Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
This has probably already been answered, but how are you planning to fund a public server? and how many players will it be able to support?
My plan is basically to support this site with ad money and to support a public server with donations. It should support about 30 players.
Sounds good. But when we do arrive at the stage of a free to play, public server, there will probably be a lot of traffic with people trying to join, considering the number of people who used to play the game in its prime. Will the server grow to support more players?
If and when we do reach this level of a working server, I believe donations would increase. If it grows above a couple hundred users, I might have to look into crowdfunding or something similar.
Ok, sounds good. 🙂
what’s so annoying is that it took 2 hours to download nexus2.zip, and then it errored when done!!! :(((
What was your error?
I think i know what he mean 🙂
He is downloading on Google Chrome probably.
When he is downloading chrome stops downloading, and say its done (but it really isn’t)
OR error (also on chrome) Failure. Network Error.
Try to download on other browser. Firefox, Opera, etc.
Hope it works! 🙂
Happened to me when I used safari. 🙁
Why cant I get server 0.6 to load up? I have extracted it, and all that jazz, but when I open it it doesn’t work. It loads for about 2 seconds then it just says it cant connect to database. What do I do?
0.6 is a little bit different. It requires that you install XAMPP, start Apache and MySQL, then upload the .sql database that comes in the 0.6 .zip file and upload it to http://localhost/phpMyAdmin due to the fact that it must connect to the database. Versions 0.5 and below have this functionality, but since it is not required for anything except forced authentication, it is disabled by default.
When do you think the client will be out where you can make your own character and go to every world?
That will come in a server update, not a client update. And not soon, either.
when i try to log in, it the server crashes, any ideas to fix it?
I believe you’re talking about either creating an account on an older version of the server or running 0.6. Take a look here: http://timtechsoftware.com/?page_id=1065&cpage=44#comment-15095
so now that works, but it keeps on submitting username
Better if you will download 0.5 now, because to 0.6 you need more “programs” MySQL, etc.
And in 0.6 you can create character, but can’t play at it. So, if you wanna revisit LU download 0.5 version.
Hope it helps 😉
I think Rabbit means the 0.5.1…
The 1 at the end is important 😀
so for the new versions to come I have an idea to what you guys should add. when we create a character then in the server it should create a folder and add some basic files like the world data and character info, and when you play as the character you could play as in the folder you have created which will allow you to play as the character you created. (just some thoughts)
(here’s some other thoughts) there should be 4 folders for each character in the character folder, that which would have some basic information like the worlds files but not the character file stuff, so when we create a character the server should go to one of the folders in the character folder and pick a random folder in it. Once it picks a folder it will put its information about the character in the folder, and then after that it would save that character, So when we play as the character it will open the world with the character and we could play as the character. And if you delete the character the server should only delete the character files not the world data. ( again this is just an idea)
If it would be that easy, that would be probably in 0.1/0.2 version.
They need to edit server etc. and they need probably Replica Manager ( not sure with that now.)
Yo! Timothy, is there a changelog or documentation for Server 0.6? I’m curious about the changes in it.
General info at luni.info, but most code is documented inline in the 0.6 source release.
So they want to bring back LU and what it will cost and it will be like the old one?
Nobody knows if it will be like the old one but there won’t be any costs that’s sure.
A message for all developers:
It’s really important that you register at http://sourceforge.net/projects/luniserverproject/, cause just then we could speed things up and there would be one united developer team. And if this happen, it would be easier to communicate and people would see the progress.
Hi Guys,
I have a server hosting sponsor for my internet radio station (I know, AMAZING!) and I was wondering how much RAM you would need for a server (TimTech was saying 30 players, how much would you say?)
Yes. That DOES mean that we can launch a server up guys! (TimTech I wouldn’t mind if you drop me an email – tristan@jumpradio.co.uk – we can disscuss logins etc…)
HOWEVER. I am going away TOMORROW, so I will only be avalible TODAY and from the 12th of April onwards.
Skype Me: live:theepictristan / jumpradiouk
Tristan Barraclough
Btw are you still working on
to tristan universe?
If so how much progress did
you make?
Might start it up again soon… After Easter, anyway :p
I made a lot of progress, but tbh it was based off the LUNI source.
Awesome!! A lot of progress is so good! 🙂
It’s pretty low RAM, and definitely limited by up/down speed, not the RAM itself.
I start LUNIserver.exe, but then it says “terminated unable to connect to database”. What do I do?
Have you installed XAMPP and started MySQL?
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Here is my tutorial.
Just in case ^^
Hey Tim!
There is a way to chat with you?
I mean, not to send emails, and wait few hours for answer ;/
Maybe if we set a time… what would we discuss?
So… maybe i’ll say it here. You and other peoples maybe will be able to “help” me 😉
I was playing ( in 2010-2011 ) Hero: 108 Online. (A Online game based on TV Show on cartoon network, Hero 108. )
I loved this game, but a publisher of this game, closed company… and there is no this game anymore.
Im thinking about making another game, based on Hero 108.
But im not sure what program I need to use (To 3D Games )
And how to make an multiplayer mode, to see other player, etc.
There is someone who already make his own game, and know almost everything about it?
(I was thinking about private server for this game, but it will be too hard I think 🙁 )
Mrdialga300 made a lot of online games… Maybe he can help you 🙂
But Tim, if this game has been closed, but on some websites you probably can download it but won’t be able to log in because servers are down…
But there will be a way to make private server?
That’s same as LU. Closed, but you make a server.
Can you help with that game?
