Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
Would the audio files from Jon002 work if we changed the PATCHSERVERIP?
no. i tried it didnt do anything for me. :/
Ok. Wonder why his doesnt work.
They must not be te original Lu files like mine.
CDFalcon public server
Steps for audio
1.Download my audio here https://db.tt/zPYdpFMU
2.Take out the file NDaudio from it, and place it in the client, at client/res/audio
NOTE/Make sure to NOT delete the NDaudio file already there, simply move all files from my NDaudio into their NDaudio.
3.Change PATCHSERVERIP to nothing, it is not needed anymore.
Steps for server
1.Follow steps above(won’t work otherwise).
3.Log in a username in the form=user_(number 0-9) an password (number used in username.
4.Have Fun!
Please post all bugs here.
Admins are TheNyJan and(of course ) CDFalcon.
NOTE/The server works, I have tested it. If it doesn’t work for you, please post.
NOTE/Timtech will be posting a new client for everyone with my audio files soon.
Even if you are not playing on my server, please use my audio files, as they are the only ones that work.
OK, adding this to a client for upload. Hopefully in a few days’ time you’ll get a full, released client. If you have a client already, using the first 3 steps CDFalcon noted above to fix the problem should work. Thanks 🙂
How exactly is the server different from playing alone? Also, thanks for the audio files, I can finally access the last 3 worlds!
Its mainly to help people that cant hook up a server themselves, but custom chat is planned, so that is possible too 🙂 As for my files, your welcome.
Hey, I’m having problems… neither the original sounds files or the new ones work by themselves (yes, I know you should combine them) and combining them doesn’t either. I’ve tried both not copying the conflicting files and copying them. Each time, it won’t work… what client are you guys using?
I’m using the restored client. I did an explination on how to install them on the previous page as an answer. It worked for me and a few others, you cloud try it, too.
rgds, TheNyJan
Okay, I got it to work on restored, putting inside of audio, not NDaudio, this will give you no sound, but all worlds work. Just delete NDaudio.(putting my NDaudio in its place)
Sound works for me, too. Should I do a video about it?
rgds, TheNyJan
Probably, it would help out others. I think I managed to do it, but there is no sound 😐 but apparently this is correct. I’ll try more later.
The Video is in upload, just be patient ^^
rgds, TheNyJan
I can’t connected from that server.
It’s say: Server time out
Now that all the worlds are working what does it take to get world travel to work?
World travel will be VERY hard, but can be done easly offline by editing the char files.
You’re right, due to the fact that we haven’t implemented dynamic packet construction yet.
Still going eh? Reading through some of the past comments makes tensions plain to see between some people. I wish everyone could just work together for LU! 😀
No one is at odds right now. We are all friends 🙂 Raffa50 hasn’t posted in forever.
Yeah, I think raffa might have given up on this.
Yea lol, I was checking his sorceforge site, and he hasn’t been on in forever, however, he has posted that he figured out a way for in game travel via commands? I don’t trust it, but you might want to have a look.
Basically all it did was figure out if you typed a command in chat, then it edited the packets and resent them, thereby changing worlds. I looked at the code, and it looks fine, but I have yet to try it out.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Can’t you do that with the rocket pads?shift triggers a script command to change the world. The only problem is the rocket animation and the spawn point.
The packets would be hard to find for the rockets.
You could. I’ve tried that. The trouble is, the packet sent from the client is almost identical to packets sent from mailbox, missions, etc. I’m not sure exactly the difference between them yet, you you could not interact with anything without it taking you to another world…
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Hey Timtech, when are you going to announce that my files are out? I’m willing to bet 25% of the people that check this site just check the news section, which means *sniff*
They are missing out on most of the major worlds. Also, if you don’t mind, please put that they are my files, as I spent a good hour experimenting with the original Lu files to see what was needed for complete gameplay(or as complete as the server will allow 🙂 )
Also, if you EVER need more original Lu files for updates, just post 😉
do you happen to have the frostburg checksum?
No, I looked at it, and it looks like it was an update for the season, but, in the next update(after the season) it was deleted. That way hackers(like Kelvin) couldn’t access it. That’s what I’ve gathered, but could be wrong entirely 😉
Yes, I agree with CDFalcon. According to Pwjones, Frostburgh is no longer in the client files (I cannot find the world in the files either… either the LUZ or the LVL files). LEGO deleted the world after the season ended, and therefore we will not be able to go to Frostburgh. 🙁
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Frostburg is gone.
ok tim if you are gonna put up the new client pre-compiled with all the worlds and the working sounds then im gonna remove the video i posted just now XD, it is more of a message board than anything, i dont have time to make videos 🙁 so it was kinda half-attempted.
