Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
The adress will be the same?
Yes, the address will always be lu.hopto.org
This doesn’t work for me. When I click on the LEGO Universe.exe thing a picture of Bob appears for a few seconds and then I am back at my desktop
I just would like the server time
for example:
Because I know you said you don’t want to prioritize the server, but I think you should, but I need to know the server times and Could you possibly put the character creation on the server setup….new download…
Usually about 7 AM to 8 PM Eastern Standard Time. Times may vary and downtime may occur.
I am also setting up a pre-compiled download that will be uploaded next week.
Sounds great!thanks!
Sooner the compiled download the better, I’ll try to get on lu.hopto today
Okay, the server is up on schedule today.
For a favicon you could use the T from Timtech or you could come up with some logo picture that is simple enough to be that small.
Sure, that’s probably a good idea.
i have been having trubble trying to join the server, i put the boot.cfg files new text in correctly and it does not let me log in, but i have noticed that there are 2 files that are named boot.cfg, when i open it in a archive there is boot.cfg and boot.cfg.bak and when i open it in explorer it is boot and boot.cfg and i am wondering if that has something to do with me not being able to join(i am typing the text in boot.cfg in explorer)
and when i run the server i made (that does not have worlds) it lets me log on, and i have not typed any localhost
-my boot.cfg(bak)
SERVERNAME=0:Overbuild Universe (US),PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com,AUTHSERVERIP=0:lu.hopto.org.legouniverse.com,PATCHSERVERPORT=1:80,LOGGING=1:100,DATACENTERID=5:150,CPCODE=1:89164,AKAMAIDLM=7:0,PATCHSERVERDIR=0:luclient,UGCUSE3DSERVICES=7:1,UGCSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com,UGCSERVERDIR=0:3dservices,PASSURL=0:https://account.lego.com/en-us/SendPassword.aspx?Username=,SIGNINURL=0:https://account.lego.com/en-us/SignIn.aspx?ReturnUrl=http://universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/default.aspx,SIGNUPURL=0:http://universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/registration/default.aspx,REGISTERURL=0:https://secure.universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/subscription/embeddedlandingpage.aspx?username=,CRASHLOGURL=0:http://services.lego.com/cls.aspx,LOCALE=0:en_US,MANIFESTFILE=0:trunk.txt,TRACK_DSK_USAGE=7:1,HD_SPACE_FREE=5:134179,HD_SPACE_USED=5:11396,USE_CATALOG=7:1
– my boot(.cfg)
i dont know if this will help
i have re-downloaded
You want to edit boot.cfg, not boot.cfg.bak
never mind i think i fixed it, i just switched boot.cfg.bat and boot.cfg and it now says handshaking with authentication when i log in hope thats what it is ment to say
Well, it’s not supposed to, but that’s my problem. You’ve set it up correctly and you should be able to play after I update the server.
stuck at handshaking with authentication what should i do?
Yeah,despite the servers being online( for once) it gets stuck at handshaking with authority, Thus kinda the reason I like to setup or play on a localhost server, but PLEASE try to fix this before 8:00
It crashed.
In the new version that I’m updating to, however, RealFlameXen says “there is a little bug (some time the server may crash) that I’ve corrected”
but now irs 5:07PM and servers are DOWN I mean cmon!
When ever i connect it says “Hand Shaking with Authentication” forever!
Also the when I try to use my own server it says msqll something is missing so i add it but then MVC___._ Is missing! What do I do?
And is the server REALLY online? It says it may be online…
You should install Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop.
Please leave the servers up, and if you are AFK try to upload the new server or something
I tried to download the new server but it says it’s a deleted or invalid file. I sent RealFlameXen an email about it as well as left a comment up higher on the page.
Ok…. hopefully he gets back
I’ve contacted him in every way possible. He should respond by tomorrow.
