Welcome to the LEGO Universe, newly imagined (LUNI) server project.
We’ve moved to LUNIServer.com. You can expect us to be moving there, since there are forums, tutorials, and lots of help.
LUNI Leaderboard (Feb 2015 – Sep 2015)
Position | User | LUPoint |
1 |
3531 |
2 |
2086 |
3 |
1590 |
4 |
1224 |
5 |
1088 |
6 |
1002 |
7 |
845 |
8 |
805 |
9 |
746 |
10 |
709 |
Position | User | LUPoint |
The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Public License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis. More>
Man, I’m so glad this has become true! You don’t know how hyped I am to be able to try this game again!! Great kudos to you and your team! ^^
Thank you, we are working hard on it 🙂
dude there is a problem, I did both of what you said to do but it said the same thing when it closed!
dude It WORKED! 😀 . Thank you s much, I loved this game, I would give all the games in the world for this one!
nobody is letting me get on 🙁
Dude there is some bugs, i can’t play with other players only monkeybroun (my old player too) and i cant travel by a rocket yet (fly to Avant Gardens and more) and when i breaking boxes lifes protections coins and inmagenatin balls and i can’t switch the stuff i wearing and i can’t open mailboxes and i can’t take missions and lots of people (not players) are vanished. So you can fix thoas bugs?
Thank you!! You did well!!! =D =D
Those problems are well-known…. Too bad I can’t use my old characters all 4 of them where level 45
Dude there is some bugs, i can’t play with other players only monkeybroun (my old player too) and i cant travel by a rocket yet (fly to Avant Gardens and more) and when i breaking boxes lifes protections coins and inmagenatin balls and i can’t switch the stuff i wearing and i can’t open mailboxes and i can’t take missions and lots of people (not players) are vanished. So you can fix those bugs?
Hi, me again. I’ve just tried to connect to the server you’re hosting and I’ve come down with this error:
“client disconnected:
connection failed
downloading manifest assets.”
Is this because a file is missing or is the server just full?
Either or, mainly just full cause it happened to me and I have everything.
Change your PATCHSERVERIP to cache.legouniverse.com
This worked. I got in for the first time in over two years. Thank you, and thanks, Timtech!
You’re welcome 🙂
Hey Bro, I just would like to say thanks for giving us all the clients and server clients, It seems like you only get questions on here and not alot of encouragement, so thanks, I believe I speak on behalf of all of us because where would we be without your help.
Hear hear! 🙂
Yes, he speaks for all of us! thanks!
I fourth that notion! It’s been the best thing being able to access Nimbus Station for the first time in two years.
Amen brutha!
Well that’s good, because I was banned from the LUNIServer forums because of this. I’m still glad you can all play on the server though.
Hmmm seems the people at LUNI server, sure do hold a grudge!
Yeah, at least raffa’s got a bad temper.
Hello I’m very good with C++ can I have latest server source + packets from you?
I also have (something – edited out) (I have it too)
thanks I love your site! good job!
Its on the LU download page
no, however raffa is not committing important changes they are secrets… but I can give to you…
and if I have nimbus packets I can make both nimbus isle and nimbus station working at the same time 😀
I have all SVN access, don’t worry 🙂
well they’ve deleted the svn repo…
they moved the source but I have acess… with latest changes, they can create characters!!!
That’s good, I’ll take that 😛
How many time it will take to be able with your character? It seems lik u found a secret.
Hello TimTech can you make the Player list biger.
Can’t until we can get character creation packets
Yeah we need character creation packets before we can expand 🙂
So, how close are you to getting them? Or will you need the venture explorer and avent gardens first? I really want to get some action into the server like adding the maelstrom and survival and stuff.
Well we have them, but we need to know what they mean and how to create our own.
