LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (212)

  1. so CDFalcon, how far are you with the server?

  2. HappyAngryCatfish February 27, 2015 @ 3:29 PM

    Are the NPCS suppose to be in NS in 0.6? They aren’t there for me.

  3. When I try to launch the server I get this ! What does it mean and how do I stop it?

  4. Tim, please say what is comming on the next update!

  5. Okay, MAJOR update!

    1. I finally completely understand how the char packets work, and can now tell you EXACLY how to make your own character!(I know this doesn’t seem like much, but before today, I knew only how to add maybe 10 pieces of gear, now I can add them all!)

    2. It will take me about a day or 2 to finish up everything in the packets, but my server is 50% towards completion.

    Some items have not been discovered yet, but almost ALL have…
    //note #2
    My version of 0.6 will be based on 0.5…


  6. Hey Tim!
    Interact with NPC’s also use RM?

    • Yes. Everything that you interact with includes the RM, otherwise everything would have to be loaded at the beginning, includingNPC interaction, which would make the game very boring as you would start by interacting with every NPC in the world 😛

      Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

      • So the last thing we need is the

        • Not necessarily. RM is a BIG addition to the game, but what still needs to be figured out is all kinds of things (I’m not sure of everything, but chatting and friends come to mind – how do you handle these?). Also, the RM manager plugin itself is actually pretty easy to add to the server, its the serialization and construction of different objects that is unknown, and this will take a lot of time to figure out.

          Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

      • I hope in the last months of 2015/ first months of 2016
        Game will be 80% complete 😀

      • Btw. Moving objects ( Platforms, super jumps, etc. ) also require RM?

  7. Tim, the 0.6 source download link is broken 🙁

  8. Live long and prosper 🙁

  9. So 0.6 lets you play and save your own character?

  10. In server version 0.5 you have said that the rm isn’t implemented but why you can see with monkeybrown on the nimbus station npc’s and objects?

    • You can spawn NPCs manually with hardcoded packets, but you can’t interact with them or have them more around without the replica manager.

    • Because at the moment you can initialise game objects on start only. So you can initialise some NPC’s but no missions or buildables and stuff like that.

  11. Tim, do you know who’s currently working on RM?

    Because it seems that no one is actually working on it. :/

  12. Hehe… Slow loading error on my end. 🙁

  13. Hey Tim!
    Playing as created character isn’t available yet, but it will be very, very hard to make, created character works?

  14. Tim, what about make a facebook Group ( not page ) to “chat” etc. with all LUNI fans? 😀

  15. Hey guys 😀
    I’ve now uploaded the registration page which I have made, it is in a ZIP file and it contains an index.php file and a connect.php file… Both of these are needed, connect.php is used to store the data to access the database and the index.php contains the actual HTML and PHP code. 🙂 For this to work, you just simply have to extract the ZIP file to, “C:\xampp\htdocs” And that’s it! However, if you’ve set up a password to access your MYSQL database then you need to update the connect.php page to the following: $dbc = mysqli_connect( ‘’ , ‘root’ , ‘(password goes here!)’ , ‘luni’ )
    If you come across any errors feel free to ask me for help and I am sure I can fix it! I can also create any other web based stuff we may need and I am also going to attempt to begin working on the emulator!! 😉
    Thanks ~ MrDj67

  16. can someone help me with getting out of the Venture Explorer loading screen
    its keeps getting stuck at 0%

  17. Ok guys…

    Here is my tutorial video on how to setup the registration page by MrDj67:

  18. Kittyjumpyphone March 1, 2015 @ 12:35 PM

    Who wants me to turn my youtube channel into an Luni channel. We need to let everyone know it’s back. I will also make an ad on the Lego Forums

    • I’d love to see a few LUNI channels. I’m thinking of making one myself.

    • HappyAngryCatfish March 1, 2015 @ 1:28 PM

      As much as this sounds a great idea I’m not sure (Ask a developer or someone working on the project for an official opinion) if its a great idea to get a ton of fan boys on here begging for updates and all sorts of stuff. This is what the original LUNI project was avoiding it takes time away from the project. Just my take on it ghough.

      • You´r right. Answering the same question ever and ever again is a waste of time, but there are people (actually still like me) that can´t help in the development progress, but are making turorials and answering these questions.