Has he responded yet?
well now it says conecting to authorisation and then says you cannot connect so im guessing the server is down
He hasn’t responded yet… I was hoping to upgrade to that fixed server today.
RealFlameXen is raffa, just so you know.
You sure?
Yeah, you’re right. Not sure how I could have missed that.
really? I guess he is not so bad then…..in fact I guess he is Good 🙂 hooray! for peace!
ok so i was on the server and i saw another player but it was not from the minifig list that we have it was something toxic something, is this a bug or a glitch? the minifig was all yellow i have never seen anything like that before.
i saw it again but i saw its full name: volcanictoxicwraith level 38
So why is raffa helping you? I thought he hated this project.
Yeah I’m not… If I’m raffa why I help? :/
Because you are trying to sneak a way onto his computer so you can either remotely shut down the server or erase files. Both of which are pathetic. All this “progress” is not really anything but feeding captured packets to the client. You are trying to show how far along the project is when it hasn’t gotten any further than a month ago.
The better question is not who flame it but who you are.
You are raffa and you don’t want to keep the server updated… let me traceroute you, andif you are from italy you are raffa… what do you say?
If you will refuse or you will disapper you will be raffa…
Me? I am pwjones1969 on SourceForge. It is my packets you are using. RealFlameXen is going against what all the other programmers want for the project. That is why many of us are off doing our own research for the project. It is not anywhere near ready. It probably will not be “playable” for quite a while.
Oh, and monkeybrown is my daughter’s character so when you use it, you are playing as a girl 🙂
No, RealFlameXen is raffa, he’s just modified the server to delete stuff and shutdown the computer. Good thing I caught it 😉
Removed – contained viruses and malware. Blocked before they could do damage.
I remove old files because I don’t have much space…
Would It be OK if I downloaded this? I’m fine if I can’t, its OK 🙂 but is this compiled? is libmysql in the correct place?
Ummmmm It still gets stuck at handshaking at auth
dunno Maybe timtech has not updated it, or its still a problem….
I don’t think RealFlameXen is raffa…… though if you are Xen, would you PLEASE tell us so EVERYONE can come to a standing point
Okay, just to clear a few things up:
1. RealFlameXen IS working from Italy.
2. His IP is almost the same as raffa’s.
3. A large portion of Italy near where raffa lives has been blocked.
4. RealFlameXen is now using a proxy, I believe.
5. No one else has commented from Italy.
6. I do think that RealFlameXen is raffa after the discussion we had over e-mail, so I would like an explanation to prove otherwise.
If you prefer, we can also have the discussion through e-mail. Thanks!
Ok I’m really confused. Why is there no progress anymore, why is the server like never on any more and what are all the download links RealFlameXen keeps posting? Can someone please explain because right now I’m very confused. Thanks! 🙂
I think RealFlameXen is raffa – he is in Italy and he’s posting viruses…
Viruses really? And now we should trust the luni server for what reason?
We shouldn’t. I think on the whole it was a fail, so maybe one of the developers that actually made all the progress (like triver or jon) should take over, and not let raffa have control of it.
CRAP I downloaded one of his servers, the one recently!Got rid of it! Ran it 2 times, but I still heave your Nimbus Station, that’s not infected, right?
No, Nimbus Station is not infected. Jon002 made it for me (we worked together back before raffa got mad at us).
I don’t think it had a virus in it. It was just so that he could shut it down. I have not looked through all the source code but there may have been something so that he could erase files too. What he did was outside of the LUNI project.
Well it doesn’t do anything unless you run it, then it tries to shut down your computer. I didn’t wait any longer to see what else it would do.
Need to get this ON the internet, NEED A NEW COMMANDER or something cause I like the progress and I do not like viruses!