Ok so the NPCs only work for monkeybrown but if you change the bytes to use CheekyMonkey in Nimbus Station the NPCs don’t appear. Weird huh…
Correct. monkey browns files are special, I looked at them, and they are VERY different. Much more code.
Could we use that code as a reference to get NPCs in other worlds?
I think those where more of an accident. 😉
Timtech.. Answer my question please :c
I need those files hosted to continue development ^^
rgds, TheNyJan
OK, sounds good (sorry I missed your reply). You can manage everything except the client (due to size). I am releasing “All Systems Go” client in a few days (uploading time…), which you can use for the client link. Your FTP details have been e-mailed to you. (The maddin email).
Thank you very much 😀
For the client: Do you upload them like the ones yet? The problem is, that we need the files in separate archives, so you out someone with strong internet will have to upload another copy of the server, or the feature where files, that are the same, won’t have to be downloaded again, won’t work :/
But thanks anyway 🙂
rgds, TheNyJan
Are you saying you want me to upload the client through luni-launcher FTP? Please explain more.
Ok, I’ll try to explain.
The normal download of let’s say the client is one big .zip which contains all files and folders. You can’t (easyly) download single file from that but only all of them. That means if you want to update the client, you need to download all 4,5 gigs again. The launcher on the other hand checks which files already exist and are up to date (through MD5 hashes) and then downloads only the files that are different from the existing ones. For that it needs a single archive for every file of the client, so it can pick the files needed. The problem here is, that we can’t use the existing single archive as the launcher can’t pick from the files here. Converting the files to single archives is not the problem, the thing is, that the archives need to be uploaded again. We can’t even use the already uploaded zip, because a ftp server is (unfortunately) not capable of zipping files directly on the server (as far as I know)
I hope this explanation is understandable 🙂
rgds, TheNyJan
I’m kinda spamming the comments here.. btw could you please tell me, what typos you corrected with your download of the launcher?
rgds, TheNyJan
Right, and same for server? Might want to check this out: http://timtechsoftware.com/lu/LEGO%20Universe/Windows/
And about the typos, some things were spaced out wrong or not capitalized or spelled wrong (only a few); if you’d like I can upload a source version.
That is really useful indeed ^^
I will see if I can create a tool to zip them directly on the server. Do you have ssl access to the server? That would be more easy that doing it via ftp (seems like it it’s possible via ftp). The server is not a problem because it’s relatively small, I already uploaded it.
Yeah, would like to have a look at the source, maybe you could take a look at the new source, too when it’s done? I would consider myself to be a decent english speaker but I do many small mistakes while typing ^^
rgds, TheNyJan
I’ll go get some sleep now, I have worked over 70 hours on the launcher in the last 5 days. I’m so tired..
Ah, I was right, it’s not possible to zip over ftp. I’d need ssh (not ssl :P) access to the server to zip the files.
rgds, TheNyJan
Ok has anyone actually been in the Nexus Tower world cause I cant seem to find the actual thing. When Im in the world I here the music and everything but there is no Nexus Tower.
I’m pretty sure you have to fly straight up for awhile, you are underneath it lol 🙂 Like the Venture Explorer.
Oh ok. I tried fluing for a wile and still didn’t find it. Quess I have to go even further! 😛
Mash the space bar while loading so when you spawn in you don’t fall in the first place and just fly from where you spawned
startreklover is right, if you don’t mash the space bar while it’s loading, it will take you almost 10 minutes to get up there
Well the sound works but I’m still getting kicked after entering a username
Hmm, not sure what is wrong. Have heard complaints about it though.
I can’t play, too.
Could you try to restart it maybe?
rgds, TheNyJan
It’s odd, it works for me but no one else :/
Are the ports forward on your router as well as on you firewall? Many people forget to forward them on the firewall which sometimes causes weird problems.
rgds, TheNyJan
They are :/ I just don’t get why it’s not working. Timtech as had this same bug, I’m asking him.
Timtech, what do you think about a Debug-function for the launcher?
