Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
What I want to do is get the mythran commands, This could allow us to spawn enemies, go to different worlds in game, and do stuff we were not able to do before!
other commands here: http://legouniverse.wikia.com/wiki/Macro_Code
Oh yeah that would be so cool 😀
Timtech, would you send me the script miner? And I am assuming it is for litecoins?
Also, can you send me it’s source? I’ve been wanting to look at one of these to make sure they won’t harm my old hard drive… And is it for mac? Just send me a PM via my wiki.
The source tarball for pooler’s cpuminer (which this is built on top of) can be downloaded here and used to verify the integrity of my miner with the checksum. The .bat can be viewed with Right-Click > Edit. It can be for Mac, but I haven’t built those versions yet. (Since pooler’s miner can be on Mac then I assume my few additions can be ported as well).
For Windows 32 and 64 bit systems, you can download the appropriate .zip here:
Note that these do not run when idle, only when executed.
What will the replica manager do? if 2/3ds of the pkts are encrypted,
what will a replica manager do?
Only 1/3 of the packets are decrypted. A Replica Manager will dynamically construct and send packets as well as manage multiple entities’ positions and other statistics.
So, the packets can work in Replica Manager and implement them to the game! YAY!
LEGO Universe: Fully restored! 🙂
TimTech When do you think is the LU Ultimate Public Server finish?
Tim may have his own opinions but I think it maybe (almost) by late this year, early next year. But, the server may run into problems at any time. The server will never be “Finished” because we don’t have the files NetDevil or LEGO had and LEGO won’t give it to us! (I actaully asked! 3 seperate times for a bit of information, help, or code concerning a server!) But, we may get fairly close. But…
There is no knowing!
Between 2015 and never.
Dear TimTech,
How to use the Launcher? I used it last time (on Windows 8 PC) but it doesn’t comes up as the launcher (comes up like the server). Do you download Nexus 2 file and server file, and server client and client in the files? E.G. Client in Client file and Server in Server file) Does that work? (because you need the server and client).
Yours Sincerely,
TheNyJan’s launcher 0.1.1 and 0.1 here.
Thanks TimTech! 🙂 😀
I can’t 🙁 Done it but accidently deleted the files and can’t do it!
I prefer Jon002’s launcher 🙁
Dear TimTech,
I found this: Gamebryo. Here’s evidence: “Guys, I was wondering. Would it work if we imported the assets and created a server in the Gamebryo engine? (Gamebryo is the engine LU was coded in. 😉 )”
and this: “Well, gamebryo isn’t owned by LEGO or NetDevil. All we need to do is IMPORT the assets and create a server in the engine.”
So, maybe if the Developers use it, so the progress will speed up and we can fully restore LEGO Universe! 🙂 😀 So, we can have: Character Customization, NPCs, Enemies, Missions, etc. Everything implemented from the game! 🙂 😀
Yours Sincerely,
“Would you like to help support LU by running it in your computer’s spare time?” Yes! Can I TimTech? I love LU! 😀
Also, (last comment: 4): LEGO Universe Now you said: “I’m not making it, the devs are. I can link their website if you want” Yes, link please? because I can see what they up too 😉 Thanks 😉
Unfortunately raffa has deleted the remains of the development forums, and has covered up all original discussions.
He does not want our project to succeed.
Emmit, the website I was reffering to was their sourceforge website. They have no development discussions (publicly avalible anyways) but you can see them discuss trivial things and quite frequently bicker about Tim.
Even those have been deleted, as raffa “upgraded” his forums.
Okay, you can mine your computer by extracting the .zip file downloadable from here and running the .bat file after it has been extracted. You can do this on multiple computers.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way – we have already done the work of restoring the client. The server is what remains to be developed, and it doesn’t work that way, unfortunately.
TimTech, I think we will fail restoring LU 🙁
While ToonTown is restored and Pirates Online 🙁 (Yup. Even says in wikipedia that they have been restored by fans of the game)
Ignore this post 😉 look below 😉
Hey, if we give up that easily we’ll never make it. Don’t be so pessimistic =D
Not really POTCO never made it passed walking around worlds.
Tim, what’s the ” Scrypt Miner ” ? 🙂
Dear TimTech,
In LUNI Server Forum, I saw this: http://luniserver.sourceforge.net/forum2/index.php?topic=93.0 and http://jsfiddle.net/Sim533/d6EDJ/1/show/
What is this? The packets! That contains: NPCs, Missions, Achievements, Models, etc. They could fully restore LEGO Universe! Also, in LUHub: Developers’ progress: “Add functuallity (server) which the Devs implement the packets (that contain: NPCs, Enemies, Missions, Achievments, Models, Gear, etc. Everything.) and CDFalcon told us (Dec/Nov 2014) that the Devs have the packets and are figuring out a way to implement them!and what the packets contain! and CDFalcon is right, the packets holds the future of LEGO Universe 😉
Thank You Developers!
