Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
What do the LUPoints do? Or: how to gain some?
I also don´t get it, but somehow I have got quite a few.
I think its for comment writing because now I also got some…
The don’t really do anything, but you can get them by visiting the page and writing good comments.
Cool thanks
Thanks TimTech!
But, I’m stuck with the name “Emmet” (EmmetBricksburg!)
Aww…. 🙁
I’m LEGOAdventurer! (Not Emmet 🙁 )
Also, my picture is different! than Emmet’s 🙁
But the grammar…same 🙁
*Walks off angrily and leaves for good*
TimTech, I shouldn’tbe here because people thinking Im Emmet and I’m not (because picture is different and name) but crammed gives it all.
I shouldn’t be here I should just play LU and and develop the server.
Also, when 0.6 released I play it.
Bye 🙁
“But crammed it all” (But grammar gives it all. Typo :P)
Bye 🙁
We know you are the same person. Just try not to spam the page, and say that you are leaving all the time…
i cant log in!
So timtech,
What version will we be able to play as our new characters and possibly play full online with other players?
I don’t know…
Well, you can’t tell right now, but I wonder what CDFalcon and the LUNI server team is doing. 🙂
Hello, I really want to download this file but I noticed it was 5 GB, My computer specs are only at 4 GB does that mean it will crash my Pc?
I assume you mean you only have 4 GB of RAM in your computer. This doesn’t affect your storage space, which is usually at least 200 GB.
Ha ha, Sorry I’m not the best at computers! (As you can tell. . ) My computer is indeed at 4GB of ram, So does that mean I’m safe to install it?
You should probably go look at youtube videos to find out about computers. :p
Yes, it’s perfectly safe. You can go to My Computer to see how much storage space you have (in the C:\ drive).
Lol yeah don’t get hard disk space mixed up with ddr3 memory
Unless your correct that your computer only has 4GB of storage… Then I would suggest you REALLY go back and clean some stuff out (or get a new hard drive) 😛
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I’ve used a computer for actual stuff that had a 5 GB HDD.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Assuming your RAM is DDR3…
So am I asking for something completely unreasonable, or would an introduction to LUNI development document be a viable option? Reading the packet info helped some, but as far as the application goes, the RakNet manual isn’t the best from the bit I’ve looked at it, and I don’t think that helps with the actual LUNI files/server application. At the very least including a page here for interested developers with resource links and at least some basic additional info from what is currently available now would be helpful (or at least some minor info of the basics to get people up and running).
Well I have links to all four docs that humanoid released, what else would you recommend?
This is really just an idea, but take a look at this document I just threw together: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MIswY5nm_fBnDSetEXd7PipJ5f81C7r-VPptX6bCSXU/edit?usp=sharing
Still needs work. Feel free to use as much or as little as you want, let me know if you need anything, and please credit if you use anything (much appreciated).
From what I skimmed over, it looks really good! I believe we need a seperate forum with information, tutorials, etc. on development, so that users can either pick up with their current knowledge, or begin to try to learn what they need in order to contribute!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Your wish is my fundraiser! 😛
Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh, Knight’s always been a genius like this! 😛
Yes. I really wanted to make my Server playable! (So, 0.5 can have: NPCs, Missions, etc.).
In order to do that…I really need to learn how to implement those features!
*Thinks and Scatches head* Boy, I really need to learn alot of coding 😛
0.6 will be 0.5 with those features, basically. 😛 At least, we’ll have objects.
it needs advent gardens or whatever its called (the starting area)
You can already explore this world in 0.5.
TimTech i’m advertising around my school and telling friends about LU’s revival with my website http://theblackmerkit.weebly.com/luni.html it may not be much, but when we get a solid server we need people to fill it up 😀 if i need to throw in anything just tell me.
That goes double for me. I can post some stuff on music videos, etc. when the time is right. 😀
Great, just might want to change the link to the shorter http://bit.ly/-lu-
Uh oh! So I successfully downloaded the “Nexus 2” file, But when I try downloading the “0.5” server it says that the page is not found, I do have a windows 8.1, I do not know if that will make a difference, Answers will be appreciated! Thanks!
I have a question. When we get back in the universe, will we get anything to compensate for the restart (which could possibly tie into LU points)? For example, could we be getting just small gift/packets with like 5,000 coins or will be starting from scratch?