Hero 108 Online.
You have inspired me @Rabbit21, to make a whole section on my website called:
MMO Revivals (Title Subject To Change.)
You will be able to find projects bringing back MMO’s, and I’ll create projects bringing back MMO’s. You will be able to contact me and making a request as well!
First pages:
LEGO Universe,
Hero 108 Online
If you have any other online games brought back, reply to the comment
Ehh, no one will bring this game back i think 🙁
No one here was playing this game, i was alot…
i was the highest lvl etc, etc…
But.. i didn’t do a private server of anything, i dont know c++… so i won’t do too much ;(
But, if there will be game files, so there will be a way to make a server to run this game, etc right?
like LU? ( I hope, i loved the game and TV show…. this game was unique…. But TV Show ended, and game too.. )
Sorry for alot of those questions..
But guys, you’ll try to bring this game back with me?
I didn’t played it for 4 years, i just wanna play that game again ;_;
There’s not alot of Videos of this game, because it was in Open beta for 1,5 year.
Hey Tim!
I know it’s not about LUNI or something on your website but.. I wanna ask 🙂
Someone here played Hero: 108 Online?
If someone did, please tell me ;d
I have created a test map for Lego Universe Rebuild
here is the link for the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpS90HvVpCc
P.S. I have descreased the graphix in UE4
And can you upload the bob blueprint in your level?
You are creating your LEGO game, right?
What program are you using for this? 🙂
First of im not the project leader , alanzote is the leader of project i’m only the level maker
Second point Is that we use Unreal Engine 4
Hey Tim,
will there be an own char creating menu somdays?
(sorry for the english ;D i’m german)
This may have gotten lost, so just in case someone knows.
Would there a new Replica2 class created per object, object type, method of creation, or what?
I suppose there would be general classes to construct, destruct, and update objects based on game ID (for creation) before they receive a unique ID for tracking (update + destruct). If we had separate object classes, object type seems smart so there wouldn’t be a class for each and every object.
I’m really not completely sure… I’ve tried to implement this using the source code from the RakNet source, but I can’t seem to get anywhere… Granted, this may be because I don’t know what to send.
But I’m not sure. I believe this is what we need to figure out. I know that the server keeps track of all ObjectIDs (which I believe is really the NetworkID… Dunno why humanoid and lcdr call it different as NetworkID is 8 bytes, not 2). I am guessing there must have been an array of some sort that kept track of each object by its ObjectID. What I’ve been wondering is if (for basic objects) you made an Object class and used an std::vector to store the parameters that are sent to the client.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Were you looking at the sample Jon?
The key here might be looking at the replica packets so we know what the client expects.
Yep. I definately know I need to look at the packets, but I’m still trying to find a good hex editor as the packets have been bit-shifter quite often. In addition, my reverse-engineering skills are extremely minimal compared to humanoid and lcdr…
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Right. I suppose it’s especially hard as we need to know everything that will go in the packets, not just using a default RM ‘install’
On Wikipedia there’s a page that shows comparisons between editors, and one of them is bit editing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_hex_editors.
If there’s anything I can do to help you out, please do let me know. I primarily just need direction (and setting up a MySQL server, which will happen eventually -_-)
Well, I am basically looking through the replica packets to see what they contain. Just a little tidbit: boo leans are only 1 bit in a RakNet BitStream.
If you can’t manage to set up MySQL, you can always use an earlier server version and send premade/edited packets to the client and see the results.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Where are all of those document that the developers wrote with what they found about decoding or whatever it was.
See here: http://luni.info/packets/
Hey Tim,
I don’t want to annoy you but what is about the german client files I sent?
Can we/you/the devs create a german client with them?
I only ask so often because my little brother has also played LU but unfortunately he can’t speak English :/
I know at the moment it’s not important because the game doesn’t actually work but would be great to know if it’s possible to recreate a german client which works on the same servers as the English ones at all…
Wow, I forgot about this. What was the file link again? I’ll look into it.
You didn’t ever download it?!
Who was the 20 people who downloaded the file? xD
I’ll publish a new link within the next days.
Doesn’t the original client already have German in it? I know my locale.xml file has US, DE, and GB in it.
Never mind, I just realized I am an idiot 🙂
How the [censored] did he do that ?
The NPC spawn packets that are statically stored (e.g. for the Nimbus Station level) can be edited.
I know that I’m just wondering how he interacted with them.
no, spawn packets don’t work like that. go try, i tried it and no npc spawned when i changed it
I have just downloaded all of the stuff for 0.6, it works i can make my character and all that stuff but when i press play it sits at the loading screen forever it doesn’t move on. Anyone else have this problem/know how to fix it
Yes, this problem is known, but there isn’t any solution for it. Maybe you could ask Jon002, he probably knows more about it.
Jon found the problem and someone was able to fix it for themselves, but it was decided not to patch 0.6, as you can’t even play as your character and it would give a false illusion of progress.
^ Exactly. Version 0.5.1 is recommended here as I am still working on 0.6. I simply released it so that new developers could get familiar with the source code AND that users could test out the ability to create their own character in the char server, but you cannot load that custom character into any worlds yet. This is what I am currently working on as of now.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Hey Jon, I am having problems compiling the source to release, due to this error x7:
I’ve scratched around online, but I’m not sure how to address it. Any help is appreciated!
Hmm… What is the path to your SQL h files and where is the Database.h file relative to that? The error means that the compiler cannot find my_global.h. You could also try changing #include to #include “MySQL\my_global.h”. That’s what mine looks like.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination
Hello I have some questions:
1) You are raising funds while you have said that you don’t have time (left?) this project
2) You are raising funds but this project it’s also on luniserver.sf.net what’s the original one?
