Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
Alright everyone. I have some interesting news to make (first off, it is NOT an update to the server… don’t wanna get people’s hopes up).
I know I am typing this pretty late at night, but I have managed to compile a release version of the 0.5 LUNIServer! That’s right folks, the release version does NOT require you to install Visual Studio. Basically, you just download it, edit config.ini, and run it! It’s that simple!
However, to complicate the matter, I only have one Windows computer. This means that I have no other computer to test if it works without VS installed (the release version worked just fine on my computer, but I have VS installed too, so I can’t test it on a non VS-installed computer). So that’s where someone else comes in. Basically, I believe it should work, but if you download it and it doesn’t, please, let me know.
Anyways, other than the issue of me testing it above, I have a strong feeling it should work. I’ve uploaded it to the site, and am providing a download link below:
DOWNLOAD: http://timtechsoftware.com/lu/LUNI%20Server%20Release.zip
So I really hope this works! Because if it does, it will be SO easy for users to set up their own server 🙂
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I don’t really understand, I thought all you had to do in VS is hit the Windows Debug button? I don’t really remember, I’ve had 0.5 for awhile.
I’ll give it a try and tell you if it works, VS takes forever to download usually.
It’s so users can use it without having VS! 😀
I understand the importance of this, Jon. Great work! I really appreciate it. Perhaps you could upload the source that you compiled it from so I can add in a little !goto world command and compile that to release as well?
P.S. Works great with VS, I will try later without.
Thanks! I can definitely upload the source. When I compiled it in Release, I got all kinds of bugs telling me things about RakNet.lib. It appears that for the release you need a certain .dll file that it didn’t know about, and so by adding that, it really compiled fine (I may have edited a couple other things related to the compilation of the lib files… I can’t really remember of the top of my head though 🙁 ).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Alright Tim. I’ve uploaded the source code for the release version. You can find it here:
LINK: http://timtechsoftware.com/lu/LUNI%20Server%20Release%20Source.zip
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
NOTE: You may need to change the additional include and lib directories in the project settings to point to the MySQL include and lib directories included in the project as my path on my PC is different from yours (this will solve any MySQL unable to locate file errors)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Problem: Says that their is something missing 🙁
“Problem: Says that their is something missing 🙁 ”
No. Works fine 😉 because the link you gave (second) was for TimTech, the one (first post of this page) works 🙂 😀 (No VS…:) 😀 )
I don’t have VS and by me it works perfect but can you change the world please I had Nimbus Isle…
This will help the project tons! Also Timtech, how would a goto world command work? Would you use it ignore, or via server.
You would modify the server so it responds to a chat command starting with !goto
Does that mean we could go between worlds without editing the checksums? If so when will it be ready?
Thank You Jon002! 🙂
It will help newbies that unsure getting LEGO Universe! (I downloaded it and it works!, when I open up the server!)
Also, we almost the step for bringing it back! (but, we need the objects implemented!)
Yours Sincerely,
“3. Maybe. Mythrans were Lego Universe moderators who were paid by the LEGO® company. Mythran will be the rank of admins of private servers. If you ask them, they may give you the Mythran rank.”-TimTech.
How to email them to ask them to getthe rank of Mythran? What are their emails? Can you give it to me? so I can contact them and be a Mythran (Possible. Also, It will be great to spawn enemies and stuff!).
That’s assuming the server is complete, which it is not (yet).
So, when the server complete, we will ask the Former Mythrans of LEGO Universe: To give you the LEGO Universe Trunk Build (E.G. Shival have that) and you will ask the some people who wants to be Mythran. 🙂
That would be awesome!!!!
Also, to be a Mythran, do I need to ask the Mythrans to get the trunk build? (LEGO Universe Trunk Build) because that would be great!
Yes. 🙂 But, TimTech said: “That’s assuming the server is complete, which it is not (yet).” Then once the server is done (hopefully Summer 2015/Late 2015, that will give the Devs time 😉 ) and then we will ask the Former Mythrans for teh rank of Mythran and the trunk build (but we can’t edit because we will be in trouble with LEGO) and the trunk build is were Mythrans play the game. 🙂
But, TimTech: How will will contact the Mythrans? to get the rank Mythran and get the trunk build from them?
That has absolutely nothing to do with getting mythran status. Mythrans can’t make anyone mythran because they have nothing to adjust. 😛 That’s a server-side thing, and users will have the servers. The trunk build is just a build of the application that has every single (or almost every single) change that has been made to the in-progress version of the application in development.
I think I now what you mean that you don’t now in where Packet is what…
Is that in the moment the problem or what is the problem???
