Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
holy cow tim… i uhh, maybe a little, borrowed a handful of game and world files from balance of power after it shut down early 2013… hehe. well it was available to the public! i didnt steal anything!
I know, it’s like me and LU 😛
Where is the server status so we know when the server is online or not?
I just wanted to let everyone know that the two main programmers, as far as I am concerned – humanoid24 and lcdr, are still working on a LEGO Universe server and have made great strides.
Being able to play with your own character requires a database to hold the data LEGO Universe needs. The second part is sending the client the data correctly. It seems the data can be sent compressed or not. This is being worked on and the format of the data is known.
A Replica Manager is needed for just about everything. It is used to play with other players, add NPCs, speaking, smashables, quests, monsters, etc. The NPCs and other items you see at Red Blocks are because the Replica Packets were captured and included in the world loading. The issue is how the data for each type of item is sent. As an example, player information needs to include location, direction, clothes and other items. They are working on it.
We could just take all the packets and do a “replay” but the ultimate goal is to have a LEGO Universe server as close to the originals as possible.
I know people are excited and want to know when, when, when.. but there really is no knowing. I hope it will be roughly playable in a year but I am not going to make anyone any promises.
Cool! I know you don’t know when the advanced things will be ready, but when do you think the FIRST thing (NPCs, Smashables, etc.) will be ready? I don’t mean to bug you, just wondering if you have a rough estimate.
I really have no idea but their version will not be released until it is complete. For now people will have to be satisfied with what is available from timtech or people could try raffa’s version.
🙁 In their/your opinion, what do you consider “complete”
Are they working alone? Why doesn’t anyone pick up the forums?
Because of the incident that happened about 6 months ago. People began to clash on the forums, and it made a total mess of things. I believe they are trying to work in peace and quiet right now (at least, that’s what I think is happening…)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Yeah, makes sense, that’s why I stopped checking back for awhile. We could use official forums and I more organized team though.
*Just curious, but what are the “great strides” currently? Or is it Confidential 😛
Most of it is “behind” the scenes stuff – basically determining what does what. Most of the packet IDs and what they do has been determined. They have selected XML database software and have created the databases needed. Now they are at the saving/loading character data stage. Once that is complete the Replica Manager will need to be next since that is pretty much required for anything beyond running around in a blank world. They have broken down some of what the Replica Manager sends for some of the objects.
Hopefully that helps explain it a little 🙂
Yeah, sorta was able to grasp some of that, database & Replica Manager, sounds good to me. Is a Replica Manager already in the client, or will one have to be bought?
The Replica Manager is part of RakNet so one does not have to be purchased. We just have to determined how to use it 🙂
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. Pretty much all this project needs is alot of free-time
Yes! Thank you pwjones! I’ve been wondering on the current state of the server for a while now. I’m perfectly fine right now though to wait. I’m actually busy working on an application for the iPhone/iPad right now, so that’s been keeping me busy lately.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Ok, just to get this straight, when the Replica Manager thing DOES get sorted out, the game will be playable just like it used to be? That would be AMAZING!
Eventually, I hope 🙂 There is a lot to be done to get the Replica Manager to work properly. Then there is the issue of AI, scripts, etc. that need to be created (or found). As much as I wish I could snap my fingers and have a working server, we have to take it one step at a time. Can’t put the cart before the horse.
We have come a long way since LEGO Universe closed so people need to be patient.
I’m willing to wait as long as it takes for the luni server to be complete, as long as I get a garuntee that it will be done eventually.
I’ll add a pirate’s “Aye!” to that comment
“Done”? Never 😐
At this point, no one can really guarantee anything (just yet). It’s a lot of work, trying to figure out exactly what sections of Hexadecimal code represent, and then creating a server based on C++ and RakNet.
I know… It’s hard. Like pwjones said, I really do wish that there could be some file or something in the client that gives detailed step by step instructions on how to recreate a LEGO Universe server…….I also really want a McLaren….
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Which one? The 3 most common are the f1, p1, and 12-c spyder. The third is my favorite, saw it go easily 200 on the autobahn a couple months ago
I’d really like a black MP4-12c… Those are just awesome!
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Does anyone know what the checksum is for Frostburgh? I’d really like to go there.
