Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
BTW will all zones be free?
No, the zones were shut down. Private servers are in development though.
What do you mean the zones were shut down?
Lego shut down the Lego Universe servers, which hosted the different multiplayer zones.
long download
Yeah, LU was a big game.
I just installed LU and when I opened it it said could not download LU please go to http://www.legouniverse.com. Help????
You downloaded it from here, right?
will it crash your computer when you donload it and will it be free to install
I don’t know a whole lot about how this works, and just a little bit of coding, but maybe you could bypass the servers by deleting it’s go-to IP and replacing it with your private servers? Just a thought.
OK, But will it work on a Windows XP? And if there’s no servers, does that mean it’s all single player for now, until new servers are established? Also, can anyone tell me how to become a Mythran? I just don’t want to have to choose just one faction since they’re all so good. I want to be part of all factions.
1. Yes. It will work for Windows XP.
2. No. There is no singleplayer. Private servers are in development.
3. Maybe. Mythrans were Lego Universe moderators who were paid by the LEGO® company. Mythran will be the rank of admins of private servers. If you ask them, they may give you the Mythran rank.
Great! Coming from a huge LEGO nerd and beta tester for LU, if people can get their act together, it might be done. Don’t take my comment the wrong way, I would be helping if I had any free time (or knew how to help…-.-). Thanks for all of the work in helping revive the Universe!
You’re welcome. The critical stage right now is finding the way the LEGO company authenticated the account, because now that the authentication servers are gone, no one can log in anymore. We need to be able to set up our own servers and bypass the built-in ones.
Great work! I’m unsure if you are collaborating with the LU wiki people, but I know they have been making some progress. I was a Beta tester, and I am a huge LEGO fan that wishes to bring this game back. If I could, I would be helping this momentous project. Keep up the good work!
Yes, I collaborate with the LU wiki a bit.
Are you with Bioniclejaller on this?
I have used some of his research, and he has used some of mine. We are all working towards the same goal though; I can’t wait till it works 🙂
PLEASE NOTE: I am not asking that you go out of your way to find answers if they are impossible to know at this time. If I knew some answers, I’m sure it would help me sleep at night.
A couple of things,
1) If I am correct, will we have to start over (if you will) with our mini-figures? Because I thought that Lego had all of the in-game data on their servers.
2) How will we login? Isn’t Lego Universe coded (or something) to have an authentication process that verifies that the player has “time” in-game?
3) I haven’t checked, but to save a teensy bit of time, is the download that you have provided up to date on the most recent update to LU (aside from the unreleased version Shival uploaded)? Because I have switched computers twice since LU’s closing, and the computer with the updated version is….well, it went kaput.
4) What kind of performance/frame-rate/speed will we have in the game? Some of it is based off of your computers health and such, but are y’alls servers adequate enough to support a number of players? I’m not sure of the amount of people that will be playing (assuming this works, but I hope so :)) but I hope it can accommodate.
5) Thanks again (3rd times the charm, right?) for all your work in this ginormous project. God speed.
1. Yes
2. No answer – this is the current stage of development, making our own login to bypass the old one.
3. It is the official version that was distributed on CD-ROMs.
4. It will vary depending on private servers’ computer specifications.
5. Your welcome. I hope we get it done soon 😀
Thanks a million. If you can answer this, how will we get fully updated to the latest release? Will the updates be on your server?
If you don’t know, you don’t have to answer.
I assumed it was the latest release. If you have a more recent one that is official, complete, and unmodified, or you know someone that does, let me know.
If you mean a modified patch, yes, I will have all patches, authentication and otherwise, as well as servers and the like, hosted on my website for anyone to download.
If you meant something different, you can explain what you meant to me and I will give you an answer.
Yes, I meant patches, or updates to the game itself like Power of the Nexus Force or the ones with Valiant Weapons/Capes and so on and so forth. If there is anything I might be able to help with ask and I’ll see if I can. Thanks a bunch!
And by “updates” I mean this stuff:
http://legouniverse.wikia.com/wiki/LEGO_Universe_Release_Notes#Septembe r_20.2C_2011_.28v_1.10.29
And by fully updated I mean the most recent one, November 1, 2011 (v1.10.3).
Yeah, about the updates, they might auto-update or something… I’m not really sure about that. If you are able to help, we’re stuck on the login authentication. We need to bypass it and make our own. What I can’t figure out is what I need to change or patch to reroute the login.
P.S. By patches, I meant ones that we make to bypass the logins and connect to servers, etc., not exactly ones that add more content.
