Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
Okay, I’ve not gotten very far, but I am exploring LEGO Universe’s .lua scripts to see if they have anything that could help! I assume not but it’s worth a try! 😉
Btw, Gamebryo is not as easy as Happy Flower, LOL! 😀
Also, how do you open CDClient.fdb? Does anyone know???
I wish I knew… From what pwjones says, it contains XML data (and possibly some binary at the top which you may have to remove… You may wanna check on that, although I don’t really know where :P).
Also, how goes the Gamebryo development? Anything interesting yet?
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Okay, thanks anyway! 🙂
And actually, I have come over something possibly useful… The world code, possibly with something that could help (maybe) with the server! Even though it is client side, it may have code, data, and info on how to do some things on the server.
Plus, if gamebryo actually work’s with me… |-( I (might) be able create at least a full single player gamebryo solution file… Don’t get your hopes up though… It’s a long shot!
Hey, I know nothing about C, but I know a lot about lua. Any way I could help?
We’re not coding in lua, sorry. There’s probably more places where you can help, though!
If you’re new here
Everyone can contribute!
1. Developing
2. Advertizing
3. Visiting often
4. Writing good comments
Have fun in LUNI!
P.S january 30th is LUNI day 😀
So, just to let everyone know, I am working on char saving and loading. Currently (now, remember, this REALLY is not a big deal… It’s actually pretty easy :P), you can create a user account, login, and you will have zero characters. The auth works pretty good right now (all dynamic packet construction) but it is very crude and probably very memory inefficient. (I’m just guessing at this… Memory is my downfall… I use Objective-C a lot with @autoreleasepool so I don’t really have to worry a ton about memory unless I am working with C or C++. One thing I love about coding this server is that I am growing in knowledge of C++ as I program..). But its actually really fun just to see you login and get presented to create your first char! I will continue to keep everyone updated.
Also, @knightoffaith, I am working on documenting the source as I program. What want to do is release 0.6 whenever I finish char creation and loading (before I progress to the world server and RM. Also, I don’t have a specified timeframe @Emmit :P) and in the 0.6 release I hope to have the source documented well.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Great. Let me know if there’s anything you can fill into the empty sections of my doc, perhaps Tim will be able to add that to his links once there’s more there.
If there’s anything I can help out with/do/figure out let me know. I can code a bit and such, but I just don’t know enough to be self directed. :p
Great! We’ll finally have documentation! I have just been browsing through the code blankly! Even though I code, multiplayer games are foreign to me!
Wait, doesn’t char creation use the RM anyway? Because it has to save the new character packets somewhere, doesn’t it?
RM is what distributes the existence of objects across clients. That has nothing to do with data saves, as far as I know.
Very true.
They go hand-in-hand, however.
Hey Jon002! ( TimTech, i’m not logged in, and im not in home, but you can trust me, it’s me. Im writing because comments must be “Accepted” (?) By moderator so, you know )
So, you are working on Creating account, saving character and use it? Cool! The thing, that i was waiting for!( and mosnters ofc XD )
But, to reigster, we will able to do it ” manually “?
I mean, if i want to log on, i won’t must use timtech account, only my own created account in LUNI? ( i mean, we will be able to make our account in files, or in cmd? )
It’s okay, once that IP is accepted once, further comments that pass the quality filter are immediately published. You won’t have to use an account from here (actually, it’s impossible), but rather one that you configure directly from the server. There is actually a little-used feature in 0.5 that requires MySQL but supports account authentication (no advantages, characters can’t be saved) but this is probably how it will work for a localhosted server. If there is an actual public server with user accounts I will probably take requests manually or through some kind of web interface directly connected to the SQL database.
Yep! As Tim said, MySQL database connection is not required in the 0.5 version of the server. However, just to give the heads up, version 0.6 will REQUIRE MySQL (as there is not where else that is very convenient to store characters, who are saved to accounts 🙂 ). You can easily install MySQL with XAMPP or MAMP however. Just wanted to make sure everyone knows.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Help with installing MySql? Tried installing it multiple ways, but it still won’t show up in Visual Studio as a database connection option. Will installing with XAMPP allow integration with Visual Studio for development?