Yours Sincerely,
LEGOUniverse: Bob
Thanks, but we know the IDs of the NPCs. It’s dynamic packet contruction and managing entities that is the hard part.
But, they are playing around with and because they don’t know what they doNt know what the packets contain 🙂
I agree because the Developers don’t know what they contain! E.G. Does the NPC has a mission or not. (I know because saw it in the LUNI Forum: objects 😉 ).
I hope they will be implemented soon!
We don’t must to think how Lego make the Server or Netdevil. We must think how the GameEngine work with the server I think Netdevil don’t make every scripts in his mind we must show how many things work with this GameEngine what want this GameEngine from the server… I test to make a Server with the GameEngine from LU…
Hey timtech. I am getting a new computer tomorrow, and i am going to try and fix my public server… Do you want to have mine as an overflow server? I will fund it. This way we can host more people at one time.
Sure, I will probably receive the $18 from PayPal this week, and then I can start up mine again, on the old schedule.
You all can remind I have upload the scripts from LU because I have extract the .pks what is then we download Gamebryo and paste the srcripts in the GameEngine so we can see what the GameEngine need for a server or we make a new server that work with all the scripts where are in LU… NetDevil certainly have make the Game first and after that have make the Server for the Game or?
Great, unfortunately the .pk files are part of the client and can’t be made into a server.
You’re right but if we put the scripts into the GameEngine Gamebryo and rebuild the Game with all the .pks that we have extract so we become a some diffrent game how LU but we now what we need for the server from the GameEngine or not? What the Server must do because the server is the controll and the Client has all the datas…
Even if we did that, we would be going into the LU client source code. Which is against COPYRIGHT LAW! So, we can’t do it. 🙁
You don’t make the Game new you start the data what is then you extract the .pks with Gamebryo and show what the client want from the server that is not COPYRIGHT LAW!
Well, I think even RoboWarrior tried that and it didn’t work. And also contacted Gamebryo, no help. Plus, even though we have permission from The LEGO Group to make a server, those .pk’s hold assets that are still owned by LEGO. So, we would really be editing LU source. And that is against the law.
Not trying to be a downer, its just the truth.
Yeah, I tried, they didn’t even care to respond
I’ve been sick( 🙁 ), could somebody please fill me in on what is happening.
I have perfectly installed and entered the game, I was wondering if you can delete/make a new character. I tried but nothing happened, just wanted to know if it was actually possible. Thanks
You can delete and create, but it will not be saved. Sorry.
Hey guys! I got my new computer, so i am going to try to rebuild my public server! I will post later today if it works!
Hi there! I have followed all the steps on how to get this working but when I try to sign into the game, it says ” We could not sign you in to Lego Universe.” This is probably a easy fix but i can’t figure out what it is.
What version server and client are you using? Also, did you remember to run the server? (that happens to me all the time, hehe)
I downloaded the nexus client #2 and Server 0.5 and I’m pretty sure I’m running the server.
To run the server, run Debug\LUNI Server.exe. You need Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop to do so – if you don’t have it, then you’re not running the server.
Yes, I’ve been running that. And the game is in nexus2\client\legouniverse.exe right?
Will visual studio 2013 with update 4 (90 day free trial) run the server?
It should. By the way, if the trial runs out you can still run the server.
will visual studio 2013 ultimate 90 day free trial launch the server?
Hey Pwjones, by any chance do you have any updates on the current progress of the LUNIServer (since its the new year)?
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Jon002, Are you still figuring a way to add the packets? (and the Dev team too?)
I mess around with the packets at times, but the real development is still being done in secret by humanoid and lcdr (from pwjones’ last report). I’m not necessarily great at C++ (I work MUCH better in Objective-C and Swift) but I do know a little bit. But everything the devs have figured out, they are keeping to themselves right now.
But do not fear! They are still working on it as we speak. They may seem to be silent, but they are hard at work getting a release out (hopefully) later this year (I just want pwjones to back me on that 🙂 ). But I believe that its coming along :). The community is preparing, and the project is not dead. The RM should (most likely) be pretty easy to add to the server, the question is mainly, “how do we make it dynamically create the packets”, which also really isn’t terribly hard, save for the fact that when raffa split from the project and the devs went to work in secret they didn’t have all the necessary info to create the CORRECT packets, although from one of pwjones’ earlier posts they are figuring out more info each week!
So, in summary, basically I believe adding the ReplicaManager and dynamically creating packets isn’t the hard part: its know WHAT to put in the packets that is the hard part. But since humanoid and lcdr are working away from everyone, I have not been able to update what I know about the contents of each packet.