Theory: If you could locate a .txt or other file that is mostly made up of stuff the you can type, and open it in notepad or such, and identify it as the authentication go-to file, you could THEORETICALLY edit the go-to authentication IP to be yours. This may or may not work for 2 reasons:
A) Depending on whether the “origin IP” is embedded in the code, it may not work because instead of just going to you to authenticate, it would go to its “origin IP” and fix your edit.
or B) It’s code could recognize your servers as not meeting self-supplied criteria for identifying its “origin IP”, meaning you would have to delete its criteria file, and POSSIBLY (note I say possibly) damage its whole structure.
Thanks for your time,
NoisyCaptain “The Hobo”
Hey Turtle! Glad you commented, but this conversation is a bit old. You are correct, however, in your theory. In client\boot.cfg, you can edit the AUTHSERVERIP=(IP)
Umm….I wish I could help do that, but I really don’t have experience with that kind of stuff. I mean, 10th grade computer stuff is nowhere near that yet, plus I’m studying architectural design, not computer design…..I would say you could ask LEGO, but……..you know. Have you told LEGO about this, by any chance? Because this is PERFECTLY legal as long as we give LEGO credit where it is due. You can check one of Jamesster’s blog posts to see where it says it’s legal, so it might be possible to ask LEGO for some amount of assistance. Then again, they might refuse and force us to stop….ugh. Yo no se.
See here for the email that Jamesster sent to the LEGO company.
Thanks! That’s the one!
I’ve been thinking, that if you got permission straight from lego to build this project, than cant we just ask LEGO for the security code? Or at least a way to bypass it? It would make things go alot smoother. Thats just an idea and it might work 😀
It’s possible, but patching exe files with dll takes a lot of experience and hard work. But it seems to be the only way.
So are you gonna ask LEGO? or just keep trying to solve a puzzle with no pieces. I’m not saying its impossible, im saying there’s alwasy an easier way.
Sweet! Things might be coming together now! 😀
Not to draw attention away from working on this project, but anyone want to say what they were in LU, or if the even played? I played in Beta and post release, and was a die-hard Assembly fan, specifically Summoner. Second favorite was Venture (Buccaneer), third favorite was Sentinel (Knight), and fourth was Paradox (Shinobi). What was yours?
I only participated in the last few months before it was closed.
What faction did you choose?
I got this game about the 2nd or third day it was out. I immediatly chose assembly, (engineer), and i became a sentinel (knight) than i becomes a paradox (space marauder) and i finally became a venture league (daredevil) on the final month of the game.
And Aregonus, are you working on this?
No, I’ve been just giving ideas and and asking questions. If I’ve helped, I’m really glad, ask Tim. 🙂
Well, you keep me coming here every day 🙂 I think that’s a great help. I’ve decided to send the LEGO company an email on Wednesday (October 2), because on Monday and Tuesday I’m going to be working hard on the next release of Arrethrae: Knights of the Prince. After that is released, I will have more time to send the e-mail. Thanks for the idea, both of you 🙂
Sweet! Can’t wait.
NP. I’ve known about this since january! 😀
I’ll tell you guys once I send the email.
I sent the email! It read as the following:
Hello, I’m helping some other people to try to make a private LEGO Universe server. We already have permission as long as we don’t try to make a profit, we capitalize and use the LEGO word as an adjective, and we use the registered symbol on the first LEGO word. We are not using any logos or copyrighted material.
We have an important question: Do you know any way we could bypass the usual LEGO Universe login (which now doesn’t work) and use or own login/not at all? If you have any information on this, please notify us. It’s something we haven’t managed to figure out how to do.
Thank you!
Awesome! Sounds great! I’m praying for it! 😀
Whats the reply? I hope its AWESOME 😀
There’s no reply as of yet.
It generally takes LEGO 3-5 days to get back to you, and if/when this works, please nobody use “Aregonus” for a character name, I apologize if this seems petty, but it has happened before -.- Thanks!
If I set up the login I’ll make sure it gets reserved for you 🙂
How can you reserve it?
Give it to you, I guess. I can’t be sure of a lot of stuff right now.
I got a reply from LEGO. It reads the following:
“I’m sorry but we can’t help you answering the question concerning the LEGO® Universe login here in LEGO Service. I would advise you to contact the person you got the permission from in the first place. I hope you will find an answer.
Thanks again for getting in touch. We’re always pleased to receive feedback from
LEGO fans! If you could take a moment to complete a four question survey by going
to the link below, it will help us make sure we are providing the best customer
service to you.”
Well, we sure struck out this time. I’m not exactly sure what to do next 🙁
Hmm….LEGO wants us to ask Jamie……I doubt he would help. Do you know anybody else that could help? I don’t have time to read up on bypassing stuff, and I don’t know who to contact. I wonder what to do….