I know it’s a bit greedy/entitled to ask a bit more for benefits, but I think it would be a nice nod to help us get back on our feet. Especially for those who are really anticipating the remake. (see LU points)
Sure! That would actually be an interesting idea… Similar to those who participated in the beta. This is, assuming of course, that we manage to get the mail system working.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
That would depend on whose server you use to play. If you run your own server, you could make your minifig(s) the highest level, give them the best gear, etc. If you connect to another’s (like TimTech’s), what you get is up to the person that runs the server.
Uh oh! So I successfully downloaded the “Nexus 2″ file, But when I try downloading the “0.5” server it says that the page is not found, I do have a windows 8.1, I do not know if that will make a difference, Answers will be appreciated! Thanks!
Try this link.
With this Server by jon002 you no longer need Visual Studio. http://timtechsoftware.com/lu/LUNI%20Server%20Release.zip
“Answer the Call. Save Imagination.”
It is not your fault at all; I messed up the link. It’s fixed now.
Hmm, I downloaded the other 0.5, Will it still work?
Yes, the source version is fine, but you will need Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop for it to work.
When I launch legouniverse_mac, I see the minifig running picture and then It just closes. What is wrong?
Did you run the server first ?
“Answer the Call. Save Imagination.”
What is in your boot.cfg and what client do you have?
Hello TimTech,
I’m LEGOAdventurer! (LA)
I’m a 100% Fan of LEGO and LEGO Universe!
Also, Thank You and the Devs for Restoring LEGO Universe! because there are many sad/upset/etc LEGO/LU Fans that wants the game back…but, if we advertise more then we can get a Nexus Force Reunion (when everyone hears LEGO Universe is coming back).
Also, Thank You for you going to email me about the features 0f 0.6 (when it comes out: As you emailed William and told him the features 😉 ) and William told me briefly about the features E.G. Create/Save Character, start him on the Venture Explorer and goto Avant Gardens and complete the Missions, build on Block Yard, Avant Grove and once you completed the missions, you can go to Nimbus Station but you can complete missions yet. Until the next update: 0.7). I’ll wait for your email when 0.6 comes out 😉
Answer The Call. Save Imagination!
For the Nexus Force!
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. TimTech, can we be LEGO Universe Friends and team up in LEGO Universe? (When hopefully the project completed)
Also, I would like to Develop and implement the packets to the game (as I saw them above). But, how to add them? Can you tell me? (So I can get started! 🙂 )
What I would recommend is to download the source code of the server and just familiarize yourself with it. After that, start looking through the packets and comparing them to humanoid24, lcdr, and pwjones’ research above. That’s mainly what I’m doing right now (I’m trying to get the auth to dynamically create a packet… Hopefully that will go ok). Mainly, its just trial and error for the server at this point, or just implementing the current research.
You can also look around here: http://www.raknet.net/raknet/manual/ for information on the ReplicaManager (don’t know how useful it is right now as RakNet 3.25 uses ReplicaManager2 and this uses ReplicaManager3… but maybe they’re similar enough!)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I was in the Holidays but now I’m back and want to now what is new here as was not here…
Nothing much, the devs released info on the server packets, and Jon002 got a server working without visual studio, but that’s about it.
How long I must wait???
Oh and also, how did you get gamebryo? I’ve applied 3 times and no message back? I’d love to help possibly developing the server and stuff in it. Plus, I’d like to make my own games in it!
Dat pic doe…
Just explain’s what I am going through right now!
Hello, my name is HERO, I’m here since 2013/2014 and I never really posted a message with my REAL identity, always used different names, emails, websites etc.
But here I am. I want to thank you for saving a great game, I can’t thank you enough! really.
the bigger reason I’m here is because I want to help as much as I can, oh and another thing! I want to let you know how much i’m connected to my name HERO,
I use this name every single place I can. the only place I couldn’t use it was in terraria, some of you may know Terraria HERO, everytime I entered a server everyone thought I was him. but please I want to have the rights to use this name completely here, and by here I mean timtechsoftware luhub etc..
just asking for a permission to have it in LU.
Thank you 🙂 .
If we set up registration, you can be the first to register that username if you like.