So… To register ( or log in with any account, etc. )
We will need MySQL? No Problem ^_^
In order to add MySQL to a Visual Studio project, basically you need to use the header files and libmysql(client).lib and add these paths to your include and library directories in the settings (if that made sense). Basically, you need the project to load the MySQL libs, which require the header files in the /include folder (I forget the actual path for XAMPP…) somewhere in the xampp installation.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
One I get around to setting up XAMPP, I’ll take a look into that… Will add your instruction to the dev file, methinks. Do I just need to include the directory with the header files in my project properties, or do I have to do something with them?
I don’t have to install MySQL, connectors, or whatnot from the MySQL site, right?
Sure! Where is the Dev file actually? Can you give me access to it?
Also, no. I have used no connectors in my project.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I posted it a while back, let me go and grab the link…
Yeah, I tried installing MySQL for VS, then MySQL CE… Apparently neither of those like to work. I’ll just grab it with XAMPP if that works.
Thanks! I can’t seem to edit it for some reason though… Should I just make a copy and then send it to you?
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
That would be because I set link sharing to view. :p I would’ve done commenting, but I can’t permanently delete comments, and I’d want to be able to have that option.
Definitely just do a copy and send it by way. That would probably be the easiest way to do that.
I hope one day we will be able to play the full LU and use the installer more easly
There is a bright future for LUNI! 😀
Coming from the mac side of this project I will start to try to figure out ways for LU to run its best on Macintosh computers , however , this has not been working out.
The farthest I’ve really gotten to at this point is it launching (With the help of Wine) and I go through the terms of service and all of that boring stuff than shortly after…. It crashes
I’ll try to keep on updating
This download has been going on… :/
What about me profile picture, Its bob (Lego Universe) He stares at you and consumes your soul but don’t worry about it
What you need to do is get the installer working.
I have a Mac because I think trying to buy a computers that will run window will be hard to find and trying to find anti virus programs. I don’t want to build my own computer because I don’t know much about building one for games, so I got a Mac. (I was brainwashed by my dad that macs are the best) but he had a software for the Mac that runs windos and lu works great on it. The software is called parallels. I hope this helped 🙂
Ya I used wine for it. I never got it to work. 🙁 it’s to confusing for trying to get the server to run. I hank you need a plugin to run windows command lines.
Looks like we are making an tiny ( Really small ) Bit of progress. Great Job Guys. Oh by the way I don’t know if any of you are interested but check out the pvp they were going to add ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY9bSSjvQwA
This is old, as shival doesn’t even have LEGO Universe any more. He was officially moderating and developing for the LEGO company, I think. We already asked him to help out and he said no.
That’s too bad. I wish It could have stayed open for what was going to be added. The Castle and Ninjago worlds looked great. I wish we could play them in Luni. Oh By the way do you think we can find somebody who worked on lego universe to help ? We need the dev’s.
We asked all the LUPs we could find (a measly 2) and none of them helped.
Okay guys! I have gotten a playable entity! This isn’t anything big, and it is just a cube… But it is using LEGO Universe code! So, all i need to do is go through the process of importing, and there we go!
what exactly do you mean by “playable entity”?
By playable entity I mean that I have a cube moving around with LU code! Plus, even though this won’t help with a server. Gamebryo does have a localhost server feature! So, localhost LU may happen sooner then we think! 😀
Are you pretty much saying to create a game from scratch using LU models and code? Would that be easier?
It may be easier, but that isn’t our goal. Still, it’s a worthwhile idea that looks promising.
Hey Tim and Jon002!
I forgot to ask. In 0.6v character creation will be available, right?
But… we will be able to use it and:
1. Start on Venture Explorer?
2. Start from LVL 1?
I don’t know when 0.6 is coming out, and I don’t know what’s going to be in it. Character saving and usage should be added (since creation has worked since 0.3), but I’m not sure about any of the other stuff. We’re going to have to wait and see.
Emm, and next question.
I know it very hard to say it right now, but…
In the last months of 2015 game will be in 40-50% Playable?
( Character creation, using created character, start from lvl 1 on venture explorer, Rocket traveling, and equiping few items? )
1. Char creation will defiantly happen
2. Start from level one is not necessary, but will happen also.
3. Rocket traveling is the LAST thing we really need. You can just use commands to move around.
4. It will be equipping all items, not just a few, but that needs a replica manager…
I love it when things happen defiantly. adds *pazzaz* que pose and jazz hands.