        • Well… I’m not really doing the hard work and developing the server here, so I have some time to answer these questions. Besides, these fans do generate ad money (~$4/month).

    • I´m actually turning my yt channel into another luni channel.

  19. Are there any tutorials on how to make NPCs or worlds or add gear and stuff like that? I’m not very good at anything but Python, HTML, and PHP so are there like any newbie guides?

  20. ElectricWarpBoss March 1, 2015 @ 9:34 PM

    I know this might seem like a stupid question but how do you earn LUpoints?

  21. xXLegoCrafterXx March 2, 2015 @ 8:25 AM

    Hey TimTech,
    You Seen The Videos from “Final Builder” Right? Do You think he is a Faker? When not do You think he can help us? and can You contact him?

  22. Is this Neal maybe a Developer from LEGO Universe???

    • No, he is just a jerk.

      • You remember those early days, eh? I do too.

        • I read some stuffs from
          old LUNI sourceforge and…
          I think nearlybearly was too
          offensive to robowarrior
          and when I saw them fighting
          for main admin I saw no more
          hope for them. So I ‘m sure that
          this was the best way to
          save LUNI: Timtech uploading
          LU onto his forum!
          Good job Timtech! 🙂

    • Lego Universe Now aka startreklover (i hope thats right 🙂 ) showed the same map.

    • Neal is someone who is very knowledgable, similar to humanoid24, lcdr, or pwjones. They aren’t the only ones who are able to program a server.

      Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

    • He has tried to overtake raffa and lead the project (early days)… and he also posts videos on his youtube channel. Not sure what he’s doing now.

  23. Lego Universe is still in the customer list of rak net.

  24. If there will be new version of LUNI, or a new Update, i hope joni2012 will do a tutorial 🙂
    Exactly i think i understand how to do that, but he can explain everything to new users 🙂

  25. Hey y’all, I know I can’t help terribly much right now (I’m not dead… Eventually I’ll be able to resume my work, I believe) but what I’m doing is just basically watching LEGO Universe, seeing how the game on the UI side used to work… Idk if that will help a lot, but not only does it help me see what happens when you do this or that, but also its just really awesome to see! I’m watching Jammester’s play through before LU closed, and so I just want to recommend it for anyone else: he creates a character and plays most/all of the game with him.

    YouTube Link:

    But I can’t wait to hopefully someday come back and help work on reconstructing the Universe!

    Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

    • jamesster* Yeah! This is the best LU Series out there! (I’ve been watching it as well)

    • Haha! I’m not alone!
      When i came here (few months ago, i was Natsu22 :3 ) i was asking about progress, when game will be completed in 100% etc. So when i knew game won’t be completed that fast, i started watching those videos.
      I saw all of them 😀

    • I loved his series. *-*

  26. If I downloaded 0.5, do I have to re download 0.6??

  27. Tim, why don’t you just make a forum? This comment section is horrid, you need a structure to keep track of what everyone says.

  28. Now I’m crazy I have to come on with the Server script with Binary LOL…

  29. Waner Brothers how Funcom say they don’t can help us…

  30. Can someone tell me in which language LUNI is scripted in ? I would like to can (speak?)
    a programming language and maybe I could help bringing LUNI out then.

  31. JonnyDanger327 March 3, 2015 @ 5:27 PM

    I’m really excited to see this game rebuilt and remade for the LU Community, granted that wont be for a while, but I’m still super excited. I’ve been following you guys a while now and I’ve always been wondering where you intend to go with the game. Do you plan to completely recreate it with factions and worlds? Has all the code required to recreate such a project still in existence? Will everything be free and run single player? or will there be servers run by devs to keep the MMO style. Sorry I’m throwing so many questions at you, Im just such a huge fan and would love to see this game up and running again. Thanks!

    • To fully understand my response you have to understand how MMOs work.

      Here’s the thing: There’s a client and a server. The client is what the player’s download, the server is what the… well, server administrator runs. (duh) The LEGO Universe client is totally intact. This contains all the code for every feature in the game to function, as long as the server knows how to respond to it.

      The server, on the other hand, is being rebuilt from the ground up. Due to the fact MMO publisher’s do not release their server files (for obvious reasons), there’s no way around this. Theoretically, the new server can be coded to have all the features the official server has. There are some private server projects that have had tremendous community efforts which have gotten those particular servers very near to their official counterpart. This is a long road, though.