Can you do it for me too? (with the name: LEGOAdventurer) because I’ll venture the universe!
Also, because I would like to create a account (register in LEGO Universe) and create/save my character: LEGOAdventurer. 🙂 My first Minifigure 😉
“If we set up registration, you can be the first to REGISTER that username if you like.” Can I be second too? and set it up for me? (Can I have it in LEGO Universe because I’m going to play as him in the game). (NOTE: I would be second. So, permission to play as “LEGOAdventurer” in game?)
Permission please? *Waits patiently*
Umm… sure. Whenever we get around to registration.
Thanks TimTech!
Are you done with that?
Are you done with Registration? Ready for 0.6? because if we Create/Save our Characters (as PWJones said 2/3 pages ago that he didn’t test it out because it has been implemented). And will people access to your characters? (because what if the gibberish username and password people can access to my character!).
Is it done? because I hope when we create/save our characters, someone won’t delete/steal my minifgure!
There’s still work to be done on that last I knew. Nobody has released the source with that anyways (well, with 0.5 you can create, but not save or use).
Don’t worry; if characters can be saved, registration will be required.
1. Please stop spamming
2. It probably won’t be done anytime soon
Rybat don’t be mean to me!
TimTech what do you need now for the server???
With the LUNIserver in C++
…Or with what you are doing with Gamebryo?
(Sorry I’m just very eager to see what happens with what your doing and am wanting to kinda help out.) 😀
Yay! Now I am downloading Gamebryo too!
I am amazed they actually responded!
Mainly we need to get the Replica Manager set up and/or (probably either first or at the same time) make the server dynamically create the packets.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I have started building my first replica manager packet!
Awesome! Please, keep us update on that! If you can get it implemented into the server, I would love to see an example that (I am working on the auth and char sections right now before I delve into the RM portion of the server). Also, if you can, I’d really love to be able to see an example of how to start implementing ReplicaManager2 into the server itself. That would help me a lot in my progress as well.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Okay, sounds good.
It is really just trail and error… I am trying to make a packet for The Extraordinary Pea Shooter lol, my fav weapon…
😛 Pretty good weapon to start out with!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Are you dynamically construct the packets?
Why don’t I have any LUpoints? I’ve been here for awhile..
It’s 1 per comment and 2 per visit.
You have to be registered as well.
CDFalcon, have any ideas when your “Basic” rm is done?
Ay! World changin doesent work on compiled server.
It should? Are you editing the right files?
That’s what I thought. 😛 The instructions say change bytes 8 and 9, but keep in mind those are zero based, so you have to count to numbers 9 and 10. made that mistake myself, make sure you didn’t!
Nope, still doesent work
Are you changing the checksum as well?
Hey all! Ive been off and on here and have noticed this project is coming along quite well! Tim, or any other developers, is there anything I can help contribute with (sorry if Ive asked before)? Ive been learning programing but I don’t have enough skill to code something this complex lol. If there is ANYTHING I am more than willing to help!
Well, we are in the process of getting together some information. I’d recommend looking through packet structs, client packets, server packets, and replica packets.
Okay! Thank you!
Is this Luni or is it not? It says private server, but the textures look alpha….
P.S. can anybody translate what he is saying?
It’s fake, filmed before the closing.
But there’s no one in the server.
No just saw it again
And there players there
I’m gonna hate him!!
Private Server 😉 (look at the title 😉 )
So, he can play the alpha in localhost.
Clever. Maybe we could do that!
Download the LEGO Universe Alpha, changed the server to localhost and play it! (change in bootcfg 😉 if you don’t it will say: “failed downloading LEGO Universe, check your internet Connection or go to LEGOUniverse.com for troubleshooting” click ok and the launcher closes.
I can translate it.
Its in my language ^_^ ( Polish )
It’s fake probably.
He said:
If you think about buy this game… oh, you dont need think about it because its already closed, BUT I MADE PRIVATE SERVER, IT WASN’T REALY EASY, BUT I DID IT . (Hahahhah funny)
It’s fake. he’s probably 12-13 years old…he’s not able to do private server.
And tell everytime: This game is multiplayer, etc. etc. but if i see he really dont know what that mean’s…..
Fake 10000000000000000000000000000%
+ He said he made it in 2 weeks.
