LEGO® Universe

Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.

We’ve moved to You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.

LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)

Position User LUPoint
1 Timtech 3531
2 CDFalcon 2086
3 Jonny 1590
4 HappyAngryCatfish 1224
5 Rabbit21 1088
6 airplane1717 1002
7 Lego king 845
8 Jon002 805
9 mater06 746
10 Mister Piano 709
Position User LUPoint

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>

Readers Comments (216)

  1. HappyAngryCatfish October 13, 2014 @ 8:06 PM

    Is everyone here on steam? If so someone should make a steam group for us.

    • I’m on steam! Guess what my name is 😉 it’s so obvious XD any game thing that you want to see if I’m on is the same name (^ hint hint^) try underscores, as I like using those as well.

      • IT IS startreklover 🙂

        • if it has a picture of Patrick then yup! its that on minecraft, psn, gamecenter, steam, origin, ARC, and gamespy (that might have shut down though, cant remember). there might be a couple others i cant remember, but i use the above the most.

  2. Is it required to have the same checksums in your client as the server to play?

  3. When I enter nyjan’s server I can log in and after I select a character it brings me to the loading screen for 5 seconds and then shows a message saying:
    World timed out.

  4. HappyAngryCatfish October 13, 2014 @ 10:29 PM

    I use HxD for a hex editor like how does typing in the hex code for world change work? Should the numbers I’m giving equal the length of a string of code?

  5. Tim, with all the NPC and enemy codes, couldn’t you just open the code in Notepad++ and view it in HEX?

    • Have you ever viewed a 300 line long hex code? Not fun. Not to mention we dont even know where the enemy files are.

      • Bahahahahaha.
        Look, you can’t just send a bunch of precaptured packets to “enable” the enemies. You could spawn them, but other than that they would just stand there idle and nothing would happen.
        The AI was server-sided.

    • The NPC/enemy code is managed server-side and would require a replica manager. Although you can edit a packet to spawn an NPC, it would need server-side AI and dynamic packet construction to move, interact, etc.

  6. “This achive is either in unknown format or damaged”. Please help me with this!

  7. Here is the link to the wiki, so you don’t have to go back a few pages 😉 Also, table of contents is on the right.

  8. Where can I download all the files that are encrypted?

    • Lol, they are already in the client. 🙂 Just look for files, then view in HEX

      • HappyAngryCatfish October 14, 2014 @ 1:03 PM

        Might be a poorly worded question but I’d like to try to help this project. So how exactly do you go about decrypting?

        • Lol ask Timtech for sure, but it is mainly just trial and error decoding.

          • HappyAngryCatfish October 14, 2014 @ 3:26 PM

            Is this done in hex or what coding language?

          • Yeah, it’s just trial-and-error editing the hex, as RoboWarrior said below. This isn’t actually decrypting; this has already been done (thanks lcdr, darwin, triver, pwjones, jon).

        • Change byte. Start game. See what has changed. Repeat.

        • The files in question are mainly C++ files using the RakNet Game Engine that are sending pre-captured hexadecimal packets from when the game was actually running back in 2011. However, these packets are very hard to read, and so like CDFalcon said, it is mainly trial and error that we must use. Right now, the main devs (lcdr, humanoid, and pwjones) are working on finishing up character creation/saving (according to his last posts) as well as beginning to try to implement the RakNet ReplicaManager which is in charge of loading and constructing/deconstructing objects within/outside of the radius of the player. This is our next big step… we can’t get much more done until we have this implemented. If you want to try to work on the RM, the packets in question start with “24” and “27”, but I’m really not sure what they contain right now…

          Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

  9. HappyAngryCatfish October 14, 2014 @ 12:40 PM

    Starting a steam group name will be LEGO Universe Newly Imagined

  10. HappyAngryCatfish October 14, 2014 @ 12:42 PM

    Why do you say your audio files allow access to all worlds? It just adds sounds. Unless I’m missing somethin here.

  11. Would anyone else like to join my wiki, just make a free accont on wiki spaces, and post what it is. We are hoping to grow and make this a secondary website for luni! Also TheNyJan, could you put a more indepth tutorial on the setup page?