I never got to play on Frostburgh so I do not have any packets from it 🙁
I don’t have the packets, I could look on my Mac though….. I didn’t think frostburgh was that great.
Do you have the World ID for Frostburgh though? I cannot seem to figure it out… It’s not in my client files.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I think it was removed from the client. When I search through the client database, I don’t see it. I do see a couple of other things though:
<row zoneID="1500" zoneName="01_Live_Maps/LUP_Station/nd_lup_station.luz" DisplayDescription="LUP Station"
<row zoneID="556" zoneName="01_Live_Maps/Nimbus_Station/Winter_Racetrack/nd_nimbus_station_winter-racetrack.luz" DisplayDescription="Winter Racetrack"
<row zoneID="396" zoneName="Game Challenge/DMB/test_deadmansbluff.luz" DisplayDescription="Dead Man's Bluff"
I wish I could determine the Checksum for them, especially the one called "Dead Man's Bluff." 🙂
“Dead Man’s Bluff”… Sounds pretty intense….
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Frostburgh’s gone.
Timtech where is a fail in your Video. In the time 2:16.
…it shut down on January 31, 2014… but it shut down on January 31, 2012 not 14.
I know, thanks though.
hey Tim, so I downloaded the required client and server and I can travel to different worlds.. is that available yet? and I still can create a character..
Yes, you’ll need to be able to change the packets.
oh and nimbus station is still not working for me
So, Timtech on the top of the page can you put a To do list? 😛 so all of us know what’s happening and what’s gonna happen next.
I am testing my luni server hosting ports, the ip is If some of you could just log on and log off, that would be helpful. It will be on all day today(Sunday).
The gnarled forest music at the end of the video
The feels, man……. the feels.
Hello tim i havent been on for a long time so… whats happening im confused whats goin on? XD
The video is so nice XI but I really never really played the real lego universe that much so im confused with some things.
Jaw drops* You poor, poor person
I actually only played LU for like one month (don’t tell anyone though) 😛
Jaw drops so low, it falls off* Why….H….How…co…could…it be?!
My pity for you is plenty 😛
I played from opening to the closing (But I skipped January because I was mad!)
I played it on and off about every month starting in February then stopped in October when they announced it was closing.
I started playing in August 2011… Stopped in January because I was mad. So I got a few months out of it, though I never capped at 45… 🙁 no endgame for me.
Ah. Me (and a couple other friends) were beta testers for the game, and I played until January 30th, 2012 (that was when they shut off the servers for US).
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
I wish I could have beta tested, but I didn’t have a computer till mid 2011… Oh how the years have passed…
Hey timtech my server is almost done, but there is one problem. Whenever someone try’s to log on, it will freeze for about 3 seconds, then say “submitting username”(where it’s says(without the server) “sorry, we can’t log you in to Lu right now”) untill you get off. I think it is caused because of lack off space on my computer. Am I wrong, or do I just need more space?
So you’re trying a public server? Make sure the ports are forwarded and that in config.ini of the server that redirect_ip=(your external IP) for public servers. You can find your external IP here.
Also thank you to user 5 for testing my server 🙂
I did, it works and I hooked it up right, it’s just when you try to log in, it glitches out and says submitting username forever. I’ve tested it from outside my wifi.
Did it work from either place?
Yay, Progress. 😛
yep lol:) It should be up as soon, and be almost 24/7.
Hey timtech, I found out what I was doing wrong with MySQL, when I try to build the project, and then debug, the consul say like 50 times”can’t find or open libmysql.dil” or something like that. What’s wrong!!?? 🙁
In the server download, you will find a libmysql.dll. Copy this into your C:\Windows\System32 folder (or basically any folder in your %PATH% variable).
Which may be why it means by “submitting username” in lego universe when I try to host.
TimTech, when public server would be open ?
Timtech I figured out what is wrong. In common.cpp line 2, LUNI_NO-AUTH or something like that, is causing(when hosting a public server) to force a player to try and register a user, which crashes the server. It says “submitting username”, and it won’t stop because it can’t register a user without MySQL on, but that won’t work because in the debugger, it says it can’t load libmysql.dil. I have moved it to Windows/Windows 23, and that works, but then the debugger says it can’t load like 10 other dil files. How should I fix this???? I tried commenting out #define LUNI_NO-AUTH, but then the server said,”cannot connect to database, press enter to quit. XAMPP is on the whole time, and this only happens when hosting with ports. What should I do?