I hope the objects be implemented to the game 🙁 E.G. NPCs and Missions (with Replica Manager). 🙂
I have found the enemys in the packets and the weapons:
How did you got it? 😕 andt he program?
Umm yea, that looks like one 😉
No, all here:
TimTech, can I have the packets/objects: E.G. Enemies. because I would like to try to implement them! and what program is this? Replica Manager?
The program is NifSkope and that stuff is all in the client.
So, If I get Nifscope, and the client: It will show all the objects from the game? 🙂
No, you need one thing more you need the .pk extractor… I upload my here:
“No, you need one thing more you need the .pk extractor… I upload my here:
http://mrdialga300.bplaced.net/6074/LUNI/Client/LUPKExtractor.zip ”
Ok. Once you download theNifscope, do you have to open up the LUPK Extractor? and you’ll see the Game’s objects? E.G. Enemies has you should me above).
First you Install Nifskope then you make that:
After that you have all objects were are in the .pks and you can start the .nif datas with Nifskope…
Also, rather off-topic, but I have a minecraft server that has 22,000 players…
Would you like me to advertise LUNI?
More the Better! 🙂 😀
22,000 PLAYERS?
Are you famous in Minecraft or something?
Maybe he is a Youtuber! 😛
Lets just say I dabble in lots of projects 😉
But would you like me to advertise?
Doesn’t really matter, unless you think they can help us out by developing or donating.
My bad, we have 25,000 players now 😉
At the same time or total?
If you think my Mac can run 25,000 players at once, you are sadly wrong my friend…. 😉
Oh, you self host and that is total amount.
But, who are you in Minecraft? (Don’t mean to pry, just curious. 😉
Cdxff is my username(because CDFalcon was taken)
I will advertise on my servers Extra Stuff Wall
Cool, short url j.mp/-lu-.
Just grabbed the compiled server and Nexus2 client. Two things I noticed:
1) When I try to play as GruntMonkey, I load CheekyMonkey instead.
2) Switch character and exit to desktop don’t work.
3) Looks like I’m stuck with one resolution.
Not sure if any of these are known, or what these bugs are from, but I thought I’d throw them out there.
Btw, as pushes aren’t being sent on SourceForge, where is everything going through? Is it just being posted here, or is there source control behind the scenes, or what? I see TimTech has a GitHub repo for an LU server, but there’s nothing in it. 😛 Similarly, is there anywhere one can look for the current status of development, what needs to be done, how to help, somewhere to learn the skills/tools to be able to help, etc? Just curious.
That are three things there, oh well. 😛
KnightOfFaith! Seen you a lot on the LEGO Message Boards!
Hi, Knight! You finally came!
Yeah, the SF git isn’t maintained/supported (I don’t have access to edit anyway). About the bugs:
1) You always load CheekyMonkey, the other characters are just an easy way to switch worlds.
2) Hmm, works for me…
3) Not sure abotu this one.
Also, any developments are pushed here as they come.
1) Both load Crux Prime. I thought the other two had different chars (the gear was different at least), but I can’t say for sure.
Bugs could be new with compiled.
Would it be possible to have progress tracking and a way that people new to this would be able to easily see what needs to be done and how they can help with it?
Well actually, now that I recall, CheekyMonkey isn’t the only character, but I only remember the hooded ninja from 0.4.
We’re already aware of most of the bugs (mainly stuff that doesn’t work, like NPCs, missions, travel, equipping, etc.) so I’m not sure that would help too much.
But if I was able to help at all, I would have no idea what to start on, or what I would have to build in order to make it work. 😛 Neither is there any sort of high-level documentation for the code that I know of.
Server is source, source is commented. 😛
Well, now, that requires me getting VS and SQL working. 😛 And do you really have to-do lists and frameworks completed in your code? 😛
I know this is a bit early still to talk about this, but will there be updates to the game once the project is complete? I mean, it could be quite boring to just play the game without anything new?
Rc, I’m sure none of us will ever get bored of the greatest game ever that we have been waiting for over 4 years, trust me.
Yeah, especially if we can get that replica manager working.
And about your question, I don’t think the client will really be updated with new content. However, there’s enough hidden in there that I’m sure a fully functioning server could be modded to bring out hidden features.
E.G. Maybe: Frostburgh, Fire Temple and Unreleased Worlds and Propeties! :O
Removed worlds can’t be accessed because they were… removed. I think we’re more or less stuck with the worlds we have now.