3) On that forum the project it’s no longer active, and the code here is the same what does it means?
4) when will see other updates since this project it’s stopped?
1. Who said TimTech don’t have time for this project?!?
2. The original was on luniserver.sf.net, but now here is the main thing.
3. This project is active and we are having some progress.
4. Hard to say, because humanoid and lcdr, the main developers don’t post here.
Some additions:
2. luniserver.sf.net was officially closed by its owner, raffa.
3. We have new code improved over the code there. 0.4, 0.5.1, and 0.6 are unique to this site. 0.3 and 0.5 were copied over.
I want to add this (what I’ve read on sf)
If you want to take it over the project MUST be CANCELLED (not CLOSED)
I think that Raffa means that the project will be inactive, he wont CANCEL, so you can’t do nothing :/
The project is marked as Inactive!
I fear that he will take you to court D:
Timtech announced that he is not active in this project I have read something on this site I swear!
I want you to report this notice from LUNI Server project on sourceforge:
Oh well our hopes where trashed, Thanks :'(
Hmm, interesting. He still says I have the illegal files, and about that DMCA… I will fight back anyone who signs those forms. He won’t do it again because he knows it’s illegal.
But, on a separate note, LUNI isn’t closed…
Raffa just announced that he is closing the project forever, so you could petition SourceForge and take that project over 🙂
True 🙂
Sorry but this doesn’t mean that you can use his code I think.
His code is still under Creative Commons (accordig to source forge page)
What Creative Commons License says (even the project is closed, according to LUNI Server license):
1 – Share Alike, you MUST share with this licese
2 – Give Credits to the owner, unfortunatelly Raffa claimed the code first (sorry for you)
3 – Non Commercial, well timtech you are risking legal actions I recomend closing donations, that’s what I will do…
Well however good luck, maybe I can give little help but I only program C#
At the time of copying the code, it was under GPLv3, which means that the license can’t really be changed. All files here are thus GPLv3.
Where is that prof man?
Hmm… I can’t seem to find a version of https://sourceforge.net/projects/luniserver/ between 2012-2013. But I am one of the original founders (began as the came closed) and I (as an eyewitness) can verify that it was originally under GPLv3 (sourceforge simply says “Other License” in 2011). Because two or more eyewitnesses verifies something here in America, pwjones can also back me up. But even then, technically we don’t need to “prove” it as it already was under the GPL (we’re not in court here) meaning that even if you can’t see it now (just as a crime scene cannot be repeated) that doesn’t change the facts about it. But keep looking! Try to find an archive of the page in late 2012/early 2013 🙂
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Also, in the files 0.2+ may have traces of this.
I can back that up as well, I remember seeing that (it was said somewhere that it was because of the terms of Lego’s permission if I remember correctly, whether that was a valid statement or not).
Hey, Tim? Jon? pwjones?
*In whiny little kid voice, tattling on sibling* Raffa is throwing a temper tantrum again! 😛
Lol we need a positive shield to
protect!! 🙂
I think it’s both tim and raffa
who made little mistakes
and we need more devs.
So… we must make an agreement
with raffa. 😐
What could raffa give us?
TimTech I’ve sayd what you should do…
Work toghether on the original LUNI project…
And of course you must take down donations, your downloads, and use only links to the original LUNI project….
This is the original project sinec sf/p/luniserver is gone 😉
If a certain being who has very little background in coding (aka me) wanted to contribute to this project, is there any simple task for this fellow to assist in (something that needs to be done but doesn’t require a massive amount of experience)?
Well you could always mine some litecoins but I doubt it would yield more than a few cents… maybe learning to code, helping new users, or something like that.
I don’t know, but if you know how to change the world checksums, you could test all possible checksums for Keelhaul Canyon, so we would have all checksums. (In the moment, we have all, except Keelhaul Canyon.) Or you can advertise LUNI on Youtube/Facebook/Friends.
Could you link me to a tutorial on going through the checksums? Also will Raffa ‘ending’ the project effect work here?
I don’t know how to change checksums, but on luni.info you will find all other. Maybe Timtech/Jon002/pwjones/startreklover did one.
Oh, saw that on the Q&A Site is a little tutorial. Hope this helped you.
Hey Tim, just wondering when is the public server going to be set up?
It could be set up now, but I wanted to wait until 0.6 is expanded to play with custom characters. What do you all think?
Well IMO no point until more is added.
Eww, i asked for it few months ago, but dont remember the answer, so i’ll ask again.
Why do you want to set up public server, if you can’t see other players on it? ;o
Many people don’t want to download the files, so the public server gives them a way to test stuff out. It’s only really useful for versions requiring SQL, because otherwise it runs natively (at least on Windows; Mac users will find it very useful in any case).
Wow… raffa has pretty bad temper
Lol 🙂 Long live LUNI!
(I really want to see a single
progress here… I am pretty much
tired of waiting)
Ah! I understand. Progress, however, will take time, and is really going slow. But that doesn’t mean its dead! Slow and steady wins the race 🙂
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
PS: LUNI has never been more alive my friend
Well, except when it was still operated by LEGO…. They made a bad move, and when some more features get finished here, it’s gonna bite them in the butt.
Yeah we must never give up!!! 🙂
Raffa still exists?
I was 100% sure somebody took care of him.
Well yes, in the legal sense, we did. But he’s still around.