Just re-download the server and change the redirect_ip=(your external IP) and you should be able to play.
It says it can’t find or load tons of dll files when LUNI NO AUTH is commented out. It says “Cannot find or open the PBD file” for about 25 dll files(libmysql being one of them) in the same folder where I put ONLY libmysql, C:/Windows/System 23 , in the windows debugger, when LUNI NO AUTH is commented out and the sln is built.
And XAMPP is running with both Apache and MySQL?
it works, but its not interesting cuz you cant create your carecter and some chars are bugged!! When i open my bp and than click on one of the rocets it kicks me from server!! And can you please crate one big server where every one can join and so can peaple create their own charecters please!!!
Okay I redownloaded the server, and changed the ip like a good boy 😉 , BUT MYSQL STILL IS DISABLED, which means that I still can’t host. What is wrong?
You have to take out the comment… by the way, you can still host without MySQL. Users will be able to log in with any username and password.
How? I can’t get it to work, it says submitting user name forever, so you have to quit. Also, I have commented out the line, it’s LUNI NO AUTH in common.cpp, right?
If you don’t edit the server at all, you won’t need XAMPP and users will be able to log in with any username and password.
Timtech, I tried to open the server. The problem is that an error message appears. It says that I am missing a file called MSVCP120D.dll. Could you please help.
… Is visual express 2013 for windows desktop installed..? That’s all I can think of at any rate
Nope. I’ll try it. Thanks!
Missing VS2013+ is correct 🙂
please bring us lu back pleassseeeee
We are! Patience is key to everything But bringing this game back is harder than it sounds it’s very time consuming. As this moment I’m betting things are being tested and added to the project to expand the lively hood of resurrecting LU! 🙂
Define “We”
The only devs on here are the ones pwjones mentioned
Sorry, it’s auto spell.
*Why I think we should have forums, and you and me be Community Managers, and AngryCatfish, but he is never online anymore. Then we answer the questions and the devs concentrate on the server.
who’s angrycatfish?
Are you AngryCatfish?
AngryCatfish is back what do you want? 😛
The pieces are coming together…See what I did there? 🙂 Also I really like the progress that’s happening Big or small, All I know is that this project is increasing by the minute! 😀
The more who see it, the more likely it is someone with skills will help! The more help, the faster the development! 😀
Timtech I heard a team revived Metal gear online, It’s a online multiplayer thing on PS3 and other consoles for metal gear solid 4 it was shutdown in 2012. Can you get in touch with the team to better our chances with the LUNI project? Since they revived on a console
Timtech I seriously consider doing this, If they revived a online option on a Console they can do it on a PC. Plus they are experienced with this kind of stuff.
I can assure you it won’t be free. And all they did was revive multiplayer, they had all of the maps, characters, and most importantly the game with engine intact. All they had to do was link them.
It was worth pointing that out there… Anyway moving on.
Timtech I know I’ve been on a lot, but my prob. Isn’t fixed. I’m going to explain it the best I can.
1. I forword ports 1001 and 2002-2004
2. I set redirect_ip= to my external address,,
3. I start luni server.exe and lego universe.exe,
4. I am taken to the load menu,
5. I type in a username and password,
6.where it says loading characters, it jumps and says “submitting username” for as long as you want to wait,
7. This only happens when redirect ip=my external address.
8. The ports work, I have joined outside of my wifi, and the sever has said I joined.
What is wrong?
If you play on the server, make sure AUTHSERVERIP=(external IP)
How are you come on?
Also I would love to help this project. I if I can get my public server online, I could host it untill you get the official one online. But first I have to fix mine. 🙂 I have the internet speed and could host nearly 24/7. So if you need a temporary server host I can put mine up.
How big is your hard drive?
Idk, like 5 gigs or something. I have massive internet though, and tons of space on my mac and another windows, but I wouldn’t be able to make a 24/7 server on that one, only like a 24/2 lol 🙂 weekends.
Scratch that, I can use parallel desktop, so more like 50 gigs in mabye 2 weeks because I will have to update and I will be busy.