Also, the the feature (or “Future Update”) is where you can build outside the boundary (in any property you claim E.G. Block Yard). So, there will be unreleased features that was supposed to be released in the game that will be the hidden features! (that will be released finally to the LU Players!).
!Yeah, especially if we can get that replica manager working.”
I hope the objects (E.G. NPCs and Enemies) will be implemented to the game.
But, don’t worry TimTech, I presume they are working on the Replica Manager (with the objects in RM, so I presume they are implementing them to the game).
So, Let’s wait patiently and it will come 😉
“If you wait patiently it will come but if you impatient, it won’t come” 🙂 😀
I agree 🙂 We won’t be bored because: 1. Some LU Fans were F2P and never went to Nimbus Station (to pick a faction), Never have pets, never been to the other worlds Except Venture Explorer and Avant Gardens and also Block Yard. 🙂 etc. Because LU Fans that was F2P because they will be glad it’s not F2P and they can do/go to all worlds, complete missions, etc. It’s basically giving them a chance to play the full game 😉
I agree. 🙂 We won’t be bored of the game because: 1. LU Fans that was F2P (before the shutdown) will have a chance to play LEGO Universe the full game 😉 (not not limited when they was laying it in 2011). Basically it gives them a chance to pick a faction andplay the full game. 2. We won’t be bored playing it because: 1. There are many missions, achievements, etc. Also, it’s a big game, surely we won’t complete all missions, achievements, etc and be bored of it! because as Jon002 said (below) there might be hidden features in the game! E.G. Frostburgh, Fire Temple and the unreleased worlds and Properties! E.G. Unreleased Large Properties (saw that in Objects: E.G. Large Avant Gardens Property mission giver).
Yah, just wondering because there were so many updates back in the in the day xD Cant wait to get playing (when ever that is) 😀
Hopefully late this year (or summer) because: 1. The Devs are working on the RM (with Objects).
So, I think it’s not much to do now, because they done the Character Creation: Create.save your character and start him on the Venture Explorer. Now, it’s implementing the objects (with Replica Manager: To make them work in the game!).
Don’t worry 😉 It won’t be long. Let’s wait patiently 🙂
I do not believe we will really be able to edit the client as it is still under copyright by LEGO (which could put us in legal trouble). But, as Tim said, we may be able to bring out any hidden features that its got!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I agree Jon002 🙂 because if we do updates (new features to the game), that’s editing the files (adding more worlds) and we would be trouble with LEGO (because they do still own the files. 🙂
Also, We’ll never know! there might be hidden features! E.G. Unreleased worlds! such as: Frostburgh and Fire Temple.
I don’t agree, I think you all understand my English not sorry for this… I have found a data in this Data is the completet client if you start this data with gamebryo and then we look in the client we see what we need for the server we don’t make the client new or anything else so we don’t violate the copyright…. We show at the datas they are in the client… For a few years we have look in the client a we played the Game too…
Oh. So, when the sever complete (Yes, fully functional), and we play the game and we might see the hidden features? (Instead adding them because that’s violating the copyright).
Hmmm.. I sorta see what you are saying, but every asset in the LU folder is under copyright. To add more features we could not import any assets from LU, even into Gamebryo, otherwise we are using copyrighted material without LEGO’s permission.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
No we don’t import any assets because were are all where we don’t make the Game diffrent we show how it works…
“No we don’t import any assets because were are all where we don’t make the Game diffrent we show how it works…”
I agree. We need to implement the objects to the game (not to make the game different) because remember: LUNI, LU: Rebuilt and LUHub paired together to revive the game 🙂 (not to make it different with some objects implemented).
When the project is done: There won’t be updatesm it would be the same because if we make new worlds, NPCs, etc. We are edting the assets/client files (and be trouble with LEGO, still owns the files!). But, it doesn’t matter no updates becasuse we can enjoy LEGO Universe when it comes back!
(like ToonTown Online: A group of former players brought back the game: Entire stuff from the game and now planning a update for the game! look in wikipedia in “closure” explains it all 😉 )
First MMO Revived successfully: ToonTown Online
Second MMO Revived: LEGO Universe (Developing).
Also, Let’s focus on bringing back LEGO Universe to it’s full potential. And maybe when it’s done (hopefully summer or late 2015) then we can decide how we add the updates to the game!
Idea: Ask LEGO’s permission to update the game? (so we can create new worlds, NPCs, etc). 🙂
To know it, we must first ask LEGO!
First ask LEGO to update the game? 🙂
Doubt you’d be able to get them to provide that… You can’t even customer service any questions about legality or monetization whatsoever in my experience (yeah, going to talk to a lawyer is not going to help me know what your never explained company policies are!)