Okay, great work Jon002! I have been fooling around with the packets, and I am learning about how the work. But char creation… Wow, that is great! Could you send me the server? I am trying to host my server again, but 0.5 doesn’t work…
Has johhn actually got charecter cust. working? if so. why not release v5.1?
He’s working on it.
Yep. The main advantages will be dynamic packet construction for the Auth and Char servers as well as documented source and character saving/loading. It’s not done yet, but I’m working on it!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Great, I knew it was necessary 😉 (to have dynamic construction)
Personally after 6.0 is released. I think the replica manger is your next big move It makes sense. What is the plan for development anyway. Is it in order or just random ?
0.6* (?)
Sorry made an mistake. Oh and by the way are you planing to release the unreleased worlds as they are in the client ?
after they get everything already in the game going
This is just a quick question, will you be making additional worlds?
Also, I don’t know how to program but is there any way I can help?
there are many of the unreleased worlds in the client once this all gets going the devs will be able to hopefully adventure into the client and release the unreleased world to us.
I don’t have any friends that ever played LU, so once this is finished, will there be a list of servers?
Hello, folks, I’m back, and, I’m wondering if there is anything I can do to help.
Welcome back, nothing much new.
Hey guys, 2 questions.
1= When will 0.6 be released, and can you PLAY as the char you save?
2= Timtech, can you post how to make a MySQL server agin? I have forgotten… lol
From what I know they are working on it and it is almost done
Almost done? I don’t think so 😉 but we are TRYING to enable custom character usage, and for MySQL there should be help on the Q&A page.
lol i have waaayyyy to much LU points… Yep Timtech, i stalk this site 😉
I knew if I earned one point I couldn’t stop…
Nice, I see you have beat me.
you’ve surpassed TimTech himself XD nice!
Wow I think I have to get a lot more LU
points 🙂 LU points just made me addicted
to this site lol!
I’m 9th!! Sooooo happy now!!
Does the server work on windows 10?
It should.
We won’t have access to the worlds,npcs, and items that are in the LU dev trunk build will we?
I don’t think so… what we have to work with is the stuff in out version of the client.
When do you plan to start the replica manger
I believe they are already working on it. It just takes a lot of time to get it to work properly.
The last time I heard they were not working on it. They should update us ( If they can ) From time to time
Nope they are working on it
And when it is complete
We will be able to play the
full LU! 😀
Will you soon be adding enemies?
Not soon, but hopefully we will be able to sometime.
Well, just wanted to post a status update: You can now create a character and save him to a MySQL database (although, the server won’t fetch him yet… It will always show an empty list of characters). However, I am working hard to at least get a version out ASAP (which, of course, could be a while) so please don’t go crazy over that info. I will release it as soon as I can when I have confidence that it is pretty stable.
I am now working on loading chars from the database when you log in… I have a working struct, but the data is formatted a little off, and so I need to look into that (wchar placing bytes before the string… of course, this could be due to something else, but it doesn’t load the char… yet.)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Hey Jon002!
It’s my 3rd time when im asking, but no one answered it yet.
So…. if saving char, etc, etc. will be done, we will be able to use this character?(Play as this character)
Yes. Although, for others to see, you will need a ReplicaManager set up…. Sorry for not answering your question earlier. I’ve just been busy.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Thanks Jon, and no problem ^_^
That isn’t the biggest accomplishment, but we’re getting there! Great job…
How do you do this? I code myself, and RakNet just looks like a foriegn langauge to me! Is there anyway to learn it besides the manual? ‘Cause that doesn’t really help either… 🙁
I haven’t seen anything aside from a few tutorials using Leadwerks. It would be helpful if we could get a tutorial for that…
Btw, I would get some background in networking (ie from here before taking a look at the manual. It makes much more sense, and I’ve only started to learn about networking. 😛
I basically just use a lot of the code snippets that RakNet has in their documentation as well as viewing what the rest of the code looks like… Although, the RM may be quite hard to implement as I need to review that in depth. But bascially, I’m just teaching myself everything. Lots of trial and error.
Also, do you know any other languages besides C++? I’ve just been studying Objective-C for a couple years now and then Swift for about a year, both of which have some commonalities with some of the things in C++ (Objective-C has much more since it is build on top of C and C++).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
P.S: Also, what @Knightoffaith said, it would be helpful to look into network just to get familiar with it. It’s not completely necessary, but it will help you a LOT.
