LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (263)

  1. So, I am done my Nimbus Station progress! I will link my vid in here to see if it’s worth uploading, it isn’t much, but it’s getting closer to going to all the worlds via launchpad!


  2. Little question to the developers: I thought about an integreated EasyWorldChanger in the server 0.5.1. I can write/understand some C++, but not really good, so I don’t know how to run another process. But if someone could make that if you write ‘world’ into the server, the EasyWorldChanger runs, it would be a nice feature without hard work. We could reupload it as ‘0.5.1 Comfort Edition’.

  3. HappyAngryCatfish April 15, 2015 @ 12:25 PM

    I got a topic up on the LEGO forums about LUNI might not get any developers but a nice advertisement.

  4. I have an interesting topic…
    We don’t need the replica manager to play as our own character…
    All we have to do is edit the packets… I am 100% sure about this.

    Side note: glad that you could make good use of my packet research! If you are interested, I would be glad to work with you, Bc I am like the only one here who can develop char packets… So I’m all alone 🙁

    • Oh yes, that bottum part was ment for Joni…

    • HappyAngryCatfish April 15, 2015 @ 12:44 PM

      What do you mean by playing without the replica manager how would they work?

    • And yeah. I’d like to work with you. 🙂

    • Of course it’s possible, but it’s generally believed that it would be easier to do it with RM. But I don’t think so/I agree with you. Its just as easy as read the packets, put the data into a (for LUNIServer) readable format, search out the user who send this in the MySQL Database, put the data from this Database into a variable of a “packet to data” class, use a function in this class that converts the data to packets and then send them to the right client. 🙂 To add this to the programm wouldn’t be too complicated I think. But it needs time. (I would do that if my Visual Studio would work – I deleted the Partition where it was installed on 🙁 )

      • I agree it would be easier with an RM. This was just an interesting topic 🙂

        • I don’t think that it is easier with RM. If nobody can get this mysthical RM into LUNIServer, why not start to do it on another way?

          • Might as well try without RM. it seems like you know what to do more without RM than we do with RM. I will be willing to help if you tell me how to find and change the packets to a readable format.

          • I never have used RakNet or RM im my projects, and I never made any changes in LUNIserver. So I’m not sure what to do. But I think that first all informations from the incoming packets have to be stored in variables (What infos are where in the packets? read here: That’s what I mean with “readable format” (maybe that are not the correct words for it). So the server will be able to perform actions then, for example to save values to the MySQL Database or to get them, put them all together in a string and send them back again. With that would be not too complicated to do, but i don’t know alot about c++. So, if you want to try to put it into the program, i’m sure you’re welcome 🙂

          • Okay that makes sense. Yeah Ill definitely look into it.

          • The thing with RM-A lot of it is output from the server to the clients, not input from the clients to the server.

          • As I’ve said I have absolutely no idea how RM is working. But it seems not to be possible for anyone to put it into LUNIserver! So, isn’t it easier to sent the packets without RM? (Sorry if I’m wrong with that)

          • Well, just sending packets sure. But a big part of the RM is handling keeping track of objects and actions, broadcasting events, etc. which can’t really be done easily by hand.

        • As I’ve said I have absolutely no idea how RM is working. But it seems not to be possible for anyone to put it into LUNIserver! So, isn’t it easier to sent the packets without RM? (Sorry if I’m wrong with that)

    • I want to see that come together! 🙂

      Lego king
      Sentinal veteran

  5. Sooo TimTech…what happened to the .6 update? I heard there was a virus in it or something? What did it add and are you removing the virus from it if so; oh and btw Mater06 has finished what was the /goto command that raffa faked, what mater did is what I thought it should be in the first place. Oh and there was a post in the last week about the patcher, aka the login area where when you double clicked on LU it would bring you to the LU page; which would have like the newest news of LU which at the time was a ninjago trailer. Someone on a YT vid sent you a link for “Lego Universe Re-Imagined” and it looked super good! You should use it and create a seperate download for those that want to use that! This is a long comment so imma stop.

    • I didn’t finish /goto, I did the launchpad! XD

    • The virus is an old story, it happened at least one year ago. Raffa had put it into the server. It deleted System32. This version isn’t downloadable anymore anywhere.