Then we need to get the Happy Flower!!
(Happy Flower is a designed by LUP
and it can be used to create .lvl files)
There’s this link: http://timtechsoftware.com/lu/Launcher/default.html Is that where the launcher goes when it’s complete?
Yours Sincerely,
That’s basically just what the patcher that Jon002 got working defaults to when it’s loading.
The picture in the site that he used in his launcher? 🙂 😀
How do you change the world again? 😛 thanks
My video tutorial 😀
Thanks 😀
Still no word from the copyright “owners” for the “song” in my video. Stay out and don’t come back!!!
Hello! My name is HyperiorV.
While I have neither downloaded the client nor supported this game’s continued technical contribution nor financially donated to your admirable cause, I wish to contribute my praise in order to congratulate you (Timtech), as well as those dedicated souls who ACTUALLY continue to (slowly) update the server [such as rafia, jon002, nealybealy Pwjones, etc.] I hope that my post, as well of that of others, will encourage you to keep working hard. 🙂
[The forum of the “true builders”*** of the project is as follows: http://luniserver.sourceforge.net/forum2/index.php , I had to do quite a bit of research to find them! (Please don’t spam comments or questions on there, fellow builders!!! Please don’t D:)]
Let us begin:
Thank you guys (and gals?) for your continued support for LU!!! I can’t help but smile at your hard work and admire how awesome the game looks, even though it’s still incomplete! You guys are awesome! I really can’t wait to actually get on LU again* (though quite frankly it might take several years longer :P). This game really takes me back to my childhood! I’ll be monitoring this project closely (even if you don’t see me). Hopefully I can support this project financially when I get older, maybe even pick up some skills to help you out!
P.S. My apologies for any misunderstandings, miscommunication, or misspellings within my reply; for I am still a idiot teenager (despite the educated diction and language that I employ)
“Answer the Call. Save Imagination!”
– HyperiorV
Thanks for your comment! I appreciate it. However, understand that the server developers were humanoid, pwjones, and lcdr. They have not updated the server for a while now, but pwjones has stuck around and released some other info like world checksums to us. Raffa and neal kind of always fought over being leader, and those forums you linked to are very inactive.
Hopefully we can take you back to your childhood 🙂 Enjoy!
humanoid and lcdr continue to work on the server. Until they get the replica manager working, there really is nothing to update. I guess they could update it so that your character would save and could be used instead of mine 🙂 I think they want to wait until they get everything working.
Yes! Update the server! because instead we use your characters we can create/save our character and start on the Venture Explorer!
We want to see it! and have our characters for a change! (New year, new start. We create/save our characters and use him!).
Update it now!
Also, another reason why you should update it because: We haven’t had a update since last year 🙁 (0.5) and now we’ve been having it alot 😛 Now I think since it’s the new year (2015) I think we should update it 😉 (so people that want to create/save their character they can now! if you update it!).
Also, if they update it that would be the last update until the final release (whenever that is 😛 ) because as you said PWJones: “I think they want to wait until they get everything working.”
So, could they update it and release it? and then that would be the last update until they get everything working 😉
Also, it would be great to update it! (Please do it 😉 )
Why? because some people wanted to create/save their character (and TimTech has to tell them that they can create their character but can’t save it and play as him).
So, please do it now! *Waits patiently” 🙂 😀
. I guess they could update it so that your character would save and could be used instead of mine 🙂 -PWJONES: PLEASE DO IT! UPDATE IT! MANY LU FANS WILL BE HAPPY TO PLAY THEIR CHARACTER! INSTEAD OF THE DEFAULTS. PLEASE DO IT! *Waits patiently*
LEGO Universe Server 0.6: ” I guess they could update it so that your character would save and could be used instead of mine 🙂 ” -YES! PLEASE DO IT! 🙂 😀
LEGO Universe Server 0.6: “I guess they could update it so that your character would save and could be used instead of mine 🙂 “-PWJones: YES! PLEASE DO IT NOW! 2015: NEW YEAR NEW UPDATE! PLEASE DO IT!
Yes, but you are mistaken about the dev… Raffa left LONG ago, I havent seen neal in a awhile, pwjones abot the only one who checks here…
If you want to see a list of devs, go to the team members page here(under About)
Hey im back a long break doing stuff I got some nice lego sets over the break about a month ago I read up on recent stuff but I wanted to know what makes nexus 2.0 diffferent from the original? I know what John did to it btw awesome job. Cant wait for puppy bowl and super bowl on sunday GO Deflatriots!
oops know here is my picture
Actually, the Nexus 2 is an update to CDFalcon’s Nexus client. All it does is fix missing sounds, which was a big problem after the older “Hybrid” client stopped working. Jon’s client, downloadable by the patcher workaround, is good too.