    • I could do a video about it, that we could embed (maybe exclusively) in the wiki. What do you think about it?


      • I like it 🙂 Make sure it’s easy to understand.

      • Like a “welcome to luni server” kind of intro video? Can I help? Bitte nur ein wenig. 😀

        • Sure!! Would love that!!! Just join the wiki and post the link on the Luni Home page. Just put the link, I will make it look good

          • This is cool how we are all working on this project and we all live in different countries around the world!

        • Startreklover are you german? 😀

          rgds, TheNyJan

          • I have german blood, though I’m raised in the us. I speak german, not what you would call “fluent” though.

          • Ah, ok ^^ I’m from germany but I plan to immigrate to the us. It’s just so boring over here.


          • How is it boring in Germany? The beer surpassed my expectations, the wurst (oooh the curry wurst, just amazing) and schnitzel surpassed my expectations, and there are nerd conventions everywhere! Don’t forget the castles and museums in Berlin! I want to move to Germany.

          • Seems like the neighbours grass is always greener ^^ I don’t want to stay in Germany just for our food , although it is great :D, I just happen to like the American lifestyle better than the German one. Especially because I’m from Thüringen, so there is nothing but trees around me for 300km in every direction, no conventions and stuff like that. Plus Germany is boring, people are in bad mood all the time, it’s cold and for me, there is no serious studio where I can work as a coder (in the future). Beside Crytek, Daedalic, and a few other studios (the witcher is Germany, I believe) there is no serious game industry in Germany. But I guess you think the same way about America 😀


          • Nope, we have tons of studios and developing companies… On the west coast. If you live in the big cities in the northeast it’s a 30+ hour drive to get to California for the game stuff >:(. The problem is that everyone thinks they’re better than the next guy, so they ALL act like snobs to each other non stop, just randomly assuming that the other person is stupid. That’s why the American stereotype exists.

          • But it’s the same for germany, selfish people everywhere. Since I want to move to california (probably somewhere near Los Angeles), I’m fine ith the game stuff being there, so I can look forward to sunny, warm weather and (hopefully) a good time ^^


  12. HappyAngryCatfish October 14, 2014 @ 1:15 PM

    Group has been made for anyone interested.

  13. HappyAngryCatfish October 14, 2014 @ 4:12 PM

    Is there a way to get Nexus Tower to load without falling to the bottom of the map?

  14. how do you decrypt the files?
    where are the source of those files?

  15. HappyAngryCatfish October 14, 2014 @ 7:11 PM

    Group is made Nyjan and I only the only ones in it right now anyone else interested or was this a bad idea? 😛

  16. I have published a slightly more in-depth tutorial on the wiki’s setup page if anyone wants to check it out.

  17. HappyAngryCatfish October 14, 2014 @ 10:25 PM

    How do I join the wiki? I made an account when I search it to add it to favs I don’t find it.

  18. When I try to start LUNI server.exe, I get: “MSVCP120D.dll was not found”.
    Help plz!

  19. Hey HappyAngryCatfish, i sent an email to you(I hope that is your username in wikispaces 😉 ) If anyone else wants to join, USE THE NAME YOU HAVE ON HERE!!!!

  20. Cd falcon if your client works with your server, can you send it to me.

    • Lol, if your email can hold a 12 gig file 😉 And no, I can’t. My client is no different that any other, except for my sound files. It seems anyone outside of my wifi can’t join 🙁

  21. CDFalcon, what exactly do you want to see in the video for the wiki? Just basic setup or setup and world switching or setup and port forwarding or everything? Just so I know what to do ^^

    rgds, TheNyJan

  22. If anyone wants to join the wiki, go to it and there should be something that you can request to join.

  23. HappyAngryCatfish October 15, 2014 @ 10:31 PM

    So how do I implement these packets to test them in game?