I was login in the Game by the Nimbus Station and boom I came to the Login. I think it is the Player list is it to small can you make this list biger?
but I still miss nimbus station packets 🙁
please I want to help I have character creation packets, and the Luni source I can make monkeybrown to go to nimbus isle and ceekymonkey too!!!
please don’t do like raffa (LunServer project manager)
The problem is, since I am blocked from the LUNIServer forums, I can’t get the link to the packets. I have to zip up my current repository and send it to you.
yes please!
my email: phpsge@gmail.com
I will do the same with svn repo (now I get off pc a bit)
thanks you’re the best!
I can’t access email right now, but later today I will get back to you 🙂
Just make another account, easy with fake status
No they are banning also IP now 🙁
there is also (removed – I have access too)
Would you mind helping us out? that would be great!
Second! Keep the fire alive, man! 🙂
yeah! but I need Nimbus Station loading packet for monkey brown so we can make both working.
with cheeky monkey you will get to nimbus isle and with monkey brown you will get to nimbus station!
but I need timtech source and packets :/
I sent you all the server source to your email, just compile the .sln (solution).
ah yes thanks, I received. I will work all the day…
I hope it will work
Just got in the first time for so long.Thx so much Timtech,may you keep up the great work 😉
I work on it every day 😉
Crux Prime is next.
Crux Prime is next! Sweet! Will there be enemies there? Thanks 😀
No enemies (at least none that I know of).
Darn…. So is crux prime empty,then or is there some enemies??? When will they be added?
Dude you made me suffer a minor heart attack!
lol thanks!
Wait for it … Do you know that svn repo 34 . Dont have missions , npcs , monsters ,items , minifigure cresting/deleting .. Only going to world and you asking if he will add monsters….
Yeah I have svn repo 34 also.
When I sign in, it says “Connecting to Authentication”. Then it says “Sorry, we could not sign you in to LEGO Universe”. What should I do about this? Thank you!
same,possibly because only timtech can test it…
Also, should I change the boot.cfg to lu.hopto.org, or cache.legouniverse.com?
Set these:
It worked! Thank you so much!
You’re welcome 😀
This is LUNI server or not?
I hope somebody sees this but should I be changing things in the boot.cfg or boot.cfg that is a BAK thingy. I logged on once and now it says sorry we could not sign you in to Lego universe etc… And I tried changing unchanging stuff in both and nothing works. I’m now very lost.
Also by any name and password I’m guessing you meant random anything
Testing gonna be done soon? really want to play in crux prime….
Ugh, not so well. It keeps freezing :/
Like your whole computer? Could it possibly be lag? And do you think it will be done by tonight?
No lag, I’m using a high-end computer. I need more world files to be successful.
Would you just mind opening it for now , playing it then fixed whatever problems there is. Despite freezing I really want to try it
Umm, maybe Nimbus Station. Crux Prime isn’t ready yet.
Ok…. I don’t know what you mean by not ready… but Just try to open in tonight ( hopefully with crux prime)
It’ll take some days, I’m afraid.
Some days….ouch, Do you think you MIGHT have is done by tomorrow afternoon?
Probably not.
RoboWarrior please stop it .. You are asking too much . He cant do all your wishes in one day…
Yeah, I’ll probably have it done this week, depending how much other work I have.
Now that I read my comments I’m like “wow I really must want crux prime!”
well they locked the forum to non authenticated, and closed svn repo :/
however I’m developer and I have access 😀
That’s good.
Big Problem I need help.
I login to the Game by Nimbus Station and then boom white screen and then Login.
Plesse help me!!!
Is your PATCHSERVERIP set to cache.legouniverse.com
Thank you very much you are the best TimTech.
Why is that so?
You may be missing parts of .pk files, that is why you need to download the missing ones from the cache using the client while you are playing.
Make 2/2 to 2/10 Plesse.
Impossible right now, because I only have two sets of packets.
Will it be awhile till enemies are spawned or made in crux prime? I image the programming behind that would be quite hindering and take some time, if even possible.
I’m I little worried when LEGO finds that private servers have gone all over the web they might close them down 🙁
LEGO already knows about this server, there are discussions in several LEGO Message Boards topics.
Yeah I have talked to you on them 🙂
Is RoboWarrior your Message Boards ID? Or droolpad?