Hey Tristan, if you are reading this, would you send me a copy of Tristan Universe? You can a link to me through my wiki:
Send a link*
the non-custom or non-modified version? or what? I’ll send you a torrent.
Thanks! Send me whichever one has world commands and faction changing!
That would be on my old PC. Do you have Skype?
Please can I see it too? 🙂 😀
Hey Tim! (/everyone)
My PC had some problems with internet browsing for a while, but I got it all fixed now,(FINALLY 😀 ) How is this amazing project close to become the same as 3 years and 363 days?
Yours Sincerely,
yuuy (I don’t know from where I got that name)
First of all, I would like to call you all amazing for doing this. I can’t believe I am able to walk the streets of nimbus station again. Second of all, is there a password to delete characters and make a new one? I want to play through the beginning and replay the whole game again.
You can delete characters, using the password you used to log in, but at this moment you cannot play with them nor start from the beginning and replay the whole game. The best you can do is visit different worlds and walk through them but they will only have the matte and not any NPCs or other items – at the moment 🙂
So, this is it… January 30th… LEGO Universe closed 3 years ago…
But, we haven’t given up we’re still working hard to get the universe back on its feet.
Happy LU closing everyone. 🙁
Merry LUNI day 😀
Today is my Birthaday…
Happy Birthday!
Happy closure day!… Wait that’s not happy! Oh well. XD
Yes. On LEGO Universe’s Closing Date will be: LUNI Day 🙂 because LEGO Universe is returning from the dead….;)
Yea, Happy LUNI day 🙂
it´s so amazing what you guys already did.
“Answer the Call. Save Imagination!”
– nitro99x
From what I can remember, it shut down on the evening of January 30th… Wow it’s been 3 years… Yes we should re-name this day LUNI day.
Merry lu day! Keep up the great work everyone!
Actually, it was on January 31th. Means the “#LUNIday” is tomorrow. 🙁
LOL 1:23
New email/emoji now as I have an email for my station now! 🙂 Will do some advertising to TimTech and talk about the development of LUNI later! (New email: tristan@jumpradio.co.uk)
Hey tristan!
What exactly is tristan universe??
And how is it different from LUNI server?
And what can you do with it?
And when you complete it what will you
name it (because I like the name LUNI 🙂
Ps: Soooo many ands 🙂
Plus, is there any progress??
On this day…LEGO Universe closed down on 20th January 2012 (Formally 31st January 2012).
Happy LEGO Universe Closing Day 2015! 🙂 😀 🙁
LEGO Universe will soon resurrect…(when the project complete: 2015/2016).
I download now the Evaluation from Gamebryo…
So, wait. You have gamebryo now? How? (I’d like to get my hands on that!)
Hey Patric!
I kinda think that your idea is great!
If we don’t touch LEGO’s copyright
we (maybe) could bring back LU!!
I support you!!
How is that possible? The LU concept/design as a whole IS Lego’s copyright, not just the assets.
Because it’s not revising
It’s just looking client with gamebyro! 🙂
(am I right?)
Thought I remember someone saying there was an issue with that…
Can’t say if that would really help with creating the server.
by this time next year, we will all be playing LU 🙂
Hopefully 🙂
“Answer the Call. Save Imagination!”
– nitro99x
Hopefully 😀
Yep. All LEGO Universe Fans will play it 🙂
Nexus Force reunion 😉 (Nexus Force will be back in business! 😉 )
Yah, im just concerned because, theres going to be 3 LU servers,
(Atleast from what i’ve researched) Are all the players (who used to play LU) fit in those, i mean, it would be hard to play if every server would be full… (depends how many people can fit in a server, becuase LU had like, a million?)
Three LU Servers? Yes 😉
1. TimTech’s Public Server
2. CDFalcon’s Public Server
3. Tristan Universe
Are emotes like dancing and crying possible yet to add into the game yet? Thanks
Yes 🙂 hopefully 🙂
Ha. I can remember how hard it was to leave LU forever, I cried so hard, yeah. It was 2 years and 364 days ago. Now, right here, we’re doing what was impossible to do! Bring back LEGO Universe! I Gotta say, I’ll be happy to work and help programming this amazing game, and bring it back life. #LUForever!
No. LEGO Universe shutdown on 30th January 2012 🙂 😀 🙁 (Originally 31st January 2012).