  24. HEY GUYS!!!!!! I am very excited to announce a NEW FORUM PAGE for the wiki!!!!! Post your problems there, members can create new forums for your own subjects, like polls, how to edit packets, and more!!! I hope this will help you Timtech, now we can answer probs for you!!! We can redirect them to you!!!!
    The main page has a link to it, or you can use this direct one!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  25. Ladys *kiss, kiss*, and the Gentleman,

    this is the announcement for the LUNI Launcher v0.2.
    I call it ‘The big bug update’.

    -The Server started by the Launcher is now acutally working. Yay! You can now use the launcher to host your own server and play on it.
    -The Server will be auto-updated as soon as you install it. Never look for updates again!
    -The Launcher is now self-updating.

    Who is this program for?
    People that can’t get their own server working, don’t want to deal with the hassle setting one up and / or like comfort.

    Do you want to see some action?
    Here is a video about the setup of a server. It’s really not that complicated like it seems, I just commented out (nearly) every single keystroke, actually, the launcher is self-explanatory ^^
    When you are done, you can start the server with 4 keystrokes, two of which are enter 🙂

    You are still interested?
    Then, here is your download:
    And, as always a Virustotal scan of the .exe:
    Installer (downloaded only when needed):

    Here is a list of planned features, if you are interested:

    Thanks for reading this 🙂


    • Timtech, could you please replace “can’t get their own server working“ with “have trouble getting their own server working“? Don’t want to insult anyone ^^


  26. Please note, only members can post on the forum, so register your accont for wikispaces, go to the wiki, and it will ask you to join 🙂

  27. We still need more members for the wiki. Being a member allows page edits, forum posts, and more 🙂 Also please post any ideas you have.

  28. I am happy to announce that the wiki’a forum can now be acceded by non members, which means anyone can ask questions, post polls, or just answer questions.

  29. HappyAngryCatfish October 16, 2014 @ 5:11 PM

    Anyone know how I implement the packets?

  30. Aldrin5379/Ranger5379 October 16, 2014 @ 9:26 PM

    Okay I think I got everything working, however when I type in a random user/password the screen flips like normal then all I can see is a white jetpack thing in the side of the screen and that’s it, instead of the four minifigurers. Any suggestions?

    • Which client is this?

      • Aldrin5379/Ranger5379 October 18, 2014 @ 11:07 AM

        The latest one I believe, 0.5 I think it was called…(yours)
        I got my game files from my files I saved onto a flash drive before LU closed, would those work?

        • That’s the server version, and the old files probably won’t work unless they were fully downloaded.

          • Aldrin5379/Ranger5379 October 18, 2014 @ 8:11 PM

            Ah. Would downloading your “Restored” files and using them instead work?

          • Aldrin5379/Ranger5379 October 18, 2014 @ 8:37 PM

            I should explain better, sorry. I downloaded your 0.5 server files, then I downloaded your ‘restored’ file. (I decided I should just use yours instead of mine; who knows if I messed mine up) I checked your restored files and it seemed that you fixed them before uploading them, so II did not change them farther. I changed your 0.5 server (luniserver->LUNI Server->Debug->config.ini) and changed the config file to say
            Without the spaces after it, then turned on the server file and tried to open lego universe.exe in the restored client, but it opens and closes. I didn’t have that problem with my own files, but my own just flipped over to a blank screen then caused the client to crash. I’m not sure what will happen with your files, since I haven’t been able to get to the log in screen this time.

          • Okay, and in the client\boot.cfg you need to have AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost, and PATCHSERVERIP=0:,

  31. Can I please have a non-member if this wiki post a comment, it would help me see if they can now? 🙂

  32. Hi everyone, new email so new Gravatar!! 😛
    Wow, things are really brightening up here! 😀 My client is (almost) finished, but I’m going abroad soon so don’t expect it finished within a month. This client is kinda buggy though as I’m a 14 year old who works on this when I don’t have homework or revision.
    Does anyone have any names for my client?
    (Oh and I’m fine for my client to be intergrated into LU Newly Imagined!)
    Answer the call. Reimagine the universe.

    • HappyAngryCatfish October 17, 2014 @ 4:59 PM

      What’s your client suppose to do Thats better than the current one?