When a user has a problem, in an application, you could define what the launcher should do (for example get the settings of the server or client), then give the resultig code to the user, the user enters the code in the launcher and the launcher will send you all data / settings you need for troubleshooting? Just an idea, if you don’t like it / think it’s unnecessary, just say so 🙂 I just thought, this might ease troubleshooting.
rgds, TheNyJan
Sure. Server’s config.ini and client’s boot.cfg should do. (Maybe the launcher’s config too).
Timtech, would you like the original Lu mac client?
Yes. How big is it zipped up in a .zip?
No clue, couple gigs. 🙂 I’ll work on it.
everyone got to the search bar up he and go look for page and change page to 1 instead of like 1065 just change it to 1 and u will get the first comment
oh then press enter after XI
I believe I was here for the first comment page… or maybe third
I was here near the beginning, when the comments was near 100 or 200. * I think * I’m really glad to see this project advance rapidly, The Devs job is coming closer and closer to the goals of reviving this game. I’m gonna have a guess that by 2015 more major improvements will come, And might have a more playable version of the game. 😀
Probably not. I get that there is improvement, but I don’t know ANYTHING beyond C basic in my high school class. What enemies and quests require is a replica manager and AI bots, with AI know-how. Which none of us have…
No, change “cpage=26” to “cpage=1” since the page_id will bring you somewhere else.
Has anyone figured out what the last four bytes for Keelhaul Canyon are?
Also it seems like pretty much everything involves decoding LU’s code so how do you decode it?
i think my server settings are wrong it won’t let me in the server.
here is the config.ini[Settings]
Make sure in your client’s boot.cfg that AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost
when i go to my client and my server is on it tells me to try again in a few minutes after i try to log in. The localhost thing is there is there. can you check here for any mistakes:
SERVERNAME=0:Storm Universe (UK),PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com,AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost,PATCHSERVERPORT=1:80,LOGGING=1:100,DATACENTERID=5:201,CPCODE=1:89164,AKAMAIDLM=7:0,PATCHSERVERDIR=0:luclient,UGCUSE3DSERVICES=7:1,UGCSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com,UGCSERVERDIR=0:3dservices,PASSURL=0:https://account.lego.com/en-us/SendPassword.aspx?Username=,SIGNINURL=0:https://account.lego.com/en-us/SignIn.aspx?ReturnUrl=http://universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/default.aspx,SIGNUPURL=0:http://universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/registration/default.aspx,REGISTERURL=0:https://secure.universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/subscription/embeddedlandingpage.aspx?username=,CRASHLOGURL=0:http://services.lego.com/cls.aspx,LOCALE=0:en_GB,MANIFESTFILE=0:trunk.txt,TRACK_DSK_USAGE=7:1,HD_SPACE_FREE=5:350390,HD_SPACE_USED=5:11182,USE_CATALOG=7:1
You do not have timtechs client. This is original UK files.
Oops thanks I fixed it. Maybe. That was the boot.cfg that came with the hybrid client. Is this correct?SERVERNAME=0:LuniServer,PATCHSERVERIP=0:cache.legouniverse.com,AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost,PATCHSERVERPORT=1:80,LOGGING=1:100,DATACENTERID=5:150,CPCODE=1:89164,AKAMAIDLM=7:0,PATCHSERVERDIR=0:luclient,UGCUSE3DSERVICES=7:1,UGCSERVERIP=0:,UGCSERVERDIR=0:3dservices,PASSURL=0:https://account.lego.com/en-us/SendPassword.aspx?Username=,SIGNINURL=0:https://account.lego.com/en-us/SignIn.aspx?ReturnUrl=http://universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/default.aspx,SIGNUPURL=0:http://universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/registration/default.aspx,REGISTERURL=0:https://secure.universe.lego.com/en-us/myaccount/subscription/embeddedlandingpage.aspx?username=,CRASHLOGURL=0:,LOCALE=0:en_US,MANIFESTFILE=0:trunk.txt,TRACK_DSK_USAGE=7:1,HD_SPACE_FREE=5:134179,HD_SPACE_USED=5:11396,USE_CATALOG=7:1
Close, no patch server ip.
Wait CdFalcon! You have the mac version that works without a virtual machine on am mac?
No, the Mac requries a virtual machine, I just both a pc and a Mac 🙂
then what were you talking about with tim?