True 🙂 😀 😉 After LEGO Universe closed. Many LU Fans couldn’t move on! because they really miss the game and were very heartbroken! (and many/most of them want the game back). Also, there have been petitions for LU Return (but didn’t happen) and there were a few projects to bring it back but failed 🙁
But, except one…LUNI. LEGO Universe Newly Imagined. 🙂 😀 (and LU: Rebuilt and LUHub 😉 )
So has anybody found any minor things like change faction, ingame world travel, out of game character create and play, etc? Have we got any word back from the luni server developers? Ha I still haven’t caught up yet.
Yes. Tristan Universe 😉
He did it?
So… that mean we can use our own minifigure now?
No. Tristan Universe isn’t finished and there hasn’t been any progress on it (yet).
Update the server! 0.6! why? because PWJones said: “. I guess they could update it so that your character would save and could be used instead of mine 🙂 ” Please update the server! I want to start my own character!!!!
PWjones, so its true?
Anonymous spam here, and he said its progress, and we can use our own character.
Lelellelellele HOW? ;D
So Excited about it ^_^
Hey Tim, look, i found something interesting O,o
Okay guys, sorry for the spam/insult attack. Bob/Emmet/Anonymous/Mascot/etc. has been banned for excessive rudeness and excessive spam over 1,000,000 characters… (most were automatically blocked) sorry about that 🙁 I still can’t add character saving to the server and spamming just doesn’t help.
Tim, i have a question.
I can’t log in into my account here.
“You are temporary blocked”
That’s mean i get banned? And if i get banned, i wanna know for what, because i didnt do anything.
Not sure what could have happened… maybe too many attempts at logging in? I will check and get you unblocked, sorry about that. I did restrict some stuff because we were under attack.
You tried logging in/retrieving your password too many times; I’ve unlocked your account.
Dear TimTech,
I’m very sorry for what have happened 🙁 It will not happen again because you banned Emmet/Bob/etc (Good)
My name (of this site is: ?
Because I don’t want to be a bad personi want he’s good person and post less 🙂 (and ever do like Emmet, Bob, etc because they are not my names 🙁
I have a unique name for this Site?
YOurs sincerely,
Hello TimTech,
I’m TheNexusHero!
I Joined here yesterday at 11pm 🙂
I’m a LEGO Fan and LEGO Universe Fan
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. Please unblock my ip because I’m accessing this site on Proxy 🙁
Okay Bob, I’ll give you another chance 😉 just remember that spamming and insulting others will not be tolerated here.
Hey TimTech, I have a few questions for the LUNI developers. Will the gear that was mailed out before Lego Universe’s closure be available for purchase from some special vendor because if i’m right you guys, the server owners, control what times the special vendors appear such as Mr. Ree, and what they sell. so when Replica Manager begins working will only admins have access to jetpacks? I’m just curious about that cool looking gear we got before LU closed.
I don’t think we’re going to restrict info about the cool stuff. If you can access the server and edit the packets you will have all the known IDs for everything. The only thing I could think of is if there was like a major server where they didn’t allow jetpacks and stuff. In my opinion, I’d like to bring out any cool gear that we didn’t get before.
can there be a server that lets you earn or buy items just like the real LU or can we just spawn in whatever we want from the server.
I have a good idea maybe there could be a gear testing server. i just want to know if we can do something like implement those items to where they can be bought, earned, or achieved. so that players retain the fun of earning gear
I just want to secure this,
Will this Lego Universe be the exact replica of the original LEGO Universe? With all of the npc’s and the missions, minigames, maps and all the other important things?
If so, please answer, also what are you working on right now?
I wish it would be the same, but we’re really less than 10% done if we want to get all that done. All maps are accessible (except Keelhaul Canyon). All the other important things require a replica manager. This is our next priority, but I can’t really say anyone’s working on it because I don’t think anyone is working on it.
Emm, sorry for a little spam, but this guy probably know how to use replica manager, change gears, and use them.
That is a troll video that was probably animated completely in third-party software like Blender/Maya/etc.
Hey, I registered but no emails came to me!
I have a idea!
Why don’t we make a website called
Some thing like that!
I think we need it because there is soooo
many websites like Timtech fourm, luhub
many other wikis etc…
So I think we should make a core fourm.
Which links to Timtech fourm and luhub
and other wikis.
And there could be a Q / A section for troubleshooting.
and uploding photos and videos
GO GO luni.com!!
I’ve got an unofficial forum on my site, if that’s what you mean.