      In order to communicate to each other, the client and server send packets. Here’s an example of what that might look at:
      Client: “Hey, I’m attacking. My position is X: 107, Y233, Z26”.
      Server: “I see your attack and there is an enemy right next to you that should be hit. I calculated your damage to this enemy and you should do 13 damage. I have damaged enemy ID# 133918 for 13 damage. You should display that too.”
      Client: “I cannot refuse. I see enemy ID#133918 has been damaged 13.”

      From this scenario you can see that the client kind of sends “requests”, and is “dumb” when it receives a response. (It just accepts whatever the server tells it.) The server is the one that is actually keeping track of the player health, enemy health, positions, etc.

      The trickiest part in server development is figuring out these packets. First they usually have to be decrypted. Then you have to find out which packet id refers to what. (For example, how do you tell apart an attack packet from a jump packet?) Then you have to make the server handle the requests from the packet, which also requires writing an underlying structure for anything related to it. (Remember, the server keeps track of everything.) THEN you need to know what kind of response is the client looking for? Without an active LEGO Universe server running, this server response is mostly guesswork now.

      IN CONCLUSION: There is no way in the world it would be single player. Due to the nature of MMOs and client-server communication, this would be an even bigger task than redeveloping the server, and it’s simply not worth it. Yes, it is possible to restore all features theoretically, but it’s not so much a matter of the “code being there” as it is figuring out the packets. It WILL be free. LEGO Universe is obviously copyrighted by LEGO and they would massively sue anybody who tried to charge money. Even if one person wanted to run a LEGO Universe server and try to take money, the nature of community driven private server projects is that ANYBODY can start a server. Thus, there will always be free servers. (Once LUNI gets to the point of fairly working servers.)

  32. whenever I turn on the luniserver (0.6) I keep getting a message saying cannot connect to database, anyone know what’s causing this?

  33. JonnyDanger327 March 3, 2015 @ 8:06 PM

    Man, super excited to try out the char i created today in the worlds! When you guys figure out npc spawning…will that allow access to quests an things along with battling the maelstrom? Because HOLY CRAP that would be great to start out… speaking of which, how are you doing Falcon?

  34. I have seen a video of a fully operational and complete Lego universe, Rockets and all, the only thing was that it appeared to only be in German and not English, do you know anything about this server? Or why it is current. (the video, and others like it, are being uploaded in 2014-2015.)

  35. Oh, and when do you think this Lego universe project will rival the original servers?

  36. If 0.6 can’t play with custom characters so is there a way to play 0.6?

  37. Can anyone tell me how to import the server source into visual studio and compile it then?

  38. JonnyDanger327 March 4, 2015 @ 12:57 PM

    I made my own character with 0.6, super excited to Ty it out in game! Will that be possible in Falcon’s new server?

  39. Who’s exactly working on RM for now?
    And what about progress on RM?

  40. JonnyDanger327 March 5, 2015 @ 9:39 AM

    Later in development, will it be possible to start a multiplayer server to play with friends? I noticed on the luHUB website that that software will eventually host servers for you. Is that true?

    • yes it is. similar to minecraft you’ll have to port forward and give your ip to the friends who want to play with you

      • JonnyDanger327 March 5, 2015 @ 11:36 AM

        So even if I use luHUB which states, “The luHUB software will automaticly update your game, load your safegames to servers you play on, host a server for you without you having to configure it and keeps all you data up to date.” I will still need to port forward?

  41. Hello everyone,
    I have found scripts for the server I upload them and you can see the also here is a taste…

    — Description:

    — Server script for Shooting Gallery NPC in GF area.
    — This NPC will react to a user interaction and prompt
    — the user to start the shooting gallery. If the user
    — presses yes, the NPC will send him to the GF SG instance.


    — Sent from a player when responding from a messagebox
    function onMessageBoxRespond(self, msg)

    — User wants to start Pet Ranch, send him there
    if (msg.iButton == 1 and msg.identifier == “Pet_Ranch_Start”) then

    –msg.sender:Help{ iHelpID = 0 }

    msg.sender:TransferToZone{ zoneID = 330 }



    • woah cool so this is pretty much minigames, traveling, quests, all of that? Do we need RM for the things in the minigames like cars, maelstrom boats, etc?