We could ask someone else in the LEGO company, perhaps?
Do you know anyone in the LEGO company?
No, I don’t know anyone personally, but we might be able to contact moderators on the message boards, or people who used to work for Net Devil.
And the moderators I was talking about were the “Mythrans” from the game. We might be able to convince them and/ or people who used to work at Net Devil of our “cause” to get LU back up, or at least up for a small amount of people.
Well yeah, if we have private servers we’re going to have independently hosted servers 😛 And contacting people is a good idea 🙂 Any help is good! By the way, I found a confidential development guide for Lego Universe, now released to the public. You can get it here.
This guide is more like a playable demo, but its a tutorial on how to use this demo, so how will this help us? And once we get the login setup, or just remove the login completely, then whats the next step?
I don’t know – I’m really stumbling through this. One thing that might work is injecting DLLs. It’s used for hacks like aimbots, but we could use it to patch the login. I just don’t know.
Have you tried the trick where you put @LOGIN_force_localhost as the username and your IP address as the password? You need to open LU from the “auto run” thing. I haven’t tried it yet, but I was wondering if you have.
Wait what? Please explain!
YESSSSHHHH! I’m ecstatic I could help! I also find it funny how all of the screenshots were either from Pre-Alpha or Alpha, showing that this was created a looooong time ago. I’m super excited I could help, but since your the “main man” of sorts, I think you should be the one contacting and explaining it to the people I mentioned. 😀
Jamesster’s probably the main man, but I can contact the Moderators on the Message Boards. Also, I don’t know any Mythrans…
Man this just might work 😀 The spirits are up, and the sun is shining over the long shadows of LEGO universe 😀
Figmentia, Oceanbella, Imaginatrix, Elementron, just to name a few Mythrans.
But how would I contact them?
I guess by message boards, or you could ask LEGO in an email about specifically contacting them.
Soooo, what do we do with the “Ventrilo” thing?
I’m not trying to drag our attention away from this project, but just as something cool we could do, would Tim, Roberto, and Adam be interested in picking like, a faction for each of us (assuming this works)? Since there are 4 factions, we could pick one and be the main representative of it in the game. I would be happy with anything except Paradox, but preferably Assembly. Comment if you’re in.
And, not to be pushy-and only if y’all are in-I would like to be the “rep” of Assembly, since I came up with the idea. Once again, I’m not trying to force anything on you guys, but I thought it would be cool to have 4 people with a different faction to see how well they work together in a support/attack role. 🙂
If this turns out anything like it should, server owners would be the reps. But if we could manage the server list from this site, we could make yours the main Assembly server. I’m fine with this idea – but I’d like to get the servers up first 🙂
Would I need to supply a server? I have one my family uses, but I’m not sure what you mean by “server owner”.
Anyone who owns a private server. You don’t have to supply a server. I’ll have to talk to some important Internet people for more help on DLL injection.
Whats the status?
I’m trying to patch it myself. So confusing 😛
So……what needs to be “patched”?
The login.
OK, I just wanted to make sure nothing else had happened.
KK just wanted to know 😀
So tim, hows the progress on this, I was young when they said it was closing, and now I have nothing to do now that Disney closed Toontown. I hope this will be running soon!
No go on bypassing the login 🙁
So, what now?
I’ve reviewed the technique of code injection. But LU is so massive! I have absolutely no clue how I’m going to find what needs to be patched 🙁
I hope this pserver is going to work.
2011 i was on the gamescon(convention for games in germany) and tested the game
but my mom didnt want that i play it cause it costs to much-.-
now i searched for the game and found out that its closed
thank u for the hard work
(hope this is going to real work)^^
DAAANG This is going so fast :O BTW anyone got pokemon X or Y? i got both, but im playing Y. My starter is fennikin 😀
Y, Froakie 🙂
How far have you gotten? Any idea where Dig(TM) is?
I beat the elite four yesterday at like noon. Haven’t had much time to play it though :/
What’s the status? I’m really exited about the private server 😀 will it be ready soon?
Unfortunately, no 🙁
The reply to my email to LEGO Support offers no help on bypassing the login. I’ve relearned DLL Injection and Code Hook API’s using Cheat Engine 6.2 but it’s way too hard for a big game like LU.
So is there still hope for this?
Not much as of now 🙁 But we’re still trying.
is it a special file for the login your trying to patch?
No – it’s just that LU checks the LEGO Universe login servers (which no longer exist) and we’ll need to bypass that.
Out of ten I would say you have 3.5 progress what will you think?
I think so too 🙂 Good assumption.
Ugh, haven’t been checking this as much as I should have…..well, there will always be hope!