So, he changed the server to localhost (taht’s why it doesn’t have multiplayer!)
Hmmm…So, he can play LEGO Universe Alpha this year?
I saw the video (beginning) and it was real (because it was singleplayer…)
Hmmm? Possibly he has the alpha client (when he downloaded it before the closing…Way before because Alpha was about: 2009). So, he changed the servver to localhost.
Whoa. Also, he’s doing missions! (Yes because when he changed to localhost everything was the there: E.G. NPCs and Enemies. 🙂 )
Clever kid… 😉
Nope. Im Polish so, i can understand 100% in this video.
It’s a troll. He said all those players are his friends, and he let them play before he start….. -_-
It’s fake 100%
It is fake, all fake. You can’t just change the client to connect to an imaginary server on localhost and expect it to work.
I cannot find the “boot” file in the Nexus2 file, All I see is the “Boot.Cfg” are they the same?
Yes, it is supposed to be boot.cfg. It’s only just “boot” for those who have hidden file extensions.
So, I have realized that these private servers are on Localhost, Does that mean someone using the same WIFI will be able to join and play together. If so how do they do it?
They can both connect to the same server, but will not be able to see each other or interact in any way.
Just to add to Tim’s comment (Which is completely correct), basically, there are two addresses connected to the same server (see UserPool.h and UserPool.cpp in the server source… At least, from what I’ve seen, this is a pool of the users), however, the ReplicaManager is responsible for sending out data that tells all clients who is currently on the server and then telling the clients to display them Basically (I believe) the current server is multiplayer, yet currently acts singleplayer.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Hey TimTech will the Nexus Astronaut be an exclusive or reward on the main server the main server?
oh i apologize for my error 😛 my question is will the Nexus Astronaut be an exclusive on certain servers maybe for admins or tester?
All depends no the server owner. If they want to give it out, that’s their decision.
Can anyone help me fill in the gaps in my into to development document? Towards the end especially I don’t have the knowledge at this point to be able to provide the info. Also, if what I already put down could be checked over in case something needs to be changed or added, it would be much appreciated!
Also, any reason RakNet 3 is being used as opposed to RakNet 4? Is there a limitation in the LU source?
BTW John, I noticed a RakNet lib directory in the dependencies in your server source (either for Link or include directories, can’t remember). What is it used for, do I need it, and where can I get it?
Yep. LU appears to have used RakNet 3.25 for their server (I forget how they figured this out… I believe some interaction with the client and server verifies this but I’m not 100% sure…). I believe the client three errors is another version was used, but feel free to try to update RakNet! I just don’t know if the client expects 3.25 or not.
Also, for the RakNet .lib file, basically all that is is the compiled RakNet source. You can download it from here:
LINK: http://www.raknet.com/raknet/downloads/
Basically it is just the header and methods files of the source that I’ve compiled. If you want to produce the same, you can create a static library connected to the LUNIServer application or just add the files directly in the LUNIServer project in Visual Studio.
Also, I do really want to get the source documented! I’ve just been super busy late and haven’t had a lot of time to work on the server itself. I just feel as if people that want to help have to really just get adjusted to how the server is programmed. I’ve just been a part of the project really since its inception back in 2012, and so I’d really like to document it to the best of my knowledge so that people such as yourself can really help! But I just don’t know how long that will take (unless someone else decides to document it for me as well).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
PS: If you’ve got any questions, I’m seriously thinking about opening up another sourceforge site that we can use for development purposes… What would you think about that? Basically, the community can post questions here (I’ll make that very clear (We will help users that may happen to post a question on the forums but we would also tell them to ask future questions here.) while we use the forum itself to discuss packet info, source code, use a GIT or SVN repo to log changes we make, etc. what do you think about this idea?
I think that it would probably be a good idea. However, I won’t have the ability to participate there myself (honestly not sure how I’m allowed to do what I currently am, but I’ll go with it). If you could, just make sure that there’s a way that those who can’t/don’t join can still see the info and be able to grab/work on the source if you can.
To add to Jon002’s post, humanoid24 figured it out because some of the handshake packets had “3.25 ND1” in them. He figured that meant NetDevil and RackNet version 3.25. That is set as the incoming password for the server.