Ah, ok. C++ isn’t my area, but Java in particular is! I also do I bit of C# and HTML, (what coder doesn’t know HTML?
Trial and error, I’d be sitting at the computer if I did that, and I have before.
HTML is what this site (and all sites) are built on. PHP and JavaScript are also good HTML-related things to learn.
I know that, I was just saying it is one of the simplest programming language’s to learn…
Yep, but it’s really not a programming language.
I’ve been living a lie all these years! ;(
Scripting language, I’d say. HTML5 is kind of pushing itself as a programming language, though… with JavaScript and HTML5 you can do some pretty cool stuff.
your the man jon002 get it out there!
The game won’t let me create a new character, when I get to the name part I can’t click play.
Yep. Jon002’s currently working on getting that working.
Right now you can only create a character, but you can´t save or play him.
Yep, it’s been like that since 0.3.
By the way, is this still up to date? If not, could it be updated as XAMPP and such will be needed now?
It’s up to date, but mainly only used for downloading the client on a Mac.
Well, in future releases that’ll have to be how to make any work. 😛
No? That’s just to download the client. The “Nexus 2” client is sufficient for Windows users…
I’m talking about running the server from .6 onwards, as it will require XAMPP for a lot of features.
That’s true, but it doesn’t matter for the client whether or not you have XAMPP.
Alright, time for another status update. I have gotten character creation to work!!! You can now create a character and the login and see him! Delete, however, has not been implemented yet. I will move on to that after I figure out another problem…
For some reason, when the client sends the packet containing the newly created chat info, the shirtColor and shirtStyle hexes get sent (those are my SQL database names for the color and style of the shirt). However, when the server sends it back to the client when loading chars, the short appears to be only a solid color… No design. I believe there is a relation with the shirtStyle and shirtColor to the shirt ID in the cdclient database, but I can’t seem to figure anything out… I’ll post back once this is sorted.
But I’m getting close to a working char server! (Although, you are unable to play as you new character 🙁 )
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
still awesome work! You rock jon002!
^ (and Grant, don’t post random web links please)
Great job Jon002! 🙂
Hey Jon002!
When playing as created character will be available? (In 1-2 months?)
I’m confused, I thought you could play as your new char, me and CDfalcon found all the bytes to change clothing?
Yes, but he made it so you can change him ingame…
So, if i will choose cheekymonkey ( or other one )
In gmae i will be able to change that character, to the created by me character?
That’s the goal, but it’s not there yet.
Oh, thanks
I was told that there’s a way to do this for mac, but I can’t find out how to do so. Help?
Try the installer.
Hi Timtech,
I am having issues with LU.
I click on legouniverse_mac in client and I get a picture of bob running.
Then it just closes. I have tryed and tryed to no avail.
Please help. LU was awesome!
Yours truly,
Make sure you have the recommended client, which is “Nexus 2”.
Hey, ive been watching and keeping updated on your project for a while now, and i wanted to ask what features you will prioritise first, e.g player interaction, vendors etc. I also wanted to note that if you have not tried ask shival for a copy of his trunk build.
Ironsodawarrior- rank 3 engineer.
Shival doesn’t want to be involved with LU anymore, and believes it is dead. (We’ve already asked him).
Do you require anything to create a character?
To create one? No. We haven’t gotten saving or using those characters done yet, though.
You can customize a character, just can’t play as one (yet)
I saw a video about a tutorial on how to join the public server and this page was linked in the description. What about the server? Does it still exists? When do you turn it on?
I’ll be pleased with an answer!
I am re-opening it when the char-saving server improvements by Jon002 are finished. Users won’t be able to interact with each other, unfortunately.
So…… We need the RM!
Right now you need to create your own server and play on that, CDFalcons didn’t work and I don’t know how Tim’s is doing.
Mine is just a public host of the recommended version, and I’m waiting to get the new one up until 0.6 is released.
For some reason just now I remember a long time ago… (probably before most of the people here where on the site.) I was so sad that LU closed that I wanted to find any way to bring it back! I thought I knew how to do it, I don’t know if any of you remember that old post I created on the LMB’s? (HOW TO GET A LEGO UNIVERSE PRIVATE SERVER) Yeah, and then… I found this site, I remember all the way back when 0.3 came out! Back then Tim and Jon didn’t think we would even get to see enemies or rockets or anything. Even pwjones’s where a nice surprise for all of us. It just makes me feel good that what we all found impossible…
…Is now possible! 🙂
(I don’t know why, I just felt like writing this! :p)
I know, it’s nice to remember this kind of stuff, and how far the project has gotten. I’m thinking of opening a Minecraft LUNI server, what do you think?