      LUR is the try of Anzalote (I think that was his name) to “rebuild” Lego Universe in Unity. He isn’t directly affiliated with LUNI because LUNI trys to recreate the Server and not make a new client.

    • 0.6 doesn’t have a virus, but it has a bug with the world server so it is basically like 0.3 again 😛 0.6.1 will fix this problem (this is not 0.6.1 with the features discussed by jon etc. that is dev build with stuff, although chat is WIP in bugfix).

  6. @bluebrain or anybody who can answer this
    What size should the banner be if I were to make a LUNI ad banner?

  7. Hey Tim!
    Do you remember when i said: “We are not making progress”?
    I was wrong. We are doing MASSIVE progress!

  8. @Timtech: “Yes but I have permission since it is related to LEGO Universe and I follow their rules with capitalization, part of speech, and the registered trademark symbol.” NOPE. Sorry, but LEGO specifically said that you CANNOT use LEGO in your site name, they never mentioned any way you can get out of that. You have to follow the rules anyways.

    As far as the repo is concerned, I think GitHub will work fine, but I’m curious as to why you can’t install GitLab? Do you not have actual file system access?

    @CDFalcon As far as non-RM character customization, yes it is possible as a temporary fix, as the functionality is in the packets. However, the ‘right’ way to do it is through RM so everything is fully handled.

    • I thought I couldn’t do it with shared hosting but I think I can after reading this:

      I have Hostgator shared business hosting so I can’t directly get a repo running on the server but maybe this will work.

      And about the domain – I didn’t consider that, and I’ll deal with the problems if they arise. I suppose I could always switch to 😉

      • Well, I just realized that GitLab only runs on Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS. 😛 I assume the host is Windows, not CentOS? Could you viably run a Virtual Machine with the GitLab install?

        Tim, it’s illegal as Lego’s permission goes only as far as their restrictions. As for myself, I’m not ok with doing something illegal whether I’m perused or not. Being how high-profile this probably is as far as the possibility of getting shut down if there’s a problem, I’d be careful if I were you.

        • I think is a Unix-based OS. And yeah, I might as well already pick out Do you have a link to their policy about it though?

          • There’s an option between Windows and CentOS, I guess you’re using the latter. Even so, if you can’t install software like that and can set up a VM, you can do it through there.

            I’m not positive if it’s in the FairPlay, but I think it is. LEGO reps have mentioned it though.

  9. HappyAngryCatfish April 15, 2015 @ 4:11 PM

    Why was the big chunk about working without RM removed?

  10. Hey Joni, I saw that you are making a video on char customization!!!
    That is epic 🙂 but please make sure to put that I helped in the research, bc that took me almost a month to decrypt! 🙂
    Also everyone, check out this!
    I love the color changed paradox Marauder!

  11. also everyone, I am thinking about Rebuilding me team, LU_Rebuilt(oh the irony 😉 )
    If you know what you are doing and want to join post here!

  12. Hey, Jon? (Or anyone who knows it…)

    How do you compile a full release server? (For my 0.6.1 version) 🙂

    • Next to “Local Windows Debugger”, change “Debug” to “Release” and compile it. The folder titled “Release” wherever your project is contains all the files necessary to run without Visual Studio. If you have any errors please post them and I will help you with them, because you might have to do the same things I did.

  13. Hello All!
    We’ve decided that we’re not going to post info about LUR(Lego Universe Rebuild) here anymore, will be creating a forum that all the new updates will be posted!
    We’re not Dead, we’re just dev. in silence
    Lego Universe Rebuild TEAM

  14. Hey guys I’ve made the launcher pictures
    Template without icons:
    template with icons:
    window for setting up single player:
    after selected LAN, Singleplayer or multiplayer:

    Lego king
    Sentinal veteran

  15. WAIT A MINUTE! I can’t log into the dropbox site! well this means no time capsule download till this works. 🙁

    PS where’s RoboWarrior?

    Lego king
    Sentinal veteran

  16. Dropbox is fixed! Tim the time capsule is here! Its version 0.5.
    here is the link on dropbox:

    Also a complete list of whats on here:
    0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5.1, 0.6, 0.6 bundle and 0.6.1 dev
    Nexus 2
    lu client packets
    lu packet structs
    lu replica packets
    lu server packets
    object list (values)
    server changes
    Benchmark FAQ
    CDfalcon’s changing clothes fix + files
    installer + files
    0.5 tutorial setup
    Other files:
    lu PKExtractor
    developers pack
    ^zip files for the above^

    Also Tim can you host the file here because I use my dropbox for person file transfers through computers.