I don’t think newer versions of RakNet will work because at some point the MessageIDs changed so the client would be sending one ID and RakNet would think it is something else.
Ah! Thanks. Its been a while since I’ve been actively looking around at the LUNIServer forums (and I believe raffa deleted the old dev posts).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
How do I get to different worlds? Lego Universe Now’s tutorial didn’t work, Can I have some help? Thanks!
There’s a short tutorial on the Q&A page.
I realized I was not saving the Notepad++ page, Thanks!
Is there a possibility of playing the game from the beginning? It’s fun to explore the worlds and all, but I would have much more fun if I can create my own character and start it from the beginning.
Not yet, but we hope that eventually we will get close to that.
Why not yet? because not until it’s release (because as PWJones said about that we can create/save our characters and start him on the Venture Explorer and you said: “Done? not until it’s release 😉 ” (2/3 pages back?) so we are still waiting for that 😉 )
Also, TimTech, William told me what will be in 0.6: We login with our account (TimTechSoftware Account), create/save your characters, start them from the Venture Explorer and start completing missions until Avant Gardens (so you can’t continue and complete your mission: E.G. Go to Nexus Jay. Because we have to wait for the next release), Build in our properties (Block Yard and Avant Grove), Enemy and NPC interaction (completing missions and getting smashed!), etc. But, our pr0gress won’t be saved when we closed the client and server because: Character Saving (Character’s Progress in game) E.G. Your first character is a level 10, their items, models, rockets (from Venture Explorer and you can buy in vendors, or models in Avant Gardens launch bay…where you go to Block Yard and fight the spider queen: That too won’t be saved… 😉 ), building your property, etc. Everything won’t be saved so when you get server and client up again, you will have to start again at the Venture Explorer (at the back of the ship, where you spawn). But, you are trying to do that!
So, Thank You for telling William the 0.6 features! (and William told me yesterday…Don’t worry 😉 I won’t post alot like Emmet 😉 )
Yours Sincerely,
Why not yet? because not until it’s release (because as PWJones said about that we can create/save our characters and start him on the Venture Explorer and you said: “Done? not until it’s release 😉 ” (2/3 pages back?) so we are still waiting for that 😉 )
Also, TimTech, William told me what will be in 0.6: We login with our account (TimTechSoftware Account), create/save your characters, start them from the Venture Explorer and start completing missions until Avant Gardens (so you can’t continue and complete your mission: E.G. Go to Nexus Jay. Because we have to wait for the next release), Build in our properties (Block Yard and Avant Grove), Enemy and NPC interaction (completing missions and getting smashed!), etc. But, our pr0gress won’t be saved when we closed the client and server because: Character Saving (Character’s Progress in game) E.G. Your first character is a level 10, their items, models, rockets (from Venture Explorer and you can buy in vendors, or models in Avant Gardens launch bay…where you go to Block Yard and fight the spider queen: That too won’t be saved… 😉 ), building your property, etc. Everything won’t be saved so when you get server and client up again, you will have to start again at the Venture Explorer (at the back of the ship, where you spawn). But, you are trying to do that!
So, Thank You for telling William the 0.6 features! (and William told me yesterday…Don’t worry 😉 I won’t post alot like Emmet 😉 )
Yours Sincerely,
So, I need help…
I must now what is in this Data here:
Can anywone help me?
A Little Video from Gamebryo here:
CDClient.fdb is a compressed, XML database. It contains behaviors, items, maps, zoneids, etc.
How exactly do you decompress that? I’ve always wanted to look around inside of it…
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I really am not sure. I think it was lcdr that created a python script to decompress it. And then I think the beginning is binary and needs to be removed before you get to the xml.
Dear TimTech,
“Is there a possibility of playing the game from the beginning? It’s fun to explore the worlds and all, but I would have much more fun if I can create my own character and start it from the beginning.” and you replied: “Not yet, but we hope that eventually we will get close to that.”
