LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (236)

  1. ok so once it works what does it allow you to do? Add a user to the database? So you can login with an account?

  2. I have the folders; Release Source, SQL and xammp with all the files they came with inside so why isn’t it working now?

  3. Just curious, you guys mentioned that the userbase was growing, but how big is the userbase?

    • Another question, you currently have 40$ for the server, but how much more do you need in order to open up a public server?

      • It’s actually enough to open up a public server but Tim wanted to wait for a server version where you can see other players to play with them.

        • I was just curious as to how many hundreds or thousands there are.

          • HappyAngryCatfish April 10, 2015 @ 12:52 PM

            Yeah right now we could have a public server but really what’s the point of it right now. We can do the sane things on our private servers.

          • Well, I get about 1,000,000 visits a year to this website. About 25% of that is here. I’d say the userbase is a couple hundred actively waiting. And yes, the cheapest hosting plan I could get was $15/month for custom software, and that doesn’t include electricity when I set it up. Anyway, I’m just waiting until there is something that you can’t really get on a private server to set up the public server.

          • HappyAngryCatfish April 10, 2015 @ 2:16 PM

            You’ll probably be surprised at the funding you get once you release a server with something to do. Right now you just have the patient people willing to support and spend time following the project. Once a more full version releases all the people will come crawling out from under their rocks acting like they’ve been here the whole time lol.

          • Yeah, if we ever get to the point where it’s definitely taking shape, I wouldn’t worry about a lack of donations.

  4. One thing I suggest working on at some point is modifying the spawn points, because in some worlds (venture explorer) you spawn far below or far away from the world, and it takes a good long time with the jetpack to get back

  5. Tim, could you please admin me on the wiki? You’re not really active on it, and I’ve made 60 contributions to it. I just wanna clean it up, delete the files and pages marked for deletion, and be a moderator as well. What do you say? (Come on, 60 EDITS!)

  6. lightningblade April 10, 2015 @ 2:52 PM

    Just an off-topic question, is there any way to change my profile pic? (I’m sorry if this is an idiotic question but I seriously don’t know!)

  7. I wanted to ask to anyone who could answer, when the game has been rebooted, will it be possible for players to have custom names for their minifigures? Since Mythran permission was required for custom names to be used, will we be able to bypass that and have custom names once LUNI is released?

  8. Overlordinator April 10, 2015 @ 3:27 PM

    Where could one get a hold of the replica manager?

    • Overlordinator April 10, 2015 @ 3:31 PM

      Also, at what point would people be elected as Mythrans? and what do you suppose the requirements would be for becoming one?

      • ReplicaManager is code needing to be implemented:

        (ReplicaManager 2 and 3 are not able to be used, btw)

        Mythran privilages would be decided by whoever’s running the server.

        • Overlordinator April 10, 2015 @ 4:15 PM

          I think rather than one person taking care of every server, there should be a small group that run an maintain a server for a specific region. That way, costs will be minimal.

          • Whether someone decides to run a server and how they decide to run it is up to them. This is open source, after all. 😛

      • Mythrans would be decided on a server level.

      • In my opinion the founders should become mythrans but I don’t know what the rest thinks.

        Or maybe we could choose the mythrans democratically.

        • Overlordinator April 10, 2015 @ 4:23 PM

          Absolutely, Timtech, Jon002, and maybe CDFalcon should all be mythrans.

          • Well, at least on my server I will be a Mythran 😉 and joni has the good idea of voting people to Mythran.

          • “vote” <- That was the word I was looking for! 😀

          • Vote, election, democracym etc. We know what you mean 😉 in English there are many words that mean almost the same thing.

          • English is much easier to learn than German or French but I’m 15 so it’s hard enough. 😀

          • HappyAngryCatfish April 10, 2015 @ 4:59 PM

            I feel like the whole election to ‘Mythrans’ thing can potentially hurt a lot of the servers. I played on some of the pretty big post LU Minecraft servers and the drama of becoming an op was so crazy. And then a lot of them abused the power they had and just kinda ruined the gameplay. So I’m one for keeping the amount to a low. I can just imagine all the people begging to become a Mythran and such. =P I see drama in the future. =P

          • That’s because I’d vote the mythrans. Begging people are annoying and no one likes annoying people so no one would vote for them. 😀

            #MasterPlan xD

          • @joni Wow, I thought English was the hardest language to learn if it’s not your native language.
            @Happy You’re right. Maybe only veterans will be opped for the main server (at least Jon and I for sure, and a bunch others maybe as well), and those who really want it could always make their own server. And joni is right; not many people would vote for new or annoying people.