    Lego king
    Sentinal veteran

  17. Sorry, Ive asked this before but I can’t figure out how to change the profile pic so can someone tell me the steps on how to? I know you have to sign in to WordPress or something then go to another web sight and change something there…

    Gets a little complicated doesn’t it lol

  18. Okay, I’ve been looking through all the 3D models and all that good stuff and I was wondering how much harder would it be to make our own client? If we made our own client a RM would be much easier to accomplish, plus the game would be a whole lot easier to update like adding the Mythran Temple and seasonal worlds. How much harder could this be than trying to find all this packet stuff and code that is very, very hard to find to make a RM? All the models and everything is there, it just needs to be put together, textured, and coded. Don’t get me wrong, I am still very impressed what has been done here already, I’m just trying to think of other ways that could potentially be a better route in the long run.

    • HappyAngryCatfish April 16, 2015 @ 12:49 AM

      Your basically talking a fan made game. Those have come and gone all over the place. If someone finishes won congrats to them I’ll give the game a try but this project is about bringing LU back. Trying to tell people after all this work that they should all change course isn’t gonna work =P

    • Well, the issue with either using or modding the client files is that they’re assumed to be under copyright and we’ve never been given license to use them. Not sure why Tim says we have.

  19. @mater06
    Can you upload the source of your launchpad editing somewhere?
    And is there a possibility to change the destination world? Because maybe this could done by EasyWorldChanger as long as launchpads aren’t fully working.

  20. I don’t know if this is interesting, but on you find this:
    “While I still get some inquiries, as of as of March 13, 2015 I’ve decided to stop licensing so I can focus on changing the world through VR.” What means this for the replica manager?

  21. @Knightoffaith

    I tried to send the compressed data with the uncompressed flag.

    Result: The client crashes…

  22. My first Minifig was Sentinel because i used to love the colour Blue (My favourite now is black, but in actual colour still blue.) And i loved every bit of it, no other class was ever as good as Sentinel to me, Maybe it was because it was my first time! But i dont know! I bought lego universe a few days after it had come out (I wanted to pre-order but i didnt have the money) and i got bored after a week or so, so i quit, forgetting about the game i came across it while searching for a new game to play and i remembered “I used to play this game!” then i saw there was a FTP option so i ran the game and found i couldnt log on because i was in nimbus station, sooo i bought a membership and enjoyed my last few months on lego universe :(I dont know whether to be happy or not :P) I MISS LU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Okay everyone, my research on the char packets is almost done. The only thing left to figuring out is the face. I have the weapons, armor, clothes, and backpack figured out.
    So I will keep you posted. My next project is adding NPC’s.

  24. Okay, Tim? I tried compiling my source to release and it says:

    Unable to start program ‘C:\fakepath\foo\bar.6.2\Release\LUNI Server.exe’

    The system cannot find the file specified.


    Do you know what’s happening?

  25. Guys… I just found a mysterious magenta thing in AG. 😮
    Does anyone know what it is?


  26. Simon Molinié April 16, 2015 @ 3:54 PM

    Hi CDFalcon, will we have the quests given to NPCs when you will add them in the game? 🙂

    Thanks for replying !

  27. Well, first of all, I am not very good at HEX… (Yeah, I know, for alot of people hex is easier than C++… Not for me apparently. 🙁 ) But, anyway, is there anyway someone can really dumb down how to change the spawn co-ords in char_aw2.bin? (It’s for my launchpad updates…)

    • I think Joni was looking into that. I believe that the player position is actually in the World_2a file (Packet ID 53-05-00-04, CREATE_CHARACTER [player character info], as opposed to char_aw2 which is 53-05-00-02, LOAD_STATIC_ZONE [World Info] ). The issue is, the data is compressed so it probably can’t be directly edited.

      I’ll explain anyways. If you look at the first 4 bytes of the file, and compare that to the packet docs, you find out it’s this file: A:0x08 means that this item starts at byte 8. L:X means that the item is X bytes long. Does that clarify at all?

