Lego Universe Downloads

See the main page for a tutorial and server status as well as getting help.

The LEGO® Group has not endorsed or authorized the operation of this game and is not liable for any safety issues in relation to the operation of this game. All files are under the General Pubic License, version 3, and are only for use on a non-commercial basis.


“Nexus 2” (game version Compressed

“Nexus 2” (game version Uncompressed

We recommend that you torrent the client due to its large size (5.3 GB compressed, 12.5 GB uncompressed). It prevents interruptions due to server maintenance, avoids corruption due to browser problems, and puts less stress on our servers. We recommend qBittorrent to torrent the client. Just install it with the default settings and use either the .torrent file or magnet link above to download and seed the client.


The LUNI Server must be downloaded from


MP4 Format

AVI Format




LU PK Extractor


  • EasyWorldChanger [for LUNIServer 0.5.1, by Jonny] (Release, Source)


Readers Comments (153)

  1. why cant i download the windows file? i can only download the one for mac

    • The Nexus client by CDFalcon works for Windows and Mac

      • then why cant i play it? well i can but i cannot log in

        • You might not have the server started up. You have to download the luniserver file and then in there go to debug and then to luniserver.exe . Make sure you got the config file correct and start the server up before playing. This way you will be able to log in with any username and password. (for help go to youtube and watch the video ‘lego univinserse now’ made on how to install luni)

  2. Being an X-LU fan, I found this website, and presumed to set up a server. The problem is, I cannot connect to it. It works on localhost flawlessly, but it refuses to go through the internet. I have port forwarded ALL ports in the tutorial, and for safe measures disabled the windows firewall, and still nothing happened. To be extra sure, I tried disabling the windows firewall on both computers and still nothing. I am absolutely, %1,000 sure that I have port forwarded correctly, as I have done it many times before. Are there any alternatives or things that I should try to try and get this to work?

    • Yes, when you do so in the config.ini redirect_ip=(your external ip) instead of redirect_ip=localhost and also in the client’s boot.cfg AUTHSERVERIP=0:(your external IP),

  3. I downloaded the nexus client, but for some reason I can’t seem to find the boot.cfg file in the client folder. Can anyone help?

    • If you don’t have file extensions shown, then if will just show up as boot.

      • Do I have to extract the zip file I downloaded, or do I have to install LU using the installer inside the installer folder? What I did was installing LU using the installer inside the installer file (C:\Users\Marten\Desktop\Nexus\Nexus Client\Mac\installer\). This way I got the Lego software folder in my program files x86 folder, but whenever I go inside that folder there is no client folder…

      • In other words: there is no client folder in my Lego Universe folder, but there is one in the zipped file

        • The zipped file is what you extract; you do not run the installer from the .zip file. After extraction you can run client\legouniverse(_mac).exe.

  4. Why doesn’t my sound work?

  5. I just found out about Timtech Software, and now my childhood can be restored. I want to download LU for my Mac, but I’m not entirely sure what I should be doing. I read above that the “Nexus” client is for Windows and Mac, but the .zip file for the servers is exclusively in Windows. I’ve got lots of questions, but I guess I could narrow it down to a few.

    1. How far is the game in development?
    2. Could I play on a Mac?
    3. If so, can I login? (Not to my old characters, obviously)

    • 1. The client is the original, and unfortunately the server is quite lame when compared to the official LEGO servers.
      2. Yes (currently only with a virtual machine; soon to change).
      3. Yes, just run a server (on Windows) and you can connect, choose from default characters, and “play”. I have some videos on YouTube showing gameplay in a few worlds.

  6. not work

  7. I downloaded the latest client, but every time I try to open it it gives an error message. Additionally, I cannot find LEGO software anywhere in my program files.