I agree 🙂 I think Jon or triver or pwjones or lcdr would all make good leaders 🙂
Yeah, they are a good group of guys, Raffa now seems like a 1st grader who just lost his monopoly game. If he was in america I would be checking to see what laws he broke, if any… Hopefully we can still make progress, I say pwjones stops raffa in development, and gets better managers, and maybe there can be progress here. As for Xen/Raffa CONFESS YOURSELF OR PROVE YOURSELF NON-GUILTY. I say we give out pre-releases like the glitch crux prime and test/improve it then upload it.
Can you contact any of the dudes you know and tell what happened and see if they can help?
One of raffa’s first posts, where he has nothing and wants pwjones to help him:so you guys will help me? thanks a lot.
add me to skype: raffa505
and i’ll made you developers
I almost want to skype him, just so I can scream and yell at him!
I really hope progress is shown here, I don’t think the LUNI server forums know about this, I see RealFlameXen suddenly disappeared…..:)
Just thinking? Should I get WordPress and try to make my own website with links to yours? asking for more developers??? I will help out if you want, I’m willing too, but all I have in the NimbusStation Packets
You could make your own website, but there isn’t really much point in doing so. If I can contact Jon and see if he’s still interested and maybe ask pwjones and triver where they would like to work and if I could rejoin them 🙂
Too bad that server was full of junk, I really wanted to go to crux
I came to check on the servers and when I saw what raffa tried to do I bursted out into laughter, becouse you’ve done more work than him, plus he tried to hijack your computer. I bet all the work raffa has done is piss poor. P.S tim you really need to put all your current data on a USB stick, just to be safe.
This is my unrevocable decision: I will leave the project.
Due to the fact that timtech it’s still claiming that he is the main developer and that somebody broke the rules.
If tim has reason he will find the way to continue development, else users will notice that and they will get disappointed.
Don’t be angry with me but with persons that broke rules.
I opened git repo and removed dangerous code, if you need or have any problems I can give you admin rights.
Now I don’t care about this project so do / say what you want
Thanks for the adventure, and No I won’t change idea.
Also the forum it’s fully reopened: luniserver.sf.net
Where did he claim he was the main developer….?
I made Crux prime, ninjago, gnalerd working
improved code and Implemented a smart pointer
nobody here is giving credits to my work, and you say that I’m stupid. I’ve also discovered how character selection works.
But now I leave, there is no point it’s too late…
How ever I want to see if you will be able to keep this project updated since I worked EVERY DAY on it.
Maybe Timtech and others didn’t acknowledge that you worked on it, but I have, for whatever that’s worth.
ah yes sure, I’ve opened the project and I’m the owner… sure he may have missed that…
I didn’t say he ‘missed it’ I said he might have tried to dis acknowledge the fact you created it. I don’t know a whole lot about these groups that are recreating LU I do know they need people helping. The whole goal is to bring LU back. worry about the credit later.
yes the goal was that, but we don’t want to give other’s illusions. I started the project without me no server and no other stuff so make your calcules…
Sure others helped with RakNet and packets
Timtech just made it known to people. You really shouldn’t quit.
nope, he broke the rules because he is hosting a server and he is not giving credits to our team…
he also went to aur forum, insulted us, make 2 accounts for having the source, and spammed his site.
Now for sure he can be happy.
Yes tim, Are you happy now?
I think that Today it’s your best day ever…
Just ask him to give credit then. :/
oh already done, advised him too many times…
He won’t listen to us, now he is free…
Well, I don’t really know what to say, just wish you’d stay and try to work things out.
Sigh, I knew this would happen. I really hope jon, humanoid, and the others will keep going with this…
You did not make them “work.” They are not working. You just threw packets at the client until it had enough to load the world. A trained monkey could have done that.
And how character selection works had been determined way before you did it.
And the work you did everyday was pretty much a waste of time since the work you did was to only get the worlds to load as is. You did nothing that was usable in the final server.
We are not posting ANYTHING until we have a better understanding of what happens and can get it to a playable stage. YOU are the one that kept posting “updates” and gave TimTech the software. If you had not, TimTech would still only have Nimbus Isle unless he did it himself. So YOU are the one to blame for this mess, especially since you had to sabotage his system which is beyond childish and I, for one, will not stand for it.
