LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (166)

  1. Hey guys, It’s been awhile since I’ve last been here. Anything happening? Any Progress happening?

  2. Yeah, I get you were excited, I mean I want to play LEGO Universe right now too. But, we just have to be patient. Haste makes waste. And we need to wait for things to slowly come out.

  3. Yeah Right, When i Download The Cilent Or the Recommended Its Been Saying 22 Hours 10 Hours 11 Hours 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 15 Days [censored] is this [censored] Can Anywon Tell me How to make it Fast Better Easier and Lower D;

  4. WowowowowowowWOW!
    Slow down emit!!!
    I meant that as a joke, NOT as in I dislike you. You don’t need to be banned either. You just need to combine your posts into big ones…

  5. Also, TimTech, your website is glitched… My comments are all over place, instead of replying to just one comment…

  6. HappyAngryCatfish December 30, 2014 @ 10:59 PM

    Ah the drama LU brings about. 😛 Any news on the project haven’t been following too closely lately. As for the Neal stuff I’d always recommend ignoring Neal he’s a lame ego tripper whose dying for his online fame he used to have.

  7. Tim Tech I did everything right then when I went into the LUNI server. Just as I was about to open Lego universe It closed I tried to open it again however it turned into an non open-able file called .pdb I am using the client before nex 1.0. Can someone lend a hand ?

  8. Happy new years!!!!!!! We are a year closer to getting Lego Universe back.

  9. hey guys I found this while searching through the internet:

    • That looks like… yep. That Autodesk Maya. A program used for animation and modeling. I know because I use this program for minecraft/lego/video game animations. It probably is a plugin for the program. And sadly… I was probably just used for modeling and animation purposes. So, it wouldn’t help with a server. 🙁

      Good find though. 😀

      P.S. Oh look, NealyBealy has commented on the video. |-(

  10. I wonder what Lego Universe would be like if it never closed.

  11. What’s the replica manager?

    • From what I’ve heard this is how I think it works:

      So, the server already has all the data it needs. That’s right! All of it. So, here’s the catch, the server doesn’t have the code that saves packets to the server. So, when you try to equip an item, the code’ s there! But the server doesn’t know how to save it to your system. It also tells the server where to save packets, where to find saved packets, and is just needed to make LEGO Universe, like LEGO Universe.

      Hope this is a good explanation, and I hope it’s accurate. 🙂

      • The client already has all the data it needs; the server doesn’t. It does have a few more packets than you’re seeing used right now, though. It already comes with the packet captures in its files, but we can’t dynamically construct (change) the packets to make different stuff happen. The packet is just some data that is sent to the client or vice versa. We’re not so concerned with the packets being sent to the client (although we do need to understand what they mean), but more about making packets that we don’t even know exist (or at least how to use them).

  12. Hey tim long time no see 😀 Anyways, I was wandering any luck on support for mac and what is the file I run again and with that file can I run it with a program called wine?

  13. xXLegoCrafterXx January 2, 2015 @ 7:11 AM

    Hey TimTech!

    You have an YT Channel right? can you make every week one Video? like what you did and etc… it’s just an idea ^^ you don’t have to do this 😛

  14. So, any luck on enemy’s? Will there even ever be enemy’s?

  15. Kittyjumpyphone January 2, 2015 @ 2:31 PM

    Tim I cannot reply to your past comment so I will reply here.
    For some reason it still wont work I tried running it. and It denied it ( You know the we failed to sign you into lego universe )

    • You’ve installed Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop and are running the server?

      • Kittyjumpyphone January 3, 2015 @ 5:12 PM

        Yes I have Visul Studio 2013 Empress for Desktop and I started the exe and it wont sign me in

        • Make sure the server’s config.ini has redirect_ip=localhost and in the client’s boot.cfg that AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost, and PATCHSERVERIP=0:,

          • Kittyjumpyphone January 4, 2015 @ 6:37 AM

            Where is the config.ini I only got the client file,The installer file,The versions file and the Patcher

          • The “config.ini” file is part of the server. When you download the server and go to the Debug folder inside the filesystem, there is a file called config.ini that details all necessary information for the server to run (such as IP Address, ports, etc.)

            Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

  16. Hey TimTech 🙂
    You said: “You can spawn them, but not interact with them currently.” ( Monsters, ofc. )
    So.. that mean, we can spawn them, but they wont fight back, and we wont be able to ” destroy ” them ?
    (emm, can you tell me how to spawn them ? 🙂 pls. I would be VERY grateful)

    • Yes, you’re right. You have to change the ID of the NPC in the spawn packet (try editing with Notepad++’s HEX Editor plugin or a similar Hex editor software).

