LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (221)

  1. I just changed my name from “Jonny” back to “joni2012” because I think it’s more unique.

  2. when i run 0.6 it just says cant connect to database, i think this is talking about mysqul?
    whatever its called

  3. i have skype but im not telling you, witch mysql should i get? server, workspace, witch one?

  4. I’ll make a tutorial how to setup the 0.6 server.

  5. my apache and mysql dont work on XAMMP

  6. i really need a tutorial because i’m lost on 0.6 as of now 🙁

  7. ok, i ran mysql and apache. what do you mean by add .sql?

  8. Tim once i know how i’ll upload a tutorial to YouTube. also i’d like to know how to join CDfalcon’s server

  9. OK I’ve got it to work! but I’ve run into what might be a problem how long is it supposed to say “submitting username”? because i followed Jon002’s directions on how to register

  10. ehhh, whenever i typed register user;ted pass: ted and when i joined the server crashed instantly

    • You have to register the user in separately arguments…

      First you have to type in “register” then press enter.

      Next you’ll have to type in the argument for your username then press enter.
      For example “user”.

      Next you’ll have to type in the argument for your password then press enter.
      For example “1234”.

      After that you can log in with the username and password you have set before.
      In this example:
      Username: user
      Password: 1234

  11. Okay, great job on 0.6 Jon002. Small glitch, freezes when I try to travel, something about me using special gear or something.

    Also, I have been thinking about 0.7(I know, I know, but I never stop thinking 😉 )
    There are only 2 things left that we can do without the replica manager.
    1. !goto world command(which if you don’t have time for timtech, I will install)
    2. Spawning all NPC’s.

    I am going to spawn those little NPCs if it is the last thing I do. But I can’t do it alone(weeeelllllll, maybe I could) so I need a team.

    If you are interested and good at HEX or c++(mainly HEX), post here.

    Two people I would like to have help me are TheNyJan(but I haven’t heard from him in a while) and mator6.

    So if you want to help, post here and/or join my wiki(for contacting purposes)

    Thanks, CDFalcon

  12. Hey Timtech!
    There is a way to install 0.6 without mySQL?
    Because i can’t install it… ( it giving me an error ;/ )

  13. I can’t play the actual game with the 0.6 server …
    I create a char, then I click on play and then it stucks at 0% in the travelling screen… 🙁

  14. Bonsoir timtech c’est moi !! tony vous allez bien ? BREFF vousen etes a ou peut-on tuer des monstres ? faire les missions changer de stuff ?

  15. J’ai un bug !!! quand je telecharge le serveu rluni 0,5,1 sa me dis application introuvable NEED HELP

  16. hey. i cant log in to lego universe. and i think why is because when i use the LuniServer.exe it says “Terminated Unable to connect to database”

    Jon002 said

    included in both releases, the is an SQL folder. This contains a file called “Database.sql”. What you just need to do is start a server (localhosted or remote) and import the SQL file… No manual database creation needed! It does this for you! Basically what it does is create a database named ‘luni’ and then inserts different tables into it.

    But the problem is i dont know how to start a server. so i would like some help.

    P.S im a kid. so if this doesn’t make sense thats why.

  17. Hey. Can You Guys Make A Video Tutorial on 0.6?

  18. hey. i cant login to lego universe. can u please post a Video Tutorial Timtech?

    • What does your MySQL database look like? That’s definately the first place to look if there are any problems… Also, check the console of the LUNIServer… what does it look like (or say)?

      Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

  19. Hey!
    It’s me Natsu22. I made new account 🙂

  20. LUNI Server 6!!! 😀

  21. So do we have all of the files to play and have the npcs show, but technically we need to unlock it?

    • Kinda right… 😀

    • In a way. Basically, the NPCs, items, etc. are all stored in the world files (from what I believe). Basically, the RM creates and serializes these items in a “confirmation” for the server to load certain objects and then show them in-game.

      Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

      • My biggest fear is that item drop algorithms (for example if you kill a dragon) are server side and we have to recode the possibilities of which items could get dropped… 🙁

        And that for every single entity ingame !!! 😮

        • Yeah, I was thinking about that before. We wouldn’t be able to replicate that perfectly, for better or worse (soft drops could actually be implemented with this lol).

          • Just a little tidbit, if y’all remember in the early days of LU, item drops were not set for each player… what happened was if you killed a dragon, it basically became first come, first serve.

            Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

          • But what about the algorithms that decided what dropped?

          • What I’m wondering is if the client figured that out… just a hunch, but it seems the RM just basically tells the client that its OK to load something, and then leaves it to the client to figure out how (similar to movement)

            Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

          • So you’re saying that in this case the server doesn’t actually specify what items are instantiated? Would the client just see the destruct command and drop the items when that happens?

          • The client is complicated. I wouldn’t put it past the developers to put that in the client to reduce load on the servers.

  22. why are my comments Not getting approved?

    • TimTech wasn’t here.

      • Yeah, I had a project to get done, so I couldn’t visit my site yesterday. Sorry about that…

        P.S. I like how you said “TimTech wasn’t here” instead of “TimTech isn’t here” because you knew I would read it soon 😉

  23. hey. i cant log in to lego universe. and i think why is because when i use the

    LuniServer.exe it says “Terminated Unable to connect to database”

    Jon002 said

    included in both releases, the is an SQL folder. This contains a file called “Database.sql”. What you just need to do is start a server (localhosted or remote) and import the SQL file… No manual database creation needed! It does this for you! Basically what it does is create a database named ‘luni’ and then inserts different tables into it.

    But the problem is i dont know how to start a server. so i would like some help.

    P.S im a kid. so if this doesn’t make sense thats why.