Hopefully this clears some things up :). The server is not dead! It’s only a matter of time before we can re-enter the Universe!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
When are they considering to release the work with the replica manager?
I hope there’s a release date…because we’re all waiting to return to LEGO Universe….(With our NEW Characters…)
No “release date”, sorry 🙁
Also, Jon002 here’s evidence: “We wait… It’s not implemented yet. I have no fixes for that, what you see is what you get for the moment. All we can do is patiently wait for them to release a new version with more stuff :/” So, the packets the Devs working on it and then add the replica manager (so everything will work such as: Enemy interaction and equip/dequip gear, etc.).
Also, The next update will have: Everything implemented to the game! with a working replica manager! (so everything work).
So, later on this year, the next update will have everything implemented to the game! (except LEGO ID and LEGO Servers) but overall: It’s great!
Also, look: “BUT I CANT EQUIP NOTHING” and this: “Well, not yet anyways. We have to wait for replica manager to be implemented.” so to back it all up: The Devs are working on the packets and the equip/dequip gear, weapons, etc.
Also, Jon002: The Devs have the packets: E.G. NPCs, Enemies, Missions, Achievements, Rockets, etc. Everything. here’s the link: http://jsfiddle.net/Sim533/d6EDJ/1/show/ <—-Those packets contain the future of LEGO Universe and to restore fully the game. and Humanoid and Icdr is working away the packets.
Also, you mentioned about the hard part is what to add? Well, it's sorta easy because if you are going to add NPCs, Enemies, Missions, etc. Eveything to the game, you firstly implement them and implement replica manager in the game (to make everything work: E.G. Enemy interaction-Fight back and kill you-lose your health, etc, Equip/dequip, etc.
So, the Devs are almost done implementing the packets? (because Humanoid and ICDR) is working away 😉 ).
So, the last to implement is the NPCs, because they need to know: What they contain? E.G. Do they have missions? or no missions? Also, implement them to the right world!
I hope they will be finish soon…and tell us the release date because soon we will create our character and start from Venture Explorer. And be recuited to the Nexus Force! and push back the Maelstrom! and Save Imagination! Also, Build Imagination! (With our Models and bricks, also pets).
Also, Jon002: The packets that contains NPCs, Enemies, Missions (with NPCs, as NPCs give out the Missions), Achievments, Rockets, Everything. As this link: http://jsfiddle.net/Sim533/d6EDJ/1/show/ <—-Shows the packets. Also, Well done Humanoid and Icdr and the Developers that they figured out the packets and making them work in Replica Manager and implementing them to the game! 🙂 😀 😉
Soon, the Developers will be done and (hopefully) they will tell us the release date! 🙂 😀
Finally, We can login with our account (LEGO Universe Account: NOT LEGO ID!), Create our Character and start him/her on the Venture Explorer! and We will be together! (because TimTech's Public Server!)
Sorry Bob, those aren’t packets but rather IDs for objects.
Also, TimTech: THE DEVS HAVE FIGURED OUT THE PACKETS! YES! That’s great because they hold the future of LEGO Universe!
Also, now they need help to figure out a way to implement the NPCs! and implement them last!
I try and see what they are doing from time to time. Work gets in the way 🙁 They are still working on the Replica Manager, trying to get the login to create its own packets and not used pre-made ones, and quite a few other things.
Ah! Ok, cool! Have they figured out anything big at all? I assumed that packet creation wasn’t a big deal, but I guess that it’s a little harder than it seems… Are they closer to being able to create a character and start him on the VE?
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I hope so 🙂 *Fingers-Crossed*
Let’s wait for his reply 🙂 *Waits patiently* 🙂
I believe they have everything in place to create/save characters and start a new one in VE. I have not tested it but the source code seems to have that implemented.
Neat! That’s actually pretty cool! Is it possible to load the NPCs of the VE? I just am trying to get a visual of the progress they’ve made… But great progress!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Thanks PWJones! 🙂
That’s great progress from the Devs! 🙂 Now, we can create our characters and start from Venture Explorer! 🙂 😀
But, I have a question: Will you release it as “LEGO Universe Server 0.6”? because to update the downloads (because since it’s the New Year, we should have a update on the server, so we can download it). Also, We can play and start on the Venture Explorer wih our own characters! But, there’s a problem: How will you escape the ship? because: 1. You need to unlock your imagination! (from Bob). 2. Skylane Mission(s) (Get rocket parts and create your rocket).
Have a nice day! 🙂 😀
I’m having an issue where when I try and type in a gibberish username/password and click sign in, it says “Connecting to world” then for a brief instant, says “Enter nickname/password and hit “Sign In” to continue” then returns to the login screen.