Why not yet? because not until it’s release (because as PWJones said about that we can create/save our characters and start him on the Venture Explorer and you said: “Done? not until it’s release 😉 ” (2/3 pages back?) so we are still waiting for that 😉 )
Also, TimTech, William told me what will be in 0.6: We login with our account (TimTechSoftware Account), create/save your characters, start them from the Venture Explorer and start completing missions until Avant Gardens (so you can’t continue and complete your mission: E.G. Go to Nexus Jay. Because we have to wait for the next release), Build in our properties (Block Yard and Avant Grove), Enemy and NPC interaction (completing missions and getting smashed!), etc. But, our pr0gress won’t be saved when we closed the client and server because: Character Saving (Character’s Progress in game) E.G. Your first character is a level 10, their items, models, rockets (from Venture Explorer and you can buy in vendors, or models in Avant Gardens launch bay…where you go to Block Yard and fight the spider queen: That too won’t be saved… 😉 ), building your property, etc. Everything won’t be saved so when you get server and client up again, you will have to start again at the Venture Explorer (at the back of the ship, where you spawn). But, you are trying to do that!
So, Thank You for telling William the 0.6 features! (and William told me yesterday…Don’t worry 😉 I won’t post alot like Emmet 😉 )
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. “If we set up registration, you can be the first to REGISTER that username if you like.” Can I be second too? and set it up for me? (Can I have it in LEGO Universe because I’m going to play as him in the game). (NOTE: I would be second. So, permission to play as “LEGOAdventurer” in game?)
P.P.S. Sorry to bother you just wanted to say something 😉
Your scentence structure and grammar gives it away 🙂 hi emit. Just don’t spam, and you’ll be fine.
Stupid phone. Sorry for the autocorrect, Emmet*
Well, My name is LEGOAdventurer (and the picture is way different than Emmet’s).
Awww. I’m stuck with that name 🙁
*Leaves and Don’t come back 🙁 *
While I am downloading GameBryo I notice that it already will take a while just to download, more or less install. *Start’s Jeopardy theme*
Why are you downloading gamebryo?
MrDialga300 [Patric Riedel] and I think that doing this will help if we import the LU assets
I saw this: “The small stands might not be generated due to missing packets, so you’re probably right.”-So, is that the stands where NPCs Car Vendors?
So, we can’t race there when the project completes 🙁
YES! I have downloaded and installed GameBryo, I won’t bring any updates from now on until I get something big or if i give up 😉
So, until then, I am signing out! 😀
Goodluck! 🙂
If you need help tell it me so Gamebryo is a very complicate GameEngine…
And I come on but I must now what are this Data here:
Stupid computer…
My antivirus blocked gamebryo! *Hits uninstall*
Wish I had more then 30 days for the evaluation… kinda hard to develop in that short of a time…
Wait, where is the program I am supposed to open??? (What shortcut?)
I really need some help, It will not work for me to go to different worlds, Lego Universe Now’s tutorial didn’t work. Can I have a detailed walk through of how to do it?
Following LUN’s should show exactly what’s needed. What didn’t work?
Lol thanks for your faith in me :). But yes you need to download notepad++ then download the “hex editor” addon. Once you do that open the file with notepad++, go to addons again and click “view in hex”. Boom, checksums.
You need Notepad++ to do it, I think. Besides that it’s pretty easy, as long as you’re putting the checksums in the right places.
Emm, i’ll ask…..
Any progress already? 😀
Some people have been talking about LUNI 0.6, when will that be released?
Whenever someone develops it. 😛
Oh haha. So it hasn’t been developed yet. Is anyone working on it or is it just an idea right now?
Short answer: Yes. 😛
There are a couple different groups of people trying to work on it, with varying levels of knowing what they’re doing.
Honestly, I have no idea who is actually doing what, I’m sure someone else could answer your question better.
No date, it’s just speculation so far.
Hey, guys… bad news…
Gamebryo didn’t install right. It says I am missing many .dll’s to run the asset viewer and the toolbox, Patric, if you have experienced this or you could help me, that would be appreciated!
Btw, I have already tried uninstalling it and repairing it. 🙁
Guess it won’t work…
Are you missing any required programs? Try googling around… see if you can figure out anything about installing it.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Oh, it’s because I had to restart my machine. 😀 lolololol
I feel like a complete idiot right now. 🙂
Ah! Happens to the best of us 🙂
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Okay, not enough is known about a replica packet… I will keep trying though.
Alright, dunno how big this is (and I’m pretty sure people may have done this before) but I have made it so the server create one packet dynamically! I’m continuing to work on implementing this for more packets… Stay tuned!