  28. Hey Guys! It’s caboose(obviursely…duh) and i’m not dead! I just couldn’t remember my password. Guess What!? i’ll be working on texture/client mods!(new weapons too bruh) i’m not that good at c++ but textures and animation are my thing 🙂

    I told the guys at the LEGO store about LUNI while on vacation…and they wish you all luck! they also told me they’re about to discontinue Chima so buy them while you can 😉

    Guess What(again…) i’ll be making a private server with my mods on it… they’ll be retextured enemies, npcs, and weapons but whateva.

    and I picked up the LUBundle and sadness is brought my face when this error pops up… “The program can’t start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.” please help I just bought this new laptop and i’m lost now 🙁

    • Install the C++ redistrobutable packages to fix this (will need to include this in future server versions):

      Client mods (specifically distributing them) might not be legal according to what I heard a while back… Tim says he got permission, but he never explained how this changed (Tim…?)

      • We have always had permission to modify client and server, but there is no reason to modify the client.

        • There is a reason but not at the moment…
          Later I’d like to implement the valiant weapons of the inventor, the adventurer, the space ranger and the shinobi. <3

        • Um… Then why was there a big discussion a while back (around when I started posting) about how we couldn’t because of client copyright? Last I checked, we were given permission for the project-bringing back the game by making a server, not adding/modding the game through client editing. Could you show me where you were given such permission?

          • HappyAngryCatfish April 16, 2015 @ 10:53 PM

            I though we couldn’t like 3rd party modify it but we could bring in the items in the client that hadn’t been released.

    • HappyAngryCatfish April 16, 2015 @ 6:09 PM

      Why work on client mods and not the server? =P

  29. HappyAngryCatfish April 16, 2015 @ 6:33 PM

    Joni when is the gear editing tutorial coming?

  30. Hey guys I need to know what engine(s), code language, programs, and other stuff are used for the server. I am wondering about this because I need this info to make a mac version. 🙂

    Lego king
    Sentinal veteran

    • We’re using C++ (in Visual Studio 2013), using the RakNet libraries. By nature, this can’t (easily) be ported to mac, as C++ is a Windows thing. You would need to jump through all sorts of hoops to not only get it to compile for Mac but also to ensure that all the needed pieces work.

      • I new that it would take a long time… but still all I have done is sit around the site and asked questions.

        Lego king
        Sentinal veteran

    • @Techtrix
      Maybe that can work! 🙂 But the client can be ported over with wine since the original release format was ported with wine.

      Lego king
      Sentinal veteran

      • I mean, you can try it, but when I did on Ubuntu it failed. I didn’t get to finish pursuing it though.


    This was obviously done with LUNI, but how? I doubt this guy has a replica manager. Maybe we could get him to help us? 🙂

    • Pretty sure he’s already said no.

      • Why?

        • They don’t really have a reason to say no lol

        • Neal was originally on he LUNIServer team, but he really just got fed up with everything. He’s a smart guy, but he doesn’t want to really help anyone after The Split. I think he wants to make a private server himself. He says he MAY release it if he gets it done, but I think that may turn into a yes. It just would get boring being the only person (with a few friends) playing the game after a while. But that could change.

          I don’t always agree with him about his methods of developing, but I respect him as one who is knowledgable. He seems to actually be making progress with it, similar to humanoid and lcdr. Even if he didn’t release the source for his server, I’d love to play it again anyways.

          Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

          • Oh okay. I still don’t fully understand the whole “Split” and everything. To me it was a little disagreement/mistake(s) that turned into something WAY worse than it needed to be in my opinion and Im not saying anyone is right or wrong. The past is the past and I think it would be good if everyone would work together. When I was 10 and 11 I played LU all the time and I really like this project. Like you and many other people, I would just like to play it again and get a fully developed server working. You have done a lot for this project and so have other people, with LUNI and without LUNI, and if you combine your smarts with some of these other people that have been making huge improvements, this project you definitely excel rapidly. Like Ive said, I would love to figure out some of the stuff that is needed, but Im not as experienced with coding, however, I really just want to eventually play this game again (its much better than their Chima and Minifigures Online lol).

  32. So remember, if you want to know how to edit a players armor and gear, click on my name and go to packet Documentaion.

  33. Oh yes, and in response to raffa50’s threat to report TimTech’s sourceforge site that he offered to give to me, raffa50 posted: “Oh thanks I’ll report that project to sourceforge too…
    And you alredy know what will happen right?”