I’m almost certain I did everything right to setup both the server and client,
when I attempt to login, the server seems to acknowledge that I’m trying to do so and does not say anything about errors or failing to connect.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
Nexus 2 and server 0.5? What are your client’s boot.cfg’s AUTHSERVERIP and PATCHSERVERIP?
How can I help this project?
Donating. You can also develop if you know C++, or make tutorial videos and similar content.
Okay guys, sorry about not posting yesterday… I am installing windows on my mac, and will see if the server runs!
Sweet! 😀
You are dual-booting, right? No use in losing the Mac OS 😉
Need help! I can only enter with cheeky monkey and I can’t change weapons or armor
You always play as CheekyMonkey (the guy with the jetpack) and you can’t change weapons/armor either. It’s just choosing different characters that takes you to different worlds.
How you can download Gamebryo? Or can become Gamebryo?
youmust buy it
How and where???
I download vs 2013 now what do i do with it i opend luni packet scout cs with it then what? im confused heeeelp :C
You don’t need LUNI Packet Scout, only the client “Nexus 2” and server “0.5” with the VS2013.
ok i download the luni file now what do i open with vs2013 i dont see anything called 0.5 anywhere so what now?
Okay, my ports are forwarded, and windows is installed. I will do detailed testing today…
Incase anyone didn’t notice, this(and timtechs) server will help MAC users finally play!
pwjones, how are you contacting the devs… email? Or are they hiding out at some other website 😉
Yes, I plan to boot mine up this week.
Half in response to: Patric Riedel comment. You can get GameBryo for free! I don’t know how it will help out with the project, but, who knows.
GameBryo free:
It’s not free mate, they evaluate whether your cause is worthy, trust me, it does not work. I’ve tried once to many times.
Hey guys, my server won’t work… Same prob as last time, can’t get past world loading.
If you are feeling down about this project, I would recommend launching LUNI and playing Nimbus Station… Makes you feel better 🙂
You have 0.5? Try a fresh copy. Also see your server’s redirect_ip=xxxxxxxx where the xxxxxxxx needs to be your external IP address.
Yea, I know. I already tried both… I have no clue what is wrong.
All four ports forwarded?
You try it on your PC, maybe its my wifi?
Sure, I’m getting those funds this week.
“Sure, I’m getting those funds this week.”
TimTech, you are openining up your server to add to the game? Yes! Thank You! now we all can be together like before! (Yes, and create our character and start at Venture Explorer!)
Maelstrom, We’re coming after you!
You may won the Battle for Imagination after LEGO Universe closed….but no. The war isn’t over yet…Why? because we’re continueing….Our new characters are recruiting/Joining the Nexus Force to Save Imagination and push back the Maelstrom!
Unfortunately, Bob, this is just a public host of 0.5 so users can try it out before installing Visual Studio and running the server for themselves.
I really appreciate the project you guys are doing. Lego Universe was a great game for me. I wondered if you guys might need programmers to develop the game. I do not know any programming as of right now, but I have the opportunity to learn a language and if you guys could tell me what you use, I might be able to learn that language and try to help.
Thanks again for your efforts!
The server is programmed in C++. Perhaps you could benefit the project, or at least try to 😉 Any work is beneficial, but currently we need a replica manager to manage NPCs.
Alright, I guess I’ll start learning C++ then! I would love to help. Does the position you referred to mean making the NPCs work as NPCs? I’m not very knowledgeable in these areas.
Legos for the Universe!
I have just discovered that my brother is knowledgeable in C++, and would like to help the project. If you could send specific information on what you want to my email, I will pass it along to him.
Legos for the Universe
Sure! Basically what the developers are working on is dynamic packet construction with implementing RakNet’s ReplicaManager into the server.
You can read about the ReplicaManager3 here:
You can also look around through the manual here:
Link: http://www.raknet.net/raknet/manual/
As well as read on creating and sending packets here:
Link 1: http://www.raknet.net/raknet/manual/networkmessages.html
Link 2: http://www.raknet.net/raknet/manual/creatingpackets.html
Link 3: http://www.raknet.net/raknet/manual/sendingpackets.html
Basically, what we have are packets that we have captured from when LEGO Universe was running, and now we are trying to figure out what exactly all the bytes mean in the file. Everything in the .bin packets is in hexadecimal, however, WHAT exactly each hex value means is being worked on. Since the developers haven’t released anything about their progress, we don’t have any updates on what they might contain.
Before I continue, you can download the packets here:
Link: http://timtechsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/decrypted_captures.zip
These packets are in a .bin format (which can be opened with any hexadecimal editor… I personally use HxD).
Changing certain values do certain things. For example, in the world char_aw2.bin (with the 0.5 server), you can change the values to load another world. Or you can change what the characters are wearing in the char char_aw2.bin. Changing certain hex values will change various things.