What would it be? Like, rebuilding LU on the server? Because I am already doing that with my friends…
Cool, I don’t know. Maybe just a factions server 😀
do it timtech 😀 make sure to tell me the IP!
btw whats ur MC name?
Yeah, I’ll make a factions server and my faction will be LUNI! I’ll set up the server today and tell you guys the IP soon. My MC name is technotim75
Minecraft LU development team I know Unicraft was cool but they banned me for some reason :/ I’ll develop if it’s gonna be an LU remake
Let me just say:
Tim you need to turn off CDFalcon’s LU points!
That is all.
(Falcon, I’m watching you.)
Lol, he is just visiting (very) frequently.
CDFalcon, if you’re reading this,
Logout once in a while, let us catch up with the LU points!
Lol, if I registered I would probably be pretty high. :p
I visit this site 2-5 times daily… Mainly because I get bored and just check. I should register and get some points
You guys should register, that’s the reason I added LUPoints in the beginning 😉
Lol, in response to the comment above, I do visit this site often, but I have NO idea why I have so many points… I visit this about 4 times a day, and I have been logged out for 3 days… Not sure why I still have so may points…
Hmm… I can see your logs, and you’ve definitely been checking in today 😉 and I definitely think you’re earning more than 4 points a day. No worries, the more the better!
I want to give a big thanks to Jon for getting Char creation working(almost) and I really look forward to this being released. Tim do you think if Shival saw our progress he’d give us a trunk build?
I know he thinks it’s dead but what if we show him it isn’t
I still don’t think he would help, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask again.
How would we be able to contact him?
Exactly I’m sure Tim knows a way but it really wouldn’t hurt to ask. Just tell him it would out our cause tremendously
I meant to put help btw XD
Who is shival? Did I miss something?
Head Mythren.
Shival was an LU Mythran in probable possession of an LU trunk build which could be tremendously beneficial to all of us here at TimTech. It has everything they were going to release and what had already been released so as you can imagine it would help a ton
He said he didn’t have LEGO Universe anymore.
2 things.. Has anyone contacted HappyPappy? He was Shivel’s assistant Mythren…
Also, did i here right that TheNayJan is sick?
I don’t think anyone has contacted HappyPappy, and I haven’t heard anything about TheNyJan being sick.
Tim if you get around to contacting them tell me what they tell you I’m learning code at the moment
TheNyJan said on 14th December 2014
“Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I had a car crash a few weeks ago and now I’m in the hospital with (too!) many injuries…”
Mayby he could be still in hospital!
Hope you’ll get better NyJan 🙂
I was wondering if someone can make a launcher for this that has a place for a friends list and can conect to the server they are on. (After when we can see other players) Also with an option to connect to other servers or open your own single player by opening the server file. With an option to create a private server to play with a friend. Is this what luHUB is going to be?
Also great job Jonoo2!
What’s with my comment being not at the bottom? Is this about lupoits or it’s different?
No, I must have deleted a comment that had replies to it. Any comment that is a reply to a deleted comment is automatically pushed to the bottom. I fixed it now.
Would it be cool if a maker of lu came to help? Is there anybody here who helped make lu?:)
I think LUPs (LEGO Universe Partners) helped to make LU, but I doubt they will help us (we’ve already contacted two of them).
I have an funny feeling one will
I have a feeling one won’t…
Hmmm… Is there something you know about? Have you contacted anyone? Because if you have, and they are willing to help, please, tell me. I would love to get in contact with an LUP about the server!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
If your asking me, no, I do not know anybody.
now i think you should create a smaller version of nexus 2 for us bad internet people because i see no use of downloading it and waiting 6 hours while your Super busy and have to use the computer. and even if you do go to a website while its downloading that’ll just make it a longer download
It is the full client. I see no point in reducing the size just to release a new client with every server update. Think of all the strain it puts on my site… 2TB/month bandwidth usage whenever there is a client update. This is the other reason why I try not to update the client too much.
Okay, TimTech, are you still trying to add Raffa’s !goto world command?