And you may have started the project and are the owner, but until humanoid24 can along, we were getting nowhere and the project was pretty much dead. So humanoid24 deserves ALL the credit for getting this started.
say do what you want… I don’t care… I’ve left the project and you now you can be happy
Am I allowed to upload footage to YouTube?
I think so
You know, if everyone trying to bring back LU would all work together this would move way faster.
@TimTech I’ve also unbanned you from the forum.
Do what you want, now I left the project and I don’t care about it.
I guess that you are very happy now
Sorry, only one comment: Raffa50 had done a great piece of work, and you cannot negate it. Ok, we need proofs, but he has them. Only look at the source code. He was not the leader, as many of you claim: he was a member of a great project. In my opinion there are people who are trying to steal code and nothing more than that. I’m sorry saying that things. It is not possible that in 2014 childish things like this could happen. I’m really disappointed about that!
Please, from both sides try to find a solution. Being a developer is an hard labour, don’t throw it away doing things like that. Please.
I only want you to look main.cpp (download NinbusStation.zip server here):
/* Lego Universe Authentification Server WIP
Code done by humanoid24 (aka Triver) as of 01.12.2013
additional credits to raffa50 30.01.2013 for MySql and improvements
This source code requires RakNet version 3.25 as
an external dependency to work with the luni client.
the source is open and free and all trademarks are of their respective owners
It’s under our credits and license (AGplV3, by sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/luniserver/), we can legally report you…
Thanks, kinda sad reading this… I really think there should be NO leaders and Raffa you should NOT quit, I mean I forgive everyone and always see all points of view, I know how timtech broke the rules, but the rules you made were strongly disagreed with, But you would not change, PLEASE lets all come to almens, PS is there something I get so I can go to Gnarled forest and crux and stuff? I think NO one should leave this project until at least we get enemies added, or AT LEAST avant gardens
Please I hate to see someone say “I quit, I don’t care.”
I see you said you won’t change you mind, but would you be willing to give me the server with crux and gnarled forest PLEASE
the code is now open, you can download latest revision with no virus.
I won’t update it, so if you want I can give you developer rights
look at this site tim is a stealer he is stealing other’s programmers work. This site is very illegal…
Would you come back If timtech gave everyone credit and wanted to try again. Because I REALLY want this to have a happier ending, FOR EVERYONE
PS I can’t find the starting file (.exe) I thought it was under debug….
ah yes for sure my rulers are very strong (my nickname is Mr Hitler)
– The code is using SUtil lib that it’s under my license, so you can’t use it / take credits or making money or I can legally report you
– you are not autorized to make a LUNI private server for now
we don’t want to give players illusions, the current plan it’s only studying, testing and development
– if you made a change to LUNI Server Source you must release it
– don’t claim LUNI Server as yours and link to this page if you mention / link LUNI Server (this project)
– don’t ask support for now, we need to focus on development, so if you are not developer use only General Chat forum section!
*rules sorry…
That nickname is very mean and annoying, a strict ruler is a good one, but it should have been democracy, not dictatorship, any chance you would change your mind and come back, you have worked years on this after all, but I say i think anyone can open a server and LUNI development is un-locked to guests
SUtil is released also with creative commons and registred to another license.. so shut up and gave me tim’s lawyer contact
– The code is using SUtil lib that it’s under my license, so you can’t use it / take credits or making money or I can legally report you
Sorry to inform you but since you made that code available with the project and thus under the GPL, people can use it they just have to leave the comments that give you credit.
– you are not autorized to make a LUNI private server for now
we don’t want to give players illusions, the current plan it’s only studying, testing and development
YOU are the one that made the source code available. Part of the GPL is you cannot tell them what they can or can’t do with the source.