The question is, what things? What does this edit do to change how the server sends data to the client? What would the info mean to the client? Would it mean the client should do something or not? These are the questions we need answered. And its hard. We don’t know what they originally contained in the first place, so its a lot of trial-and-error. But we just need to keep at it!
And then, what do we do when we figure out what a certain value changes? How do we dynamically create a new packet with that value for multiple users in the same world? This is the dynamic packet construction, and it is what we are working hard (or at least humanoid, lcdr, and pwjones) on. But we can use all the help we can get!
Basically, if you’d like, you can email him anything I said above. We need all the help we can get. We’re not pressed for time either. We have plenty of years ahead of us to perfect this. Unless LEGO decides to re-release it (hint hint?), which would save us a LOT of work and get them some more cash 🙂
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
P.S: I would suggest that he look around in the packets starting with 24 and 27 (hex values) as these refer to ReplicaManager packets. Maybe he will find something interesting that the rest of us have missed!
You can also use Notepad++ with the HEX-Editor plugin (useful if you already have Notepad++).
Another Developer….That will have us to implement the NPCs! and make them work in Replica Manager! (Yes, and they are the last packets to be Implemented because the other packets would be implemented: E.G. Enemies, Rockets, Models, etc. Everything done by the Devs. Mostly by Humanoid and Icdr: As Jon002 told me above 😉 )
So, soon the Devs will be finish implementing stuff to the server and (hopefully) they will tell us the release date! (After they done all that hard work!)
Hey great, but no need for e-mail. The thing is, we don’t know what packets do what (we are using the RakNet library). You can tell him that the server 0.5 has all of the source code necessary and that I advise Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop (or better) to compile the server. If he can mess around with different packets being sent, he might discover something useful.
Object list – http://jsfiddle.net/Sim533/d6EDJ/1/show/ (the hex bytes switch, e.g. 1a4f becomes 4f1a)
Packets – http://timtechsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/decrypted_captures.zip (many packets are already included in 0.5, and there are comments in the source files to explain a bit about what parts do what).
I am a bit confused as I know very little of the world of programming. What are these?
( http://jsfiddle.net/Sim533/d6EDJ/1/show/ ) Are these the known hexes?
Yes, of the objects. You should be able to find some of these in spawn packets, like those of Nimbus Station.
Does that mean visuals only? (Without behavior) And if so, is behavior what you are looking for?
I’ll make sure he takes detailed notes, and I’ll post a file with everything he finds on this forum every so often, or sooner if he finds something big.
So, you implementing NPCs last? after you implement everything to the game?
The Developers are implementing the NPCs last? (after implement the other packets: E.G. Enemies, Missions, Rockets, etc. Everything). Then after that, you get your public server (and Falcon’s) and LEGO Universe is restored! and released! 🙂
Thank You TimTech and the Developers! 🙂
“If there’s no NPCs, there’s no missions”-Me!
NPCs will be implemented last because as TimTech said “but currently we need a replica manager to manage NPCs.” because All the packets will have RM (E.G. Enemies, Rockets, etc. To make them work! and implemented to the game) and lastly, NPCs will be added last because the Devs need to know what they have E.G. Missions, items (if they give out missions, missions and item, etc.).
If the Devs release the version (with RM) with no NPCs, How we going to do missions? That’s why we wait patiently! 🙂
Also, NPCs will be added last to the game! (after the implement the other packets: E.G. Enemies, Rockets, etc. Everything: With Replica Manager!).
Hey, I just got the client working, and in short I almost cried because of nostalgia. It’s really amazing what you people are doing, and I will try all I can to support you, so I should start running the scrypt miner in a few days. That’s all, I just think everything about this is amazing ^_^
“The patcher actually downloads every original file!
Does this mean that you can actually….play everything?
It even downloaded the pet files!”-GrantImler
We have the whole client… but we don’t have barely anything of a server.
“Hey so when is the update coming out with rockets/no VS coming out?”-GrantImler
Answer: After the Devs implemented everything to the game and the packets with Replica Manager (to make them work) and lastly, manage NPCs with replica manager done. Devs (hopefully) tells us the release date and bang! update comes out 😉
Hope this helps 🙂
“Hey Timtech, Jon002, is it possible to get the entities back into LU? Are the files available? And if so will there be a update where that is included, same question goes for achievements, quests, and bosses. Please reply and let me know how much you work on coding/working on this, it has been almost 3years since LU shut down, and it has been on my mind alot lately as it always is this time of year,
-Powerfusion”-Grant Imler
Answer: The Developers are working on them! and figured out how to add the packets E.G. NPCs, Enemies, Missions, Rockets, etc. Well, mostly was working on it by Humanoid and ICDR. NPCs (entities) will be last to implement. (because that’s the hard part, they need help! 🙂 )
Hope this helps! 🙂
It does thanks for taking the time to reply to all my comments 🙂
Dear TimTech,
After the Devs are done, implementing the last packets: NPCs (with RM). Is this possible to pair up with LEGO and take LEGO Universe (LUNI) to LEGO Conventions? so that LUNI (LEGO Universe) spread the word to all LEGO Fans (LU Fans) to see that LEGO Universe is back and they could go to the LU Booth and play the game!