          • Also, joni would be great for a Mythran if we had a German server sometime in the future. There really isn’t any need for separating US English from UK English, though, unless there is a big load on the servers.

          • Thank you, Tim. ^^

            Glad you so think of me. 🙂

          • You’re welcome! When I think German LU, I think joni 😀 I know we have a bunch of German speakers here too.

          • Me for example. (Not really active posting but I visit often.)

  9. Overlordinator April 10, 2015 @ 4:57 PM

    What are the funds your raising for the server going to exactly? Is it going to renting a server to run the software?

  10. err it didn’t work. I clicked launch.bat and it said: “Sorry… cannot find php cli! Must abort these processes!”

    then another ‘tab’ opened and said: “Apache could not be started” (even though pressing start on xampp worked for that one before)

    and then it said in another one: “The system cannot find the path specified
    MySQL could not be started”

  11. then finally “Terminated Unable to connect to database!”

  12. the reason apache won’t work is there’s a syntax error on line 37 of httpd apparently

  13. can anyone help with this 0.6 problem?

  14. HappyAngryCatfish April 10, 2015 @ 5:10 PM

    Was using another email switched it around dunno but I’m confused didn’t know I had an account on this site lol. But I switched email and it automatically linked it it seems. Anyway I’ll stop spamming up your website now. =P

    • Okay, that’s good. I wasn’t sure if you needed an account here or not. And thanks, but I really don’t mind too much 😉

  15. I’m going to delete and download again…

  16. I haven’t heard from RoboWarrior, startreklover, and some others in a while… 😐

  17. another thing: I made an account here but how do I change my profile picture? If it’s on dashboard then I can’t as for some reason that won’t open for me…

  18. Microsoft needs to work faster. I’m anxiously awaiting my DreamSpark verification, which the site said should come in 3-5 business days, today being the fifth. ^>^

    No, I did not intentionally go for that face with a nose, but it works.

  19. well the picture NOT the bundle thing yet, it’s still downloading

    • Could you please use the reply function to connect comments which belong to each other?
      It takes a lot of space if you post a new “topic” every time you post a comment. 🙂

  20. it was a new topic 😛 well those 2 could have been linked by replying for the second but the first had to be a new comment

  21. @Tim

    What do you think about a personal message function for your site ?
    It’s very difficult to take up older conversations if there are 6-7 new comments per hour. :/

    • I kept trying to look for comments I’d posted months ago; now that’s difficult!

    • I had a private message plugin, but it took up too much of the processing time of the server, since users could mass-message. Perhaps I should set up a forum for LUNI on another page of this site.

      • Great idea. 🙂

        Also could you implement an option to get an E-Mail if someone posts a comment ?
        I don’t want to miss any detail. ^^

      • HappyAngryCatfish April 10, 2015 @ 9:22 PM

        A forum would so simplify all of this. Let people have their semi-off topic LU nostalgia talk where they don’t interfere with everyone else.

  22. I’m still having trouble with the bundle, I download it, extract the files, run launch.bat and then it says apache isn’t working because of a syntax error in line 37 of the httpd something or other. Then MySQL may have a problem as well but it’s just getting confusing…

  23. leader of the paradox council? 😛 Was that an MBs thing then? I hadn’t heard of it. My thing was being LU F2P but level 42!

  24. Hey guys, check this out:

    I know we have direct permission from LEGO to do this, but it’s still technically illegal from what I read.

    Raffa will probably use this, so be prepared

    • It’s not illegal because the server software is selfmade so this is our (Jon’s) copyright.

      Also the client files were available for free at the moment of closing so as long as we don’t edit the client we won’t do anything illegal. 🙂

      • 1) This would be a desperation move for Raffa, as this would put him at risk for getting in trouble as well (though, the fact of him being in Italy might prevent that, or make him think so at least)

        2) Without permission, this WOULD still be illegal, as there’s a pretty large amount of reverse-engineering being done, which was expressed as not allowed in the EULA.

    • HappyAngryCatfish April 10, 2015 @ 9:12 PM

      How is it illegal when you have permission? That is contradictory.

    • “The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game…” Could someone explain to me why we have to show that if we have the direct permission to do what we’re doing? :/

    • “That’s why an exemption from the Copyright Office is needed.” Hmm.

  25. I hope raffa doesn’t check often. I don’t want this site to erupt into chaos like his Sourceforge forums did. Speaking of forums, the LUNI Wiki now supports forums! Dunno if you guys want to switch sites for this, but if so, here it is: Hope to see you all there!

