LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (275)

  1. i know this stuff is hard, but basicly a year, and we get another 0.3?

  2. TimTech i have a question i followed all of the steps in Joni’s video but all it said when i tried to log in was “Submitting Username” until i closed it out… (AN HOUR LATER) i’d really like to create my Character.

  3. and i changed my authorizeserverip in my boot file but i still can’t connect to CDFalcon’s server

  4. Jon002, are you there? I have a few questions.

  5. I need a complete update now !

    Who is currently coding on the server software except CDFalcon and Jon002?

    And who is actually working on RM?

    Can you please give me a list of our developers with their tasks?

  6. So… when I make a char will
    it be saved even if the server gets

  7. Sorry for “spamimng” Posts, but im very excited about CDFalcon progress on Jon002 version. 0.6v
    I just wanna know, when 0.6.1 will be released?

  8. That isn’t spam in my opinion. 😉

    That depends on CDFalcon’s mood. 😀

  9. Okay, I think I need to clear up some things…
    1. My server WILL NOT allow you to play as your own character, just make a much cooler one(such as one wearing jester armor)
    2. My server WILL be able to spawn the NPC’s(not sure how many yet)

    The ONLY reason you cant play as your own char is that the replica manager doesnt work 🙁

    Also, my publi server is down, but I will host it soon…

  10. Hey who did the Mac launcher, was it Jon or thenyjan. Also how’s luhub.

  11. An alle deutsche!!!
    Ich lade gerade das Video Hoch wie man den englischen Client zum deutschen Client macht…

    Melde mich wieder wenn er fertig ist mit Hochladen…

  12. it pauses at 0% forever.

  13. So thenyjan replied to my comment! 🙂 He is here! I think lu hon has a great opportunity! So how is the development of it? Need help with the icons or things in LUHUB. I’m here! 🙂

  14. I have to open 4 programms to connect Unity with SQL Server…
    YES! 😀

  15. CDFalcon,
    Can you please publish your server software of the 0.6/0.6.1 here?

    I NEED IT because my 0.6 isn’t working and your version sounds pretty good.

  16. TimTech what if CDfalcon releases his progress when you release the !goto command
    lol how would that work

  17. So endlich…

    Hello everyone!!!

    Here is a Tutorial from me. In this Tutorial I discribe how you can change the english client to a german client…

    Here is the link to the Video:

    And here is the download link for the .zip there you need to make the client from english to german:

    • very nice! 😀 my family lived in Germany and they speak it fluently yet the only thing i ever learned was ich liebe dich(i love you) XD so i don’t know it that well

  18. Hey would we be able to make weopons and NPC’s that weren’t in the game by editing textures, names, etc…jammester just got me wondering

  19. Okay… So I have not checked-in in awhile, But I just recently stopped by and saw 0.6 is out! Does that mean you can interact with other players? Do quest for the NPC’s? Build on Advent Grove? What exactly does this mean? A detailed explanation will be helpful :).

  20. Cd falcon how’s the server going? Can you play on venture explorer? (I don’t know if that was spelled right) also what happened to your old profile picture, was it a change in email?

  21. Alright, I know I’m unable to develop right now, but I have decided to try to send an email to LEGO via the Customer Service (at first) in which I’m asking for any way to contact someone from the original LU team.

    Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

  22. KnightofFaith if i wanted to host a small server for “mods” could i just for some select people all you’d have to do is edit the name and textures Jammester’s “LEGO Universe is Dead” just got me thinking about it :/

  23. a few questions. 1 when will it be released? 2 Will u be able to sign in with a lego/timtech account? 3 is there anything thats Going to be diferent then the original LU?

    • 1)Nobody knows it just depends there are no definite dates on this site…
      2) not a LEGO account because LEGO doesn’t support this project but a Timtech account/LuHub account/MySql master database…yes
      3)we won’t have Frostburgh, unreleased completely developed worlds and items, or new npc’s just everything that was there on the last day of LU nothing more…nothing less but that means we still get those sick mythran items 😀

    • 1. Soon.. we don’t know the date
      2. We don’t know that ethier
      we have to wait
      3. We will acomplish the full LU
      thats for sure!

  24. Timtech you have to remove LU points…

    We’re addicted to them and that’s definitely not good for us xD

    • Yeah I definitely got addicted XD

      • I think that is the thing behind LU points! You should get addicted and visit site more often (and this is good as it is). But maybe you just should earn points once a day.

        • Okay, I realized that comments are overflowing here. Maybe I should make a forum or something for you guys to chat in, and migrate your points over to there. What do you think?

          • I think we don’t need it for now
            because we already have a
            chatting room on kik

            p.s my kik username is airplane1717

  25. Also in my opinion LEGO won’t help us before we show them that we have made the game working again.

    If we have remade the game we could ask for a license to modify the client but at the moment we have to remake the actual existing game.

    We have to show them our value !

    • Thing is, a member or some members of the original LU team may be interested in bringing it back online and may consider helping out in their spare time as they will also still have previous knowledge from the official server they worked on. 😉

  26. I have completed the php registration page… It appears to be working correctly with the MYSQL database. If this is still needed, should I upload it to mediafire or something? 🙂
    Also, can someone please link me to some sort of tutorials or something where I can learn all of this serverside stuff as I really want to work on the emulator 😀

  27. Why don’t we make a LUNI
    Official youtube channal
    and Newsletter?
    XD I think it’s the best
    idea I ever imagined!