Also, The unreleased stuff like: Kingdoms World, Ninjago Fire Temple, etc. “The Unreleased stuff for LEGO Universe that supposed to be released but cancelled because the closure of LEGO Universe” to finish of them and re-release them? and also create new worlds, NPCs, gear, etc. How? By using Happy Flower (That’s when after the pairing with LEGO and taking LEGO Universe to LEGO Conventions, then we get LEGO Universe Partners (World Builder League) and we get Happy Flower and create new worlds, NPCs, etc! “Happy Flower” is the only way to create new worlds, NPCs, enemies, etc. To add new features for LEGO Universe!)
Also, Frostburgh 2015: Because since we have the NPCs and the stuff for the world: http://jsfiddle.net/Sim533/d6EDJ/1/show/ <—-As you will see in that link! E.G. The wizard of Frostburgh! 🙂 😀
Also, we have frostburgh events in our passports so really Frostburgh deserve a come back! (as it was supposed to return in 2011! Remember that?)
Yours Sincerely,
Bob Mythran
I already suggested we go to conventions and am (trying, not being successful.) to get LUNI @ LEGO Conventions. It probably won’t happen. Though if anyone wants to help that would be great!
Plus, I thought about LUNISP’s (LEGO Universe Newly Imagined Server Partners.)
No, there won’t be new worlds. We would have to edit the client for that. And that could get into legal trouble with LEGO. Same with happy flower. Wouldn’t help since we don’t have rights to use it.
I don’t know about Frostburgh though. Probably would have to edit a check sum in a packet for that. And even if we have the RM. I don’t know if it would load correctly by editing the core packet.
Hope this answers your questions.
Enough of Frostburgh had already been removed in all the client versions that I distribute to make it inaccessible…
Hey Timtech, I am learning RakNet… I will be trying to add some new stuff to the server, focusing on the replica manager.
Same here. I tried to develop the server a while ago. But, I didn’t know much RakNet. Now I know more so, I will work on the LUNI Server in the time I am usually coding my own games.
Cool! We could work together.
Sure! We could PM on your wiki! Help each other out! Explain different things, tell eachother our findings, and share code!
I like it!
Awesome! The more help, the better! It’s gonna be awesome once the server is released… I don’t how they will be used, but I would suggest they will become similar to Minecraft servers: users create either massive LU servers for communities or just a small server for them and a few friends (this is completely off-topic BTW 😛 ). But good luck!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
@CDFalcon, you helped me help you with the character chaging options, if would you be able to give me instructions on whatever your trying to do, I’d be willing to help.
Hi! I have been able to start LU after double-clicking the “legouniverse” file in Nexus 2
after installing it and everything else, but it says, “Sorry! We can’t sign you in to LEGO Universe! Please try again in a few minutes.” after I try to sign in. Do you know what the problem is?
You must launch the server before you launch lego universe.
TimTech: Please can we chat in freenode? because I’ve got something to tell you 🙂
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=SMAC
anonymous tips…Oooh those are almost always good, I would check it out timtech, you never know when a Lego Developer will stumble onto our website and be like “whatever you spend alot of time on trying to get the game up so here’s all the server files”
Hey Timtech, I was looking over the replica manager, and I have a question. The only thing that needs the replica manager are enemies or repeated AI’s, Why don’t we just spawn all the AI’s minus enemies. You cant interact, but it will make the server more playable.
CDFalcon, you’re right!
That would be awesome, if we would be able to walk around the map, and see the enemies are here 😀
Huh, I haven’t really been looking @ the RM yet, I have been messing around with packets… Seeing if that does anything. (All i’ve changed currently is ShastaFantastic’s shirt to a solid grey shirt though 🙁 )
Lol… I have changed CheekyMonkey some…
We could. Adding all NPCs would just slow the server down if it is multiplayer. Basically, the RM not only handled the multiplayer, but also made the game run quicker.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
So, With RM: Add NPCs and enemies Will make the game faster and without RM and you add NPCs and Enemies the server will be slower and will lag.
Thanks for the information! S
I agree with you Jon002! because: If you implement NPCs and enemies to the server with Replica Manager: The game will run quicker and fast. But, without RM and you implement NPCs and enemies, it will lag your game and crash 🙁
I say add NPC’s and make the server hosting server have 64 RAM or something. Maybe(at least) 6 RAM for the user, too.
