan’s launcher works? with the server and client?
Please help. 🙁
Not sure; it basically downloads the server and client.
Launcher has server and client together?
Not together, but you can choose to download them both.
I’m sorry if I’m a little out of topic but I saw posting about the patcher and I really want to see it running again so can anyone make a video tutorial about it because I try it myself and it is…. pretty much difficult!? 🙂
Have you read the installer page?
Dear TimTech!
Oh no! I saw NearlyBearly (Niel Spellman) was on Happy Flower! How did he download it?
Here’s link http://legouniverse.wikia.com/wiki/Happy_Flower and scroll down to pictures and third picture to the right and see he was on it! “NPC named after him”!.
He’s in trouble with LEGO! (they will tell him off!)
and I think he is creating NPCs and bringing back LU via Happy Flower!
WE’RE DOOMED! (He asked LEGO permission to use it). That’s why nobody watches his videos! wanting to revive LU! Via Happy Flower!
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. Report to LEGO!
It is fake. See this as well: http://i.stack.imgur.com/H8gbP.png
That’s replica Manager? (The picture)
No, it’s Happy Flower. And it’s just as fake as Neal’s pic.
Wait, whaaaa?
What’s this?
Okay, so what I am saying is that a Replica Manager is
A: Needed to place REPLICAS of models.
B: Needed to place models not already loaded…
We have almost all models(thanks pwjones), so I’m not saying we place NEW models, only that we MOVE OLD MODELS!
Here is my reasoning: CheekyMonkey… What a nice guy(lol)
He can go anywhere in LU… Wait… ANYWHERE???
Which means, either pwjones flew CheekyMoneky over ever spare inch of ground… Or he can move by himself(ding-ding-ding, WINNER)
There for, the models should be able to move them selves too.
But the thing is…
Does anybody anywhere know how to code the replica manager? Including the people developing it?
Btw, Tim(the username, not TimTech)
Just in case you thought you were fooling use 😉
See? CD Falcon, I wish TimTech ban emmet bricksburg and me and block all posts. “as “spam” so YOU DON’T SEE IT!
I wasn’t pretending I was TimTech!
Yes, I know.
I know why you said “We know you are EmmetBricksburg” because the picture and posting alot!
I got rid of EmmetBricksburg! (By changing the Password “Jibberish” so I would forgot it.).
Everyone treating me like “I’m the bad guy like the Maelstrom” well, so you don’t want me to play LU? and join the Nexus Force and pick my faction?
and if I login my LU account, maybe TimTech would delete it or BAN it. So that I will never play LU again!
So, Yeah. That’s what TimTech would do. won’t let me post here and treat me like I’m bad like Maelstrom. Yeah. Maybe I should be like the Maelstrom and everyone won’t let me play LU.
(Psst. Maybe I might join the Maelstrom, if there was a deature that you can destroy the Nexus Force and corrupt Imagination).
I mean “feature” not Deature”.
I don’t think he was trying to fool us, was he? Huh, I just figured he wanted the name “Tim” instead.
It’s because I muted the Emmet account. I knew it was him as well, but now I’m getting close to 100 pending comments by him per day and I’ll have to mute him by something other than his name.
Dear TimTech,
Please Ban me. Delete all posts from EmmetBricksburg (and delete him). And delete all my posts!
Also, I will never go here again. Can’t post anymore.
Also, once you’ve done that. You can email me: TimDuran2006@aol.co.uk
To tell me you”ve done it! 🙂
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. If there’s any news of LU, you can email me from now on… 🙂
Can’t stand! “Posting too much” because I was excited…That’s all. 🙂
P.P.S. Why you guys treating me bad? TimTech (blaming me saying I spammed. I was not in trouble!) and CDFalcon (thinking that I was pretending to be TimTech and fool everyone).
I was grateful that LU is coming back. When I was “posting alot” I was just excited. That’s all. 🙂
TimTech, I’m ready to be banned. Ban EmmetBricksburg, block his posts and mine. (Or my posts).
I can’t even post here anymore. Better be forgotten and everyone hates me. “For commenting alot and being bad”.
P.P.P.S. I can’t see the posts that are “Marked by spam” and it wasn;’t. It was “excitement”. Not Spam.
Also, Everyone hates me and don’t want me here because I don’t belong here. And thinking that I shouldn’t be in the LEGO Universe Community.
Also, Do you agree what I said? (10 posts above).
Yeah, I don’t hate you, I can tell you’re exited about this project, just as much or more so as me. But you comment way too much. A good way to restrict posting so much is to proofread what you post. You can then take away stuff you don’t find necessary and add more, so that rather than posting a ton of little comments you can post one or two large comments daily.