  8. How can i download the client for windows the link for the nexus not work i open it with winrar and when i will extractet it not go. need help

  9. Is this ever be updated in the future? With 0.5 you can do…. like nothing…. Is the LUNI-Project cancelled or what?

  10. can some one make an update tutorial on how to install this i watch the video on youtube but he is not useing nexus client so i get lost and it does not work PLZ i need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. you are getting me a headach i cant set that up the instructions not working why cant you set it up for me just set it up for me ok.

  12. when the nexus 2 client will be uploaded the week is coming to its end

  13. I have a problem because when i will starting the launcher it comes missing stlpor.5.2.dll
    and i can’t download this dll :,( have every one a link where i can download it ?

  14. I must lock in but i haven’t an account where can i make a account

    • It sounds like you are not running the server, because any username/password will work. You don’t have to have an account here to use it.

  15. lego universe is the best game ever

  16. After downloading all the files, i get error while opening LUNI server. It says: “msvcp120d.dll missing. Please reinstall…” Please help!

  17. When I go to launch the game, the exe I am supposed that came with the client is labeled as a mac exe and when I run it the white screen with the minifigure loads but then the game crashes. Am I doing something wrong? Please help, I want to restore my childhood. 🙁

  18. TimTech,
    When will 0.6 of the server be avaible?

    • Whenever there is enough progress, because I’m not going to push out a bigger number without some improvements to back it up.

      • Dear TimTech,

        0.6 will be released sometime next year? (January?) and What would 0.6 be like?

        Yours Sincerely,


      • Also, 0.6 would be released 2015 because you said to me, here’s evidence of what you’ve said: “In 2015 I hope to bring the server a little bit closer to its original state.” so, 0.6 would be everything would be implemented to the game and we can login with our LEGO ID and play with OUR characters.

        Also, 0.6 would be “Closer to the original” and “Everything to be in 0.6”

        So, 0.6 would be like the orginal LEGO Universe!

        Thank You TimTech! I hope it would be released soon in 2015!

      • There won’t be 0.6. Because we don’t need to use server and client. We have a new launcher that Jon002 shows pictures of NEW LU Launcher.) .

        Everything will be added to the game because, 1. all the stuff from 0.5 that havn’t been implemented in the game…will be implemented). 2. LUHub, DEV Progress, shows what the DEVs done and what the DEVs needs to do, onace all those 3 steps done, Launcher and Server is done and we will be ready to test out LU, and start our minifigure and play LU like the original, but no Multiplayer yet…because while we play LU (singleplayer) the DEVs will work on Multiplayer…and LU will be fully complete when the Multiplayer finished (late 2015 or 2016).

        Yours Sincerely,


  19. Dear TimeTech,

    O.6 will be released next year? 3rd or 4th quarter of 2015? because there would be improvements 😉

    Yours Sincerely,


    • P.S. Also, 0.6 will be: Everything implemented to the game! So, we can login with our LEGO ID and play LEGO Universe! (like the original) but: Singleplayer, for now until we get to Multiplayer! 😉

      So, 0.6 would be “Everything Implemented to the game and all worlds can be accessed” and we can login with our LEGO ID!

      But, if you have a old account (and still remember) can you play with your old characters? (for the LU Veterans) and for the people that joined AFTER LU Closed they will have to create their character.

      Yours Sincerely,


    • Ignore this, look at post above, explains alot 😉

  20. everytime i open a luni server always display a dialog box labeled win32 not valid

  21. I hope 0.6 be released soon.

    Also, what stuff be added in 0.6 server?

  22. Do I need Visual Studio Express or can I settle for Visual C++?

  23. Everytime i try do open legouniverse_mac.exe an error displays (stlport.5.2.dll is missing) how do I fix this ??

  24. Hello there, i would like to join the development team as a tester if possible.
    btw: I am testing the published servers of yours and worlds.
    Thanky you, CrazyCheese

    • Posting updates on twitter @LU_CrazyCheese

    • THere really is no team right now, everyone is doing their own stuff and discussing stuff on the main page. Feel free to download and improve/test the source and report your findings.

  25. Hey Tim I am a mac user. I need help on how to get this for Mac, I have all the files and all and it dont show me the ip, perphaps a mac version can be released? PLS reply.