That would be interesting, but imagine if we get 1000 users, at least 100 on at once…
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
That’s why implement NPCs (and the objects) with RM! 🙂
I’ve got a LUNI discussion forum if that’s alright. (I’ve already made it, and am moderating it.) Is it alright if I do this for people to have deeper discussion about the server.
How can I help with the server I can work with Java, Batch and C++ (LUA)…
Do you can’t make the Server with Visual C++??? Then you have a Public Server Visual C++ don’t need any .dlls…
And what is now the Problem at the Server???
The server is coded in Visual C++ (Visual Studio Express 2013)
Java, batch, don’t really need, I am not sure about LUA though, because that is what the LU client ran in… Probobly not. Just open the LUNI Server.sln file, and go to RakNet, learn some RakNet here: http://www.raknet.net/raknet/manual/
But what we need is a ReplicaManager learn that here: http://www.raknet.net/raknet/manual/replicamanager3.html
Next, here are the collected packets, open these in Notepad++ w/ HEX Plugin:
And last but not least here is the object list (For the packets):
Tim or Jon002 could explain this better then me though.
Can anyone send me the checksums for the Worlds please?
What’s the checksum for: Frostburg, Fire Temple, Earth Gauntlet and Kingdoms World? because I would like to visit the unreleased worlds and see what progress they did! 🙂
Thank you!
What are the funds raised for, exactly? I would like to donate, and I’d like to know the details, if possible. I’m also looking into C++, so what are the particular tasks that are currently being worked on, as I’d like to assist in developing. Thanks! 😀
In addition to my previous comment, I have an issue with the launcher. The download progresses to 80% before giving me an error message that gives me the option to either restart the download (which results with the same problem) or to exit out. Launching the game with the manual setup works, though, so I may have made an error during the process (I need more details on the step where you add the address at the bottom of the “hosts” file).
That launcher is a bit tricky. We’re trying to remove the need for XAMPP, but for now the recommended client is still 0.5, which is manually downloaded + extracted.
All funds received through the donation link (e.g. PayPal) will be used to make a public host of the server 0.5 for people to try out before they host it themselves. There is no administration overhead or anything, all that comes out is $15/month for the server. It takes a few weeks to get the funds, so the server is currently set to launch on February 1st.
Guess what? Look at this: http://luhub.com/?page_id=177 Why? because: The launcher is done! (or client). Also, with the launcher: Character Customization (done) and now you can create/save your character and start him/her on the Venture Explorer!
Now, I think TheNyJan is doing the finishing touches to his launcher! 🙂
Yours Sincerely,
Really? Where can I download this @Timtech
You can’t, sorry… this is all hype over what someone said.
“Also, with the launcher: Character Customization (done) and now you can create/save your character and start him/her on the Venture Explorer!” With the launcher? Or the new client? How can I do this!?
TheNyJan’s launcher! (in LUHub downloads’ page, once he’s done with: porting the Nexus 2 client and the 0.5 server to work with a custom launcher (written in C#). The website is basically just info.
Hope this helps 🙂
I’ve got news! TheNyJan is back! and you’ll sign up, create your character and start him/her on the Venture Explorer! Here’s evidence:
1. “Once the network is up and running, you should be able to join it ^^ But right now, I’m working on the basics.”
2. “First off: You won’t get your Figures back, they are (or were) saved at LEGO’s Servers, so we have no access to them. Secondly: luHUB is meant to be the place where you sign up and then you’ll be able to play with your minifigure on all servers in the network. You’d just need to play it all over again to get your progress back.”-So, once he’s done with the “basics”, soon it will be done and we can sign up, create our character and start him on the Venture Explorer! (and it will be saved 😉 )
Don’t believe me? look at LUHub, “Discussions” 😉
Yours Sincerely,
Hey Bob, TheNyJan is just porting the Nexus 2 client and the 0.5 server to work with a custom launcher (written in C#). The website is basically just info.
Timtech is right… He is just making the server easier to play on.
When it is coming out?
Yes 🙂 and it’s going to be available to download in LUHub! 🙂
For all of you people that are wanting to start at the Venture Explorer, you can, just not with your own figure…
Just go to my wiki:
And go to setup. There is a tutorial for world changing.
If the link above doesn’t work, copy this into your browser
I want to start with new characters, I don’t know which ones to download, help please.
New characters aren’t possible, but you can switch to any world except deleted ones and Keelhaul Canyon.
O.K. lol I read that wrong, I thought it said “For all of you people that are wanting to start at the Venture Explorer, you can, instead of starting with your own figure…”
What download lets you use your own character?