Poor poor Raffa… No more toys to play with.
*rolls around the floor, pointing and laughing at the webpage that says LUNI is closed*
🙂 🙂 🙂 😉
So, guys? Raffa said he would release an unreleased version of luni! He says, that people can have their own opinions.
And from what Raffa claims, he says this version will include:
character saving on mysql database
switch of world with launchpads
npc spawns
and object spawns
Plus a virus… Lol dunno but might. Post a link if he does tho.
Yeah, but don’t download… you know his version that supposedly changed worlds had the virus to delete System32.
Character saving on mysql database isn’t already done?
And i would not download that, lol. Because it won’t be an official 😉
I just don’t trust peoples about it. If it will be on Timtechsoftware.com i’ll download that. And why he’s not working here, only on his own project?
“Solo” project will probably fail in 90%.
Sorry, but it’s true.
I am not hating, but you guys know, almost everyone who make something by him self only, will probably fail. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t. I don’t know.
Every time I try to start the server, it says “Terminated unable to connect to database!”.
What should I do?
You should try 0.5.1 unless you want to set up XAMPP for the SQL database.
I am reading everything here….. Why you peoples think this project is DEAD?
They probably don’t have time to work 24/7 on it, + its a little bit hard to make some progress, we need to be patient.
It’s not DEAD, but i think peoples won’t bring this game back, because its 3 years, when the game closed…
There are games which died, but peoples bring it back in few years, but it wasn’t that hard like LU is.
I think making game like LU will be the best choice, because it will be easiest, and more peoples here will be able to do. Someone will do textures, someone will do a models of Weapons, Armors, Characters, etc.
It will be able to make a quests again. Maybe not the same but almost.
Tim, think about it, i think it will be easiest, more peoples to help, etc.
Game won’t be same in 100%, but remember that video (don’t remember name, sorry ) That peoples make a minifigures, online mode, etc. They wanted to make a “lego building game” or something. I loved it, but they stopped working at it.
Maybe ‘we’ will make a progress, with doing ‘our’ new game.
Who’s with me? Guys, maybe we will try?
Greetings, Rabbit21.
Yes, the video about LEGO Balance of Power. Unfortunately they stopped making it; I was involved in the project as a music producer.
Tim, is there a way to add monsters by yourself?
I mean, to make a model of them, animations, and put them in game by other program?
No, sorry.
In my opinion we’re able to bring LU back…
Your idea isn’t bad but its a surrender to make an own game at the moment. :/
There’s 50% chance. That’s all about Replica Manager ;_;
I believe so. In fact, that’s what I’m working on. Every other LU reboot project turned into a game like LU, and then that died. I will not let that happen with this project. We’ve come further than anyone else, and I will not let it die!! I will work by myself if I have to (but please don’t make me :P)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Cool 😉
I hope no one will leave this project 🙂
And can you tell me something?
How does this project looks like in 0.1, 0.2?
(Im here almost 1 year, i was Natsu22 before, and still don’t know how it was at the beginning )
How much progress has been made from 0.1 – 0.6?
Well, when the game closed, we literally had nothing. Logging into the game took about a year or so to figure out. Next, we needed to figure out how to get the char server working. That took a while again. Finally, we needed to figure out how to connect got a world. That’s where we are (I have EXTREMELY oversimplified this). Basically we went from being unable to login to due to unknown RakNet version and messages to being able to dynamically create characters, save them to a database, and load premade characters into a world.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
0.1-0.2 were unplayable (0.1 is not available anymore), but 0.3+ can be downloaded and tried out for yourself 😀
I believe this is where the following happens:
1) Everyone’s careful and suspicious, given history and Raffa yelling about stuff he apparently is not understanding
2) We’re hopeful that he isn’t lying nor giving out something bad
3) The code is scanned on virustotal, initially only downloaded on a sandbox machine, and the code examined carefully
Just IMHO, think what you all will.
Also, at any rate if the source is of any use, there’s still that.
Read the news: http://luniserver.sourceforge.net/forum2/index.php?topic=211
Well I would like to see a working LUNI, but without this timtech…
I mean without you… I think that you made a mistake…
Raffa opened the project first… Why not join him, timtech?
For sure he would have accepted you, if you have asked… why not asking?
You also made a bad thing to reshare the files of LUNI… for what? Making users on you site…
Finally I think that Raffa is right (but he is exagerated, he is angry) and no longer want to play on your server
however I don’t think that you are so bad, I think that you are not a dicatator and you won’t censor my comment 😀
He votes himself in with alternate accounts, sends DMCA to me, censors my posts, and deletes my account; that is why I moved stuff here. LUNI needs to be open source, and raffa’s viruses and censorship don’t help with that.
Uuuh… Didn’t you put stuff here BEFORE that, and Raffa only did that because of your lack of credit & (honestly not the best) decision to push this highly developmental version to the general public? What he did wasn’t right, and he is fighting far past a valid point, but that doesn’t devalidate a valid original reasoning.
Yes, I had the original CD uploaded to here. Other than that, nothing. You can see all I had up to this point on the web archive here. Also, I always have had the credit to LUNI with a link at the bottom of the downloads page.
And hey, if I didn’t open this up to the public, most of you wouldn’t be here 😉
He may not have seen it (your main page said nothing of the sort), and he did have a perfectly valid point. I’m not sure how much actual development has been spurred with this (honestly, the main reason I hadn’t jumped on sooner is that you were the first to provide actual evidence of Lego Group approval).