Do you know what is wrong with my server? Is it that I don’t have enough space on my PC?
i was just thinking that the server receives and stores user interaction in bytes. if you have, say, 20 people playing for 3 hours a day EACH, then that’s gonna fill your hard drive pretty darn quick, you’d have to dump the files every week or so.
Please do put your server up. I have been following this project for a while now and would really like to see it progress even further.
My public server is on right now if any of you guys want to see what I’m talking about, it my not work, I’m not sure. ip= It is on almost all week most of the time.
i tried, but it crashed to a white screen 🙁 not sure what happened there, is it offline at the moment?
At what point did this occurr? I thought this might happen, but my server said you got on, what was your username?
YES!!!! I have enabled MySQL, so it should work. Try joining now.
The usernames and passwords are
(username=user_1, password =1)
(username=user_2, password=2)
(username=user_3, password=3)
and so on through (username=user_10, password=10)
🙂 please tell me if you want a unique username/password.
Also, please post if it doesn’t work.
Remember, ip=
It will be on tonight and early morning tomorrow, then will be down for the weekend.
I have a error, how do I fix it? Is it my game or the server? My friend has it too. World server something.
Is this in the client or server, Arecta?
The server isn’t on right now, I’m out of town. It will be on Monday morning, that why you have the error. Thanks for playing, I saw you guys get on. Remember to use the listed usernames, as MySQL is out.
1) I’ve been told that LUNI has been given clearance to operate. Can I see
the Email or whatever from Lego this was stated in?
2) Who approved it, and did they have the legal ability to do so?
3) Do you have a physical copy of this approval?
4) Was this approval given with full knowledge and providing for the
actions of distributing the client and reverse-engineering the source code?
5) Are the EULA and TOS from LU lifted, and if so could you show me a
reference from lego to prove it?
1. http://timtechsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/LU-official.png
2. LEGO Moderation
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
…….. Kool……Not sure if that was a command or a request, though
There was a beginning and end to that in the email I sent Timtech, but he removed it when re-posting it here. 🙂
What was it?
Standard. Along the lines of: ‘Hi, I have a few questions, thanks for taking the time to answer’.
Is that email you posted giving you permission to distribute the client? The line about “respect LEGO intellectual property rights” seems ambiguous to me.
“We have noted … enabling users to download the game”.
I saw that but it just means they are aware of your doing that. As I said the part of “respect LEGO intellectual property rights” is the sticky part. Are they saying that it is ok as long as you don’t try to claim their software as your own, or are they saying it as in “respect their property rights by not offering it for download?” Is it possible for you to get clarification on that?
Every time I try to open LU it crashes. It doesn’t get to the login screen and I double checked the Boot.cfg and the config.ini files and they all say localhost, like they should. I had another client, that one didn’t crash but every time I clicked a character it disconnected. My internet doesn’t seem to be a problem.
You need the server to be actively running on local host when you start the client.
I understand this, and I’ve been doing just that. It just won’t work.
The server’s redirect_ip=localhost correct?
I feel sad since I can’t play the game here is my probleme
1.I downloaded the game and lauch legouniverse the client not the patcher thyen I loged in it could not said it had internet problems my internet was on.but the server was not lauched.
2.I downloaded the server opened it extracted it and began to look for LUNI server but could not find it under debug but found it on winrar I tryed to extracted but it decline or could not then I ran it nothing happed since it could not complile it then I downloaded visual studio 2013 express and could not intall it probily since I am using windows 7 ultimate
3. tryed the patcher too did not download anything
4.is there mabey any other progarmme I came use to compile the server and let it work so I can login and play the game please help.
1. If the server was not launched, then it wouldn’t work…
2. You should be able to install VS2013 on Windows 7 Ultimate. What error do you get?
3. Patcher – don’t use it.
4. No.
I have learned the probleme I will never be able to play lego universe as my computer cannot install service pack 1 which is required for visual studio 2013 express and the only way to fix that is by reinstalling windows 7 and I am not going to do that
You can try to change the way you can change world? You know, Notepad++ messed up my PC, and now when it fixed, I’m scared to redownload it.
Notepad++ will not mess up your PC. Perhaps you clicked on an ad instead.
Are you sure?
Yes, I have it on my computer. Do you have an anti-virus program?
Can we make our own characters?
not yet.
Yes, but you can’t play with them.