Yes, but I’m going to wait until Jon finishes his part of 0.6 before I add that in as a little extra feature before it’s released.
I’ve been working on that a little bit… I had to change the code that said the chat had to use the command: “!goto [world]” to “/goto [world]” Because the chat can not process the !goto command because there is no moderation team looking at the chat that your saying. So, no moderators… No chat… but because of admins on the original server… anything that started with “/” didn’t need to be moderated. This didn’t work, probably because it was trying to access commands from a file on the original server. I don’t know. But, it may work if we make this one change…
Figure out a way to make it so that when you join the server you have the ability to use the macro code. That means original commands like /travel, (Seen in shivals videos.) I don’t know how, and I don’t know what I may have done wrong with the code that raffa made… But I am not worrying about it too much because we may have rockets sooner then we think. Plus we always have the checksums. 😉
So, my brain just threw up. I feel better now.
*Bakes cookies for devs to make RM faster*
I have a feeling this would include packets for chat and world movement.
Tim can we get a credit page/page that shows what people are working on or is there already one. It gives everybody something to look forward to and tells people how things are going. You catch my drift Tim?
TimTech: Working on Site and Servers
Jon002: working on Character creation
CDfalcon: working on packet construction and Replica Manager
Mater6: learning and constructing packets
Caboose, Startreklover, etc: advertising
Knightoffaith: Contributing
Robowarrior: finally back
Humanoid: huge contributor
Lol you can drop the replica manager… but I am learning from the packets…
“Huge contributer” is probably an understatement for humanoid :P. Basically, humanoid24 and lcdr, along with pwjones who had the packets that gave us an idea of where to go with the server actually got it started. Without their efforts, there really wouldn’t be any “progress” on anything as we would have NO idea how the original server could have been structured like (or the data that it sent). Basically, for humanoid24, lcdr, and pwjones, they should be under “Creators”.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Lol yeah I just put what was on my mind
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Woo yeah advertisement! Although my YouTube is more of a support thing-y (plus videos when I get a chance). So I could be a contact for consumer support? I can interpret things from the many languages of the internetz.
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself” — Albert Einstein.
Omg, startreklover does more than advertise! He does the tutorials on YouTube!
No way! I’m on there! 😀 glad I’m considered part of the team!
Because remember kids:
“Everything is awesome when you work as a team!”
(Pulled a Jon002 there!)
And I’ll start advertising on Youtube
And make LUNI wallpapers and stuff!!
We have the LUNI Wiki but I might make a better site for it that could host documentation as well.
Alright everyone, so I am nearing the completion of the char creation server. It will also be documented so that people who want to help with the server can easily figure out what everything is doing.
But what I want to do now, first, is release a WILL and WON’T chart of what this server will and will not be capable of doing at the moment. This is so that people can know what is included and what needs to be added (some things will also need to be updated, perfected, etc. too)
– Be able to create a custom username/password combination and use this to log in to the game
– Be able to create, save, and delete custom minifigs
– Be able to do all of this with dynamic packet construction (meaning you can delete the /auth and /char folders in the Debug folder)
– Be able to view the documented source code so that you can help with the server in any way.
– Be able to load your custom character into a world and play as him (trying to do so loads CheekyMonkey)
– Be able to get items and consumables and save him to you character
– Be able to load CheekyMonkey with dynamic packet construction (as the ReplicaManager still needs to be set up)
– Play a completed version of LEGO Universe (which doesn’t exist right now :P)
I really hope this helps get an idea of what the server will be like when it is released. I will post back when it is ready, hopefully sometime in the next two-three weeks (maybe earlier if I can get the time 🙂 ). Mainly all I’m really doing right now is cleaning up the code and documenting the source (char creation already works!)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Great! I am not as excited about char creation as I am about the documentation! Lol! Thanks for that!
Awesomesauce! Hopefully I’ll be able to start doing some work on this once it’s live. Many thanks!!
Btw, installing XAMPP will be required for this one, right?
Yep. I had to go ahead and require it, because otherwise there would be no way for the server to save the characters.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Almost have it running, so I should be good to go.
BTW, have you gotten anywhere with the dev docs by chance? Just curious.
I’m very sorry, but I haven’t really gotta anywhere yet. I’ve just been busy getting this release out to everyone quickly. Once it’s released, I will focus attention on the doc.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
That’s fine, no problem. Many thanks for the work you’re doing. 😀
Good job Jon002!