Yeah I think it was the right
decision to upload it here 🙂
I probably never even knew LUNI!
Sorry but this wasn’t true, I saw that the GIT repository was opened before project shut down, I’ve read the code, made a virus scan and there aren’t virus, sorry…
However he haven’t censored my post…
I think that you are a lyar sorry, that’s my opinion
you made only to fail LUNI projects, so thanks tim!
I want to add this to my previous post:
You are NOT banned from the forum:
You have to be raffa505 since you misspell liar just like him.
^ JonasMnw, what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Solving a debate with raffa and Tim is not going to bring back the server. Humanoid, pwjones, and lcdr are the three main contributors to the server (along with a little bit by me and some by raffa) meaning that you need to convince THEM to come back and get along with raffa. You weren’t there in the original split, so i can see why you can take raffa’s side, but the truth is that you are currently not making a good case for yourself or raffa to the actual devs of the game. It’s impossible to recreate the split, but the developers don’t want to join raffa for a different reason – namely that he blocked access to the GIT repo (due to arguments), tried to get developers to sign an NDA-like document (or at last one that said we couldn’t share the server), and tried to be a dictator over the project by constantly ranting about irrelevant copyright issues over open source software.
I understand you’ve taken raffa’s side. Perhaps he was right in a couple things, but he was wrong in others. In fact, I can’t really play the blame game with anyone because I feel both parties could have done something to ease the argument. But what’s done is done. You take raffa’s, other people take Tim’s. It’s that simple. Some are republicans and some democrats. Both think the other party wants to ruin the country and both don’t really like each other. Unbiased, who is fully in the right and who is in the wrong?
For now, the developers want to work independently. We are making progress that way, more than ever! If you want to help, we’d love you to! I’ve posted a link various times, but we/I need people who know C++ and (possibly) how to disassemble and debug a PE EXE programmed in C++. Just google around for the LUNIServer Project (the one on sourceforge started by me 🙂 ).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
By “started” I also simply mean put up. It is simply a continuation of the original.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Lol raffa, I see you still misspell 😛 and yes, you changed my password, pretty much the same 😉
Yeah when I first saw “LYAR!!”
I thought you are the liar
JonasMnw72. Or should I say
raffa? We know who you are.
Anyways I think we need
Previous devs (except for raffa)
I do not have misspelled that word, I swear!
my comment was changed
(timtech won’t publish this post, so I’ll took a picture!)
Omg, Tim, sorry for posting alot! XD
But, if i don’t know c++, i might be helpful in this project?
Yes, you are useful!
So happy downloading the nexus to play :D!!!!
I can take a look in the Replica Packets, do testing, and whatnot for you if you want, but what specifically would you want me to look for? Just me understanding isn’t going to help you out much, though that would be good so I can help you out later, I suppose.
Also, how would I know if something is bit shifted, and as far as packet sending is that just using the code in one of the loop files, just with a different path and placing it in a server command?
That would be awesome! Right now I am trying to figure out what the object packets contain (the ones that start with 24 and do not contain the LOT). I downloaded a program called Hex Workshop, and from there you can then bit shift 4 bytes of data to the left starting at 0x0b. This can give you a general gist of the LOT in hex format, so you can use a hex converter to try to figure out the LOT value (which then you can lookup on the object ID list). Just remember: the bytes are in little endian, which means that the last byte is actually the first for pieces of data.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what does LOT stand for?
The LOT is the ID of the object. I believe the client lua scripts use this for the IDs.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Also, when you say starts with 24, you mean the file name, the hex value, or the numeric characters?
Ah! I meant 0x24. Thanks for pointing that out.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Also, the bit shifting occurs because RakNet writes a bool value to the RakNet::BitStream class as one bit. I’m not totally sure how to check for bit shifts, that is something humanoid and lcdr have done (I think they are reverse-engineering bits of legouniverse.exe to figure this out). That is why this is so hard. But if you DO discover any data that is 1 bit long, this means it is probably a bool value in the server.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Hmm, the bit shifts would be hard to detect with a hex editor, as the addition, deletion, or substitution of one bit isn’t well-represented by four-bit segments.
I know this sounds really dumb, but what’s stopping us from approaching Lego and asking for what we need. If they aren’t going to use it and nobody is going to profit from it, why would they oppose to us using it?
It’s been tried, I think. There’s a couple reasons why they wouldn’t want to:
1) That would mean they would be in some form officially supporting us, which would be a bit of a mess PR and legality-wise.
2) Their stuff is their intellectual property, and that’s still worth something.
Might’ve missed something else, if anyone happens to have other thoughts please add on.
Technically this isn’t a complete reason, but LEGO Universe (on the idea that it’s still worth something) would cost a great sum of money. Unless we produce evidence that we actually have that kind of money (in talking thousands/hundreds of thousands for the loss LEGO had) LEGO would simply lose money again.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
They closed it for a reason 😉 but we tried anyway. Feel free to try for yourself; I don’t see any way it could hurt the project.
There is a disturbance resonating throughout all of Imagination… have you all sensed it? It is that fact that LUNI is losing traction. I want this project to succeed as much as anyone else does, but we just don’t have a foothold on this situation. Raffa is gone. Humanoid and lcdr remain silent. The race to oust Neal is not going well. ReplicaManager has grown to be a pain in all of our sides. More remakes are appearing, and they have the potential to blow us out of the water (no offense Alanzote). The answer to all of these problems is no longer clear. The new question is: what now?