      • Yea, we need RM for that 🙁

        • JonnyDanger327 March 5, 2015 @ 11:38 AM

          What exactly is RM? Is it like whats controlling NPCs to allow quest completion and stuff?

          • RM is short for “Replica Manager”. With the RM we can dynamically create packets, meaning enemies, NPC, and other stuff.

          • ^ Exactly. The ReplicaManager is basically a way of construction, serializing, de-serializing, and destroying objects to conserve memory on the server as the player walks around. Most MMOs use something similar to this.

            Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

    • Awesome! I’d look through these if I could right now, but please, keep a record of these! I believe the msg is a packet that contains the boolean for yes (1 = yes, 0 = probably no) and the identifier (which would most likely be a wstring from the server). TransferToZone is also probably a function that works server-side.

      This is all theory BTW, but it makes sense.

      Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

      • We simply looked into the lua scripts…
        It wasn’ that hard but there are tons of server side packets WITH DOCUMENTATION.

      • Dialga300 also found a secret download link to a “” but it was broken :/

        • Could you post the link? I’d like to mess around with it… Perhaps an internet archive saved a copy of it somewhere…

          Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

        • Also, do you think you could perhaps upload the lua files you’ve found? I’ve got them, but I would have to go through them myself, but it seems you have them already

          Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

  42. One question to Tim and developers:

    Where did you find the world checksums we already know about?

    I’m asking because I’ve found the map files of “earthgauntlet” and I want to know the checksum of it.

    • Pwjones released them. The fact that Keelhaul Canyon’s is unknown makes me think it’s not as simple as reading or decrypting a file. Not sure though.

      • I believe it sorta depends on the client that you have. If you used the FAT decompiler when LU was opened, it may have downloaded extra data (it doesn’t work anymore though).

        Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

  43. Hey Tim!
    Is there any progress on Replica Manager?
    Or still no one can do anything with that?

  44. Okay guys, I am changing a few things…
    I am not going to release my server(don’t pass out 😉 )

    I have decided there is not enough content INSIDE of the server changing to publish. Inside, I am going to relies something that I think makes much more sense, and should help you guys out too. I am going to INFORMALLY document some of the packets…
    Basically, when I first looked at those packets that humanoid24 posted, they looked like a foreign language(and then some 🙂 )
    So I am going to show all of you how to edit the packets. It is a little bit harder than editing the checksums…
    Here is the link where I will post my tutorial.

  45. JonnyDanger327 March 5, 2015 @ 11:54 PM

    So will there be a main server that tons of ppl can play on at once? Because there would be areas that are seemingly impossible to complete by yourself or with like 1 other person (Survivals, Frakjaw/Boss Battles, Butterscotch the Dragon, etc.).

  46. Next Server script…

    –// Rebuild Tutorial NPC — SERVER Script

    CONSTANTS = {}

    — @TODO:ISSUE – Lua cannot send client/single messages to non client OBJID’s. Need a
    — way to RerouteMessage in lua

    function onMissionDialogueOK(self, msg)

    — get the user
    local user = msg.responder

    — on accept
    if (msg.bIsComplete == false) then

    — tell the zone controller we are loaded (this will show the activator)
    GAMEOBJ:GetZoneControlID():ObjectLoaded{objectID = self, templateID = self:GetLOT().objtemplate}

    — pop a tooltip on the player
    –self:Help{rerouteID = user, iHelpID = CONSTANTS[“CLIENT_TOOLTIP_MISSION_ACCEPT”]}

    — on complete

    — pop a tooltip on the player
    –self:Help{rerouteID = user, iHelpID = CONSTANTS[“CLIENT_TOOLTIP_MISSION_COMPLETE”]}



  47. And another now where are 3

    –// Rebuild Tutorial — SERVER Script

    function onStartup(self)

    — tell the zone controller we are loaded
    GAMEOBJ:GetZoneControlID():ObjectLoaded{objectID = self, templateID = self:GetLOT().objtemplate}

    — Hide the activator until someone requests it
    self:DisplayRebuildActivator{bShow = false}

    — break the rebuild


  48. anyone know when 6.1 is going to release? its been like 2 weeks now 😛

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