– if you made a change to LUNI Server Source you must release it
No, they don’t have to release it just because they made a change. Read the GPL to find out when/where/how they have to release the code.
nope tim haven’t modified I’m sure
beacuse my source it’s using SUtil library written by me… if you change Ref.h the program can’t run…
so also SUtil is under license and I can legally report him, I will move in this direction in collaboration with lego
You really don’t understand the GPL, do you? You released the source to your SUtil under the GPL when you released it with LUNIServer. He can do what he wants with it as long as he follows the GPL. Who are you going to report him to? There is no GPL police. And LEGO will most likely ignore you. If you want the email address to one of their lawyers, I can send you the one I have.
SUtil is released also with creative commons and registred to another license.. so shut up and gave me tim’s lawyer contact
I can’t find the .exe file, and is it compiled and database already upload? also P.S. i still strong disagree with you decision to leave, any change of you coming back in the future?
nope I don’t get back on my decisions. However I’m a programmer and I have other projects (one that is more famous than this)
You need to compile your self with visual studio 2013, and the .sql it’s already included, you can disable the database in common.h if you decomment #define LUNI_NO_AUTH
I won’t open the VS solution again, I won’t compile it for you… sorry
NP So its the sln right? but I can’t find the starting file still…what is its name? (file)
main.cpp 😀 (a classic in C/C++)
OOPS Can’t believe I missing that, what is the user/password I need? …maybe I’ll disable it
Raffa…I’m really REALLY sorry for all the bad things we said, we all are now that you’ve told us what you’ve really done to this project how many things you have improved we understand. So all of us (not sure about timtech) are telling you DONT LEAVE!!! 🙁 if you stay LU can live again! Plus when this goes public you will be heroes to thousands of LU fans around the world!!!
Well I know… and I’m sorry… but some people don’t uderstan me and my rules…
now you will get sad and angry because I gave you illusions…
And tim will continue to give you illusions…
tim and others don’t like me… so I leave, and everybody is happy (me not)
Just…just sssstttaaayyyy
Raffa…don’t go…your our only hope… 🙁
Well I would not say that, but he did organize and lead in order at the least….
@TimTech this is for you: http://cristgaming.com/pirate.swf (not a virus, it’s funny)
funny but I had a seizure
🙂 🙂
I decided to delete the git repo that’s my decision
delete the repo! Please don’t do that!!!
already done sorry
isn’t that the generator! future progress will be so much farther Nooooooooo! please restore it! 🙂 (cheesy looking simily! 🙂
What is the User/Password Combo to login?
asd / asd but if you have disabled login what you want.
you can register a new account, just use the console press enter and type register (or help for commands) and enter again
Thanks, really wish you were not leaving ( did you ever get that email?)
tim haven0t helped in doing this… I want you to leave this site… do that for me and for LU, he won’t be able to bring back LU alone… look only unfinished projects on this site…
Well I say have everyone make their own server ( Everybody would suppliy each other)and close this one, would you make a deal for that?
No music, I found why, were missing some files from pwjones
What music? All the music is contained in the client.
Yeah its .pk in the client music
Raffa if you leave…we have lost everything I’ve looked on the LUNI forums and you started this years ago. 2012 or 2011…anyways if you leave all you did was for nothing…:( so don’t leave! Please… 🙁
How do you go ninjago place?
🙁 🙁 🙁 it’s over…WHY?!?!?!!?!
its not over, other people shall continue
Who will carry on the project???
timtech pwjones,jon, 2 otherpeople, nealybealy
Will they listen? Or just quit?
Well looks like this project is unfinished…
says who?
Dear Raffa please do not leave…..just don’t, now that progress has stopped because no one has a place to post and such….. Please come back, despite the times I hated you 🙂 You are a good leader and I really want to get to enemies or nexus tower (to train) LU was my fav game CMON people PS raffa I’m g***e@***.*** I sent you an email at realoaded about If you don’t want to leader, I really want you to still help
How do I travel to the Ninjago dojo?