I heard that cache.legouniverse.com is down? When will it be up again and is there a problem with it? And I heard that it causes that you can only play on the nimbus island. Is that right?
rgds, TheNyJan
This was an official LEGO server, which was removed later than the official game closure. It’s been gone for a while now. I’m not sure where you got the information, but it’s not true. Nimbus Isle has never has problems, and other worlds crashed due to mising sounds, not .pk files.
Ok, so if the Server is down, is there an alternate IP for the Patchserverip? Because I can’t play on any Worlds other than the Nimbus Isle, not even with the predefined figures on a clean Server and Client install. Could that be fixed by an alternate IP or is this cause by the missing sounds (and therefore can only be fixed by you patching/finding the missing sounds)?
rgds, TheNyJan
The “restored” client should work on a few more than before… have you tried Crux Prime?
Crux Prime is not working, not by using the Figure on a clear server, not by using the Hex-code. Nimbus Station loads 1% and gets stuck there. Most other worlds kick me with the downloading assests error or only load 0%. I didn’t try out all of them yet, through. Btw, since I want to be helpful: Following packet gets send to the server when I try to switch my figure:
“53 04 00 02 00 00 00 00”
It’s not known by the server yet. I’m using CheekyMonkey on Nimbus Isle, maybe someone else could test it with other chars on other worlds since thei’re not working for me :S
rgds, TheNyJan
I have tested server 0.5 with “restored” client and I can play Crux Prime just fine, do you have these versions of the server and client?
I have downloaded the latest Restored- and Hybridclient and Server two days ago. VS is installed. I’m using Win7 64bit SP1.
Didn’t you use Win8? That !could! be the problem, althrough I don’t know why it should affect this. Are you using the standart client everybody can download or did you add any sounds?
rgds, TheNyJan
Btw, your registration is not working, could you please take a look at it? It gives out following errors when I try to register:
ERROR: Unknown session.
ERROR: Invalid session status.
ERROR: Invalid IP address.
ERROR: Session timed out.
ERROR: Fake user.
ERROR: Registration stopped by Sabre.
Thanks 🙂
rgds, TheNyJan
Make sure you have JavaScript enabled, as well as not being behind a restricted network like those found at most schools and in the workplace.
Hey, how do we check if the LEGO Universe server is online or not?
I clicked on a link that said to check here, but I don’t know where to go from here!
The official public server is not up. Try an un-official one like CDFalcon’s, or wait till the official one will be re-launched.
Okay, for all who are interested, my server will be on almost 24/7, starting on Monday. Usernames will be in the form user_#, and the passwords are in the form # where number is the same for the username and password. The usernames and passwords are
(username=user_1, password =1)
(username=user_2, password=2)
(username=user_3, password=3)
and so on through (username=user_10, password=10)
Please post all probs here.
I’m am not sure how many people can be on at once, but the max is 10.
The ip is
I will post all updates and server down times here.
Thanks all, CDFalcon
we will see other players ?
No sorry, player interaction is not possible right now, but you can play WITH other people, you just can’t see them.
Change of plans, the server is on right now, so if you want you can test it. Remember to use a username listed above. Please post if something goes wrong.
I’ll try to log in now I’ll use user_7.
rgds, TheNyJan
Ok, neither the restored nor the hybrid client worked. Got stuck at Auth with both.
It is a problem on your side, the server has not registered you joining, make sure you have the right ip. Thanks for testing.
My bad, won’t work, only gets to 1% on nimbus isle, thanks for testing though.
My bad, server was glitched, it is working now, thanks for testing, please try again.
I loged in a few times now, but I couldn’t enter any worlds, not even Nimbus Isle, it kicked me with an Time out error. But I hope I was helpful at least somehow 🙂
rgds, TheNyJan
Odd, sorry that you couldn’t load the world, I froze and went back to log, didn’t it? I will work on it. Thanks for testing TheNyJan
This is probably a problem on my end (missing sound files) because I can’t load any worlds exept for the Nimbus Isle on localhost servers either. But there is a problem with your Nimbus Isle world, that should have worked. More, I can’t say, someone else has to test this 🙂
rgds, TheNyJan
YES. Try now, I changed the world to advent gardens awhile ago and forgot, so I have changed it back, should work now.
My bad, won’t work, only gets to 1% on nimbus isle, thanks for testing though.