This isn’t a bad thing, all we have to do is wait then it will be finished. Then the servers can be finished! 🙂
I think I can manage a LAN server! Hooray!
look what I found! p.s Timtech do you have this? http://sourceforge.net/p/luniserver/code/HEAD/tree/
Great find! For anyone who needs a direct link, it is here until I can get it uploaded directly to this page.
Your welcome! Bet this will boost the login bypass! And the servers! Glad to help 😀
It’s finished!!! See the page above for downloads 😀
OMG YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do the private servers and force login actually work?
Yes, nothing is fake. Windows only though! Don’t try any of this on a Mac/Linux (except the server, I think that’s universal).
Yes, my PC is windows. Can you upload a video of you using either method to successfully play LEGO Universe? I can’t get either method to work.
I can’t successfully play it yet, because I don’t have enough money to set up a server.
How much money does it take to setup a server?
About $100 a year for a dedicated one.
mine is will not find a server
There are none yet.
I’m using Windows 7. I can’t get the patched server or force login to work. Can you upload a video of you using either method and then playing LEGO Universe with it?
Here’s some footage from the patch – http://timtechsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/LU0001.avi
IS this the latest version? Does it have Crux Prime or Ninjago etc? OMG THIS IS AWESOME!!!!
It cant find any servers available :/ what do I do to connect to a private server?
There are none yet :/
when I start Lego universe my screen goes white then exits. help?
The CD or patch?
oh, and I have downloaded luniserver-code-15 so… yea halp 🙁
Extract all of the files, and run lego_universe_install.exe – let it install. Then you can run it.
Same here T_T
Soooooo close :DDDDDDD
I’m sad it only works on windows, but could I run it on Linux using Wine?
Err, on Mac, not Linux? Is there any kind of application I could use to run it on Mac?
I guess using a Virtual Machine should work… the server can be run on any platform though already.
So..we have the patch,we have the game installed how are we going to get into the login screen, and play on the servers? (If any servers)
Once the patch is installed you can launch it from C:\LEGO Software\LEGO Universe\patcher\LEGOUniverseLauncher.exe
OK, so let me get this strait: I have the Lego UNIVERSE disk (It works also) and a MAC. I can play it with other people once the server is up? Or can I play it now with the @LOGIN_force_localhost and IP address trick I told you about?
The trick you told me about won’t work with the servers we will have (the servers will use the patched version).
So the patch the full game?
Ok when I start LU launcher it comes up with ERROR can not find any availble servers. Help!
Yep, I recognize this server source. It is the LUNIServer project’s files. I work on the team. The installation works, but we have no actual servers set up yet. This is because we are stuck creating an authentication server. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but when you download this, it may be a few month to a couple years before we have a working server. You can track the progress (or help) here: https://sourceforge.net/apps/phpbb/luniserver/viewforum.php?f=1.
Answer the Call. Restore the Universe.
Yeah, I know – that’s what we are stuck on too 🙂 LAN should work, though
So how do I put a LAN?
You need a server that can handle SQL and C. (especially SQL)
You can just use XAMPP and create a localhost server (IP But what files would you use in the server?
Answer the Call. Restore the Universe.
Obviously the SQL file and probably RakNet too.
Hi guys, I have two exciting news for you:
1) I managed to figure out the password we required to be able to advance with the client communication (which was a plain string and not an encoded authentification key btw).
2) I created a C++ application which uses RakNet to communicate with the client. That means packet reading/sending should be much easier now (we could only send hardcoded byte packets before). I uploaded the source code and a compiled binary for you -> http://www.mediafire.com/?6xalgwzs49z2eaz
The client should be waiting now for us to send something back, currently he constantly displays the “Handshaking with Authentification” message and RakNet makes sure that there’s no timeout by sending a Ping packet to the client every now and then.
So what should we now focus on? I think it would be best if we can somehow figure out the luni-specific packet ID’s, that way we can take a good guess whats in the packets that are unknown to RakNet (which is currently one) and then we can probably figure out the structures of the packets and read them (like described here -> http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/raknet/m … ckets.html ).
The two traffic logs we have from the official server can hopefully show us what we need to send back as well.
P.S this is what I found.
Yeah, I’ve seen this before – it’s from the luniserver forums.
So how’s the progress on the servers?
We need money to continue (I think).
How much we talkin’, eh?
Worth it.
I GOT IT! Use kickstarter then round up all the LU fans and then they can donate! Maybe if your lucky you can get 5 times as $100 or more! 😀 P.S use this idea plz
I tried, but I can’t – I’d need a credit card, plus I don’t meet the eligibility requirements 🙁
Eligibility requirements?
I don’t meet all the requirements to legally own a kickstarter project.
Why would we need money?
To buy a server.