  17. Hey guys, out of curiosity I went to the SourceForge site of LUNI. But there was something that surprised me on commit [0a290b]:

    Raffa wrote this on the comment,

    change world in game using command: !goto worldid (example: !goto 1000);

    Is this possible on his server and not ours?!?

    • It’s a cheap addition, something commented out in his build. You can basically do it like this in WorldLoop.cpp:

      auto msg = ReadChatMessage(packet);
      OutputQueue->Insert( "\nChatted: " + msg + "\n" );
      if (packet->length >= 10 ) LookupCode(packet->data + packet->length - 10);
      auto tokens = split(msg, " ");
      if (tokens[0] == "!goto"){
      uchar zone;
      stringstream s(tokens[1]);
      s >> zone;
      auto reply = PacketManager::GetWorldLoadPacket((ZoneId)zone);
      auto reply = OpenPacket(".\\world\\gruntmonkey\\char_aw2.bin");;
      ServerSendPacket(rakServer, reply, packet->systemAddress);
      • Oh, with a string split:

        vector split(string s, const string& delim){
        const char *p;
        vector r;
        char* context = NULL;
        for (p = strtok_s((char*), ",", &context); p; p = strtok_s(NULL,, &context)){
        return r;
  18. Are you guys working on hosting a server that all players can connect to? and does all the normal questing work in the game is it like the normal lego universe? if not whats left? will it finally be like the normal lego universe was?

    • I’m raising funds for a public server (see News + Updates). Unfortunately, questing is not implemented (yet?) and it will probably never be the same as the original LEGO Universe servers.

  19. Dear TimTech,
    Thank you so much for recreating my childhood memories for me. After some trial and error, I finally got the TimTech version of LU to work for me, and even without the enemies and missions, the nostalgia kicked in. So, again, thank you for that.

    After getting comfortable with the server, I decided to play around with the servers and files to see if I could go into certain worlds. I tried editing CheekyMonkey’s char_aw2.bin file to match that of Avant Gardens, and after installing HEX Editor and Notepad++ and altering it, I tried it. It worked fine up until it finished loading, to which it replied with “Your game assets don’t match the server. Please logout and try again.” Please help, because I don’t want to break the game!

    NOTE: This is a repeated question, but only because I want it on the main page to be responded to faster. You may delete the copy on the Question and Answer page if you like.

    • Okay, so have you changed only the world ID? It sounds like you haven’t changed the checksum yet; you’ll need to do that as well.

      • What exactly is the checksum? Your Q & A page didn’t specify

        • Say you’re changing to the Venture Explorer. e8 03 is the world ID and 7c 08 b8 20 is the checksum.

          • I changed it. One thing to note is that the loading screen displays the original destination, but the server displays the actual destination. Once it finishes loading, it displays the error message.

          • Nevermind, it worked. Thank you TimTech!

          • Great, glad it works! The part about the name being different when it loads is that you have the option to additionally modify char_aw2.bin in the character folder in addition to the world folder to make the destination correct while loading. It’s not necessary, which is why it’s not part of the tutorial 😉

  20. Congrats, first donation!!!!

  21. is there any way i can adver. like on MC Servers?
    You never know, LU fans might be out there!

    • You could, but most server owners wouldn’t appreciate it. Besides, many people feel that advertising on somewhat unrelated games or websites degrades the quality of a project. It’s up to you, but I don’t think there’s enough LU fans out there to warrant advertising on MC.

  22. Can anyone upload a torrent of this? I’ve tried and failed to download this 7 times now.

  23. xXLegoCrafterXx January 4, 2015 @ 6:49 PM

    Hey TimTech it’s me again 😀

    I have two questions

    1. can You add something? like new items Monsters or something Else and the 2. question is when can we Probably Quest together and Fight together?(Multiplayer)

    Ps: is this not much easier to recreate it? so just copy everything… i mean this work is gonna be mich funnier and easier 😀 (Bad englisch i Know 😛 (came from German))

    • We can’t copy anything from the LEGO servers because they were shut down. Anything we make server-wise is from scratch.

      • xXLegoCrafterXx January 6, 2015 @ 7:36 AM

        So all datas are they… You (we) Yust have to “find” them.

        and what are with player Accounts? i mean there somewhere Saved huh?

  24. Have any idea until char. Cust.?

  25. 15 per month…15×12 is 180 now I know why LU closed

  26. Donated $5 Tim! I really hope your efforts pay off. A public server will be great for the community, and once you get a dedicated IP, I can edit my patcher to where you really only have two steps to do and then you can download and play LU.

    Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

  27. So… What’s the estimated time for completion. By completion I mean working servers, monster/player interaction, and working users with saved customizable characters.

  28. Timtech, you’re working now on … ?
    And…. in a 3-4 months minifigure creation will be available ? ( to create your own minifigure, and use it. )

  29. Kittyjumpyphone January 5, 2015 @ 4:30 PM

    TimTech will you be replying to my last comment ?

    • Jon002 replied to it, and it sounds like you still need to download the server files. Try server version 0.5.

      • Kittyjumpyphone January 6, 2015 @ 9:13 AM

        That’s the problem I have the files but all the important ones changed into different file types after I edited Config.

  30. Also Tim, what exactly does the scrypt miner do?

    Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

    • Mines any coins that use a scrypt algorithm. Litecoin is the most notable one, with Dogecoin being somewhat well-known (but of less worth) as well. Litecoins are worth about $2.07 right now.

  31. In NS spawn area there is some passive NPCs, can this be expanded to (possibly) cover
    the entire map?

    (nexus jay, the vendors, the crate guy, ETC)

  32. When i play there are no mobs/creatures

  33. And Also how do i join the main server

  34. In your old posts you said your focus was restoring access to all worlds, you’ve done that.
    now are you focusing on the replica manager? or maybe the public server?
    (PS: Im learning c++ so i can help!)

    • The public server is being worked on; however, users will not be able to interact with each other. Its main purpose is so users can try out the public server before hosting one on their own computer.

      • So when are we going to be able to use custom minifigs? Where is that on your to do list?

        • I noticed that the server recognises that someone wants to create figure and all it requires it seems is authentication and then putting the figure into the SQL database or however you plan on storing it. That can’t be that hard to do surely.

          • Yes, storing the bytes would be the easy part. It’s allowing you to play with said character, and loading them up at the character selection screen that is currently the hard part.

  35. What is replica manager ?

  36. Hey,everythings works fine but… when this little running minifigure disappears , I am stuck with a white screen (but with the LU cursor)

  37. xXLegoCrafterXx January 7, 2015 @ 2:35 PM

    Oh Gosh… i don’t know whats wrong yet… everything is fine but i can’t log me in… i use the latest version… so nexus2 and 0.5… at config the ip is “localhost” so what is wrong?

    • So


      in the client and in the server


      (that’s in the config.ini)

      • xXLegoCrafterXx January 9, 2015 @ 8:57 AM

        Hm…. still not working… i thing it’s because i have windows 8.1 and it says the download is a bit damaged… so i’ll try it again

        • Try a different browser; I know Chrome has some issues downloading big files. Additionally, I changed the IP of the site and added SSL which may have caused downtimes and breaks in any download you had.

          • i tried a different browser but thats every time the same damaged files. , are damaged… (nexus2)

  38. 18 dollers…..HOW?

  39. When are you hosting the Official LUNI server (AKA the test-the-thing-out server?)
    you said 15 USD would host it for 1 month, and magicly you have 18, so you can host the server!
    (PS: is a public server the same thing as hosting a private one 24/7?)

  40. JetSlickCyclone January 7, 2015 @ 8:45 PM

    Huge lego universe fan! Sad to see it go but thanks to some amazing programmers who are determined to bring it back, we just might have our lego universe again! Btw, I know my username looks kiddish but that’s the same name I had for my only lego universe character. I was apart of the assembly, level 38, favorite world was Crux Prime. Thanks again LUNI server programmers!

  41. Kittyjumpyphone January 8, 2015 @ 4:08 PM

    Anybody going to reply to my last comment ?

  42. Does anybody know how i could fix this ??? :

  43. By a while do you mean years? or months

  44. Tim, do you get alot of spam comments on your site? Because I just started mine and I’ve already had 4 or 5!

  45. Timtech, how do you make progress on LU and why do you think it will take a year to complete? If it is simply waiting for people with knowledge to come along; can we hire someone or get in touch with lego etc? We could finish this project ASAP! 😛

  46. I was looking around in luni server files, hoping to find something of use, (unextracted)
    And i found this, a BIN file called the Test, i can run it, is it…a a….replica manager test?
    Or a rocket test?
    Oh my!

  47. As soon as I found out about this, I almost cried. Happy crying, of course.

  48. Are you ever going to add enemies? If so, when?

    • I would, but it’ll have to wait till there is a working replica manager which is not going to turn out anytime soon, unfortunately.

  49. Hey timtech is your script miner running?

  50. I forgot my password and username is there anyway I could make a new one

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