I’ve updated the source, both cheekymonkey and monkeybrown working 😀
so you can visit both Nimbus Ilse and Nimbus station!
Try it on your server (you’ll need to compile and put libmysql.dll)
Wait what? So you can choose where to go?
I think he means If you choose Cheesymonkey you go to Isle If you choose monkeybrown you go to NS
Yeah, I tested it. NS isn’t working perfectly though. I sent you another email about it.
@RoboWarrior exactly!!!
and also chat messages are captured and logged.
Maybe in next version I can get it to work.
Wow, that would be cool 🙂
Feel like Crux Prime is coming out all over again…wait..it is!
The music never gets old!
In the alpha of LU gnarled forest survival
What doomed LU but made a great trailer ( last video 🙂 sorry web exploring)
How long before you get new packets Timtech?
Why are the servers offline?
Well, I did notice that they were offline for the first time since I discovered this. But, to answer your question, probably for one of any reasons LU’s original servers may be down. You do know, Timtech said they would only be up 6-10 hours a day. At the worst, he simply took it down for a bit, or maybe he’s had a bit of a power outage. Then again, maybe he’s tweaking it a bit. Either way, it’ll probably be back soon, and it’s definitely nothing to worry about.
Well, I should say, I think I remember him saying that. Once again, I highly doubt something’s wrong.
Yeah, it’s up about 14 hours a day. Nothing is wrong, I’ve just been trying to get the server to allow you to choose between Nimbus Station and Nimbus Isle (and later Crux Prime). I got the island to load up, but I keep falling right through Nimbus Station…
Odd, I say just work on Crux Prime and traveling between NS and NL for tomorrow and just get maximum work with servers offline for tomorrow, unless your busy,which on a weekday everyone is…. sorry for the double comment
Odd, I say just work on Crux Prime and traveling between NS and NL for tomorrow and just get maximum work with servers offline for tomorrow, unless your busy,which on a weekday everyone is….
Very busy this week.
I’ll be keeping servers offline through the night, booting back up tomorrow morning. I think Crux Prime should be the next goal too 🙂
Yeah,same here
The order of goals I think should be applied in this order(just an idea)
1.Crux prime
– Sometime after Crux Prime or during it, enemies should be added.
2 or 3. Nexus tower
3 or 2. Minifigure Creation- In this update the ability to wear armor, clothes,helmets, etc. should be added
4.Venture Explorer
5. Avent Gardens- Survival should be added
-Nimbus Station Survival Added
6. Ninjago Temple Place
7. Pet Cove- Pets are added
8. Extra: Frostburg, all Properties
9. Racing,Minigames
10. BONUS: firetemple
Well this will all be done by…hmm… 2050!
lol joking!
Its Nice of you to sacrifice hours for us to get to play LU again, Thanks!
Made some custom LU characters, they are actually good for once 🙂
If anyone want to build custom too
Here are the links:
So I just have a few questions:
1. Will there be added enemies at any point?
2. Are there missions right now? If there aren’t will they be added soon?
3. Will you be able to travel by rocket to different worlds at any point?
4. Will this project ever be fully functional like Lego Universe? (All worlds, missions, shops, factions, and story line?)
5. Is it possible to put on armor and weapons and stuff or will that be added soon?
This project looks really awesome! I really miss LU and I can’t wait to try out this server!
I bet I can answer this stuff for you!
1. Yeah, Timtech is doing his best to do what he can.
2. No missions yet, but again, yeah, Timtech is doing his best.
3. He intends to do this too.
4. Possibly never. It’s a huge job and a little short on people. However, the whole idea of this is to make it as close as possible, so that point may eventually be reached.
5. Again, no, you can’t change armor + weapons…but, again, that’s a planned thingamajig.
As you can see, we’re actually pretty fortunate someone figured out how to get us back in the game with functioning physics. Timtech is gonna work it out, but he’s just one guy with not a whole lot to go on, so give him a little (a lot of) time. If you honestly want to know what I think, the soonest thing to happen on your list would probably be travel between worlds. He said he was working on making Nimbus Isle and Nimbus Station up at the same time. In all honesty, all we can do is wish him the best of luck, and be very patient. It’ll come together eventually.