The organically Mac client has to use a virtual machine, before It didn’t. It would work, but now the launcher doesn’t work.
ok but what do i do to patchserverip? do i delete the text or change it
Just delete from : to the coma
Timtech ONE LAST BUG!!!!!!! You have had this one, when a player(other than me) tries to log in, it says “Connecting to world” then crashes back to log in. This is with a MySQL server. I say that you have had this prob, how do you fix it? 🙂
What? I thought this was a client problem. Anyway, it should be fixed if it is a MySQL error by defining LUNI_NO_AUTH.
But a none MySQL won’t work, gives me the submitting username error. Also how can I fix Connecting to world??!!??!?
Also everyone, as for now the server is down( only for 1 or 2 days, then it will be out for GOOD) Thanks for your patience!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I will post FINISHED a instructions later.
Do you actually have a real mac version that doesn’t require a VM?
Look above
CDFalcon is it like this:
Yep 🙂
I think we should look at monkeybrown’s code cause it is very interesting. Some of the files have “rocket” in the name so I am starting to wonder if that might have anything to do with world travel?
Tim what free thing can I use to forward ports? Do I forward the ports UDP or TCP? I think my commuter thinks the windows and mac a different computers. (I’m running the client on something that can open .exe files in ma os) (and my server is running on my windows part of my VM.
Also tim my dad has a thing where we did run a mine craft server. I can put a 247 server on there, or do you already have a server thing.
Which service is this? If it’s a VPS or similar, it might work.
No, he just has a standard server for minecraft.
No it’s a box where we can host a server not a bought mincraft server.
It is a vps
You log on to your router to do it. Check your internal IP to enter it when forwarding both TCP and UDP to the internal IP address that is hosting the server on ports 1001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Also tim, about my bug. I know how to enable/disable MySQL, but I think I need it. There are 2 bugs, one at log in, then the other when you choose a char. For a MySQL enabled server with my audio files, when logging in its says Conecting to world, then crashes back(on the server it doesn’t say anything other than the norm.) The second error is with a normal restored client(without my audio) log in is fine, but when choosing a char it loads to one percent, then crashes to log in with error World server timed out.
I know you have ha the Connecting to world prob, HOW DO YOU FIX IT!!!!!!
Yes, not sure about these. I’m having these on mine and haven’t been able to access NS or Gnarled Forest.
I remember my first day of Lego Universe : ) As we touched down in Advent Gardens, the first thing my dad did was find the nearest Npc to find out where on earth(or should I say Universe) he was. The first thing I did was beat the crude out of the first stromling I saw 🙂
Speaking of NPCs and Stromlings, are the files / code in the client and we just have to decode it and put it in the LUNI server files? I know enemies need a ReplicaManager but do we have all the files needed for it?
Correct, the game now has everything, but won’t work without a replica manager.
Also, EVERYTHING needs a manager, including player playing online. ALL Npc ‘s must have one.
So if we have all the files then why is it so hard to make a ReplicaManager. I looked up on the Internet about the ReplicaManager and I found a tutorial about one so is there something I’m missing about what it takes to make a ReplicaManager?
Also where are all those NPC files cause I would like to look at them
I remember mine, too ^^
I was so excited because Lu was going f2p, I played through the free part on one evening and then stressed my parents 3 months to allow me to buy a subsciption (I used their PC bach in the days so I couldnt do what I wanted). And finally after 3 months my dad came home and gave me the 1 month subsciptions card, I thought I would still have it (It stood around on my desk until 4-5 months ago), but it seems like I threw it away to get rid of the misery :P. But it was such an awesome feeling when I first entered the Nimbus Station <3
rgds, TheNyJan
I remember playing the game a week after the release, My favourite faction is Sentinel and favourite class is space ranger. Once I fell asleep while playing the game and my sister unplugged my headset and she put the sound for the speakers to full blast… At the main menu, I screamed my head off when I heard the menu music. O_O It still haunts me to this day, I shall get my revenge on her… >:D
I was lucky enough to be a founder, so my first LU day was the day it came out 😀 I hope when LUNI advances I can get back my Nexus Astronaut gear, I wore it for about 75% of my time on LU, and have the actual figure
I remember…. I think I was in 6th or 7th grade…. I got it for Christmas, though it was my friends who wanted me to get it, not me. Who knew it was going to be so good
I start played just 1 month or 2 after release 🙂
At that time I didn’t know games were Free-To-Play
Guys let’s make a small poll:
What was your favorite faction and why?