Our hope is failing us. We can’t continue down this path any longer. In my eyes, there are two options that are able to possibly save Imagination. Either we all pitch in to bring humanoid, lcdr, Neal, and anyone else able to dedicate their time to Tim’s LUNI into the fold, or we turn to people like Alanzote to revive this thing from scratch. Frankly, I prefer the first option. No longer can we fight. No longer can we stay separate. Unity will power on through and renew our hope.
In conclusion, if we all want to save Imagination, in Jon’s words, we MUST answer the call. Tim, this is personally for me one of the darkest times for LUNI, but if we can just set our differences aside for as long as this project lives, we have a shot. We all must bury the hatchet. Please, for the love of all things holy, do what must be done. Do whatever it takes to bring us back together to revive our memories. Answer the call, everyone. Save Imagination.
Sorry for the speech everyone, but it had to be said. On a brighter note, I’ll be updating the wiki over the next few days, so if you all want to see LUNI’s history described in detail, head over there starting this week. You might just learn something.
Yes, we already invited all those people, but they said no.
Yes, you are right! We NEED Raffa, Neal, humanoid, lcdr, all of the devs! Tim, I like you, I know your a nice guy, but if the only way we can get the old team back, (and possibly bring in new members,) might be to take this off the site.
It so hard, I know that Tim is right, but I know that Raffa and Neal are right too, it’s hard taking sides, and I fear if this drama goes on any longer things will fall apart!
So, I have voluntarily stood up to become LUNI’s negotiation representative! I will try to get the team back, it may be hard but, I have decided to put a pause on my development to peruse this.
So, wish me luck.
Thanks for your reply, and best of luck to you with the devs. It’s only a flicker, but there is hope.
You are wasting your time, that is never going to work.
Ewww…. Why peoples want to LEGO open Lego Universe again?
There was a reason because they closed it. I think it wasn’t money..
But if they will open it again, it will probably shut down again..
Better way is this project i think. If peoples will bring it back, it will never shut down again, and peoples will be able to make ur private server with that..
I wish you good luck Timtech, Jon, and other staff 🙂
Greetings, Rabbit21 🙂
Before the game could get some traction with a paying fan base, lego blew all their budget on updates and expansions, without consideration for keeping the servers up in case the game wasn’t as immediately popular as they projected it to be. It was a foolish rookie mistake, they should have known better.
Hey Tim! (I know, i’m asking alot, sorry. And this one is stupid question… )
If there will be a monsters ingame (Maybe in the end of this year? 😀 ) there will be way to kill them, and get exp from them? Because if there won’t be quests, we won’t be able to gain experience.
Personally I don’t care all that much for missions or getting drops from killed enemies, all I really want is custom characters, rocket travel, pets, races, and property building. Everything else was cool, but to be honest, I really only killed enemies to take the bricks they dropped 😀
Ohh, hey, I have’t seen you here for a long time. I was Natsu22 before 😉
And, yep 🙂 I don’t really care about quests, but if project will be almost completed they may think about it. Playing as your own char is the 1st thing i really want 😀
Builidng will be awesome too 😀 I never had a Pet, and didn’t race ;_; (I wasn’t so high lvl in Lego Universe. But i loved it 😉 )
I hope builidng, equipping armors, and building, won’t be that hard like the missions, and monsters are.
Greetings, Rabbit21 🙂
Timtech, if you are reading this, I’ve just submitted a comment at luniserver.sourceforge.net. In this comment, I’ve said that you and raffa should clean up and work together. I really hope you accept his apology (if he do one) and don’t censor it. Old times are old times and LUNI is here and now. We all have the same goal: to bring back Lego Universe. And you can help reach this goal by ecscusing you to raffa505. Yes, he made a virus in this project, and yes, you copied his files. But now it’s time for a refresh. Togehter it would be really esaier to bring back LU.
Mister Piano
P.S: If other people agree with me, please reply this comment and say Timtech and raffa505 (also at luniserver.sourceforge.net that it’s time for a restart.
The developers have already left raffa; there really is no point…
But raffa said that he have the files includes:
1.Charcter creation
Maybe it’s fake. Otherwise it will be awesome if the developers can have this files. AND raffa developed also, so it could be that he helps us.
raffa505 is his own worst enemy and I, for one, would not want to work with him again. He is the one that derailed the project with his shenanigans. His “additions” to the source code weren’t really worth a darn and his SUtil that he claims Tim stole are pretty pointless/worthless. He would also make little, pointless changes to the code just so he could say that he did a lot of work on it. He is the one that changed the project from GPL to Creative Commons (or whatever it is) just so he could claim Tim stole it. So no, I don’t think rafa505 should be brought back into it.
Heck, the only reason we went to his project in the first place was because it was the first one we found. It was great until rafa505 went off the deep end.
I’ve heard a interesting thing:
You can buy for some money(i’ve heard 100$) all files from the lego company for LU to make a complete server and game.
Is that true?
Want to play the full game :/ 🙂
No. It’s not the true.
100$ Only? hahaha.
Server files will cost alot! If it will be 100$ probably someone will already buy it… And make a video or post on any forum about that.
It’s fake. Why lego would want a 100$ only for that?
Where did you hear that? Last time we had someone tell us they found a way to buy LU it was a scam.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I’ve heard it a long time ago, no idea where :/
Wasn’t his name something like stormcloud or something? I can’t remember his full name, but I remember it being early 2013. He got my hopes up… 🙁
RainSt0rmDev. I actually believe it was a “she”, at least her Google+ page identifiers her as this…
Anyways, I’m not too keen on trying to buy it for only $100 unless someone gives me good proof to (LU for $100 means that either someone stole it or someone is going to get fired after selling it… Plus, legality would come in at this point).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I even asked customer service a question on buyout at one point, and they said they couldn’t even give me an estimate as it isn’t for sale.