  26. Hey Tim I am a mac user. I need help on how to get this for Mac, I have all the files and all and it dont show me the ip, perphaps a mac version can be released?

    • Currently, this project is build using Visual Studio. Visual Studio is a windows only development platform. In other words, until visual studio is made cross platform running it on a mac is impossible unless you use boot camp to run windows on your apple computer.

    • Is it the client or the server that you are trying to get?

  27. How do you create new characters? Has this been implemented yet?

  28. Will you guys please fix the character creation? Even with the character creation server I still can’t get past the character naming screen. I choose a name, click confirm for the name, and then all buttons are disabled and nothing happens. I really want to make my own character, please fix this!

    • You can create a character, just not play with it.

      • But, Character Creation is done by the Devs (as PWJones said to Jon002: “I believe they have everything in place to create/save characters and start a new one in VE. I have not tested it but the source code seems to have that implemented.”-PWJones 🙂 😀

        So, Since that’s done, now it’s “adding the objects to the game!” E.G. NPCs, Enemies, etc. Everything. (With Replica Manager: To make the objects work). 🙂 😀

  29. I had extracted the Nexus files and I can’t find the Lego software file in my files 86 please help.

    one last thing is do you guys think you can fulley restore the whole game?
    I Hope you guys will 🙂

  30. Will the LUNI project be completed eventually? Excuse my optimiscism.

    • Excuse my pessimism, but LU was a big game, and we’re not sure how to manage entities (NPCs, cars, basically anything that moves) other than the player itself. Maybe in the future there will be major progress, but it will probably never be fully complete.

      • TimTech, LUNI can complete it because: Character Customization is done and you can save your Character and start on the Venture Explorer. 🙂

        Also, The Devs CAN do it 😉

        So, Don’t think “LUNI will never be completed” because it will, it just takes “dedication and hard work”-LEGO Universe Now AKA startreklover 🙂

        NOTE: I’m not being rude 😉 just saying!

      • Dear TimTech,

        *Ahem* It CAN be fully complete because: Character Customization is done, so we can create/save our characters and start him/her on the Venture Explorer!

        Now, they are working on: “The Objects” Firstly, Bob, Skylane, Jet Moonshot, etc. and work way through to implement NPCs, Enemies, Missions, Cars, etc. Everything.

        By late 2015, Everything would be done 🙂

        So, don’t think we won’t complete it because: WE CAN!

        Yours Sincerely,


      • TimTech, the objects such as NPCs, cars and things mode are in RM. (Jon002 told me last night via email).

        They are implementing them to the game.

        • Yes, they are managed by the replica manager. Yes, we’ve heard they’re trying to add one. Yes, you’re excited. However, I won’t be convinced until I see some material proof.

          • But, they Devs are going to implement them!

            Because Jon002 emailed me last night that all the objects E.G. NPCs and Missions. Are in RM and going to implement them! Here’s his email: “Everything in the game is controlled by the ReplicaManager (I know, you’ve heard that word way too much :P). But its true. I actually don’t really know what exactly the developers are currently working on, other than what pwjones has said, but I’m sure that they are definitely either working on it or planning too. I can definitely try to suggest it to them if I can, but I’m currently not sure how, as I don’t have their emails (previously we worked together on a forum, but now they are working by themselves).

            Answer the Call. Save Imagination.

            P.S: Sure, we can definitely be friends in LU! It would be awesome to form a small team of people and farm on Crux Prime too 🙂 ” and this today (just now 😛 ) “Yep, basically. The RM is required for the game to run, without it I don’t believe the client can understand multiplayer”

            There’s evidence to back up 😉

  31. Will the LUNI project eventually go multiplayer and have all the same exact stuff as the original LU?

  32. So, is there racing or combat functional yet? or even the car racing? though that is probably hoping for too much, but it was my favorite part of this game when it was active. ^^
    Glad to see at least a part of it has survived!