Still not working for me. Not even Nimbus Isle. Sorry :/
rgds, TheNyJan
Hey, TheNyJan, the server is almost fixed, one last bug. You have been VERY helpful, and when my server ever gets out, if you want, you can be an admin/tester for it. Thanks for all your help.
Of course, I would like so if it’s possible 🙂 Thank you ^^
rgds, TheNyJan
Sweet! Mainly, I’m asking for you to be my tester because I don’t have enough space on my PC for the client lol, but have plenty of space for the server; so I can’t test my own server 🙂 That’s why I why I need testers. I’ll post here if there is a new update or fix, and you can test it. The bug should be fixed as soon as timtech gets back to me.
Not enough space? 😀 A new harddrive would probably be the better alternative to me, but… not that I wouldn’t like it 😛 Btw I’ll be online the next 14-15 hours now, so do..stuff n things.. on the server, I’ll be there to test them. You may add me on Skype or any other instant messenger so you don’t have to wait until I come here again?
rgds, TheNyJan
Seems like your server is down again :/ Auth is not working.
rgds, TheNyJan
Yep, it was down this morning, on now. The said that you need to have PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com
This might fix it. Test whenever you can today, but make sure to change PATCHSERVERIP
Seems like your comment is gone?
Anyways, I’ll test the server and write a log everyday now, you can find it here. I’ll leave a notice here when I updated it. First day is already online.
rgds, TheNyJan
Awesome!!! Great job, that is perfect.
But, unless you want to log everyday, only log when I post that I have updated it. 🙂 That way I can compare updates. I wonder if I can get gruntmonkey working, my other tester said the same thing happened. Tonight I am going to turn off MySQL and see if that changes anything.
Kay, the no MySQL server is online, this might solve it, but most likely not, please test and log when you can. 🙂
Do you have skype or something? It would ease communication a lot
rgds, TheNyJan
No, sorry. But I’m in no hurry for tests, if you just check this sit each night, that would be fine.
Weird, my symbol changed there lol.
i have a problem Tim when i played my server and picked a character i got this error: “Client disconnected: connection failed downloading manifest assets.” please help me fix this.
Which client do you have and which character did you pick?
I picked cheeky monkey and i switched check sums
and i have the old client i use every time it worked before but not now why
That’s the problem, the cache is down, so you need the extra sound files to get the maps loading.
I have these extra sounds in the “restored” client, but it’s still not complete and I don’t have the rest of the sounds.
do i get a new client?
Hey Timtech, any more news on getting those last three worlds working? I’d really like to see Nimbus Station again =P
Anyways, I don’t mean to rush you, just checking.
They used to work, but now missing sounds are crashing the client… here is some NS gameplay on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI2aJQjv_O8
Wow guys raffa50 has made some BIG progress i checked his site look at the right side where the comments are sourceforge.net/u/raffa505/profile/
No he hasn’t.
he hasn’t but haven’t seen what he said on his forum is he leing?
Stuff like the object list is years old, it’s just no one’s posted after that so it’s still the most recent item.
I was gonna say, that stuff is old news, the newest of those updates is a month ago.
And most of his “updates” are little things that he changes to make it seem like he is doing a lot of work 🙂
TimTech when is the new public Server finish?
Raffa50 server is other LU Server ? :O
It’s the original LUNI Server; be careful, older versions have bad code to wipe your computer.
Ok 🙂
Timtech, my testers are all reporting the same prob, world connection timed out, our something like that. Do you know what is wrong with it? MySQL is enabled and I am hosting with ports.
Patric, you have had this prob, right? How did you fix it. I log on to nimbus isle, then it loads to 1%, then goes back to log in screen.
And it works without utilizing MySQL?
No, it still works with MySQL on, it just doesn’t work with ports forwarded.
Hello? Anyone?
Ghostly noise* Sorry, can’t help you there, the MySQL is like a different planet to me, though make sure your(and your player’s)
Responded to you up above Robo. I’ve still been following this just haven’t been posting anything.
Hey robo warrior I found angrycatfish! You’re welcome 🙂
🙂 He lives!
Now all we need a person to make a enjin, and get 3 chat managers, and sign up and have devs sign up and make progress, and do tons of stuff thats not going happen, but totally should! 🙂
TimTech when is the public Server finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????
Not sure…