Mine was Paradox because the looked the coolest and I always wonted to get this super-awesome suit of the paradox faction <3 Unfortunately, LU closed before I had all parts, I think I only got 2 or 3, they were sooo expensive ^^
rgds, TheNyJan
Hmm. Assembly was my fav faction for their engineer’s turrets, but I have to agree with TheNyJan, pardox looked so amazing. Venture was my least favorite, they just didn’t get good weapons 😉 But with the armor regeneration of assembly, they were just amazing with a ranges counterpart, so yea GO ASSEMBLY.
Assembly is awesome, second is paradox.
Let me redo that
Assembly= Support, turretmaster, High damage(mainly with turrets)1st or 2nd most liked faction Dual weapon: Sezorizer
Sentinel=Slow Melee/ Damage is high. Probably the least liked faction
Venture=Fast attacks minimal damage(AKA Mr.CoolGuy)The faction that’s just O.K. But everybody tried it out.
Paradox=High Ranged damage only (AKA Space SWAT) Ninjas, high damage with stealth
1st or 2nd most liked faction.
It’s always Assembly vs. Paradox.
But we all know Assembly would win 😉
Of course we “know” that Assembly would “win” 😀
rgds, TheNyJan
If Pvp would’ve came sooner I would…..
Forgot to add, Assembly also had Summoner. Geez I miss LU, My assembly player was max level and had all of the Engineer and Summoner gear(including the reverse crux prime colors)
I can describe all of the factions in just a few words
Sentinel=Melee/Damage Freaks
Venture=Fast attack/Ambush
I’d say Paradox, for the same reasons as you. Space Marauder is my all time favourite faction gear, because of it’s cool design and awesome weapons. Not to mention the valiant weapons :D. Plus their base in Nexus Tower was the coolest
Paradox. Definately. I’ve been Paradox from the Beta all the way until the closing of the game… Such good memories…
I got all armor (both regular and recolored) as well as the capes and the valiants! My favorite kit was probably the Space Marauder with the valiant weapon!
Answer the Call. Save Imaginatio.
Actually I really liked Space Marauder and my starting character used that, I got to rank 2 and decided I liked Assembly better.
My favorite was Paradox simply because of their weapons. I nicknamed the gas that kills maelstrom Mael-Off. 😛
venture was my favorite probably because a mytherin skiped like 15 levels of it for me lol
i set up a server for me and my friends but when i and my friends wanna connect the client says connecting to world and then it goes back to the login screen .What should i do to fix it
This is missing sounds. I am having the same problem… try an older client maybe? It stopped working for me too, this is sad.
Your restored client is corrupt, My Nexus Tower was not working and I tried to use that.
Corrupt total? It is missing the newer sounds from CDFalcon, but they haven’t fixed my issue (other people report his sounds have fixed the problem).
It’s not telling me it’s totally corrupt, It refuses to open on Windows Explorer, 7zip, mZip, and WinRAR
So… what do you use to open it?? 😐
I’ve tried all off those programs- is what I mean, I can’t open it.
Then it’s probably your download that is corrupted. You will need to download it again.
rgds, TheNyJan
Timtech, do you have ssh access to your server? I’d need it for zipping the files on the server.
Already asked that above but I’ll just post it again so it’s easyer for you to find ^^
Btw could you please look for typos in the new versionof the launcher? It will be finished in the next 1-3 days I guess.
rgds, TheNyJan
Yes, I do, but you won’t with FTP.
Ok, we’ll probably just upload the client then ^^
Thanks for your help 🙂
rgds, TheNyJan
Timtech, are you still having trouble with my files? Also, please post when you find out what is wrong with public servers?
I’m not sure, it just crashes back to the login screen.
Falcon did you see my latest reply to your comment earlier?
Yes, I’m not sure how hard the manager is, but you must COMPLETELY decrypt the Npc’s. I would ask Timtech, as I know more about the server and client, not the packets.
It’s hard stuff, adding on. We just need the people with the expertise in that field.
Someone has to know how to program it. And then program it.
So really the only thing we need is someone to decode it. Is it hard to decode or is it just time consuming. I’m sure someone can decide it for us. If it is time consuming but there’s a specific way to decode the code I could try to do it. Maybe we could get a professional to decode it for us
The code in question are packets containing hexadecimal characters (0-9 and a-f). Basically, the only way to figure out what they do is trial and error… but these packets are large, and since we have hardly any idea of what they do, trial and error is hard too.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Jon, who can I give packets that I found? I have a two that are tested: Smash yourself and Switch figure. Should I give the restults to you or someone else?
rgds, TheNyJan
He can relay them to the other developers (maybe?) or you can publish them to the public. That’s usually the best idea, and you would still get credit for the discovery.