  26. Hey have you ever considered reversing the order of which the comments are shown? It’s really annoying having to press “newer comments” 5 times just to see the latest comments.

  27. Can someone explain me for what the LUPK Extractor is? I’d like to insert this into the Software Credits.

    • As far i know, LUPK extractor extracts the PK-files in the Legi Universe Client. In them there are all downloaded parts of the game (for example Models in nif format)

  28. I don’t know if this is a good idea, but maybe it’s interesting. I’ve just set up an new account on Cloud9, a online code editor. Maybe we could develop there? So for all people who would like to help developing, here are the account details:
    Username: luni
    Password: imagination
    Just check it out.

    • We could code little snippets like an ID to little endian hexadecimal converter.

    • Could I upload my EWC there so mater and I could work together on future versions of it?
      I invite everyone who is able to develop in Java to help us of course. 🙂

      • Just do it. The more people use this, the faster developing works.
        I can’t script Java, but I know some PHP, Javascript & JQuery and I’m learning C++.

  29. Go here to save LU in another way if you have not already:

    It only has a few days left now but when I resubmit it I hope I can count on you all as some of LU’s biggest fans to support again! 😀

  30. Hey guys!
    What is about to work together with the ? It seems that on the wiki there are a bunch of people who don’t know about this project. :/

  31. Hi I just looked to see if anything happened to lego universe 2015 and i came upon this website is this real. If i try to install it is it a virus or can i play lego universe for free and go to different stations that cost premium or is it all free all the worlds? Also what do i download please help!!!

    • Yes, we are real. No viruses. It’s free. All worlds are free. It doesn’t matter if you were free-to-play or anything. Here is a nice tutorial for you:

      1. Download the full, recommended client (Nexus 2) and server 0.5.1 here.
      2. Extract both .zip files, and start the server.
      3. Open the client’s legouniverse(_mac).exe, and login with any username and password.
      4. Use character monkeybrown to play on Nimbus Station, CheekyMonkey to play on Nimbus Isle, GruntMonkey to play on Crux Prime, or ShastaFantastic to play on Gnarled Forest.
  32. Joni, you have your wish 😉 I have an RSS feed that you can subscribe to with an RSS reader, perhaps one that can e-mail you as you like. I know a lot of them work as browser extensions. Feed URL:

    And if you don’t have or want an RSS reader, I have a list of the most recent comments for this page here.

  33. Also if I install this lego universe will all the worlds be free and can i do quests and fight evil guys? If yes this is AWESOME cause I really love LEGO UNIVERSE. Please reply to my 2 comments this one and my other one. Also please tell me how to follow the steps to download Lego Universe.

    • no enemies yet dude, no quests either, just the worlds but it’s fun to see I’m sure you’ll agree! You should get the World changer thing to as that makes it easy to visit all the worlds, not just the 4 ones assigned to each character at the start.

      And now I apologise to the people who’s jobs I just stole 😛

    • This is legit, but a lot of stuff is missing. Quests, NPCs, and multiplayer aren’t really possible yet. However, everything is free, and I left a tutorial on your first comment.

  34. Thanks for replying on my last comment but please reply to my new comment

  35. When will they add quests and enemies?

  36. 😛 I suppose he’s too new here to get the lecture about the reply button 😛

  37. I guess i wont came back to this website in 1 year until they add enimies and quests and you can travel for free to different worlds! 🙁 I love Lego Universe.

  38. Anyone play Minecraft?

  39. Im watching shark tank at the moment…

    • Try to stay on topic 😉 this is LEGO Universe discussion, more or less. And there is a Reply button under people’s comments for a reason.

  40. Timetech ya but it will take like 1 year to fix lego universe add enemies, quests, play with other people, and to travel to other worlds for free, and also lots more reasons.

  41. But it will take like 1 year to add back all the stuff 🙁

  42. After more than 3 years off the game I was delighted at the chance just to see the worlds again, I won’t be playing it as much as I did when it was a complete game but I’m certainly grateful for the chance timtech and co. have given everyone to use the game again.

  43. TimTech how long will it be until they add all the stuff back? Then ill download this

  44. joni, I found a bug in in EWC 1.0, on line 211:

    + "world\\shastafantastic\\char_aw22.bin");

    You put an extra 2 😉 just might want to fix it in the next update.

  45. just to check what time is it where you guys are?

    The comments say 1:40 so I assume that’s yours timtech. As for me it’s 6:40 😀

  46. Anyone got a spare minecraft account mine got hacked sadly :(. Just saying when lego universe closed I moved to minecraft

  47. sorry im used to just writing posts im new to this website

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