Been reading around raffa, without you the project is basically done for, really wish you would stick around man.
I was hopping that this project “soon”, like 2015 I could play LU. I don’t what is happening but I saw that some important developer gonna quit, this is sad to hear, he has his reasons, but TIM keep up the good work and I expect to see LU working someday.
Don’t worry this is just an object on a path, We will get pass it
or solve it.( kinda leaning towards this)
I hope so 😀
Tim can’t handle this project, I’m studying IT in genova, I have 20 years old and I managed others projects, and it’s not easy, and tim is not answering, this means that he can’t handle… I think that I was right about him…
This site it’s only a trap for capturing users, tim is a child, and it’s site it’s full of unfinished projects… while I have one big project that is just stable…
However there are others here (read above) that don’t think that my work was useful, and don’t want me so I quitted…
Yes, I don’t think what you were doing was useful. All your “changes” were only to get the different worlds to load. They were not going to be of any use in the final server. You were just trying to impress people. Anyone actually working on the project already knew how to do that so they were not impressed. It was only new people, who probably came there because of TimTech, that were impressed.
You were also feeding TimTech code that was tainted so that you could mess with his server. All because you screwed up and made the source code available to everyone.
I never said anything about not wanting you around. I said I wasn’t going to stand for your childish behavior and what you were trying to do to TimTech. You say you are 20 but you act like you are 2.
Well I really hope raffa changes this mind, but otherwise pwjones would you lead the project? In my small world of my mind I don’t see anyone as the bad guy, However raffa do not be mad at TimTech because you did try to shutdown his computer, and I download that and ran it twice for 30 seconds, I hope it did nothing
I think that I was right because Tim it’s not responding… however you are free to think that I’m wrong, evil and bla-bla
Tim never really told us about what you done to improve the project,he might have feeding us lies.
What I wished would have happened: RealFlameXen=Raffa, but we don’t know it, raffa does not try to shut down the computer, and now everybody’s working together and does not know it 🙂
I feel like some things need to be cleared up here. When the LUNI server project made its first large breakthrough they were upset at Tim from Timtech for starting a private server for the community and announcing the existence of the project on the Lego Message Boards. They were also un-happy that Tim posted videos about the programs as if they were his own. The LUNI server team felt like their server program was not ready for this kind of public use and attention and they were also un-happy with Tim for spreading this un-finished program to a lot of people. They then asked Tim to stop telling the LMBs about their project to which Tim said something along the lines of “The community MUST know!!”. The LUNI server project kicked Tim out for not complying and for being an annoyance to them. I am not saying what Raffa did here was right, personally I don’t think it was however if Tim had said “Okay, I will stop telling people about your un-finished program, sorry about that.” The project would still be in development and everything would be as it was.
I hope you can understand that this is what happened from what I understand and if anybody wishes to correct me feel free to do so.
good that’s a perfect explanation!
Ok. So, we’re supposed to be helping each other and all we are doing is fighting over who’s who and playing another game of IP chase? Well, We really need some organisation… xD (Just Saying!)
Anyway, got some more of the LU archives. And I think we should have a separate website to this… and create a name… We should also spread the word more. And, Helping each other helps! If we find something, we should tell each other!
I was thinking we could connect what we’ve done so far together.
–Answer the Call. Reimagine the Universe.
–BTW: Youniverse would be a good name! (Some guys started with this but closed.)
Oh, and my email is tbarraclough0310@gmail.com if you want to contact me! My old email was laptopguy89@gmail.com – reply if you emailed me!
Raffa thanks for the server and thanks to all how helped make it! However how to you travel to the Ninjago Dojo Place???
Oh and pwjones/Timtech I am missing pk. files, I have no music would you post the link please? Thanks!
Geez now this website is worth 600$
Come back raffa we neeeeeeeed youuuuuuuuuu