  33. Dear TimTech,

    LEGO Universe Server 0.6? because Character Customization is done and now we can create/save our character and start him/her on the Venture Explorer. 🙂

    Yours Sincerely,


    P.S. Please release it 🙂 because it’s the new year and I really want to create my character and start him on the Venture Explorer! 🙂

    • Character creation isn’t “done”. You could even create a character in 0.3! You just can’t save or load them.

      • No! Here’s what PWJones said: “I believe they have everything in place to create/save characters and start a new one in VE. I have not tested it but the source code seems to have that implemented.”-PWJones 🙂

      • Aso, another evidence that it’s done! “First off: You won’t get your Figures back, they are (or were) saved at LEGO’s Servers, so we have no access to them. Secondly: luHUB is meant to be the place where you sign up and then you’ll be able to play with your minifigure on all servers in the network. You’d just need to play it all over again to get your progress back.” 🙂 Also, Character Creation is completed! (look in LUHub news and you’ll see blank under the text about it “blank” because it’s done and in the custom launcher

        Don’t believe me? look in LUHub News and see Character/Minifigure Creation, blank space at the bottom. That means done and it’s in the custom launcher. Also, Where the download for the launcher? where will you or TheNyJan put it? your site or LUhUB downloads page?

  34. @TheNyJan I like it that you took my suggestion and put these downloads on luHUB.
    @Jon002 I don’t think you ever took advantage of the new dedicated IP, why don’t you try that out sometime?

  35. Happy LEGO Universe Closing Day 2015! 🙂 😀 🙁

    3 Years!
    🙁 😀 🙁

  36. Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if the multiplayer server is up? Oh, and how is the entity dilemma coming along?

  37. How can i register in the game?i cant log in

  38. how do you port forward all the different ports? are they TCP or UDP or both?

  39. Can someone help me understand how or when character custumization will come in place? Also I would really like it if there would at least be more npcs (without scripts)
    Like for example: Stromling Mechs?

    • Character creation has been around since 0.3, but thanks to Jon002 you will be able to save your character (upcoming version 0.6). We aren’t sure how NPC spawn packets work yet, so that functionality won’t be implemented anytime soon.

  40. i cannot download the game, why?????!!!!!

  41. Hi im an old LU fan & I though about making a server and let some friends from england join me, but what is the starter port & end port if i going to route it!?

    • You need to forward four individual ports, or two ranges. The ports are 1001, 2002, 2003, and 2004. The ranges would be 1001 – 1001 and 2002 – 2004. Both TCP and UDP protocols should be accepted.

  42. Wann wird seine eigenen Charakter speichern können ?

    • Charaktererstellung ist in 0.3+, Charakter Einsparung ist in 0.6+, und spielen wie ein benutzerdefiniertes Zeichen noch nicht umgesetzt worden.

  43. When i select a character it throws me back to the sign in thing how can i fix that?

  44. Hey! whenever I turn on the luniserver (0.6) I keep getting a message saying cannot connect to database, anyone know what’s causing this?

  45. So server v.0.6 is broken? (Can’t get to the first world)

  46. Hey i can’t buy anything, i can’t fly with my rocket and i can’t put stuff on me not even weapons or shirts NOTHING why? ;(

  47. Hi Timtech,
    glaubt ihr ihr bekommt das Spiel in seine AUsgangsposition vor der Schließung zurück?

    • Wenn wir es schaffen, den Replica Manager zu verwenden, wird es uns möglich sein, das Game mit (fast) all seinen Inhalten zurückzubringen. Dein ehemaliger Accout können wir aber nicht zurückholen, du must also nochmals von vorne beginnen.

  48. Wann habt ihr das Spiel fertig????

  49. Will this be mac compatible anytime soon? I see you have a mac client but no servers. When will i be able to use this?

    • Basically, you would connect to publicly hosted servers, or run your own on a Windows machine or with a virtual machine.

  50. Timtech bist du deutsch

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