Hey Tim!
If there will be no copyrights of LU files, etc. it would be easiest to bring this game? (Or if we will get a lego permission. I know we won’t but if we will? )
Not exactly. Copyright is not the issue, rather it is the actual server coding itself. We don’t have access to the client source code and thus we don’t know what the client needs to load characters, load Replica objects, etc.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I have downloaded everything, but cannot get logged in. Should I be using an old lego account, or a TimTech account? The register link does not work to create a new one, no email is being generated to my parent account, it just keeps saying it cannot log me in no matter what I try. What do I do???
You don’t need an account; just run the 0.5.1 server and log in with any username and password.
Well, when I try to launch the server .5 it says it is missing a required dll file MSVCP120?
Okay, it seems you have a source version. The recommended version (0.5.1 release) does not have this problem. It can either be fixed by getting the release version or by installing Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop.
Is this Project still running? Because these links are working and I am wondering about future updates….
This project it still running; do you have a problem with something?
Who’s opinion should
we follow? Tim or Raffa?
Some people
Thinks we need raffa
But should we?
Or nealybearly?
What I think is that
We need to vote
what do you guys
I don’t think it even matters at this point. Raffa’s leaving, Tim’s primarily just hosting files, who knows about Neal, the primary devs aside from Jon are all working alone, Jon’s the only one here. Honestly, at this point, I think we don’t have much of a need to have a ‘leader’, just a clear understanding of who does what, which is fairly obvious. As long as we keep working and moving forward, ya know? It’s not like this is a huge team that needs a lot of leadership and project planning. It’s just doing what we can.
I am fairly new to this project so forgive me if I have misinterpreted anyone’s words. First, I think that there needs to be a dedicated area for devs only to post their progress, not clouded by questions or comments from non-devs. I don’t care if they’re working “alone”, but if they are working at all and are associated with LUNI, they should be updating the community and their fellow devs. To be completely honest I am not too sure of all of the new features included in v0.6 or what is being worked on for v0.6.1 or v0.7 or any other future update. Simply said, I would like to know what has been completed or what is currently being worked on by which devs. I think this would answer lots of questions and provide a clear image of what is being done to bring back LU.
Secondly, I believe the devs need to be a little more official with their projects within LU. If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that you won’t accomplish anything without some form of deadline. Example: I have an English essay due tomorrow. Odds are, if that paper is not due tomorrow, I’m not going to get it done today. It’s because I know that paper is due tomorrow that I get it done today. Now I’m not saying I want to demand anything out of the devs, as this is a non-profit project. I’m also not meaning to complain about progress. I just think, if we want to get LUNI up and running before 2016 or whenever the goal time is, we should set some goals. I know, because of some of the more difficult tasks such as figuring out the replica manager may take long periods of time that we may not be able to estimate, they may set back our schedule. I’m just thinking we should have a goal time. Once again, I’m not the one developing this and so I don’t mean to impose, but just a suggestion.
Lastly, I just want to thank all the devs for their hard work. I know there has been some turbulence with Raffa, but I hope that doesn’t get in the way of your current progress.
For Lego Uni(ted)verse,
– Zam
A separate place for devs is an awesome idea! I’ve actually set up a place here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/luniserverproject/. This is a Dev-only forum if anyone wants to join.
Second, as for the deadline, it really isn’t feasibly possible right now. It’s not as simple as putting the pieces together – we don’t have all the pieces right now. They are missing and we’re trying to find them. But it’s extremely hard. I’d love to get a working server up by 2016 (and who knows, maybe we will!) but right now it is finding out what exactly should be sent to the client for it to work properly. Technically, we could sorta send premade packets but if we did you would only be able to walk around (with more objects loaded), but missions, achievements, etc. would not be able to be used. And because we don’t know how to send certain data, we can’t just edit premade data. But we’re trying to (if data is sent multiple times exactly the same, I am (at the moment) simply sending it without editing (such as opening the mail) but it doesn’t work for everything and even the mail opening packet needs to have its ObjectID changed).
Lastly, glad you asked about the server 0.6 :). Currently 0.6 is my own creation, built off of the final release of the original sourceforge source code (or 0.5 with SUtil). What I’ve added is the ability to create a custom character and save him/her into a MySQL database (I’m more familiar with MySQL than XML atm, and so this is what I am using right now). Version 0.6.1 is also my own creation. Currently I have gotten the mail to open (but not close or load custom data 🙁 ) as well as the chat system sorta working (no filtering right now – for that I need to search around and see if LU had a local word database as well as write my own). I am also working (with much less success) on getting custom characters loaded into a world. It’s harder however, and I’m still trying to figure out what everything means (for example, the documentation says that xml data is located at the bottom of the packet starting with “53 05 00 04” says there is xmlData in LDF format, but I don’t know how to format this xml data or what it contains… I actually should probably post that question somewhere :P). Other than these things, all other progress is done by humanoid, lcdr, and pwjones, but it takes time, and many of us just simply don’t have tons of free time to spend hours programming one thing (I wish life could be like that sometimes, but alas, it’s not 🙁 ).