We could, but no reason to pay for a new domain…
Isn´t luhub already the site you´re looking for. It links to timtech and many wikis, but it´s still in development. I thing there will be photos and videos later.
*I think
Yeah, probably LUhub will do it 😀
LuHUB is the site representation, but there is no separate development on a server.
Kay, 2 things
First of all, what are these LU points?
And second of all, I am not complaining about it, but Tim you gave me contributor privileges on your site…
LUPoint is just like an activity thing. Just a test I thought might be cool. And about contributor, you get that after a bit of good activity.
Yay! Wait, what do I do now that I am a contributor?
If you want to you can do “New > Post” to make a new post. If it’s high enough quality I will approve it. It can pretty much be about anything technology related.
Hey Tim, it seems like you have 0% hope for this project. I hope this isn’t true, and I hope you have faith in this project like I do!
Keep up the good work guys! I believe in you! 😀
Saying you have 0% hope won’t get anything done… it really depends on how much effort is put into it. I’m willing to do anything I can to help.
Well now that I know humanoid has not abandoned the project completely:
– I have more hope for more features
– I have less motivation to develop the server myself
Why is my post deleted??
All my posts got deleted WHY???
Nope it’s just that mine is waiting moderation
Yeah, the ones in response to Emmet/Bob when he was spamming had to be deleted since the one they replied to was deleted.
Have you guys seen this, project B.U.I.L.D 2013. Their doing better than we are 🙁 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OkUtKPNbos
No they are not. They are trying to develop a game where you can build with LEGO bricks like in the LEGO Digital Disigner. But they have lost there coder, which made what you can see in the video.
Interestingly enough, I was in a project the LEGO Balance of Power (but it kind of failed).
So, first of all, I’ve looked at the code and it’s NOT COMMENTED. So, you know what that means? Anyone slightly interested in helping out (like myself) is not going to want to put in the effort because there is no documentation to tell them how the code is structured, how references are set up, specific things to be coded that they can work on… I’m sure you get the picture.
Now, while I don’t have much experience with C++ or networking, I tried to at least see what was going on by running the server from visual studio and connecting to it with my client… Seems that with Jon’s source it won’t even connect (stalls at handshaking with authentication). Neither do I know how to change worlds with the release server either. I’ll try the original 0.5 code, but… Come on guys, can you at least give a chance for someone new to the project to contribute?
Aaand using that I get a division by zero error in RakNet. -_- Really not sure what I’m missing that you guys can get these things to compile easily and I can’t!
On that note, do I need mysql installed for this thing to work properly?
That happens occasionally. I think if you boot it up at a certain minute or second or something it will do that. Not sure though.
Can’t edit worlds on 0.5 either, which probably means I’m missing something and should go look at the video tutorial I saw someone post. 😛
Oops, was editing 7 and 8 instead of 8 and 9. 😛 My fault there. :S
And as far as commenting, were you referring to the little bit that’s in the headers…?
So how far is the Replica Manager? Also what do you do with it?
Omg! I know, its not LUNI progress, but it look like VERY, VERY COOL!
Hey Tim, just wanted you to know you may wanna check your emails (For a little goodie from the devs via pwjones)…
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
P.S: It is NOT source code (for anyone else reading this)
*humanoid24’s email:*
Hmm well, after doing a somewhat lengthy discussion with lcdr we came to this conclusion (feel free to forward or even publish the message like
Since the source isn’t suitable to be shared in its current state (and actually has not many features implemented yet due to various reasons), we’re not going to share it at this point. With that being said, we don’t want to hinder other people’s progress so we decided to open up the google docs to the public (which as you know contain pretty much every piece of important information about the packets that we gathered so far and get updated whenever there is something to update). So if anyone wants to take a shot at attempting to develop their own server this should help a lot, feel free to share these links with other people (its actually encouraged):
(should be viewed first due to introduction and overview)
For all people who have a clue what they’re doing most of the content should hopefully be self-explanatory or explained somewhere in the document(s) well enough.
PS: After browsing through some comments on timtech’s site I feel like there is some misunderstanding about the current state of the project. Yes we have figured out a lot since we last publicly shared our investigations but at the same time quite a few things turned out to be more difficult than they initially looked like, specifically some details about replica packets and ingame objects. Sure, we could probably do an half-[censored]ed solution in a relatively short time just to make it look like there is stuff working in the server with spawning nps, objects and some other stuff (like many people tend to do) but the end result would be quite limited and easy to break. So we want to do as much stuff properly as possible and hopefully end up with something that is close to what one could call an “original experience”, however that will also take an according amount of time 😉 Last but not least the solution sadly won’t be a “just-this-obstacle-left-and-we-have-a-working server” but rather a slow and continuous progress, not to mention that real life gets quite often in the way so I’m afraid it’ll take a long time until something playable happens.