You can’t yet, sorry.
Why does Anonymous think you can create your char and save him? He had me convinced…
I has video tutorial on mah youtubez (lego universe now)
Thanks, I’ll take a look at it.
Nvm, I already know how to change worlds, I was wonder what I need to save characters.
I have a problem: MVCP120.dll is missing from my computer, yes I downloaded Viisual studios 2013
Help, I have Nexus 2 and o.5 server and I can’t save my characters or use new ones.
Anybody? This problem is really bugging me.
You could never use new characters? You could make them but not use/save them
Read above, somebody is talking about saving them using the new launcher.
Yes, he is new and excited about what he believes TheNyJan is about to add to his launcher. However, the latest version of his launcher (0.1.1) doesn’t add any new gameplay features.
Dang,I thought it worked, I was about to stare bullet holes into my computer.
Thanks for the info
TimTech: Character Creation is done! and it will be in the launcher! look what PWJones said: “I believe they have everything in place to create/save characters and start a new one in VE. I have not tested it but the source code seems to have that implemented.” See? It’s done! 🙂 😀
Done? Not until it’s released 😉
@Timtech , Anonymous is confusing the heck out of me. Is this character creation stuff finished or not?
“Done? Not until it’s released 😉 ”
Sorry 🙁 I was just excited because what PWJones said last week 🙁
I agree. The Devs may accomplished Character Creation but it’s not done because it’s not released!
When it’s going to be released? Hopefully Summer 2015/Late 2015, because they are working on the Objects (in RM): Implementing them. So, we can do what we did in LU: E.G. Missions.
Tim I’ve got a problem. the orchard music (who i looked up to be a scam) is making false copyright claims on the sound effects in my newest video (starts at 2:33 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRkI2-_StmU&index=8&list=PLLXEMs6UjJebq9t5fXM-vU4ypJFs3HWk- “Guns Sounds-Rocket Slow Pass By”). are there papers or something you can show me that permits legal use, such as it being open-source and therefore public domain? or making it legal since i never monetize my videos? or perhaps copyright belonging to someone else (Brian Tyler?) i don’t want to take sound effects out of my videos because of a scam, and i am NOT allowing them to put ads in my videos.
That happened to me twice in one video, but I put “I have permission from the author”, then explained further in the free-writing section about the songs being different and who they were composed by.
You can’t monetize the video, but you do have rights for non-commercial use. Here is a screenshot of the e-mail.
TimTech, what’s their email?
so i click the box “I have a license or written permission from the proper rights holder to use this material.”? and link to that e-mail if necessary (if i have to appeal the denied dispute)?
Yes. That’s what I did (make sure to note that the music is not what YouTube claims it is).
what does YouTube claim it is? a copyright infringement? i took pictures of the claims and responses so far in case i need evidence.
You don’t need evidence if it’s really a scam. Just ignore them, I mean what are they going to do about it?
That’s the problem, they aren’t taking my videos down. They are putting ads in my videos in trade for their “permission” to use their music. It’s an easy way to make a quick scamming buck, and if I don’t do anything about it, I’ll be one of their many ad farms, copyrighting things they can’t copyright. Chances are they will never respond to my dispute and let the clock (2 months) run out before the ads get removed. In the meantime the ads make money the whole 2 months of waiting. It’s disgusting.
Because it is a scam, I sure you can report it to youtube. Or maybe I’ll make a million proxy accounts to report them 😛
They say you’re using this music someone else made. They realize they can make money through ads on the videos instead of taking them down. Your job is to fight back against them.
That I make then I found anything… or can help… but first I must come in in this Data Storm ;D
Make sure you’re compiling to Debug, because Release has those errors…
“He does not want our project to succeed”
No. I don’t think so! because Progress is doing well! because Character Creation is done, LUHub U/name and P/word is done, we got the launcher and now everything (the objects) will be implemented to the game (with RM). #
We will succeed! We will never give up!
LEGO Universe
2010-2012, 2015?-present
“Even those have been deleted, as raffa “upgraded” his forums.”
What now he upgraded? how did you know that? 😕
http://luniserver.sourceforge.net/forum/ –> http://luniserver.sourceforge.net/forum2/
Ask Raffa to bring back the posts? and show to us?
Nah, no need. I’ve got the packets and lists re-uploaded to my site. He’s just covering up his mistakes the best he can.
Whenever i try to create a character, at the last stage (after the name), i press the play button but nothing happens! P.S., My game was not frozen
Yes, using created characters is not supported yet. Sorry.
Can someone fill me in on what’s happened?
Nothing much… planning to re-host the public server this week, that’s about it.
Nothin’ realy, the public server might be up this week, but nothin’ realy
Hey you are back! How is Tristan Universe coming?