So there is no easier way? Is there a software that can like go test all the possibilities?
Pretty much anyone, especially those developing the server (we need all the packets we can). I’d love to see them though. Are they sent from the client or the server?
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
Okay I know people are having trouble with my audio, so here is a complete tutorial that I KNOW works.
NOTE/This causes no sound, but people have fixed that, see comments, but I haven’t tried it myself.
1. Download Timtech’s “Restored client”(See top of page)
2. Open the folder and go to folders client/res/audio
3. Open folder audio.
4. Delete folder “ndaudio”
1. Download my audio file here https://db.tt/zPYdpFMU (1 gig)
2. Extract file audio from it
3. Open audio and take out folder NDaudio
4. Open the client and move NDaudio into folder audio(client/res/audio)
5. Open boot in client
6. Change PATCHSERVERIP to nothing, aka delete from 0: to the comma
7. Have fun!!! 🙂
Please post if you have ANY problems with this, also my server will be offline for a week or two.
I tried this the first time you posted it and it worked… the only thing that I did differently was put the files from NDaudio in my audio folder, so they were all in one. If anyone isn’t already doing this, I’d recommend it. All the worlds work fine for me with sounds, even the racetracks!
Great! Glad that they work 🙂 I will try it, but all the racetracks already worked 😉
I did run into a problem with the Nimbus Station raceway though… when it launched, the game returned to the login screen and said ‘game assets do not match server.’ This did not come up on any other world.
Yep, keelhaul canyon’s checksum hasn’t been discovered yet.
Rybat, you’re doing packet changes manually, right?
So no sound is working? I had that once but I didn’t actually load up the worlds. What exactly is the fix? Is is what Rybat said about moving the folders or what?
Yes, it is what Rybat said. 🙂 But I think it is the same as what I am saying 😉
No, I got sound to work
Did you see my reply to your comment earlier, Falcon?
No, just copy it to down here, i cant find it.
Is there anyway to get enemies? Can you add the Mythran Commands or something?
That would be awesome!
No, I’m not sure about the Mythrens commands, but the enemy’s still haven been decoded
Commands would require a Replica Manager.
Timtech, I am thinking about making a small wiki for Luni, what do you think about it? It would have tutorials, links, server up/downtimes, and stuff like that.
It would also bring people in much faster, allow easy access to your site, and have links to all starterklovers tutorials
That’s a good idea. Like it. But we should do it open for everyone, maybe a Wikia-Wiki?
We could also make a website dedicated to LUNI. The wikia could redirect you to the “official” LUNI website. Just thinking of ideas.
Oh how about a LUNI instagram, Facebook, and Twitter account? That would also draw lots of people!
No, Instagram won’t work for business, maybe twitter?
Kay, I am using wikispaces as mine, let me try it today, get a home page up, then everyone can edit.
NOTE/Don’t worry timtech, we will say you guys made everything. Also guys, you may have to register an accont to access, but no fee. This also lets you edit the website/wiki
Not yet guys, not yet. We don’t need more people asking about progress, wait till enemies or world switching has been achieved.
Ok, I’ll do a twitter account. I’m pretty much online all day, so this could also be a good communication plattform. Is there somebody to create a facebook page?
No no no, you don’t understand robowarrior, this will help people, mainly as a small website/wiki for LINKS. This will not be huge, just help access to here. I have already made a VERY basic page, I’ll post below. I have said that this project is incomplete. 😉
We could have other people, like me, to answer peoples questions about it so that Tim and all the programmers don’t have to worry about answering them. Plus we could probably find some other really good programmers to decode and help with a ReplicaManager.
Twitter is @LUNIProject. It will be used only for answering questions and quick statusupdates, not advertising yet. Don’t worry, RoboWarrior 🙂
rgds, TheNyJan
For all the code for the ReplicaManager, is there no easier way to decode besides trial and error? Can we make like a simple software that will take the code and go through all the possibilities in HEX until it finds a match with something that would work?
Wait… did somebody enable smashing yourself? I read it up above.
No, but I’m “analysing” or testing Smash yourself packets, so we can implement it.
rgds, TheNyJan
Whenever I run LUNI server.exe my anti virus software decides it doesn’t like it and changes it to a Source Browser Document. Guess that’s what happens when my parents decide to buy the worst possible anti virus software 😛
Here is a VERY basic wiki for this site 🙂 I could use some help on this project, I’m hoping that you will help, TheNyJan.