  24. Here is my tutorial video on 0.6 :


  25. i’m still using 0.5.1 and it works good but when i try using a different character than the guy with jetpack it returns me to log in

  26. Hey Timtech!
    Did you know when the equipping armors, weapons, etc. Will be available?

  27. OH… DEAR GOD…….
    I just noticed my mosaic jester gear is away forever! I didn’t really think about my items before LUNI… *cries* 🙁

  28. HappyAngryCatfish February 23, 2015 @ 6:07 PM

    Can someone link me to world IDS and what file to edit again to switch world? Thanks

  29. HappyAngryCatfish February 23, 2015 @ 6:19 PM

    So what’s the whole issue about not being able to load VE with a new char?

  30. SuperGeniusCreator February 23, 2015 @ 7:02 PM

    So I downloaded the new server and launcher, and did all the steps with MyPHPAdmin and all that stuff, but, like others have said, the game just stays on the Venture Explorer loading screen forever. Is there any way to fix this? And what purpose do the gruntmonkey and other character folders under the server’s “world” folder serve? Is there even a way to access those characters? I tried editing the char_aw2 file in the “world” folder, but it didn’t fix it. I even tried making a folder called “supergeniuscreator” (what I named my saved character) and copying & pasting the char_aw2 file into there to mimic the gruntmonkey and etc. folders. Any ideas/solutions/reasons why it isn’t working and what has caused it?

    • As Jon said above, the world server is not working yet, so there is no way to load the worlds currently. I might look into doing a load from the world packets as a placeholder before dynamic creation happens, we’ll see.

    • Ah! I figured it out! In the source, the world will load IF the user ID (objectid) is the same as cheeky monkey. Just change this in WorldLoop.cpp and you can load CheekyMonkey again

      Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

  31. HappyAngryCatfish February 23, 2015 @ 7:55 PM

    What needs to be done to the world server in order for it to work?

    • I don’t believe the packets are able to be dealt with at this point. Just guessing, as I haven’t been able to look at all the code yet.

  32. Just wondering, are we still in need of a PHP script for registration? If so, I can easily write one up in the very near future. I’ve been following this for quite a while and found it quite interested, however I only really know web development so would anyone be able to push me in the right direction of learning all of this C++ Server side stuff etc?
    Thanks in advance! ~ MrDj67.

  33. When I log in it says that “we could not sing you in to LEGO Universe and also
    the server console says PRESS ENTER TO QUIT and when I type somthing it close.

    Please help!

  34. I have just a few questions:

    1. where is that LU launcher for the mac?
    2. where is thenyjan?
    3. does the launcher work?

  35. I think it’s time we some how contact TheNyJan he could be a huge help right about now

  36. Hello all! I just wanted to say that I have completed files for all checksums so they don’t have to be switched manually, so let me know if I should link them to you all!

  37. How can I edit the source and compile it to the working server ?
    What programs do I need ?

  38. Hey guys do you guys know
    niklas korbitz? This guy pretends
    making a LU world recaller
    and lots of peoples beleve him!
    I hope peoples who can speak
    their language will advertize on
    their channal 🙂

    • Yeah, I know him from his Youtube channel and I’m speaking his language (german, btw). But I don’t have a Youtube-Account because I am not old enough.
      So, if there is another person, who speaks german and can make an Account, this person should advertise LUNI on his channel.

    • I speak his Language…
      He is a german guy and I have working a short time for him…
      But all what he make is a mask for get a lot of Money this CinitiHD give this niklas korbitz money and niklas korbitz has say what is his new Channel but that is not his Channel he has that all that him give a sub that you register for the closed Beta but it never gives a new Lego Universe from him make…

      For this very bad english I hope a little bit that you unserstand me…

  39. Hello Guys,
    First I’m happy about that I’m not der einzige Deutsche hier 😀 😀 :D!

    I make a Video in where a discribe how you can make the english Game to the German it’s very very very simple…

    And another Important news and funny to I make a Server for LU with… jet comes Unity yes I know what some of you thing but it’s working for the first…

    For this I make a Video too…

  40. jon002. can u make a video tutorial on youtube and send the link?

  41. Airplane!
    Don’t try to be the 4th on LU point leader board 😀
    It’s my place ! ^^

    But that’s not what I wanted to talk about…
    I just wanted to say that I’ll try to make the chat working because at the moment the client is permanently wating for a confirmation if you try to chat…

  42. Okay everyone, if you want to view my minecraft pe factions server, it is

    We have 40,000 total players. 🙂

    Just if you wanted to know.

  43. I am getting an Error in Version 0.6 – “User has 2 number of special itemChar 1 doesn’t exist yet.” and the World won’t load with the character I created.

  44. Ok, guys! I’ve got an update! (It’s a small one) but its an update! I’ve made it so that when you create a new character it puts you on the venture explorer (wasn’t that hard, just changed CheekyMonkey’s checksums!)

    So, Tim you want me to upload this? Or since its so small just keep it to myself. I also don’t exactly know how to compile so…

  45. This is off topic but. There is an game called Star wars the clone war’s adventure’s. If possible can you look into it ?

  46. Update:
    My server now loads your char when you enter the game… Also, I am still working on NPC’s

    My server allows you to choose what items you want in your inventory…

  47. HappyAngryCatfish February 24, 2015 @ 3:08 PM

    Is the luhub site still around I lost my link. Can someone link me to it?

  48. HappyAngryCatfish February 24, 2015 @ 3:55 PM

    Is there a way to manually spawn NPCs?

  49. HappyAngryCatfish February 24, 2015 @ 4:34 PM

    Ok I talked to NyJan he said he’s really busy right now but could help a little bit. And btw is Tristan still working on his server?

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