    • What’s new about your client? 🙂

      • Nothing. Unless he programmed a server to go with it, nothing can be new, as he can’t test it. I have tried the origanal client with luni, nothing changes.

      • My (server) client is designed for peeps who don’t have experience with server hosting. I have made it in a GUI window, so it is different to the two LUNI clients currently out. But this is not based off the LUNI source, this is an alternative. 🙂

        • Wow, that sounds interesting ^^ What can you do with it yet?


          • At the momment it can edit the player’s xp, ign and faction, the ability to enter a world i.e. aventgardens followed by the players name, it will then tp you there! (sort of like travel; you need the HeX software installed though) It can also has a wizard (buggy!) that automaticly changes the IP in the LU config file to your server!! 🙂

          • That is AWESOME!!!!!!

          • Indeed, that sounds awesome, we should team up! I am currently developing a launcher for LUNI, which is also meant to help younger and inexperience users to enjoy LUNI. What language do you use? It would be helpful if we could implement some ipc so we can link the programs (I already have some great ideas!). Also, it could help to bring your server to more users, if I put it into the main menu 🙂


    • Who’s tristian?

      • I am a long time #TimTechMinion, I was one of the first to support TimTech. I found an alternative way to code the server, and it is in a GUI window which should be cool!!
        I’m 14, I live in a town near Bristol with my 6 sibblings. 🙂

    • Oops! Being the forgetful one at the momment… This is a LU SERVER client, not an LU client. Sorry!!

    • Ah ok, I was wondering why people need a custom GUI window for opening the client,

  33. CDfalcon why is your server down?

  34. CDFalcon, i wanna ask you something..
    You have server, right ?
    So… what it change ?
    You cant see other players, you cant chat with them, so ?
    does the your server ( i mean other peoples servers too ) changes something than your own server ? ( local host )

  35. UUGGGG I sadly *sniff* must announce that you MUST have an account on wiki spaces to post on the forum 🙁 However, it is free and you don’t have to join the wiki 🙂

  36. Hey RoboWarrior, do you have an account on wiki spaces? If so, is it called Robowarrior?? Because I have someone that is a member on there named that.

  37. Is there possibility to get client by torrent or ftp?

  38. Hey Tristan, since this website hosts LUNI, would you like my wiki/website to host yours? I host TheNyJan’s launcher. Also, when will you release the client?

  39. For a name Tristan, how about Lego Universe: Remodeled

  40. Where are you working on now? Will you make worlds accesable thrue the rocket or something like that?

    • No, but maybe a command to switch worlds. Everything else comes through the Replica Manager.

    • As of now, the devs are tring to get a replica manager up, which will help with online, enemies, and npc’s. Also Tristan my have acceded world travel via command 🙂 If it works an if he lets me, I will be hosting his client and stuff on my wiki. I’m thinking of turning my wiki into more of an alternate sowftware site for luni

      • More like tutorials for it, and other stuff.

      • Maybe you should make a LU Hub with Forums, Chat and Clients 🙂 I can help
        Just saying, the command is only avalible in the server client. I am working out a method so the owner of the server can control what commands the player can use, and a player server client which acts as chat!! (Hopefully… xD) I haven’t made enemies to spawn, but I think I’m very close 🙂 (by close I mean very unlikely…)

  41. Yea Tristan, like TheNyJan said above, we kind of work together. He is the programmer, I am the website/trying to get a public server 🙂 If you want me to host your client and tutorials, just post.

  42. Nice wiki Timtech! If that will be official wiki, I will just make mine an alternate website(it kind of was already) Also, thanks for mentioning me.

  43. Hi guys! I’ve been gone for a while, What happened? How’s the progress?

  44. Hey Tristan, a few things. First, whenever you publish the client, publish the world travel. Also, is your client the exact same as LUNI minis the updates? Are there those npc’s on Nimbus Station? Just wondering. Make sure to private message me via the wiki.

  45. HappyAngryCatfish October 20, 2014 @ 12:07 AM

    To continue the long quote chain above how do you open visual studio project? Don’t quite get that unless your just saying open it with visual studio.