Yep! Have you looked over it yet? It’s the that pwjones, humanoid24, and lcdr have done to figure out what is contained in certain packets. It is far from complete, but it may help.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Yeah, it looks pretty detailed. But it’s kind of discouraging to know by the time we might get any progress, they will probably already have had it done…
Hmmm… I see your point. But they have said that it will be a long time until they could get a playable server.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
“Sure, we could probably do an half-[censored]ed solution in a relatively short time just to make it look like there is stuff working in the server with spawning nps, objects and some other stuff”
I wouldn’t mind one of these 😛
Alright, since the devs have opened up their findings in the packets, I am going to try to edit the current 0.5 source (comment it, edit it, etc.). I have no idea how long it will take, but maybe, in the future, we can release either Server V0.6 or even Server 1.0 BETA (although that’s a long shot)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
If you do get the source to a documented state, PLEASE post here, as I would absolutely love to get my hands on something I can understand and put some effort into. 😛 I mean, to be perfectly honest, I’d love to help create some code, but at this point I have no idea what specific things need to happen in the code that needs to be done, how that integrates into the existing code, and what files it references, if you follow my drift.
Or really, I’m not sure where to start understanding the structure of any of this, really. To quote Humanoid “For all people who have a clue what they’re doing most of the content should hopefully be self-explanatory or explained somewhere in the document(s) well enough.” I obviously don’t, but how would I go about learning that? 😛 I mean, learning networking would probably help, but not sure how much that would help my understanding of the work being done here. A ‘new devs handbook’ would be rather neat for those of us who might want to get started. Or maybe I’m alone in this, IDK. 😛
RakNet manual?
Would that give me enough information to know how the LUNI server application is set up, how to utilize the packets, what things are left to set up, and so forth? Honest question there, I know of the documentation but haven’t gotten the chance to look into it yet (that’s on my to-do).
And while we’re talking about packets, are the only packets the ones in the packets folder of the SF repo, or are there others?
Btw, what I would really like to have is a document structured like this:
-Required resources (tools, files, etc.) and what they do
-Class diagrams (or diagram, specifically talking about the server app) with explanations of what each part does
-How new features will need to be implemented
-Other info and references needed to be able to get into development
Or something like that.
Okay, so maybe we should get a public repository for this.
I agree! We need another development forum with a file repo for development.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
^ BTW, I realized I redundantly used the word “development” 😛
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Thanks you so much pwjones and devs! This packet info is going to help people tons
I am going to be experimenting with the packets some, and will post anything I find here.
hey TimTech. Say everything went south. if Lego has possession of the original files couldn’t they share a bit with us so we can just focus on servers. and we’d have the original game we all love. listen i probably sound dumb right now, but i can confirm that Lego does have the files archived. from an official lego email why can’t they just hand possession over to TimTech but give you some disclaimers. I’m sure i sound stupid because it’s the most logical thing to do, but nevertheless just trying to help 😀
Hi Caboose,
Fortunately, thanks to Jon002 (and CDFalcon/startreklover for fixing stuff), we pretty much have the original client intact. It allows us to freely focus on servers, as you suggested. By the way, the LEGO files are not going to be shared; that’s already been tried.
Okay, where can I download the packets for the replica manager?
I am trying to set up a *basic* one for V0.6
Hey CDFalcon!
So, what will be available in 0.6?
The packets will have to be dynamically constructed, out of those docs which you were reading about by humanoid. You can also get some packets from the 0.5 server download, as well as the rest of the known decrypted packet files here.
Sounds good. Lets get ready to rumble!!!!!
I am going to try to spawn the other NPC’s, just for looks
The only new thing in his video is, that he can select new faces etc. . I think he just edited some textures.
“Answer the Call. Save Imagination.”
Even 0.3 is capable of this. Watch this old video (3:33+) to see the same stuff.
Hey Tim!
So that mean, there will be 0.6v Server? 😀
Maybe, but don’t expect one anytime soon 😉
Sorry for a little spam, Tim.
But, what is: “Nexus” Client #2 by startreklover ?
I mean, what change’s are here?
It just fixes missing sounds of the original “Nexus” client.
how much money do you need for the public server + will it be playable in europe?
~$15/mo. and yes. Note that it’s really just 0.5 hosted for the public; you can’t interact with the players or anything.