To sum it all up, we are working hard, but it will take time. Progress is happening, but I feel much to slow to what people are normally used to. I’d love to say we’ll have it done in a few months, but I just don’t know, and it may not happen. Then again, we are simply few in number, and slightly unorganized. LEGO had a team of lots of people and the knowledge of how exactly the game was supposed to be put together, and it took them 8 (or 6-4 if you take away scrapping and redesign) years to get the game working – I’d say the devs should have a good cusion of about double that (8-12 years), and if, by THAT time there is no updates, people can really start questioning the progress of the server.
But if you really want to help, go here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/luniserverproject/ and familiarize yourself with the code in the GIT repo (I apoligize, but I forgot to push the SQL file to the GIT… For now, you can download 0.6 from here and use that SQL file. It’s the same one that wasn’t pushed). Also, I’d suggest looking through the RakNet documentation – if there is anything to look through. LEGO Universe used the first version of the ReplicaManager and Replica classes, and so try to find good docs on those. In addition, you can start going through packet captures and see if there is anything you can find :).
Hope this answers your questions 🙂
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I understand the whole time thing. If I were to become educated in C++, what would I be able to help with?
Well, what we really need ATM are people to study the replica packets (the packets starting with 0x24 (construction) and 0x27 (serialization)). Use the info humanoid has released to help you start 🙂
If that is too complicated, I’d love to have you help with the rest of the server. Currently what I am doing is a couple things: I’ve created a Character class and am implementing it into the server (when I’m done with that I will change it so that it inherits from The Replica class). I am also trying to implement the non-Replica related information into the client (such as mail, friends, etc.). With friends and mail working, theoretically two users could play together, even if they cannot see one another. I could also try changing chat to send with an unassigned system address and broadcast it to all clients… This would allow users to chat with one another without seeing each other (if I can get custom character loading by implementing the ReplicaManager plugin, I can possibly try to see about getting user serialization sent to other clients so that they will be able to see each other :). This will take a while, however :(.).
If all this doesn’t make any sense yet (such as if you are new to C++), feel free to study the source code of the LUNIServer :). That’s actually one way I taught myself C++… Simply studying, making changes, and seeing the results (with some help from google). Mind you, I do program in Objective-C and Swift, so if that doesn’t work for you, just keep at it. It’s easy to read a lot about coding (at times) but to truly learn, in my opinion, is to just sit in front of a computer and try out different things! Trial and error is a great way to learn (unless you are working with nuclear power… Then I would advise against that :P).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Tim the comment I uploaded
a day ago is still waiting
moderation 🙁 please let it be
Nope it was my fault my phone
somehow said waiting moderation
sorry 🙂
What I said about vote
is about what should we do
I’m not talking about picking a
leader on this forum
I’m talking about
Should we try to find humanoid,
Icdr and other devs?
Or other ideas we need for
this project
It’s because we are going the
wrong way, no progress 🙁
Hey Tim, I was wondering what you have planned for the project, I am very interested to see where this project goes because this was my favorite game of all time.
Our plan is to bring back the greatest game of all times: LEGO Universe.
We have planned that, but it may not happen for a while. Still, I’m glad you’re with us, and I hope you enjoy what we have so far.
Okay, I have been reading the past few days’ comments, and I have one thing to say:
Any one who wants to join raffa505 or even let him back on the team needs to go to the other forums and read all of his comments. In case anyone doesnt know, raffa505 put a nasty virus that, like tim said above, deletes system32(VERY important system folder)
Also, raffa505 has NOT changed, if anything he has gotten even more angry at Tim for his increasing popularity with the public… So anyone who is even THINKING about joining raffa, think twice.
With you all the way Tim and pwjones and ldcr and humanoid24 and so on 😉
Oh yes, and JonasMnw72 is raffa… Just matched his grammar… Like the way he never capitalizes TimTech and way to much use of (insert angry words here)
Not to mention his spelling… 😉
I think we need humanoid
Icdr and other previous devs
(except raffa505 and nearlybearly)
We need them
So… I think we need to contact
them. Tim, can you contact them?
I LOL’ed at “nearlybearly”
Well, they want to work by themselves. I have published their packet info at luni.info for other developers, but they wish to be on their own. I don’t have any direct contact methods, either.
So, we can’t contact them?
I think this is the right time
for them to return and
show what progress they’ve made.
What about me :(… I didn’t get to make the list…
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
But…you’re already here 🙂
The only reason why he doesn’t say we need you is that you are already here. 🙂 At the moment you are our main developer because of the fact that you are trying to involve the community as good as you can.
So we need you and love you ^^ <3
* we
don’tneed you <3Tim, can you edit a part of my last post from
“So we don’t need you – we love you”
“So we need you and love you”
Because I have a bad feeling now… 🙁
Answer the Call. Save Inaginationz
Just as I posted this I was like HMM….
I am forgeting someone and they will find me and kill me for it. Then I was like *gasp* Jon002!!!!! NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO
lol 😉
The progress is sooooooooo slow D:
Slowly but surely my friend… 😀
I know :(. But it will continue to be like that. What happened with the character packets is that the developers released a lot of info at once (although it took a year to figure out). We’ve really returned to the original pace (maybe slightly slower). When we first began, this was the speed – slow, sometimes boring, but at the same time exceeding interesting. Look where we are now 🙂
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Well, I was thinking about posting an April Fools update stating that this project just died permanently. But, as I though about it, I decided against it 🙂
Your welcome 😛
Save the Call. Answer Imagination.
Thanks! You would kill me with jokes like that 🙁
I could have done it too 😛
I know we could sit here for years to recreate the game…
BUT! …please don’t do something like that in any of them. 🙁