Post if you like!!!!
This will help for easier access to this website, and bring in a few more people!
I don’t think it should be legouniversenewlyimagined cause that is too long, it should just be luni
Tried, doesn’t work, some tiny little bug stole the name. I WILL CRUSH YOU BUG
I’d love to help, but I don’t even have the permission to view the page 😛
My username is TheNyJan, if wikispace has moderators (I don’t know how wikispaces works :P)
rgds, TheNyJan
Kay will email you, that’s how it works
Kay, try now. I will make you be able to change things later. Dint need email
Looks good, may need a “little bit” formatting, but good nonetheless ^^ Post here when you gave me editing rights.
rgds, TheNyJan
Kay yea lol 🙂 Only spent like 30mins. You will be allowed to edit via email. I want to make a few different pages for various subjects.
Edit via email? Does that mean I have to edit the pages by sending an email?
rgds, TheNyJan
See below
What’s this launcher suppose to do? Doesn’t have any config files or anything.
It’s for managing servers, quickly play, autoupdating server and client,…
The version for download is not capable of doing anything useful, I just uploaded it so CDFalcon could take a look at it, the next version with Servermananging and autoupdating for the server is coming these days. The config thing is just the first time you fire it up.
Also could someone bring me up to speed on if we can load new worlds now or not?
Yes we can. See above for my audio tutorial.
Okay, I have made a small wiki for LUNI, anyone who wants to be a part of this just post. TheNyJan, your account has been authorized. The wiki is now open to the public. 🙂 It has links to startreklover’s tutorials, this site, and server up/downtimes 🙂 So you can check to see if my server is online.
here is the link
I would like to help you
Cool, make a username on wikispaces, then post what it is
Falcon, the home page of the wiki is still the default on, not the custom home page, could you take a look at it?
rgds, TheNyJan
Sure, I will look
Ok guys,
if the soundfiles still aren’t working for you, here is my tutorial on how to install them:
Hope this helps.
Kay I will put on the wiki
Nice 🙂 love it.
NOTE/Developers page on wiki not needed.
Change of mind, that will work 😉
Nice job 🙂
Thank you 🙂
For all the code for the ReplicaManager, is there no easier way to decode besides trial and error? Can we make like a simple software that will take the code and go through all the possibilities in HEX until it finds a match with something that would work?
I don’t know how it would work…
Yeah true…
Does lego universe work better on windows 7 or windows 8?
There is no difference due to operating systems.
i wish Lu would be the way it was ;___; playing with others and seeing them,customize minifigs and building houses, flying rockets, all items and equipment.. just D:
Me too 🙁
So, how does everyone like the wiki? 😉 Please post all questions and ideas here. Also, does this meet all legal expectations timtech? And how do YOU like it.
Yes, it is legally fine. You should fully capitalize the LEGO word and use it only as an adjective. And it’s pretty nice; if it generates good-quality user content while linking to these pages, it’s fine by me 🙂
Good, glad you like it. 🙂
Whats the username and password?
Any username and password will work.
is visual studios needed?
Yes, to host a server.
and also I dont see the desktop specific version for the free trial.
but to play not host
help plz?
Will Lu work on a windows surface tablet?
I don’t think so.
Windows Surface tablet is like a dumbed down Windows so it compares to Android or iOS basically.
I believe that there is a way to run x86 code on RT, but you need around 4GB of memory (recommended) as well as at least 15GB of free space (but I HAVE seen someone run LU on an iPad before, so I believe it CAN be done if you really try hard enough.)
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
When I log in, I cant find a username/password that will work. Any help me?
On what server? Your’s or mine?
Im confused.
Make sure when you run your server that everything is configured correctly in the client’s and server’s configs.
Is the only way to change worlds downloading that one thing of Nyans? Gonna download it soon just wondering though.
That thing is MY audio files, but no, it just allows access to all worlds, changing can be done manually.
Because cache.legouniverse.com is no longer functioning to serve out the required audio. (To change worlds you have to edit the packets, look back 5 or 6 comment pages for the world IDs and checksums).
I know the checksums just need to know which file to modify.
Char_2 or something like that.
Ok thanks.
If you meant my launcher, yes, I’m planning to implement that, but no, it’s not implemented yet, you will have to do it like the others said.