I was gonna say that. Thanks Harry 🙂
I still have some stuff to say:
1. Not anytime soon, physics is way too hard when we don’t even know half the packets.
2. Probably not, I have no clue how too.
3. Rockets are feasible, and we may be trying this out sometime soon.
4. I’d need more help…
5. Hopefully, since you can already trash items, now we should work on equipping them.
I really don’t have much if any time during the week, and I do what I can. The soonest thing is traveling between worlds, Nimbus Station and Nimbus Isle (and maybe Crux Prime).
This is the time when I’d offer to help, but then remember I know nothing about coding or anything of the sort :/
Just being with us helps along the effort 🙂
Yeah, you do need help…
Say, what is LEGO Universe written in? C# or C++ or something? I’m starting a coding class in my next school semester, so, hey, why the heck not? Maybe if you’re still on the project and stuff, I could help you. I honestly feel pretty bad that everyone’s so hyped about this and you’re just all short staffed and stuff.
Well, I do have RealFlameXen contributing a bit. Also, Jon should still be able to help, although I haven’t heard from him much recently since I got banned from the LUNIServer forums.
The server is in C++ so if you do want to help I recommend you learn the basics.
Guys please stop this : “Could you make enemies. Could you make Crux Prime . Could you make rocket travel . Could you make Avant Gardens . ” Espiecially you RoboWarrior . You are asking too much !!! He is very busy . And this is very hard to get world packet when lu is offline !!
Yes, I need to make a Q&A for this kind of stuff.
I would love to say “Yeah Guys!” but I’m guilty too. 🙂
I just want to say I wasn’t asking him to do this stuff. I just found this page the other day and I had a lot of questions. Just wanted to find out how much of it was done, how much he was planning on doing, and what isn’t possible.
It’s fine, I don’t mind answering questions. I’m just going to make a list of the more common ones 😉
Hey if i host my own server from my pc will i be able to do GM commands? and spawn stuff in for me cause i’m kinda new to these things but thanks for reading 😀 -iSawfy
No, not yet. You only have three server commands: register, quit, and help.
Great Work Timtech! but i dont can get into the game because:
i log in with any user/password combination
ok its success! i can choose the Characters but when it loads it that need hours to load to get in the game … 🙁
So do you have the full client? And have you ever actually entered the game?
i have the full client downloaded from your Site 🙂
and no, I´ve never been Ingame… so hmm i dont know whats wrong.
Hey guys! I just found this site abd I am really interested. I played in the beta and I think I still have all of my files from the beta if you guys want (don’t get your hopes up though…) I would be glad to help out any way possible. 🙂
How big are your game files?
2.74 gigs
Install 11.1 mb
Uninstall 2.25 mb
Versions 10.2 mb
Patcher 9.17 mb
Client 2.7 gb
Need any more info? Would you like me to look for specific files?
Oh I wish I would have skills to help… lol, but I don’t…
Are you there timtech?
have you tryed my source?
how it’s going?
I sent you an email about it 🙂
I know your getting alot of questions that are overwhelming, but just wanted to say will the ability to see each other ever be enabled, just wanted to throw an Idea out there!
I wish, but I have absolutely no clue how that would work. Just saying 🙂
Were you entirely dependent on the work the guys at LUNIServer did to get the server to its current state, or do you know what you’re doing?
No, I know what I’m doing. They still don’t even have Nimbus Station, you know.
-Slowly grins-
You’re just using packets they had, of course they’ve done more then you. They can load every world from what I hear. You stole their assets, their packets, everything. None of it is your own; shame on you.
I hear they’re catching up though.
@TimTech here is my latest updated version (fixed nimbus station):
Good, I’ll try it out later today.
If I were you…The next thing I would do would be Nexus tower, because we can’t have enemies,for awhile, and Nexus Tower has training and looking at the eye of the maelstrom, But personally I really want to be an Rank 3 summoner, In the game I had Assembly Summoner Engineer and Inventor all rank 3 with 2 hand weapons!