    My response: Have fun with that. You make me laugh.

  34. TechTrix how did he get the enemies?

    • I’m not quite sure. My guess is he probably implemented it into the client somehow.

      • HappyAngryCatfish April 16, 2015 @ 10:51 PM

        I’d assume your talking about Neal. That was just a troll. The enemies had no ‘AI’ or whatever you’d call it from the looks of the video.

        • Yeah I am. He was using CheekyMonkey in the beginning of it so how was it a troll or whatever? Even if you couldn’t smash it, it still seems like he definitely put a spiderling in there.

          • HappyAngryCatfish April 17, 2015 @ 12:27 AM

            Yeah its the same method as spawning and NPC I’d assume. You can manually spawn one that can’t move or anything but they won’t respawn without you spawning. Now that’s just my assumption I don’t know.

          • That’s right. We actually could spawn enemies, but we can’t interact with them, so it’s pretty useless.

          • It would still be cool to see enemies and NPCs in game even if we can’t interact with them. Can someone give a tutorial how to do it?

  35. I heard a new launcher is coming out soon what version?

  36. Does anyone know where the 3D models of the Mythran Temple and some of the other unreleased stuff are in the game files? I haven’t found them yet but I’m pretty sure they are in there.

    • I think “unreleased” is the word your looking for. I don’t think they gave it to us. 🙁

      Lego king
      Sentinel veteran

      • If you go to the Lego Universe wikia they have a picture of the Mythran Temple and Baron Typhonus boss battle 3D models that they said they found in the files.

  37. @TimTech
    When do you plan to upload 0.6.1 here? Because it would be great if we could play as our own character.

    • In 0.6.1 you can’t play as your own character.

      • I mean if we could enter worlds in 0.6.1, this wold be the first step to playing as your own character.

        • Exactly you can play on 0.6.1 (That is not released to public) but with CheekyMonkey.
          If you will make your own character, and click “PLAY”, game will load, but you will be CheekyMonkey.
          Follow CDFalcon posts 😉 He is already working on that, so 😀

  38. A simple request from me:


    Thank you.

    “btw I am just joking”
    ~mater06, 2015

  39. Tim, it seems like there has been a lot of new stuff being released (character armour changing, easy world change, quick download thing, and something with the rocket launch pads) so do you think you could put download links on the downloads page?

  40. I can`t log inn!?!?!?!!??!

    • Please give us a little bit more information about it:
      Server Version
      Client Version

  41. Also Tim, CDFalcon, Jon002, or anyone else who can answer, this weekend I’m going to try and look and decode some LU stuff but what files do I need to be looking in and which ones have already be decoded?

  42. Have we decided on a luni logo yet cause I need it for the banner.

  43. Hey guys I can decide some packets just you can tell me wich ones. 🙂 I also want to see how the spawns can be changed in worlds.

    And I made i good looking launcher. Pics above. I only have pictures so if anybody has an idea for making one, tell me. 🙂

    Lego king
    Sentimental veteran

  44. Hi im waiting for lu and i havo no time Mord to wait i try with download

    • Um speak english better. If you speak another use google translate. 🙂

      Lego king
      Sentimental veteran

    • It seems you aren’t really good at speaking English, are you from Germany?

      Es scheint so, als ob du nicht wirklich gut englisch sprichst, kommst du aus Deutschland?

  45. HappyAngryCatfish April 17, 2015 @ 2:29 PM

    I have a feeling a lot of us are all going to be on at 9’999 comments and all of us are going to make a comment at the same time saying we got 10’000 lol

  46. HappyAngryCatfish April 17, 2015 @ 3:04 PM

    Btw noticed pwjones commented above is he working on the project?

  47. HappyAngryCatfish April 17, 2015 @ 3:20 PM

    Could someone explain how to use the PKExtractor?

    • You first have to have the nexus2 client (I would recommend having it on the desktop and it must be extracted). Then run the PKExtractor and it will ask you for the destination of the file. So you would type in C:\Users\”your user name”\Desktop\nexus2\nexus2 or something like that. If you don’t know what it is you can right click on the file and click open file destination and you’ll see what to type in. Then just follow what the extractor says and it will make a new file with everything in it!

  48. Does anyone know a website where I could learn hex?

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