Now we can make chars 😀
So all we need is the Replica Manager!
I think I have some ideas for LUNI!
1. progress section
2. Credits section
3. News section
4. Newsletter
5. LUNI photo section!
(Where everybody uploades
screenshots and their art works!!)
What do you guys think?
already said that above but ok
Did I said it twice?
If I did I’m sorry
Hey Timtech, about the
MC factions servers.
What are you planning to
add to the server??
P.S my MC name is plane730
It’s pretty much finished as it is… I have limited RAM for it so a lot of plugins wouldn’t work out.
Hey Tim will you be able to make new weapons and npc’s because Textures, Templates, effects and names can all be modified? i saw Jammester’s video “Lego Universe is Dead” and i just had the idea would we be able to do such a thing? constructing npc packets and weopon packets would be so cool!
But we need the RM to do that!
Hello. May I ask 1 question, how do I access ALL the worlds? CDFalcon had a link to it but I cant find it! please help!
You will need to change the world ID and checksum (see the Q&A page).
hello there TimmTech i’ve uploaded a small video just redirecting people to the site here
http://youtu.be/xlH90YqPOzc it may be bad but hey i tried XD
Hey there,
I’m a java developer and I have much experience with Minecraft/Bukkit/BungeeCord coding so I could help with the faction server if you need help. Also I loved LU so if you have something to do for me I’m in!
Love you for the LUNI project
– Jonny
Nice, do you think instead of a generic Factions server we could make it a remake of LU? I just think that’s been done before.
they only made 3 worlds i’m talking about remaking the whole thing Tim 😀
I think we could make a remake of LU in Minecraft but only with the possibilities in Minecraft itself. I’m a plugin developer so I don’t know anything about to implement completely new items into the game.
But we could use a resource pack to change the textures of already existing items.
Tim will you make me a mod on your server Minecraft name is caboosetiger
i’ll remake LU if you’d like
I’m not sure if we’ll be remaking LU on it, but if we do I can give you permission.
thank you 🙂
I wonder whats new in 0.5.1?
Take a read here: http://timtechsoftware.com/?page_id=1065&cpage=38#comment-13281
Unfortunately that’s not all in 0.5.1 – it just contains fixes so the server will compile into release mode. It had to be that way so Jon could base his 0.6 off of it 😉
Oh, that 5.1. 😛
Yes, it didn’t seem right to merge it into 0.5.
Quick question Jon,
Will Apache be needed for local use (as in the only clients are on the machine I’m running the server on) of the new server version, or just MySQL? Are these instructions what woud need to be followed as opposed to just downloading the client & server, then running both?
Yep. You need to start Apache as well as MySQL in order for the localhosted server to run.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Timtech, me, and a few others might be remaking LU in minecraft if anybody would like to join just reply so we can hopefully put together a Lego Universe Minecraft Dev Team 🙂
I want to join!
I’m in! I could make the plugins for the server if you don’t have a developer yet.
I just noticed you are talking about the project I already know about, sry ^^
Let’s just get LU revived before we do a Minecraft LU.
I also think so
I don’t think so…
With the Minecraft server we would have a way to get donations a we would have a project for the people who can’t help with the real LU source code.
not a final thing but Tim you got some people here who want to work on the Minecraft LU server :/
Myself,possibly you, airplane, mater06(he might because he has minecraft, Joni2012, and i’m sure we’ll find more people on Planet Minecraft
Cool, I guess we can still make factions and just build them up individually. (Like allot different sizes to different worlds, I’ve already got this worked out).
I’m already doing this with a group of friends. Plus, I have my own server that I am revamping. And it is private not public. I most likely will not work on this project because it does not help the luni server.
This is true, but maybe only people that can’t help in other ways would do this. I just think it’s a cool idea 🙂
true, true can you op me or have you already we can use the Uni-craft skins or add onto their database
Has anyone already built the LU worlds in Minecraft?
I’m not sure. I heard that only 3 worlds have been rebuilt.
And which of them?
I have seen a video with the aventgarden.
There is someone who is trying but he is just a kid caught up with school work and is not even half way, but it looks good. Its called lego uni-craft. That’s where I went a year after lego universe shut down, then I noticed there was barely any people helping and no progress so I left.