    • With… Visual Studio ^^
      Visual studio is a software for developing stop there’s nothing wrong with using it. If this was you question. If you wanted to know how to open the project itself, in LUNI Server, there should be a .vsproj file (or somewhere in the serverfiles), just double click that.


      • Yeah, open LUNI Server.sln like Tim said or LUNI Server.vcxproj (not .vsproj :P), just brings you to diffrent pages.


        • HappyAngryCatfish October 20, 2014 @ 1:01 PM

          So when I open it I can a blank blue screen that the way it should be?

          • Yep, and now you can select “Worldloop.cpp” in the Explorer at the upper right side of your screen. It’s in the subfolders “File di intestazione” -> “File di origine” -> “Service”


          • HappyAngryCatfish October 20, 2014 @ 7:58 PM

            In the box you can type it where it says Search Work Items. Mine is a shaded grey and won’t let me select to type there.

    • Open LUNI Server\LUNI Server.sln with Visual Studio.

  46. Hey Tristan and TheNyJan, I think(if you really aren’t using it anymore Timtech) we should call our little team the Lego Universe: Rebuilt Team. Because non of you guys are directly involved with program the actual server, we can be a mini-LUNI dev team.
    We would still work and publish for LUNI and Timtech, but we would be a private alternate dev team. Just a thought if you like it.

  47. I am proud to announce my new client is out! I am calling it the “Green Light” client, and here are some features…

    All sound files, already installed.
    Never have to download a new client again(unless custom) as this one has all the files.
    (Possibly, haven’t tested outside of my computer) Allows public servers to work.

    Basically, this is the finished LU client, and you can find it on my wiki soon, or just download from here:

    It might still be uploading.
    You are welcome to use this client Timtech, it will be on my wiki too, just tell who uploaded it.

    Post all bugs 🙂

    • MAJOR NOTE> I am not sure how to start the client, i did it once, but forgot 🙂 So i will post how soon, or you can try. Go to Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Lego something/

      This is mainly just to let you guys know what will be coming. VERY SOON
      like in about 2 days lol 😉

    • I am also deleting my audio files from my dropbox, as they take up too much space. Dont worry, they are in my client in Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Lego Software/Lego Universe/client/res
      THTAS a mouthful lol. Sorry for the inconvenience.

      Here is the new one.

      Sorry about that.

  48. Timtech, i cant remember how to open it. How do i do it again? For the mac client?

    • client\legouniverse.exe (or client\legouniverse_mac.exe, whichever you have)

      Make sure to use a virtual machine; otherwise it won’t work.

  49. Also change of plans, i will keep the audio file. To hard otherwise.

  50. Aldrin5379/Ranger5379 October 20, 2014 @ 4:13 PM

    I can’t reply for some reason…

    “Okay, and in the client\boot.cfg you need to have AUTHSERVERIP=0:localhost, and PATCHSERVERIP=0:,”

    Well I guess that means parthserverip-0;. which means all I have to do is remove the localhost part after that, it now says


    My own files (That open the login screen but crashes) has


    The restored still closes. Sorry abbot the length of this…

    • Try the client with additional audiofiles by CDFalcon:

      The first config you posted is correct, but I believe that the sound files might not be functioning properly. Anyway, you can delete the “restored” client since it doesn’t work, and try this one instead.

      • Aldrin5379/Ranger5379 October 20, 2014 @ 7:33 PM

        Thanks, I finally realized what I could try after you confirmed that the config for boot was correct…I just had to copy your boot file and replace my own, my own files worked besides that and since it must have had the sound files it worked correctly this time. I’m really grateful to you for helping me; it might have been frustrating since I kept finding problems…Now the Sentinel Knight character works, but the other minifigs are pink for some reason…

        Still, so far everything else works! 🙂

        • That’s missing files… maybe try merging some of mine in? Make sure to back up your client though.

          • Aldrin5379/Ranger5379 October 21, 2014 @ 5:13 PM

            I am pretty sure I have all the client files, and that’s all you had in your restored .zip download. (client folder) I’m not sure what I’m missing, but I guess I could try the Nexus Loader by CDFalcon.

Comments are closed.