REally want to wear this stuff and train in nexus tower!
RoboWarrior stop asking him to do stuff!!! He will finish up water ever he can when he has time. All the comments that you have posted are about you begging him to release something. There are like 5 comments where you are begging him to release Crux Prime! Just wait!
I’m not asking, I’m just making chatter and throwing out ideas , I’m not rushing or asking for anything. Just so you know 🙂
And when He said Crux Prime is next, I was just excited, thats all…
Don’t worry guys, I am fine with excited people; I understand 🙂 Just realize that it’s not going to speed up or slow down the progress.
I know your probably working on this and get questions on it, but will there (at one point) be character customization and will the server be able to save the players progress? -thanks
I would say yes! we need to work on that…
I’m trying to understand well packet….
@TimTech please activate my account :/
Sorry about your account, activated 😉
I hope character creation is soon, though I would want to choose my faction
Character creation should be next 🙂
@TimTech have you updated your server?
I want to test… (’cause wireshark on windows can’t capture on localhost :/ )
I haven’t updated yet, because I am not able to till the afternoon.
So what will this update include?
Probably Nimbus Isle and Nimbus Station wrapped into one… most importantly though, it should support up to 8 players 😀
I think that my server supports more players online (maximum of 8)
so please update for others
I really hope so 😀 I’ll update as soon as possible!
Did you update yet??? The server has 2/2 people on and I REALLY want to play!!
hmmm, I logged in and it worked then it crashed. I logged in again and it wouldn’t let me sign in. I can only assume that the server stopped then. Will it always be this tempermental?
Yeah, we’re trying to update it.
Mine gets stuck at waiting for character list
Yeah can’t get it fixed….gets stuck logging in
please try to fix this
The new build is unstable. Even though it works, it breaks after two people log in. Anyway, I’m sticking with Nimbus Station until it’s fixed.
Ok,thanks. Hey, I was just wondering and think,will the server v4 pre 2 be-able to run like the v3? like just hit launch and it works? I understand this most likely can’t be done, but I’m not great with forwarding ports and such, And I wanted to play without internet. So just an idea
No, you at least need XAMPP.
You can however, play the Nimbus Station server with no Internet or port forwarding. All you need is XAMPP and Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop.
maybe the problem was already solved…
I’ll pack latest version 4 you 😀
Is that normal that no NPC in the stores?
What stores? I see an NPC in the store at Nimbus Station.
Faction Stores.
Yes, the server does not update NPCs yet.
Here it is update 3: http://www.mediafire.com/download/t9cuaik81b5opc8/LUNI_Server_Update_3.zip
all is working, promised! 😀
I’ll try it out as soon as I can! Thank you 🙂
It works flawlessly, as far as I can tell. Updated 😀
What that update brings to te game? Cant see any difference =(
When exactly is the server open? The game takes so long to load nimbus station on my computer that it keeps saying server lost! I’ve only gotten to 35% so far. I’m not too worried though as that only took an hour and a bit and when I first got LU way back in 2011 it took 5.5 hours to get up and running!
Approximately 7 AM to 9 PM, Eastern Standard Time. Times may vary by as much as one hour.
Why are there server times? Also do you know what the times are in GMT?
I know this may sound dumb but will you work on avant gardens? since we don’t have bad guys yet running around the statue should give us something to do until then lol. Also I have one more super crazy question, is there a way to possibly mod the game to give the game more accurate and updated lego things? like in the character creation is there a way to add in more clothes and faces? like I said crazy question right.
Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure the client is what would need to be modded for that, and it is most likely encrypted as hell. The only thing these guys can do is listen for packets and update a server for the client to connect to.
Hey, Timtech, at the top of the page it says 0 out of 4 people are online. Does that mean that we can choose other characters?
Hi! Do you guys need any help? I have quite a lot of LU archives…
When will monsters be added?
I was just browsing the LUNIServer forums and it looks like they found the login packets. Don’t know if you already got these, but take a look anyway.