Answer the Call. Save Inagination.
Could you give a basic description of how you did that?
Sure! Basically, I started by reviewed RakNet’s Packet documentation. What I used was a RakNet::Bitstream in order to write the data into the packet. It’s very rough, and maybe a bit crude, but it works (I will refine this stuff later). Here is what I wrote for the Auth Init packet:
Right now I am working on the login success packets. Basically, I am initializing each value, and then allowing any changed values to be arguments of functions (I am using structs as well… Makes it a little easier to organize).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Ugg… It cut me off! That last part should be:
Also, the WriteStringToBitStream function is:
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I really am not liking this code attribute.
The IPString should be “ i = 15.„–<.„–<.Àˆ".
After the IPString, it should be
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Hey Jon, if you don’t mind you should use the pre tag instead of the code tag. I edited them accordingly.
Ah! Sure. I’ll do that from now on.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I think we are short for the final Server of LUNI…
I have a problem how can I change my yes my Profile picture…
Go to gravatar.com and change the picture for whatever e-mail you use here.
Short for the final server???
What does that mean?
I have noticed that all packets start with 5304… Is this significant?
Probably. I think it’s an identification or authentication/version thing.
See the documents humanoid24 and lcdr made. Basically, 53 shows that it is a LEGO Universe packet, 04 says that the packet is a client packet.
Okay, I and I feel like an idot asking this but… What does LOT mean 😉
Never mind *faceplam*
I also don´t know it.
1. Would there be any copyright issues with LEGO, or would the game being free make things okay?
2. Will the game be 100% working including public servers? If so, how much would it cost, when would it be working, and would there be a UK server?
3. If I donate money for the public server, and it ends up not happening, will my money be refunded?
4. When the game is complete, will we be able to create our own users? I’m guessing recovering our old minifigs is impossible, right?
You’re super awesome for doing this by the way. If you can truly bring back LEGO Universe, I’d donate all the money I could and play it every day.
1. No, LEGO knows about the server, and let’s us continue as long as we keeereee server free.
2. No, it most likely will never be ‘completely’ but we may get to a point that is ‘player’s
3. No, probably not. It is a donation not an subscription. Only donate if you want to.
4. Char creation will be possible, (I think the devs are working on that,) 😉 but in answer to you other question: No, you won’t be able to play your old minifigs. 🙁
Hope this helps out 😀
Where are the replica packets in the server(for comparison)
Most of the packets that begin with 27 and 24 are ReplicaManager packets. You can also use MessageIdentifiers.h in the RakNet 3.25 source to see what the packet IDs are (you will need to turn the enum decimals into hex code first though)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Hey, MrDialga300?
Do you want to find a separate way of contact so we can work together in Gamebryo?
Or just talk here? I am currently developing as well!
Why not?
Do you come on???
I’m not, I hang at the Database…
How do you open the database, by any chance?
So what will be completed for version 0.6 for the LUNI Server/Client?
I really hope we can get to make characters and play as them soon.
Hey, TimTech I just wanna ask what will be added when the 0.6 update comes out. Thanks!
I don’t know… a 0.6 release is not scheduled, but hopefully it will not require Visual Studio thanks to Jon’s successful compilation of 0.5’s source.
What a save my dear friend. When I saw that it had shut down, my brother and I were like “what?” of course we couldn’t believe it. there is one thing that has been nagging at me for a while now. when I downloaded both nexus clients, they say that it cannot be opened according to Windows Explorer, unexpected end of archive for WinRar [and the fact that I simply cannot extract them], and 7 zip says it cannot open these zip folders as archives. Please find a solution, as I have been a fan of Lego Universe. if you want to talk to me via email, please use sigmasaber@gmail.com.
Now i’m downloading the Nexus 2 recommended client.
Start your game at lvl 1 like the original one? can i play Online for the moment or only offline? can i create my own character etc?
thank you! And GREAT job team!!!
1. Not yet.
2. Offline.
3. Create but not save/use.
4. You’re welcome, have fun!
Hi guys, just wanna say: Great job!
There is no other Team, who has equal progress than you.
Hope there will be mobs in near future.
I hope there will be too. Have fun!