  28. Anyways is there any
    S.Koreans here?
    Am I the only Korean?
    If so I’ll invite many
    friends here!

  29. Okay, small update/info…
    My server will be based of off 0.5… Just because you NEED to have premade char there.
    Also, please understand this: YOU CAN NOT PLAY AS YOUR CHAR!!! Also, you can not use the equipped items with a pre made char. This server is JUST like J0n002’s, but instead of just customizing your char’s normal appearance, you can customize his gear too(but you cant use the gear, just look at it, JUST LIKE J0n002’s server.)

    Also, these servers will have to be local host… They do not save to a MySQL database…

    Now, I know this sounds like a hunk of bad news, BUT….
    You will have *almost* every NPC spawned, at least for Nimbus STation(once i get the hang of Nimbus Station, I will add them to all worlds.)
    Thanks, CDFalcon

  30. joni2012 funktioniert es bei dir mit dem deutschen Client???

    Und warum joni2012 also das 2012 verstehe ich nicht ich glaube nicht das du 2012 gebroren bist oder???

  31. Timtech, where on EARTH are the devs hiding?

  32. So everyone at all from you…

    Also I make A LUNI Server with Unity because I can better script with java as C++ also I make a Server with Unity and it works pretty good.

    On My Server Updates:
    -make a own charackter
    -travel to Venture Explorer
    -and 1 NPC at Venture Explorer named:”BOB”

    Next On My Server for I work is:
    -Spawn Boxes…in there Rocket things
    -Spawn things to build… also the lifts to get to “Ricky Rocket” or so on German “Ricky Rakete”
    -and the NPC from I think you know what for a NPC

  33. Okay, btw, can your server allow you to play as a custom char MrDj67?

  34. So timtech; don’t we have the checksum to Frostburgh? I literally played it when the server was 0.5 so; don’t we have it? If we do why isn;t it on the checksum list on the main page? Thanks; oh and rockets; the !goto command is replacing them; can you make it so that…Either; you have rockets themselves and get them working, or you do the !goto command when you are near the rocket point like say you want to go to ninjago, you go through avant gardens and go to the place where the rocket is for ninjago, then it would say press enter to go to ninjago, and it would activate the !goto command. How does that sound? Plus then we don’t have to remember all the names of the places, like say Avant gardens, what if the command is !goto avant_gardens and we type !goto avant gardens and it doesn’t do anything because of the underscore, stuff like that. I just realized this msg is super long but hopefully some of u reply <3

  35. Ok just to clear some more stuff up… We may actually have assistance from a former LU dev or partner. but this my most recent email to lego’s reply “Dear Cooper,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us again.

    As we’ve mentioned in our previous responses, we are not able to share our proprietary information, such as files or programming, for the LEGO Universe game with your friend’s company. We understand that this may be disappointing to hear, but unfortunately it is just not possible to start a new collaboration for a game we no longer run or support. We hope you understand.

    While it is true that we brought back the Bionicle theme, a MMOG such as LEGO Universe is a very different type of scenario. This game was our first attempt at a platform like that, and unfortunately our high expectations exceeded the reality, and sadly we had to let go. We learned a lot from that experience and we continue to bring much of our knowledge into future game models to avoid making some of the same early mistakes again.

    Currently, we do not have any plans for new games aside from the LEGO Minifigures Online or the Legends of Chima Online.

    We really appreciate your interest and dedication to LEGO Universe, and we hope you can find the same passion for another one of our games in the future. We’re always evolving and coming up with new ideas, so who knows what the future may hold! The next big thing could be just around the corner!”

  36. HappyAngryCatfish February 26, 2015 @ 12:50 PM

    Is anyone actually working on RM?

  37. Timtech. what will be the Final update? will it be 1.0.0 will it be 10.0.0? or will it be 9999999999999999999999999.9999999999999999999 😛

  38. Is Lego Universe at the time the main project on

    sorry, for my bad english hope you understand

    • Maybe my english is also too bad, but i think your sentence is totaly right.

    • I understand what you’re saying perfectly. Right now, the LUNI project makes up at least 80% of the community (returning visitors), but less than 10% of the ad revenue. I’d say it’s probably the main project.

  39. TimTech can you tell me what we need for the next time at the serv or for the server???

  40. I have write an E-Mail to Funcom there have LU Datas to…

  41. Hey Tim!
    I have a question that’s not about LUNI :/
    So, my favourite game just “died” 2 years ago. (There is 1 server of this game, but no update for 2 years…. )
    So, there is a way to start this game on localhost, or something?
    Im asking because you made a LU starting on localhost 🙂
    Please answer it if you can!

  42. TheNyJan are you going to assist CDfalcon i know you’re here 🙂
    also if anyone wants to kik me it’s TheCreepyTroll

  43. a few questions 1 does anyone know when u can start walking around and stuff.. and 2 when is 6.1

  44. Which bytes I have to change to define the location(location in the respective world, not the world itself!) of a character in its ‘char_aw2.bin’ ?

  45. HappyAngryCatfish February 26, 2015 @ 5:22 PM

    How exactly do you spawn NPCS? @Falcon I thought the RM needed to be working.

  46. MrDialga300? I like Java much more than C++, would you like me to help?

  47. So i’ve been thinking about a LUNI forum group fanart poster thing i’ll do it but i would like anyone who wants to be on it to comment armor, physical characteristics, and ideas for it i’ll post a picture or something once it’s completed 😀

  48. And each of you can Kik me if you want to. 🙂


  49. Why we don’t talk with one of the programmers of the Server they can maybe help us???

  50. I have no idea, can this help???

    I think not but do RakNet work?

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